alaterielle · 2 hours
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Gaza now has the largest population of child amputees in the world.
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alaterielle · 2 hours
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via niall.breen.comics
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alaterielle · 3 hours
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alaterielle · 3 hours
which toe is the star of the foot? if you think it's the big toe, you're a showboating creep. if you think it's the pinky you're a grovelling pest. and if you think it's any of the three middle ones you're a paper-thin contrarian. no substance, no intellect. you're disgusting
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alaterielle · 3 hours
I think one big reason why we don't consider the stars as important as before (not even pop-astrology anymore cares about the stars or the sky on itself, just the signs deprived of context) is because of light pollution.
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For most of human history the sky looked between 1-3, 4 at most. And then all of a sudden with electrification it was gone (I'm lucky if I get 6 in my small city). The first time I saw the Milky Way fully as a kid was a spiritual experience, I was almost scared on how BRIGHT it was, it felt like someone was looking back at me. You don't get that at all with modern light pollution.
When most people talk about stargazing nowadays they think about watching about a couple of bright dots. The stars are really, really not like that. The unpolluted night sky is a festival of fireworks. There is nothing like it.
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alaterielle · 3 hours
I'm making a new donation post since my last one is out of date, and I now have to worry about this month's payments
hi! I'm samira, your local brown lesbian, and I'm broke
I had to quit my job to devote my time to a PTSD recovery program, so I'm trying to get by on disability while also paying off debt and putting money aside to hopefully move out of an unhealthy living situation
long story short, I could really use some help
I owe my bank 560 CAD in payments on my debt, so paying that off is my immediate priority right now
if anyone can help me out, my paypal link is here, or you can dm me for my etransfer information. if you can't donate, sharing is also much appreciated
I've included screenshots for proof (with my personal information cropped out) below the cut
250/560 CAD
edit: this is very urgent, I'm already late to pay it and if I don't soon, there will be an added late fee. please help if you can
the first one is for my credit card, the second is for my line of credit 🙃
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alaterielle · 6 hours
When sorrow and difficulties strike hard, hope becomes the lone star in the dark sky. This is the story of Amira, a 23-year-old girl who found herself bearing the burden of her family after her father's death three years ago due to the coronavirus.
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After my father's passing, I found myself taking care of my family, consisting of my mother, sister Noor, and brother Abdulrahman. My mother, suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes, faces health problems that further complicate their situation. But courage and determination drive Amira forward.
I worked as a teaching assistant at the university while pursuing a master's degree in data science, and also worked as a programmer in a company. My life was going smoothly until war came and destroyed everything.
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My university, workplace, and home were completely destroyed, forcing them to flee south in search of a safe haven. Now, I and my family live in tents for displaced people in Deir al-Balah, where they suffer from water shortages and the spread of diseases, posing an additional challenge, especially for my immunocompromised mother.
This is a brief about our daily suffering.
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Please help me, my mother, my sister and my brother to go out to treat my mother because she suffers from widespread diseases because her immunity is weak and help us to complete our educational journey, me and my brother
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alaterielle · 7 hours
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alaterielle · 7 hours
Please support our friend
Graphic design artist and journalist Moataz Abu Sakran @moatazart was still finishing his beautiful home in Gaza City when the IOF bombed it. They destroyed everything he and his wife Maryam had built, leaving him, Maryam, and their baby girl Maria homeless. Moataz lost the ability to work, and his family is struggling to get food. They have been repeatedly under siege by the occupation, including during the long siege of the Al-Shifa Medical Complex area.
Despite all of this, Moataz continues to make content about Gaza, risking his life and going to unimaginable effort to inform people about real conditions on the ground in the north of the Strip. His tumblr (above) and Instagram accounts are both active, and you can view his work there. This blog often cites Moataz, and major news outlets like Al Jazeera as well as social media influencers have also used his photos and footage, usually without any recognition.
Moataz, Maryam, and Maria were about to evacuate to Egypt to temporarily resettle there for their own safety. Their plan was to find safety in Egypt, and find work there until they were able to return to Gaza. The border is currently closed due to illegal IOF seizure, but it will reopen. They still plan to travel to Egypt for their own safety and to find work, but for now that is too far into the future to be of any consolation. They have no intention of leaving Gaza permanently, they love their home and are determined to rebuild it.
You can help them rebuild their home by supporting them here. The rebuilding cost is significant, and the fundraising will have to be done in stages. Unfortunately, this first stage has seen very little progress. You can help Palestinians be able to keep living in Gaza by supporting their reconstruction funds. No amount is too little, and all reblogs and reposts are immensely powerful.
We are also putting together an art drive to raise funds, and are looking for artists and other creatives who are interested in contributing. If you have experience organizing art drives, or want to contribute your work, please reach out to us.
Thank you
The legitimacy of Moataz’s case has been verified by this blog, as well as other tumblr users
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alaterielle · 11 hours
‏, I am Hazem and these two children, my nephews and sisters, "Majdi and Essam, their condition, and all Gaza families are very difficult, they have no ingredients for life, no medicine, no food, no health, no education, nothing but death, destruction and hunger. I appeal to all those who see my campaign to stand by my family, whether by donating or sharing the story with your friends to collect an amount that helps my family get out of Gaza safely, this video before the attack on Rafah 💔🍉😔😔😔
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alaterielle · 11 hours
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alaterielle · 11 hours
My friends, who did not evacuate to the south with me, refused to send me pictures of the complete destruction of our home in the north, fearing it would shock and sadden us over my father's suffering. They only sent this picture.,I remain convinced that I am in a nightmare from which I have yet to awaken. I wait to wake up in our demolished home, a place we obtained after much hardship and struggle. I long to call my martyred friend to stroll through the devastated streets of the camp, greeting the martyrs and the roads, smiling at the children who fell in battles far greater than their tender bodies could endure. I return to the emptiness of the house, but the magnitude of the details I witness each day exceeds the lifespan of a dream, indeed exceeding my own lifetime. Our home, my friend, the camp, and dozens of children have fallen, and with them, my smile. Now, my only dream is to survive with my family, reunite with my father, and start our lives anew, far from war, destruction, and death. This will be possible with your support and generosity, my friends.💔😔🫂
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alaterielle · 12 hours
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alaterielle · 12 hours
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From The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: How White People Profit from Identity Politics by George Lipsitz
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alaterielle · 12 hours
whenever i say “screaming crying throwing up” this is what i mean
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alaterielle · 19 hours
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queer black enby needs one month of rent (urgent).
y'all might remember me from my abortion fund. i relocated to oregon for the procedure and am still looking for a job. rent is due by the end of the month. $400. i can't and won't move back to idaho with my transphobic parents. literally any bit helps. thank you guys. and happy pride 🏳️‍🌈 paypal (ignore deadname): paypal.me/jennycarsons cash app: $aboriginalsoull 0/500
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alaterielle · 19 hours
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An assortment of David A. Hardy artworks from the 1970s
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