alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
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“oh, this old thing?” alice questioned as she held up the red blouse, “i guess you can have it – i mean, i was planning on throwing it anyways. i am tired of it, but it is very lovely, i am sure you will look beautiful in it.”
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"i--are you sure?” although she didn’t do a lot of it, lara jean liked to think of herself as someone who enjoyed upcycling. “do you get tired of your clothes often? i’m kind of a hoarder when it comes to stuff like that -- everything just has so many memories associated with it.”
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
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         “  of course i’m concerned  .   but i must stay composed  .  ”    oddly enough  ,   it comes so much  EASIER  to her than feeling emotion  .   these days  ,   esme struggles with even bringing herself to cry  .    “  yeah  ,   well  ,   my entire life is here  .  ”    even that  ,   oddly feels like a lie to the brunette  .   she supposes she has to do some  soul  searching  .     “  it just wants me make some of my own  ,   constantly  .  ”    sometimes it’s hard  ,   when she knows she can’t  ,
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"for your students’ sake?” she can understand the feeling of having to be strong for others, at least. “if you like that life, then you shouldn’t leave, even if you could” buffy agrees. “it’s hard to find exactly where you belong. and honestly, i’m not sure why i left my home to begin with.” because running away is kind of her go to? but she usually sticks to california. “oh, sure...maybe one day i’ll relate to that feeling. i’m only eighteen,” she clarifies, although, considering who she is, kids are never going to enter the picture.
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
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        “  you sure ?  i can go into  detail  ,   describe how it hit my friends’ clothes  ,   and how fuckin’  STUNNED  julia looked for two hot seconds  .  ”    not that it’s not the usual for her  ,   she’s gotten some unfortunate blood spatters on her  -  even on her wedding day !   sigh  ,   what a life for the high king  .     “  might as well with how shitty the plumbing is  .  ”    hell  ,   even  fillory  had better means  .   but they also had magic everywhere  ,   so  .     “  –  i’ll take your word for it  .  ”  
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“believe it or not, i’ve seen my share of blood and guts splattered on clothing, so...no need.” why did she ever wear white anymore? wishful thinking, self-delusion, etc. “at least we have plumbing. it beats being trapped in the eighteenth century.” as far as wild animals went, the cat was cleaner than most werewolves. “i’m no vet, but my experience with all kinds of creepy crawlies probably counts for something.”
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
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being stuck in a different decade didn’t make five confused or scared, although entrapment was never great. if anything, it made him frustrated. this was clearly entirely his fault but he would brainstorm ideas as he always did and hopefully nobody was on their way to kill him. as he hurried down the street in search of coffee, he narrowly avoided a falling brick from a crumbling building. just in time, he transported a few feet away, then turned in annoyance to look at the building. “jesus. this decade really is a shit hole.”
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
there  were  a  lot  of  things  that  diego  didn’t  understand  about  this  place  ,  but  one  thing  he  did  understand  was  that  there  was  no  danger  here  ..  yet  .  still  something  that  might  take  a  three  sixty  ,  but  he  hoped  that  it  wouldn’t  –  some  peace  and  quiet  wouldn’t  hurt  at  all  .  so  he  decided  to  simply  get  a  hot  cup  of  coffee  rather  than  being  cautious  around  everyone  all  the  time  .  however  ,  when  he  got  there  he  bumped  right  into  someone  ,  having  not  paid  attention  to  his  surroundings  .  quickly  annoyed  rather  than  sorry  as  he  looked  at  the  other  .  “  –  i  was  walking  there  .  ”
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jumping through time was practically a hobby, by this point. and so was getting stuck. in the back of his mind, he wondered if he should have snagged a few suitcases for himself before destroying them, but that would have been no good. they were dangerous, and if he was being completely honest, he wanted to prove to himself that he didn’t need them. but, well. now it was the ‘20s and his family was trapped alongside him. was that better or worse than last time? and speaking of one such devil... “yeah? walk somewhere else.” as number five moved up to the register, he ordered two black coffees, then turned to look at diego pointedly. “your treat.”
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
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             “  you’re  not  going  to  let  me  get  hurt  ?  you’ve  got  to  be  kidding  me  .  “  spins  on  her  HEEL  ,  halting  immediately  ,  eyeing  him  through  light  LASHES  ,  anger  burning  up  and  bright  in  dark  eyes  ,  “  I’M  not  going  to  get  hurt  .  the  only  other  person  in  danger  of  getting  hurt  right  now  is  YOU  if  you  don’t  BACK  OFF  .  “
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“why is it so hard for you to comprehend that somebody might care about your well-being? someone other than kyra.” or professor swan, for that matter. he can already predict her insulting his abilities, but even she must know that beckett is at the top of his class. that has to count for something. “i’m willing to take that risk,” he says calmly, or calmly by comparison. “there’s nothing you can say to dissuade me, so you may as well give up now.”
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
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             “  ugh . how …  annoying  . “  she’s  inevitably  gotten  attached  to  the  rest  of  the  pendpals  ,  she  assumes  . “  but  i  guess  i  see  where  you’re  coming  from  .  i  guess  …  on  some level  …  i  miss  the  rest  of  my  —  er  ,  kyra’s  friends  . “
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"yeah, it can be difficult sometimes. especially when you have to decide between your old home and your new home.” ultimately, these decisions are often made for star so she has no real say in the matter. “i’m sure you’ll see your friends again soon,” she assures her, ignoring the correction about whose friends she missed. “that’s what i keep telling myself, anyways.”
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
“God, I can’t even remember the last time I was this hungry.”  Ben said between huge bites of food.  After all, he’d been dead for over a decade, and you didn’t exactly need to eat in the afterlife.  He hadn’t even been able to touch anything until recently, let alone eat anything.  He finally managed to swallow the mass of food in his mouth before looking up at someone nearby.  “Sorry, did you want some?”
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Although Steve spent a lot of his time during the war alone in a plane, he had eaten with the enemy when serving as a spy, and he knew very well how voracious a man’s appetite could be. This still seemed excessive, though. Maybe the man had just left a war himself. “Of your food? No...thank you for the offer. I think I’ll order something for myself. I’ve never done well with too many choices. Is it safe to say you’re happy with what you ordered? Maybe I should get the same thing.”
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
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“hey get your own bottle, this one’s mine,” as he clutched onto his bottle of vodka before downing yet another sip from the bottle as the other stared at him. “though if you do, would you get me another one? i’m almost done with this one.”
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"woah, take it down, like, five notches. i’m not interested. a word of advice? you should be a little more discreet with your drinking, considering we’re in the middle of the prohibition era.” buffy had never been the kind to drink, and not just because she didn’t have the time in-between saving the world and trying not to die (again). “that is definitely not my job. and it looks like you’ve had enough to me.”
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
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          ❝  well  .  shit  .  ❞  quentin spoke quite eloquently  ,  mumbling to himself as he disregarded a crumpled up stray newspaper he found on the ground  .  on the streets of chicago in the twenties  , huh  .  nothing he hasn’t seen before  , nothing he can’t find a way out of  .  hopefully  .  he began to anxiously ramble under his breath  ,  fingers twitching rhythmically attempting to identity any magic  .  ❝  this has to be some  …  strong TIME magic  , or something  –  this is  …  ❞
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“i don’t think it’s magical,” star said confidently, though she was open to the idea. she didn’t actually have a better explanation. “i mean, you can’t change time in just one place.” star had been there -- and while she thought she had just been freezing time for herself, the whole universe had suffered. “and the dome thing makes me think we’re the only people stuck like this. plus, father time is pretty on top of things. i mean...kind of...sometimes!”
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
Oviedo, by Blind Pilot
But there were nights in bars that I recall Your breath was courage laced with alcohol
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
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“Do you ever wonder if any of the places in this city are haunted?”  Daphne mused, partially to herself and partially to the other person in the room, as she paged through a book she found in the library.  “I mean think about it.  Chicago is a huge city, there’s got to be at least one ghost running around, right?  Maybe we should go ghost hunting!”
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“Not really. I’m sure they are.” Ghosts weren’t one her of specialties, really, but she would never forget how being possessed by one had forced her to shoot the man she loved. So, yeah, ghosts! They existed but Buffy wasn’t their biggest fan. “I’d say there’s a least a dozen. Do we really want to be provoking them, though?” Without Giles and his gigantic boring books, she wasn’t trying to get in over her head with paranormal activities. 
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
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        harry’s sitting at a tiny diner,  nursing a tiny glass of water when he startles as a waiter places…    uh…   far too many plates of food down.  the waiter walks away before he can ask them to take it back,  even when he tries to catch their attention.   faltering,  he looks around until he spots someone walking in.   calling out to them,  he offers,  “ uh, hey  –  so,  um,  there’s a lot of food,  &  i definitely can’t finish all of this…   did you want to sit down ?   i’ll pay for all of this,  i just don’t want the food to go to waste… ”
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as a kwami, tikki had needed food much as a human did. without it, she lacked energy and couldn’t help her ladybug the way she should. now, stuck in this human form, she supposes she should start eating meals the way a human would. she’s looking around the diner for a place to sit when a stranger addresses her. “oh, me?” she asks in surprise. “i won’t say no to free food...” (especially when she spots a piece of pie) “...but how did this even happen?” tikki’s already sitting down across from him as the question leaves her mouth.
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
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           “ no offense puppy dog , but the only other thing you seem to be good at is putting KYRA in danger . so how about you just back pedal , go to her room , and let me take care of it before you put someone else in the line of fire !? “ anger flashes up and burns bright in atlas’ eyes as she whips around to face the OTHER , moon magick just pulsing beneath her skin , but she doesn’t release it , “ if I come across something troubling? yes . don’t leave it breathing . won and done . “ 
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he opens his mouth to argue, but he doesn’t exactly disagree. anything he has done in the past, well-intentioned as it may have been, that put either kyra or atlas in danger continues to weigh on his conscience. “i’m not going to let you get hurt out of--out of pride or distrust or any other emotion that’s not important right now.” if they come across another person, an attuneless perhaps, will she be able to...stop them from breathing? beckett doesn’t really believe so. “sometimes it takes more than a few seconds to ascertain whether someone or something deserves to be put down like that.”
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
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        a shrug from the inhuman  ,   she glances up at him  .   all her knowledge she usually got from the internet  ;   so in theory  ,   if the city  didn’t  do the weird time warp thing  -  she could figure it out far easily  .     “  well  ,   tv  ,   twitter  ,   and instagram tells me differently  .   high schools value the arts  -  or they’re trying to  ,   anyways  .  ”    girl squints  ,   before shrugging  .   in all reality ?  she kinda pick pocketed off of someone  .     “  i think so ?  ”  
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steve pauses what he’s doing, because he’s almost entirely sure this woman is speaking absolute nonsense. “twit-what now? that certainly wasn’t my experience. not that i particularly cared. after high school, i didn’t waste much time before getting my pilot’s license.” steve was not a great admirer of the arts, which was just one of the ways in which diana, isolated as she had been, knew far more than him. “well, then, let’s just say there is.”
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
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        “  as i would hope so  .  i’m personally a big fan of baking myself  .  ”    not that betty got much time these days  ,   nor did she have her usual appliances  -  but the blonde likes to think that her talents didn’t disappear  .     “  of course !  riverdale was weird  ,   so even if the appliances don’t match up with the time period  -  i got a fair amount of skills  .  ”    girl goes behind the counter  ,   nimble fingers work at the machine  ,   she taking a bobby pin out of her hair to wiggle around in the cracks  .   blonde girl taps the machine twice  ,   grin on her lip  .    “  try it now  .  ”  
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“sounds like we have a lot in common.” which isn’t to say that baking is the core of lara jean’s personality, but it’s not...not. “that where you’re from? is it near here?” charlottesville had been beyond normal. she had really taken it for granted. being here feels nothing like being back home. nervously, lara jean retakes her spot behind the register and again attempts to ring her up. “you must be a miracle worker because i was convinced i just killed this thing. you know what? it’s on me! it’s the least i can do.” and paying for sweets in the ‘20s isn’t exactly expensive.
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alcvelynight-blog · 5 years
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it was nice to reminisce about her childhood, to remember the different ways her parents molded her future. at the time, she didn’t understand—she simply had fun—but it made sense later. she needed to defend herself, both physically and mentally, if something ever happened to them. “i did. i later taught myself morse code and a few languages. i read a lot of nancy drew, as well.”
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“oh, you know morse code? excellent!” kit had learned morse code as a child as part of her training, and it had saved her life various times. there were, naturally, some things that morse code could not fix, but it was a greatly undervalued mode of communication. “reading almost anything can teach you a good deal. but nancy drew in particular was a nice choice. has she helped you out of any scrapes?”
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