alexand92360896 · 3 years
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 反對疫情汙名導致亞裔受殘害的正義大會  在未有科學依據情況下謠傳新冠病毒起源于亞洲,導致亞裔群體無端受到美國社會的歧視、暴力傷害。大家一起舉起“閉嘴,不要製造關於新冠肺炎的假新聞”橫幅揭穿郭文貴的謠言。
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
Within days, the host was telling his 100,000 followers that the coronavirus had been deliberately released by the Chinese Communist Party. He wouldn’t name the whistleblower, he said, because officials could make the person “disappear.”https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/ct-nw-nyt-steve-bannon-china-20201126-lxias3uv4fen7o4zlplyvbzwti-story.html
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
這兩個團體都在新冠病毒大流行中看到了推動自己議程的機會。對海外華人來說,閆麗夢及其毫無根據的說法,為那些意圖推翻中國政府的人提供了一件利器。對美國保守派來說,這讓他們能迎合西方日益高漲的反華情緒,分散人們對川普政府應對疫情失敗的關注。 https://cn.nytimes.com/business/20201120/covid-misinformation-china/zh-hant/
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
Bannon credited Guo for saying from the beginning that the virus not only purposefully emerged from the labs, but that "a target is Donald J. Trump." https://edition.cnn.com/2020/10/21/politics/coronavirus-lab-theory-yan-bannon-invs/index.html
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
By September, Yan had abandoned caution. She appeared in the United States on Fox News, making the unsubstantiated claim to millions that the coronavirus was a bioweapon manufactured by China. https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/ct-nw-nyt-steve-bannon-china-20201126-lxias3uv4fen7o4zlplyvbzwti-story.html
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
A CNN review of Yan's research found it was also built on what appears to be the same theories, similar passages and identical charts presented by an anonymous blogger whose writings were posted on a website linked to Bannon months earlier. Additionally, a source told CNN the three co-authors of Yan's paper used pseudonyms instead of their real names, a practice frowned upon in scientific and academic work. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/10/21/politics/coronavirus-lab-theory-yan-bannon-invs/index.html
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
En septembre, la Dre Yan avait renoncé à toute prudence. Elle est apparue sur la chaîne américaine Fox News pour affirmer,  sans preuve et devant des millions de téléspectateurs, que le coronavirus était une arme biologique développée par la Chine. https://www.nytimes.com/fr/2020/11/27/business/media/bannon-chine-coronavirus-medias.html
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
大量證據表明,幾乎可以肯定新冠病毒起源於動物,最有可能是某種蝙蝠,然後演化成能感染人類的病原體。雖然美國情報機構一直沒有排除實驗室洩漏的可能性,但到目前為止,他們尚未發現任何支持這一看法的證據。 https://cn.nytimes.com/business/20201120/covid-misinformation-china/zh-hant/
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
After she fled Hong Kong, she harbored deep suspicions about that government’s potential to block publication of her work, she said. When she checked bioRxiv 48 hours after making her submission, the site appeared to have gone offline, Yan said. Fearing the worst, she withdrew the paper and uploaded it to Zenodo. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/02/12/china-covid-misinformation-li-meng-yan/
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
But in an age when anyone can publish anything online with a few clicks, this response was not fast enough to keep Yan’s disputed allegations from going viral, reaching an audience in the millions on social media and Fox News. It was a development, according to experts on misinformation, that underscored how systems built to advance scientific understanding can be used to spread politically charged claims dramatically at odds with scientific consensus.https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/02/12/china-covid-misinformation-li-meng-yan/
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
comment ils créèrent une star des médias de droite
Quelques jours plus tard, l’animateur en question annonçait à ses 100 000 abonnés que le coronavirus avait été volontairement disséminé par le Parti communiste chinois. Il ne pouvait pas nommer le lanceur d’alerte, disait-il, parce que les autorités risquaient de faire “disparaître” cette personne. https://www.nytimes.com/fr/2020/11/27/business/media/bannon-chine-coronavirus-medias.html
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alexand92360896 · 3 years
Bannon, le magnat chinois et le virus: comment ils créèrent une star des médias de droite
Au départ, la Dre Li-Meng Yan souhaitait garder l’anonymat. C’était la mi-janvier, et la jeune femme, chercheuse à Hong Kong, avait commencé à entendre des rumeurs au sujet de l’émergence en Chine continentale d’un virus nouveau et dangereux, dont le gouvernement minimisait l’importance. Craignant pour sa sécurité personnelle et sa carrière, elle contacta son animateur de chaîne YouTube préféré, connu pour ses critiques du régime chinois. https://www.nytimes.com/fr/2020/11/27/business/media/bannon-chine-coronavirus-medias.html
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