alexandrayeen · 18 days
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This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years. 
If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life. 
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alexandrayeen · 3 months
Welp this blogs had a good run im living exclusively on discord now. Go look up @adogggggggg thats me rrrrarf
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alexandrayeen · 4 months
when she says she doesn’t send nudes
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alexandrayeen · 4 months
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alexandrayeen · 4 months
At the gate for my flight home from visiting friends and there's a woman here with a service Shiba Inu. No pics because he has a Do Not Disturb vest and taking pics of strangers is illegal but I need to stress how ON DUTY this animal is. Ears up. Eyes doing Lazer scans of everything. Examining everyone who passes within 10ft like a security guard. Ass planted on her feet. I have never seen a dog with such intense chivalric guardian energy before. He has tiny eyebrows and they are FURROWED with concentration.
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alexandrayeen · 4 months
every trans girl is cute. every one. there's nothing you can do about it. i'm not arguing with you.
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alexandrayeen · 4 months
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alexandrayeen · 4 months
thinking about a computergirl who has a massive crush on her technician and draws her a bunch in her free time, sometimes she draws them together, sometimes she draws them *very* together.
and she always saves the drawings to her hard drive in one folder, so she doesn't lose them.
then, one day, her technician asks her to send her some documents for some mundane filing task, and the poor computergirl accidentally sends over the folder with all of her drawings in it.
anyways yeah just thinking..
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alexandrayeen · 4 months
when u get to sit next to ur friend in class 
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alexandrayeen · 4 months
Mistakenly touched my weenor after crushing up a chili pepper for my Ramen honestly not as painful as one would expect more of a gentle heat much like the pleasant burn of cayenne in a spiced coffee or even much like . A chili crushed up in a bowl of delicious Ramen. Much food for thought
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alexandrayeen · 4 months
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alexandrayeen · 4 months
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I worked very hard on this
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alexandrayeen · 4 months
can he sit on your dash for a minute?? he'll be very polite :]
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alexandrayeen · 4 months
would that i were defenestrated through a boob window
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alexandrayeen · 4 months
been thinking abt erasure a lot recently and yknow it is extremely interesting to me how ppl say trans women’s issues get talked abt more or we’re like more visible in the community coz it’s just another one of those truisms that does not hold up to scrutiny at all when it comes to a lot of ppls experiences irl, not when we have ppl who don’t even know the history of the word tranny. like it’s just a fact that the majority of queer spaces I’ve been in irl are geared towards basically everyone but transfems; we are less common there, our issues are talked abt less or at best ppl seem to think they’re doing us lip service when they talk abt drag queens which is definitely. yknow. interesting.
so I’m hesitant to even cede ground to the idea of us being more visible coz it honestly feels like pulling teeth to get ppl to even acknowledge that there’s anything unique abt our experience a lot of the time. instead it feels like we are the lens thru which everything else is seen, this unspoken point of reference, and we don’t even get ownership over that, we have to fight to get ppl to listen to us and not others abt our own experiences. so basically what I’m saying is it’s notable who finds community in our “community” and who doesn’t, who feels listened to and who doesn’t. obviously it’s a feeling we all experience but when I go to a show or support group or whatever and there’s only like two transfems there our absence is extremely loud to me, but it seems like no one else listens.
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alexandrayeen · 4 months
Disney adults make me throw up
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alexandrayeen · 4 months
not to beat a dead horse but it's so sad to see people act like gay and trans identities are very ultra specific with no wiggle room. it looks less like you have an expression and more like youre living a product demographic.
In the past, up through the 90s and even into the early 2000s, LGBT groups around the country (and world) had their own histories, their own terms, their own expressions, and the mainstream national "we're the good gays" product that politicians and corporations sell us has largely erased those. Lesbians were exploring gender and identifying as things other than "woman" as far back as the 70s if not sooner, many different groups had different terms that covered similar things, it just really sucks to see unique identities fade away as this Americanized approved LGBT narrative conquers the world.
You shouldn't care about bi lesbians, you shouldn't be having some bi vs pan war, you shouldn't be shitting on genders and pronouns you don't get, you should be living your life as your truest self and fucking who you want. Gotta stop letting Pride sponsored by Coors Light tell you who you are.
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