alexcatsr0 · 3 months
Life & Technology
My journey as a nursing student at Centro Escolar University in the digital age has been fascinating. The world of education is changing every day; online platforms such as Canvas have changed my approach to learning, collaboration and growing up with other medical professionals. Please follow me through this life-techno intersection that demonstrates how daily routines are improved by digital innovation and allows for success in virtual classrooms.
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My day begins by the sun peeping into my window after which I scroll through my social media feeds quickly. Even before I have had my first cup of coffee, I tend to keep up with latest updates from friends and family members who are scattered throughout the country. Every morning especially at Locket, a specific app that I looked through.
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After checking my social media, now it is time to live as a 3rd Year Nursing Student. I have two different routine when it comes to school, its either online class or face-to-face classes.
But in today's blog, I'll show my routine when it comes to online class day.
When its 7 am its time to check my dashboard for deadlines and backlogs.
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This is canvas, we use this at Centro Escolar University. Canvas functions as my online classroom where I learn interactively with no limits of time or space. It will be possible to attend Google Meet real-time lectures and asynchronous discussions using technology, which provides a means for actively interacting with professors and fellow students. With one click, I can get access to lecture recordings, interactive quizzes, and multimedia presentations thereby customizing learning to fit my peculiar preferences or pace.
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And just like that it was already afternoon and as a sleepy person, I NEED A NAP every day or else I'd get super sleepy and cannot progress any more information.
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After taking a nap it is time for my afternoon class, which are my minor subjects. One app that has helped me organize and be alerted when we have online classes, is Google Calendar (special thanks to my friend Melanie to keeping us posted on Google Calendar)
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After my minor classes, it is already dinner time and this is the time that I play with my dogs it is my duty to feed them during dinner time.
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During the night when I do some activities, one website that I love to use is Canva, it is super accessible and very easy to use.
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After finishing everything, whenever I have free time I like to practice my guitar skills by practicing some songs or repeating what I already know.
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AFTER ALL THAT, it is time to take a break and watch some movies and scroll to TikTok until I fall asleep.
AND THATS ALL! Reflecting on my journey as a student of nursing, I cannot help but notice one thing: technology has been my companion without whom it is not possible for me to become a healthcare practitioner. By making my morning ritual more systemized, enabling interactive learning and collaborative projects online, or using platforms like Canvas, education encounters have never been the same again in my life. Even while becoming an intersection between technology and life, I believe these digital materials will continue to make me feel strong as far as being the best nurse is concerned.
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Now all its left to do is go to bed then start it all over again by morning.
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