alittlestudycorner · 2 months
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alittlestudycorner · 6 months
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this is such incredible advice for creating any kind of art i have to put it over here to remind myself
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alittlestudycorner · 6 months
every single palestinian deserves life ! every single palestinian deserves rights ! every single palestinian is a victim ! every age and every gender ! they don't need to be the perfect victim to prove they're victims they don't need to be a child for you to be mad and sad about their oppression, pain and death. thinking only about the children because they're the "innocent" ones is so dehumanizing.
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alittlestudycorner · 6 months
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alittlestudycorner · 7 months
We need like “unclench your jaw” posts but for eye strain. Like
Go look at something 20ft away for 20 seconds.
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alittlestudycorner · 9 months
“i’m sad and idk how to feel better”
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“i don’t know what to draw”
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“i always mess up”
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alittlestudycorner · 9 months
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alittlestudycorner · 10 months
Studyblr follow train, like and reblog if you’re a study account! ✨☺️ especially fellow study accounts in their 20s!
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alittlestudycorner · 10 months
No you cannot fix your entire life at 2am. Go to bed.
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alittlestudycorner · 10 months
literally though if you feel like your life is slipping through your fingers and every day goes too fast… try doing hard things, not just taking the easy route, like reading and making art and exercising and cooking a meal from scratch and journaling, doing these things without distraction, without being absorbed on a screen… the time will stretch and you’ll be reminded that life is long and beautiful if you make it so.
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alittlestudycorner · 10 months
literally though if you feel like your life is slipping through your fingers and every day goes too fast… try doing hard things, not just taking the easy route, like reading and making art and exercising and cooking a meal from scratch and journaling, doing these things without distraction, without being absorbed on a screen… the time will stretch and you’ll be reminded that life is long and beautiful if you make it so.
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alittlestudycorner · 10 months
Stop scrolling for a minute, take a deep breath. Come and sit down on the porch steps with me. It’s early morning, but the sun is already high in the sky. The birds are singing, I’ve made you a cup of tea and there will always be biscuits. Just take a moment, you’ve got time. Remember no matter how bad things seem, everything will be okay. You’re safe here and you can always come back when you need to. Chin up, my darling, you’re going to be just fine.
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alittlestudycorner · 10 months
Stop scrolling for a minute, take a deep breath. Come and sit down on the porch steps with me. It’s early morning, but the sun is already high in the sky. The birds are singing, I’ve made you a cup of tea and there will always be biscuits. Just take a moment, you’ve got time. Remember no matter how bad things seem, everything will be okay. You’re safe here and you can always come back when you need to. Chin up, my darling, you’re going to be just fine.
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alittlestudycorner · 11 months
Morning Routines
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We're all looking at those Instagram influencers who somehow manage to wake up at 5 am, do meditation, journal, do a 15-step Korean skincare routine, and go to the gym. And then they make a green smoothie and avocado toast, get dressed in a Chanel outfit and then sit at their fancy desk with a vanilla latte and a croissant.
This is not realistic. You probably already know that, but it likely won't stop you from trying to change your routine bit by bit to look a little like theirs. That didn't stop me, at least.
But now I've come to realise that no matter how much I try, I'll never be able to have a routine like the ones I see online. Because it doesn't exist. It's all curated for aesthetic appeal and generates a sense of false productivity in the watcher's brain. We feel motivated looking at those videos and never get around to changing our own life because we're too busy living vicariously through our phones.
Here's some things you should add to your morning routine, not to be fancy, but to feel better. This is coming from someone who's tried the unrealistic routines, and I now incorporate all of these into my routine. You can skip or add things according to your schedule.
S-T-R-E-T-C-H: Do your body a favour and loosen up your muscles. Nothing better than having a good stretch that wakes your body up.
Drink water: Before you put anything in your system, drink water. Not coffee, not tea. Plain warm water. And I don't mean lemon water. Some people might not agree, but lemon water strips your teeth of the enamel. It also is acidic, so all that bullshit they talk about it being "alkaline and pH balancing" is nonsense. Warm water is the way to go.
Make your bed: A clean bed should be the first thing you do after you wake up. At the end of the day, you'll thank yourself because it will be clean, and fresh and you can fall into bed immediately.
Hygiene: Wash your face to get rid of crusty eyes and sleep. Do a basic skincare routine (cleanser, moisturizer) so you'll feel fresher. Brush your teeth and hair.
Move your body: It doesn't matter what you do, even if it's for 15 minutes. Go for a walk, do a Zumba workout, or squeeze in a HIIT session. You can find lots of tutorials on YouTube (Caroline Girvan, growingannanas, Chloe Ting). Either way, working out will help you feel more motivated and happier. It's the endorphins.
Clean yourself: Set aside some time for showering, slathering on lotion, and doing your (real) skincare and makeup routine. Pick an outfit that makes you feel good about yourself.
Eat something: ALWAYS make some food. Your body has been famished for hours on end, give it some fuel. Make a healthy breakfast, or prep one the night before. If you don't get very hungry in the mornings, have a banana, and pack a mid-morning snack beforehand so you don't reach for chips.
Do 3 things: Make a to-do list of everything you need to do today. Don't overwhelm yourself. Then, knock off 3 easy tasks from the list that you can do quickly. You'll be filled with a sense of motivation, and it'll be easier for you to complete your list. It can be chores, it could be some assigned reading. Just get it done.
Gratitude or prayer: You don't need to sit for 15 minutes to practice gratitude. You can think of things your thankful for on the way to school or work or practice deep breathing/say a small prayer on the subway or bus. You don't HAVE to do it, but it definitely makes you realise how much you have in life and appreciate it more.
Kindness: Start your day with kindness. Compliment your barista, smile at the old lady on the street, pet the stray cat. There's so much love in the world, and you have so much love inside you, and it's beautiful to be a part of it.
No longer will I be stuck in a rut. I cannot be confined to being a bitter, unhealthy person when I know there's a smiling, healthy, happy version of me in the future. Deep breaths. You'll get there babe.
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alittlestudycorner · 11 months
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alittlestudycorner · 11 months
As the stars light up the night sky above,
And the moon shines with its gentle love,
I long for the touch of your lips so sweet,
To feel the warmth of your embrace complete.
But it's not just your lips that I desire,
It's the way you make my heart catch fire,
With every gentle kiss on each little mole,
That adorns my skin, a beauty to behold.
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On my chin, on my eyelid, and by my ear,
Each one unique, each one so dear,
And the one on my collar bone so fair,
All of them together, make a picture so rare.
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So come closer, my love, and feel my heart,
As we share this moment, never to part,
And as you kiss each little mole so divine,
Know that you make me feel like I shine.
For it's not just my moles that make me beautiful,
It's the way you love me, so unconditional,
So hold me tight, and never let go,
As we watch the stars and the moon glow.
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alittlestudycorner · 1 year
small habits to make big changes
hey loves! i want to talk about small habits that create big changes towards your physical and mental health, and overall just your life right now.
i intentionally made these things very small and easy to incorporate into your life :)
physical health-
going for walks
working out 10 minutes a day (then increase over time)
substituting sugary drinks for water
getting fresh air/opening a window
prioritize healthy foods + cut back on fast food
balanced diet!
intuitive eating- eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full
mental health-
keeping a journal for emotions/venting
cutting back on screentime
productive hobbies
practicing deep breathing
meditating 5 minutes a day
replace your thoughts from what you don’t want to do to what you do want to do (ex. instead of telling yourself “don’t be lazy” tell yourself “be productive”- the brain cant really process negative thoughts)
self improvement doesn’t have to be difficult or overwhelming. always start very small and be consistent. consistency will always beat intensity in the end. in my own journey i started off small and consistent- then with time i was able to do more. like i started off by working out 10 minutes a day, everyday and now i’m able to do 30 minutes. just start with what works for you and then keep going.
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