aliveburbitch · 3 years
I feel like not enough people talk about this clip from the 16th in hindsight, so
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
I think that establishing Bench Trio as good friends who will look out for each other comes with the expectance that like. ya know. they would actually look out for each other. But as of now a lot of the care in their relationship seems a bit one sided??
Like obviously theres more to it than that, Tubbo and Ranboo are dealing with their own shit, and they aren't obligated to help Tommy, but again, etc. But again we've had this set up with them as friends who care for and look out for each other. So of course its gonne be a bit disheartening to see that Tubbo and Ranboo are sorta distancing themselves from Tommy.
Yeah exactly!
There is a sort of expectation that’s been built up for them, but the problem is that we never really saw them choose to help Tommy when it mattered. The only time I can think of is Tubbo going with him to the disc finale thing, but it could be argued that he didn’t really choose that since Dream asked for both of them.
Now, this is quite reductive. Because of course both Tubbo and Ranboo have shown that they cared time and time again. But this is the problem with showing only the opposite during big moments:
Tommy gets exiled -> Tubbo never visits. Ranboo visits but does nothing, not even tell Tubbo about Tommy’s conditions
Tommy gets locked in prison with his abuser and gets killed -> Tubbo and Ranboo get married and adopt a child
Tommy is now stuck in a new unhealthy relationship that they know he was scared of -> Tubbo and Ranboo build the outpost and distance themselves
These are not the only occasions to showcase their friendship of course, and we saw them help in numerous occasions. But these are the most relevant and most memorable instances of Tommy needing help and his friends time and time again just didn’t. They didn’t even try. Which becomes a problem after a while because it gets you in the mindset that them helping ever is just not what you should expect of them, even if it’s what they announced time and time again.
This wouldn’t be a problem if it didn’t make their relationship feel so utterly imbalanced. Especially because it doesn’t work the other way around.
Tubbo gets executed -> Tommy throws himself on stage looking for him and fights almost all of Manburg to get to him
Tubbo’s country get’s exploded the first time -> Tommy fights by his side keeping the people’s morale high and then makes sure to reaffirm Tubbo as president
Tubbo’s country is exploded again -> Tommy is there fighting by his side
Ranboo is being accused of burning down George’s house as well -> Tommy takes the full fall for it
In their lowest moments character-wise they always have some sort of support. This cannot be said during their day to day struggles however, but that’s perceived less. Probably because they don’t really communicate (though they do communicate more with each other at least, which I’m glad of) their problems and do their best at hiding them so it’s hard to fault others for not noticing.
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
It’s so weird to me that people say c!Tommy was USING c!Techno during their team-up. All he did was live in his house and eat his food to survive. c!Techno also willingly gave him armor and weapons. Then no one bats an eye when c!Techno straight up admits that he was using c!Tommy so he could get his weapons back.
c!Tommy wasn’t using c!Techno because he was relying on him for comfort and safety after escaping his abuser.
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
a small vent i had on twt :]
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
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“I need you to tell me everything you know about this prison.”
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
Tommy: “I’m gonna be one of the sleepy bois and sleep forever.”
Phil: “PFFT— gonna hibernate?”
Tommy: “I’m gonna die.”
Phil: “Okay- that is- no. (laughs)”
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
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You promised me it’ll be okay…
i am in a constant state of cry
my sweet boy, i’ll miss you
vilbur is back but at what cost
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
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every day i open my inbox
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
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yikes 😬😬😬
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
Ranboos tone of voice on “What did you do” SCARES ME A BIT
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
I dunno what’s worse the fact that Ghostbur was crying when he arrived at the “train station”, c!Wilbur calling c!Dream his hero, or c!Ranboo’s angry “what the hell did you do?” at the very end
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
I hope you all realize the “you have thicker skin” comment was a lot more lighthearted than you made it out to be. c!Tommy was in no way undermining or dismissing c!Tubbo when he said that.
About the Final Control Room: the wound is a lot fresher for Tommy after what happened to him with Dream in prison. You have to realize that, unlike Tommy, Tubbo’s been able to move on for the most part. He has a husband, son, a whole nation(?) that he’s a part of, etc. He doesn’t need to work through what happened in the Final Control Room because he’s been able to move forward in life since then.
Basically there was no malicious intent behind that comment plus it’s a fact that (definitely as of these past few weeks) thinking about death affects Tommy way more than it affects Tubbo since Tubbo has really distanced himself from any immediate danger.
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
Mister “I was dehumanized and only seen as a weapon” actually was the one who kinda dehumanized Tommy and only saw him as a weapon.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, but hold that 200k words essay on why I’m wrong and hear me out!
Techno, in the stream before the Green Festival was the one who admitted to only find value in Tommy when in relation to his level of violence. He only started “sort of respecting him” after he’d shown he could be used as some kind of asset to violently obtain what Techno wanted from his enemies…, you know… almost like some kind of weapon you may say…
Just, think about it!
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
The two things I dislike most about c!techno:
1: He’s a hypocrite. He’s fine with using Tommy, but is upset at Tommy for “using” him (when Tommy never actually did).
2: He doesn’t actually hear others out. Did he ever listen to Tommy while they were living together? Did he listen to Tommy at the community house? Did he ever listen to anyone’s side of the story but his own?
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aliveburbitch · 3 years
I hope you dont mind me ranting a bit, but something I've been thinking about is how badly I want people to address how techno treats/treated tommy exile arc-on. It seems to be very "one off line" then dropping it. It feels like people feel way more uncomfortable talking about how techno mistreated and manipulated Tommy, even if he also helped him (even in explicitly lore moments, and not just cc!techno fucking around)
Agreed! While it is undoubtedly true that he helped him, I feel that people don’t talk about the other side of things almost at all. A lot of the time in fact Techno “helping” Tommy is one of the excuses a lot of people use to bash on Tommy for leaving him. I’ve even seen a few takes officially stating that Tommy was “healed” already when he left Techno, that Techno specifically had “healed” him, which couldn’t be further from the truth.
The main issue here is that, while Techno did do a few things to help (helping him with the panic attack, generally trying to keep him away from Dream, giving him armour) the damage he’s done (isolating him further, lying about his goals, being manipulative and undermining Tommy’s worth, offering Tommy to Dream in exchange for the favour, holding the items he supposedly gave him freely over his head) is much more often sweeped under a rug as you pointed out yourself, and honestly he did more damage then he helped. 
Also I want to point out that, while people say that Tommy was “useless” to Techno and, therefore, Techno never used him, that couldn’t be further from the truth. From the very start Techno only thought of Tommy as a tool to use (he admits to this himself), any respect for him comes much later on. Tommy was also the only one helping the other with their goals. Techno never even tried to help him get the disks, all the while Tommy helped getting Techno’s weapons back, helped him with the hound army, helped build a post underneath L’Manburg, helped getting info on the festival togwther with the info they gathered the day of the festival and helped him learning to navigate the sewer system. And YET there is this pervasive idea that Tommy was somehow the one using Techno...
So, in conclusion, here’s the thing: wether we like to admit it or not, Techno was NOT a good influence for Tommy. AT ALL. Techno isolated him as much as Dream did, he encouraged him to become more violent and he used his incredibly unstable mantal health situation to get what he wanted from him and, as soon as Tommy expressed some free thinking, he teamed up with his abuser and destroyed his home. And YET even a lot of people who are openly critical of c!Techno often don’t like to group him together with the other manipulative people in Tommy’s life who hurt him and I honestly don’t know why...
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