allisonswisherus · 5 years
5 Mistakes To Avoid When Trying To Lose Weight
Some people are so desperate to lose weight that they cling on to every piece of information they know which they believe can help them reach their goals. Some weight loss fanatics are so into their weight loss program that they tend to give out ineffective advice that actually sabotages a person’s weight loss efforts.
Here are 5 of the most common mistakes dieters tend to make when trying to lose weight.
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Skipping Breakfast
Don’t we all want to start the day feeling like we have to achieve something? Well, you can do this by starting an early morning exercise program or a meditation ritual. But do not ever make the mistake of skipping breakfast. This is a big mistake and may cost you your success in achieving your weight loss goals.
When you leave the house feeling hungry and deprived, there is a high chance of you bunging over your lunch or worse, reaching out for some unhealthy snacks during office hours. Maybe a bar of chocolate will keep your mind running active and the creative juices flowing. But this little act is disastrous to your weight loss goals.
Starvation Diet
No, sorry.
This one is not going to work either.
You do not want to starve yourself as your body will go into an emergency state that causes your metabolism to go haywire. When it thinks that you are starving it, it will try to protect itself from the perceived possible future famine. The body will cling to all storage of fat and learn to adapt to the condition by burning less fat.
This is exactly what every weight loss experts dread. In this state, you will lose very little weight, even when you are eating less and less food during the day.
Binging Diet Foods
Some weight loss companies do provide diet food that claims to have lower amounts of sugar and fat. They are prepared to help you lose weight. Aren’t they? Even if these prepare diet food come with lower fat and sugar, it won’t do you any food if you binge on them. For instance, if the usual burger comes with 50 grams of fat, and your new ”diet” food comes with only half of that amount, what good would it do if you are eating double of what you are supposed to?
So, in the end, you will be spending money on those expensive specially prepared meals and not getting the results you want.
Salad Meals
Who can live on salad alone? Not me! We all need a variety of healthy, delicious meal that we can enjoy day to day without feelings of deprivation and loss. So it is far better for you to select a good well-balanced meal instead of opting for salad every day, it will keep you on the program a whole lot longer.
Spend Money
You do not need to spend excessive amounts of money to lose weight. Most people believe that some amount of investment has to be made to buy all those fancy weight loss peripherals, but effective weight loss does not need financial investment all the time. If you are keen to lose weight, you can always surf the Internet.
There are plenty of free programs you can try; with a little bit of determination, it will help you lose the weight you want. It is easy to fall victim into these simple weight loss trap when you are anxious to lose weight.
There you have five most common mistakes dieters tend to make when trying to lose weight. Just be cautious and do not fall into the mistake of doing them.
Via https://healthperfectionist.com/mistakes-to-avoid-when-trying-lose-weight/
source http://healthperfectionist1.weebly.com/blog/5-mistakes-to-avoid-when-trying-to-lose-weight
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allisonswisherus · 5 years
Weight Loss Plan Considerations
There are various things to consider when choosing the right weight loss plan, all plans aren’t good, many are worthless and even if they are good they might not suit you. Obesity has assumed mammoth proportions in the developed world and in direct proportion to this increase, has been the increase in weight loss plans and programs that have flooded the market.
Everybody is trying to cash in on the weight loss craze and the weight loss industry has ballooned into a multi-billion dollar generating industry where many companies are out to make a killing. Naturally, all the products that are sold or advertised are not effective and there are few which can damage your body.
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Factors for choosing the right weight loss plan
While choosing the right weight loss plan, you have to check to see if it takes into account your personality type, your lifestyle, your body type, whether it addresses emotional eating or not and helps you lose weight consistently, whether it helps you to achieve your dietary goals in a healthy manner or not and other such things.
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Healthy balanced weight loss plan
It is very important to select a healthy balanced weight loss plan that will make you fight the fat through the proper suitable exercise regularly and through a diet that doesn’t make you starve but makes you eat more of nutritious food while urging you to abstain from junk food and unhealthy food habits.
It will try to alter your unhealthy lifestyle habits and make you eat fresh green vegetables, lots of fruits, fibrous food groups, low fat food cooked in olive oil, lean meat, lean, protein etc
You will have to abstain from red meat, alcohol, oily buttery food, and junk items. Beware of weight loss plans that promise to transform you from a lump of lard to a shapely hot bod with washboard abs in 1 week flat. They are simply taking you for a ferry ride at the expense of your health.
Stay away from fad diets that make you starve or promise miracles in 48 hours. Effective weight loss that will be long lasting cannot be achieved through miracles. It has to be painstakingly achieved through hard work and sweat and abstinence.
Fad diets will lead to malnourishment and fainting fits and ultimately you will land up in a hospital bed.
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Doctor recommended weight loss plan
Your doctor in conjunction with a nutritionist/dietician and fitness instructor is the best person to tell you what kind of weight loss plan will suit you the most. He himself will chart out a proper plan for you incorporating all the factors given above.
Unless you select a weight loss plan that suits your personality, body type, and lifestyle, it won’t show results and there is the possibility that your body will get accustomed to the patterned weight loss and hit that dreaded plateau.
Via https://healthperfectionist.com/weight-loss-plan-considerations/
source http://healthperfectionist1.weebly.com/blog/weight-loss-plan-considerations
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allisonswisherus · 5 years
Weight Loss Motivation To Keep You Inspired
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How to get motivated to lose weight and exercise
There are many factors that come together to produce the ability to maintain a successful diet. In many cases, however, it is not the diet plan nor the timing that really makes a difference, it is a lack of motivation. Weight loss motivation is one of the key factors to success and one that leads to more than accelerated weight loss, it also produces a healthier lifestyle. Understanding the importance of motivation can often lead the dieter to make the necessary changes to see success in their weight loss program permanently.
Psychology of weight loss motivation
Motivation is more than just a state of mind. It is the principle that drives someone to take action and to reach out for goals that would otherwise be unobtainable. The strong motivation necessary for weight loss cannot be underestimated. In the absence of that motivation, struggles are likely to be frequent and very few, if any, weight loss goals are going to be achieved. The problem for most people is that weight loss motivation comes from within, not from an external source. That doesn’t mean, however, that there aren’t some external factors that can provide self-motivation to the dieter.
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Weight loss determination
One of the key factors to being self-motivated is actually associated with the term because it is necessary to be motivated for personal reasons. Many people try to get motivated for external reasons and those that really don’t touch them on a personal basis. This may lead to a certain amount of temporary success, but when it comes to a weight loss program, self-motivation becomes even more important. Why is that the case?
Many people struggle to lose weight for a very important, yet often overlooked problem. Food, particularly certain types of foods, are very addictive. Most people can agree on this factor, simply by looking at the comfort foods that they turn to when they have a difficult day. On the other hand, there is more of a physical addiction that is associated with many types of foods, including refined sugar, dairy, and wheat. In addition, many chemicals that are found in processed foods have been shown to be addictive as well.
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Psychology of weight loss motivation
When an individual is struggling with a serious addiction, such as cigarette smoking or perhaps another drug, very few people would deny the fact that they need to be convinced of the need to overcome the habit. In fact, the battle cry for most twelve-step programs is that the first step is admitting that they have a problem. The same is also true withfood addiction. In order to see any success with a weight loss program, the individual must be motivated to overcome the addiction and to start a new habit that will be theirs for life.
Temporary success is not what the dieter is trying to obtain. The permanent success and a change to a healthier, thinner lifestyle should be the motivating factor that drives the dieter to finally make the changes that will lead to permanent success.
Via https://healthperfectionist.com/weight-loss-motivation-keep-you-inspired/
source http://healthperfectionist1.weebly.com/blog/weight-loss-motivation-to-keep-you-inspired
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allisonswisherus · 5 years
Most Effective Diet For Weight Loss
The reduction of body mass also called weight loss is aimed at improving fitness, enhanced healthy living, and the general well-being through a process of reduced consumption of calories (from food and beverages) in comparison to the number of calories expended from the body. This results in the need for selective food intake. To achieve this, diets designed specifically for weight loss, and health food stores exist to cater to the dietary needs of individuals with special dietary concerns.
Most Successful Diets for Weight Loss
Generally, most successful diets for weight loss include Low-carbohydrate diets, low fats, high proteins diets, etc.
Atkins Diet
A brainchild of Dr. Robert Atkins, renowned for its low carbohydrates intakes to ensure permanent weight control procedures by consumption of protein, fats, and carbohydrates in limited quantity which causes a reduction of appetite resulting in an effective weight loss process and good health. The Atkins diet which is said to be the most successful diet process for weight loss is categorized into four phases:
Induction phase: You start with a reduction of carbohydrates intake to 20 grams on a daily basis for a period of two weeks and steady consumption of high proteins and fats. This hastens the weight loss process as your body burns available fat for energy since there is a deficiency of calories.
Balancing phase: In this phase, the weight loss process continues on a steady state by adding more nuts, fruits while the carbohydrate intake remains low on your diet.
Fine-tuning phase: At this stage, you are close to your weight loss target, slowly add more healthy carbohydrates and vegetables to your meal, it is a fine-tuning phase as your system adjusts and gradually becomes accustomed to the new dietary changes.
Maintenance phase: Here, you have achieved your set weight loss goals, inhibit the new-found diet of patterns into your lifestyle. You can achieve this by generally consuming specified classes of carbohydrates at controlled quantities to keep your weight in check.
Good Food for Weight Loss, And Muscle Gain
Looking for food supplements to enhance your weight loss process, some of the helpful ones include, low-carbohydrate, fiber, and protein-rich foods as these are the best types of food to inculcate into your diet during your journey towards weight loss. Some of these foods include; whole eggs, salmon, leafy greens, lean beef, vegetables, beans, soups, boiled potatoes, etc.
Take a look at the Atkins grocery list for more streamlined guidance.
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Atkins Grocery List
Foods on the Atkins’ grocery list includes;
Dark chocolate
The Benefits of Atkins Diet’s Include
Faster weight loss: Low-carbohydrate diets which Atkins focuses on have been found to aid weight loss at a faster rate than other diets, this spans from an instant reduction in appetite.
Promote general well-being: Aside from weight reduction, the dietary guidelines of Atkins avails grocery lists that not only ensure weight loss but eliminates risk factors for diseases by improving the blood pressure and sugar level.
Accessibility: The associated dietary supplements abound, available in every store thereby ensuring your convenience.
Opportunity to eat outside: Unlike other diets, Atkins offers you the chance to eat while outside, the options of fast food/snacks on the Atkins grocery list while you are on transit.
The above benefits among other positions Atkins as the most effective diets for fast weight loss and good health.
Via https://healthperfectionist.com/most-effective-diet-for-weight-loss/
source http://healthperfectionist1.weebly.com/blog/most-effective-diet-for-weight-loss
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allisonswisherus · 5 years
The Ultimate Mediterranean 7 Days Meal Plan [Diet For Weight Loss]
What is the Mediterranean Diet?
Mediterranean diet is known as a modern eating habit, firstly inspired by Greek eating habits, France, southern Italy and Spain in the 1940s and 1950s. The main features of a complete mediterranean diet plan that will help your weight loss include:
a proportionally high consumption of olive oil, pulses , raw cereals, fruits and vegetables.
moderate to high consumption of fish.
moderate consumption of products like mainly cheese and yogurt.
moderate wine consumption and low meat consumption.
The term Mediterranean diet was conducted by a physiologist named Ansel Kis to describe the pattern of diet followed by the peoples of the Mediterranean countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain, Morocco etc. At the International Conference on Mediterranean Nutrition in 1993 it was decided what is considered as a healthy, traditional Mediterranean diet and in 1995 a team of scientists from Harvard University created the “Mediterranean Diet Pyramid” . Take a pen, write the foods that you will find in the food pyramid and it will help you you’re your Mediterranean diet meal plan shopping list.
Abundant dietary fiber (fruits, vegetables, bread / cereals, potatoes, juices).
Fewer processed products
Dairy products (mainly cheese and flavor) daily in small to moderate quantities
Fish and birds in small to moderate quantities
Red meat 2 times per month
Olive oil. This the main source of fats.
The particular nutritional composition of the Mediterranean diet results in low fat and low cholesterol levels and a high carbohydrate and fiber content. Daily consumption of olive oil results in high dietary content of monounsaturated fatty acids.
In 2013, UNESCO added the Mediterranean diet to the Representative List of Foreign Cultural Heritage of Italy, France, Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus and Croatia. The Mediterranean diet plan includes one a set of rituals, symbols , skills, knowledge and many traditions such as harvesting, cultivation, fishing, stockbreeding, processing, production, preservation and the provision and consumption of food.
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Benefits of Mediterranean diet plan
In the last decades, the scientific community has recognized, through a variety of clinical and epidemiological studies, the important role of Mediterranean Diet, both in the prevention and outcome of complex diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases.
The Mediterranean Diet, with its proper meal ratio, abundant nutrients, and big quantities of olive oil, has not stopped being the source of many studies around the world.
Recent results from the Spanish PREDIMED study explain the efficacy of eating a Mediterranean diet for the prevention of diabetes (type 2) in people having a high risk for cardiovascular disease. Specifically, a group of418 non-diabetic volunteers, aged from 55 to 80 years old, with more than 2 risk factors for cardiovascular disease, were divided into 3 groups and studied for approximately 4 years.
The first group followed a Mediterranean diet supplemented with virgin olive oil (1 liter per week), the second group followed a Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts (30 g a day) and the third group (control group) followed a low-fat diet plan. After about 4 years of follow-up, it was found that the more faithful the maintenance of the Mediterranean diet was, the smaller the cases of type 2 diabetes (inversely proportional).
In addition, when the results of the Mediterranean diet groups were compared with those of the control group, there was a reduction in diabetes cases of 52%. This study, published in the Scientific Review of Diabetes Care, with the conclusion that the Mediterranean diet book, without calorie restriction, appears to be effective in preventing type 2 diabetes to people that have high risk to show up cardiovascular disease.
However, the research on the Mediterranean diet does not stop there. In another European randomized clinical study (EUROLIVE), the researchers found that the polyphenols of olive oil, a key ingredient in the Mediterranean diet, promote antibody production (OLABS) against oxidized LDL cholesterol and that this build-up is enhanced when lipid oxidative damage is increased. This form of badly oxidized LDL has a particularly active role in the formation of atherosclerosis.
In contrast, the creation of antibodies (OLAB) by our organism, against this oxidized form, appears to be protective. 200 healthy male Europeans who consumed high-, medium- and low-level phenolic components for three weeks were involved in the study.
The analysis of the results showed that
a) the OLAB concentration of volunteers’ blood plasma was inversely proportional to oxidized LDL (p <0.001),
b) the higher the phenolic content of the olive oil they consumed, the greater the antibody production OLAB (p <0.023).
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The Food Pyramid of the Mediterranean Diet
The Food Pyramid of the Mediterranean Diet includes 3 levels depending on the consumption frequency of these foods. At Pyramid’s base are the foods that should consumed daily and in significant quantities, while at the top you will find foods that should be consumed rarely and in small quantities.
More specifically, starting from the base of the pyramid you should consume:
Cereals and related products such as bread, rice, pasta etc. Particularly the untreated products provide energy, are low in fat, help good bowel function and lower cholesterol.
Fruit and vegetables. They are a good source of antioxidants and many vitamins, while protecting against cardiovascular disease and various forms of cancer.
Pulses and nuts. They have many fiber and vitamins giving energy to your body.
Olive oil. Protects against coronary heart disease, reduces levels of “bad” cholesterol, while increasing “good cholesterol.”
Dairy products. They are a good source of calcium to help maintain the bone mass, preventing the risk of damage. It is good to contain low fat.
Few times a week
Fish. Because of the omega-3 fatty acids they contain, fish can reduce the possibility of coronary heart disease.
Eggs. It is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Poultry. They provide proteins of high nutritional value, as well as iron.
Sweets. They should be consumed in moderation.
Few times a month
Meat. It contains iron, proteins of high nutritional value and vitamins.
Mediterranean diet and weight loss
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The Mediterranean diet is rich in protein, Omega-3, minerals, vitamins and most importantly is poor in fats, flour and industrial sugars. It is one of the most successful weight loss meal plans. Let’s look at it more closely.
It is true that there are many diet plans, perhaps too many to decide which one you should follow. But experts say that you should look for those who are healthier – those that besides helping you lose weight, provide you with the necessary nutrients. The Mediterranean diet is an excellent choice that you should not miss.
The Mediterranean diet is rich in protein, Omega-3, minerals, vitamins and, most importantly, is poor in fats, flour and industrial sugars. Let’s look at it more closely.
How can the Mediterranean diet help me lose weight?
First of all, we should mention that the Mediterranean diet is not essentially a method for weight loss. It is a very healthy eating habit, which regulates your weight because of the materials it contains. Dieticians say that, as a result, you can lose one kilo per week. In other words, a Mediterranean diet 7-day meal plan is not only beneficial for you, but also your family. You should, of course, follow the basic principles of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommended diet pyramid.
The benefits of Mediterranean diet are based on its excellent healthy fat content. These are monounsaturated fats derived from olive oil and fatty acids like Omega-6. Excludes animal protein as well as red meat. It is the richest diet in antioxidants: fruits and nuts, vegetables and legumes. It is an excellent source of fiber.
Thanks to the Mediterranean diet, you can lower cholesterol in your blood, protect yourself from cardiovascular disease and control your weight, thanks to the balanced amount of nutrients that block fat that harms your body.
What foods does the Mediterranean diet contain?
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Vegetables, nuts such as nuts, legumes, fruit such as oranges, lemons, melons, apples, grapes …
Olive oil. The most important part of the diet and the main source of fats.
Wine when consumed in moderate quantities. Not more than a glass a day.
Fish such as tuna, salmon, cod …
Pasta as the main source of carbohydrates.
If you eat meat, it should always be chicken, or even better turkey. These are lean meats.
Combined with this balanced eating habit, lifestyle also plays an important role. Daily exposure to the sun for the absorption of the necessary vitamin D, the importance of a proper breakfast, the family meal with relaxation and tranquility are habits that we sometimes forget because of our obligations. But they are an essential part of your health.
Rules for maintaining a Mediterranean diet
Consume five meals a day: breakfast, lunch, two snacks and dinner. The goal is to eat balanced amounts five times a day and never too much.
Do not miss the breakfast. It is essential to ensure the energy you need to start your day as well as to balance the amount of energy required throughout the day.
Do not use butter. Always replace it with olive oil.
Evening meal should essentially be based on vegetables.
Do not omit the bread, it is essential to ensure fiber. Select whole grain. Rye and oats are highly recommended.
Herbs are also highly recommended: oregano, basil, parsley and especially garlic.
Sweets are not allowed. Replace cow’s milk with herbal milk.
We also recommend drinking a glass of wine a day as well as two liters of water.
Weekly Mediterranean diet meal plan – Mediterranean diet for beginners
Follow the mediterranean diet 7-day meal plan and speed up your weight loss.
Mediterranean diet breakfast ideas
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Breakfast, according to many people and diet experts, is the basic and most important meal of the day. You can have one of the following Mediterranean diet breakfast ideas:
Coffee without sugar and milk, toast with 1 slice of turkey and 1 slice of cheese.
1 glass of sugar-free juice with a toast of butter and honey.
1 cup of tea with a toast of butter and honey.
Meal between breakfast and launch
1 fruit or 1 sugar-free gel snack or 1 bar of cereal
1 roast steak with salad (unlimited quantity)
Omelette with 3 eggs but only 1 yolk, salad, a piece of white cheese
1 serving of green beans or okra with a little cheese
1 serving of roast fish with salad
1 portion of spaghetti with red sauce
1 serving of roast squid with salad
1 fillet of chicken with salad
1 yoghurt (0% -2% fat), or 1 sugar-free gel snack
1 large salad with grilled and fresh vegetables
1 serving chicken breast with green salad
3-4 chicken straws and salad green
1 salad with tuna in water
A salad with boiled vegetables and a boiled egg
1 serving roast fish and salad green
1 serving of potato salad with tuna, lettuce, tomato and herbs
Mediterranean diet recipes
Experts recognize that mediterranean diet meals bring health, well-being , longevity and of course weight loss. Researchers publish one survey another, demonstrating its role in shielding our organism from all kind of diseases. And, of course, it is also delicious. Do you need more reasons to follow a Mediterranean diet plan? Let’s have a look at some delicious Mediterranean diet recipes:
Grilled with tomato in the oven
Materials (for 4 servings):
1 kg of relatively large sprigs, 4 tbsp. olive oil, 2 cloves of chopped garlic, 1 chopped celery (without leaves), 600 grams tomatoes grated on grater, 1 bunch of finely chopped parsley, salt pepper, ½ teaspoon of sugar (if necessary), 1-2 pinch of oregano
Clean spoonbills from the scales and offal. Wash them well and keep them aside. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. In a “flat” cookware that goes into the oven, warm the olive oil (if you do not have a platter, use a pan) and add the garlic and celery. Season with moderate heat for about 2 minutes (care not to blacken the garlic). Add the parsley and stir for half a minute. Add the tomatoes, oregano, salt and simmer for 3-4 minutes to thicken the sauce. Try the sauce, if necessary with salt and pepper.
Remove from the fire and top the marshmallows (if you put the sauce in a pan, move it and spread it on a dish). Salt the fish slightly and bake in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes (the time may vary depending on the size of the fish).
Penne with grilled vegetables
Materials (for 4 people):
500gr pene, 300gr tomatoes, 4 cleaned courgettes, 1 small onion in rings, 5 cloves of garlic (whole, with peel), 2 tbsp. olive oil, oregano or dried basil, freshly ground black pepper, salt, feta cheese or Domokos stick (optional).
Prepare all the vegetables and put them in an oven pan: the chopped tomatoes, the onion slices, the zucchini on the slices. Leave garlic with peel to cook and soften in it. As you wait to boil the water for the pasta, preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Add the herbs, some olive oil and salt to the vegetables. Stir the vegetables to go everywhere oil and salt. After the water has boiled, pour the pasta and put the vegetable baking pan in the oven for 10 minutes. They will be ready almost simultaneously.
Once the pasta is ready, strain it and put it back in the saucepan. Pour the cooked vegetables, along with all the juices left in the baking pan and a little freshly ground pepper. Stir well and add some more olive oil if you see it is dry. Serve in a deep dish. Cook toasted garlic can be left or removed.
Cuttlefish with spinach
1kg of cuttlefish, 1kg of spinach, 1 glass of oil, 2 onions, 1 wineglass white wine, a little dill, mint, salt, pepper.
Clean the cuttlefish, sauté the onions with the oil and add the dill and the mint and then the cuttlefish in small pieces. When they boil, turn off the wine, put some salt and pepper and two glasses of water and let the food be half-cooked. Add the finely chopped spinach and in 10 minutes the food is ready.
Mediterranean kiwi salad
200 grams of couscous (no boiling, but only water), 1 large red pepper, 1 courgette, 4 fresh onions, 10-15 olives (preferably no kiwi), half a bunch of parsley, 100 grams of watermelon chickpeas, 50 grams of tomatoes sunscreen, 1 lemon, olive oil, salt, freshly ground pepper
Put the 200 grams of couscous into a wide and deep bowl (or pyrex) and pour 250ml (1/4 liter) of boiling water. Cover and allow it to inflate. Chop the pepper, zucchini and fresh onions and pour them on an already warm pan and sauté until golden. Blend the couscous by stirring it with a fork to separate it, and add the cooked vegetables. Next, finely chop the parsley, the olives, the sun dried tomatoes and add them to the couscous. Also put the chickpeas, the juice of a lemon, a little olive oil (quantity of our liking) and salt pepper.
How much weight loss on a Mediterranean diet
In most cases, people who followed an integrated Mediterranean diet managed to lose easily and without hungry, about 4-5 kilos per month. However, there are only a few cases that combined with a simple exercise, those who followed the diet managed to lose up to 10 kilos in a month.
Many celebrities have benefited from the Mediterranean diet book
As researchers love to say, the Mediterranean diet book is one of the healthiest eating habits an individual can embrace to start looking and feeling better. Many celebrities decided to stock up with olive oil and vegetables in order to lose weight and feel better with their body. Some of them are:
Penélope Cruz
John Goodman
Brooke Burke
Rachael Ray
Susan Lucci
Selena Gomez
Shopping grocery list on the Mediterranean diet
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Most of Mediterranean diet ingredients are very easy to be found. Below you will find a list with all the Shopping grocery list on the Mediterranean diet.
With Beans you can add fiber and protein to your meals. Replace the red meat with beans at least once a week. If using canned, rinse and drain them before you eat them in order to remove some of the sodium they contain.
Black Beans
Chickpeas (Garbanzo)
Pinto Beans
White Beans
Nuts and Seeds
Both nuts and seeds are a nice source of proteins, healthy fats and fiber. But you must remember that they are high in calories.
Pine Nuts
Pumpkin Seeds
Sunflower Seeds
Bread (e.g. Loaf, Pita)
In general, white fish are the best for lean protein. Oily fish like salmon are a great source of healthy omega-3s.
You should not buy processed cheese foods just real traditional cheese.
Low-Fat Milk
Plain or Greek Yogurt
Healthy Oils/Fats
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Avocado Oil
Canola Oil
Grape Seed Oil
Fresh vegetables are important for weight loss and good health. You can also get some low-sodium canned vegetables.
Bell Peppers
Green Beans
Leafy Greens
Tomatoes (Fresh, Canned, Sauce)
Fruits are very important to a complete diet. They will help you control your weight and have a better health. You can also buy some frozen or canned fruits but without added sugars.
Herbs and Spices
Herbs and spices is a great choice in order to add a great flavor to your foods, without adding extra salt or fat.
Bay Leaves
Pros and cons of the Mediterranean diet plan
People who follow the Mediterranean diet tend to have significant health benefits, from lowering sugar in their blood to better memory.The following are some of the top benefits of the Mediterranean diet:
1. Keep your memory. Full of healthy fats for the brain, the Mediterranean diet can do good to stimulate brain power and prevent miscarriage. In a study, the researchers found that high attachment to a Mediterranean diet was associated with a 40% reduced risk for cognitive impairment.
2. Reduce the risk for heart disease. Studies show that with a Mediterranean diet the risk for cardiovascular diseases such as thrombotic disease, myocardial infarction (heart attack) and cerebral cause can be greatly reduced. This is likely to be due to the positive effects of the Mediterranean diet on cardiovascular risks, including high blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol.
3. Stronger bones. A study shows that some compounds in olive oil can help maintain bone density by increasing bone growth and maturation. Another study found that dietary patterns associated with the Mediterranean diet can help prevent osteoporosis.
4. Manage diabetes and check sugar in blood. The Mediterranean diet has shown positive results for diabetes. It may be able to prevent type 2 diabetes and can help improve blood sugar control and cardiovascular risk in those who already have it. When the Mediterranean diet was compared to a low-fat diet, people with type 2 diabetes following the Mediterranean diet developed much better. Fewer people needed treatment and experienced greater weight loss.
5. Fight depression. People who follow the Mediterranean diet can also be protected from depression. A 2013 study found that people who followed the Mediterranean diet more closely had a 98.6% lower risk of developing depression than those who did not follow.
6. Protect against cancer. Good maintenance of the Mediterranean diet can help fight cancer. A systematic review of the studies found that overall people who follow the diet have a 13% lower mortality rate than cancer. These cancers include breast cancer, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, and head and neck cancer.
Like any kind of diet, the Mediterranean diet also has its cons. Certainly the benefits that someone will gain are much more and of great importance. However, we also have to mention the negatives of this diet. This particular diet, as a major negative factor, does not specify exact quantities of food that you consume. Many times you will notice expressions such as “abundance”, “often” and “low to moderate intake”. These expressions clearly do not provide a detailed calorie count to those who want to accurately calculate them.
Also, one of the main features of the Mediterranean diet is wine. You will see that this diet suggests drinking a glass of wine a day (sometimes even two), which does not consist of people who take specific medications that prohibit the consumption of alcohol.
In conclusion, taking all the above into consideration, it is clearly that the Mediterranean diet is a way of life that helped, and will help many people. If you are seriously thinking your health and weight loss, you should try the Mediterranean plan for a period and it is guaranteed that you will see great results.
Via https://healthperfectionist.com/ultimate-mediterranean-7-days-meal-plan-diet-for-weight-loss/
source http://healthperfectionist1.weebly.com/blog/the-ultimate-mediterranean-7-days-meal-plan-diet-for-weight-loss
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allisonswisherus · 5 years
How to Lose Body Fat While Gain Muscle At Home
In addition to maintaining healthy body weight, people are also showing a keen interest in managing a healthy body composition. The goal is to lose body fat while gain muscle. Since the body fluid and bone mass percentages of each individual do not change significantly in the short term, the values ​​that can alter the body’s body composition are fat and muscle mass.
This is what both a person’s exercise and a diet contribute to. Below we provide 5 dietary tips that will enhance the effort to reduce your body fat and gain muscle mass. Also, you will find a full list with the best weight loss pills and medically proven weight loss supplements.
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1. Fat burning with morning exercise
despite the fact that the total number of calories consumed by exercise in the morning or during the day is the same, recent research has shown that morning exercise has better results. Also, in the morning exercise, individuals who participated had increased energy levels, metabolic rate and commitment to the exercise program they followed. The inclusion of exercise in everyday life is very important and the benefits of evening exercise should not be overlooked, since it also offers a corresponding increase in metabolism, fat burning and a sense of health and wellness in general.
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2. Small and frequent foods to lower body fat
The composition and the time consuming a meal, plays an important role in the body’s ability to burn fat. With morning exercise, as mentioned above, helps you burn more fats. Taking caffeine before morning exercise can speed up fat activation. To maximize the benefit of exercise during the day, it is recommended to consume small and frequent foods to lower body fat and limit the intake of simple carbohydrates. In particular, aerobic exercise is recommended to follow 2-3 hours after a meal, which is good to contain low glycemic index foods, so that insulin levels are low to achieve maximum fat burning. Low glycemic index foods are also recommended in the post-coaching meal for exactly the same reason, maintaining low levels of insulin-triggering hormones and high levels of insulin-releasing hormones. This will also help you lose weight from face and neck.
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3. Low-intensity exercise for increased muscle formation
Although high-intensity exercise is beneficial for general health, people who want to increase their muscle mass levels are recommended for low to moderate-intensity exercise. Specifically, exercise that keeps your heartbeats at 60% of the maximum rate. Exercising more intensity is catabolism and muscle mass, which is undesirable when we want to achieve muscularity.
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4. Proper meal planning for increasing muscle mass
Unlike when one wants to “shed” body fat and recommends exercise in the morning without food before, when one wants to increase his muscle mass levels, it is recommended to consume high quality and complex protein carbohydrate before exercise at any time of the day. Recent research has shown that eating 30g of whey protein (15g of essential fatty acids) before and after exercise can increase the muscularity by 400%! Another research has shown that eating a high-carbohydrate and protein-rich sports drink immediately after training can increase muscle synthesis to a much greater extent than its consumption several hours later. Subsequently, post-coaching meals are good to contain a combination of high-quality protein and complex carbohydrates.
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5. Best weight loss pills and medically proven weight loss supplements
The best weight loss pills and medically proven weight loss supplements are what most people want to lose weight and gain muscle quickly and easily. And of course, I understand it perfectly. You can find many prescription weight loss pills in the market but which ones can bring you the desired results?
Let’s take a look at the best weight loss pills 2018 reviews of Amazon users.
Number 1 in our weight loss pill list: Garcinia Gambogia
The 1st most popular and guaranteed weight loss pills are the ones called Garcinia Gambogia. The popularity of Garcinia Gambogia has sprinkled over the past few years, occupying one of the top positions in the list of best weight loss pills on the market. This plant contains Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), a chemical compound that has been found to help reduce body fat (increasing carbohydrate metabolism) and appetite. Garcinia Gambogia has at least 60% HCA content to be effective, according to manufacturers.
Dosage: 1-3 capsules half an hour before meals, 3 times a day, with a glass of water.
Pros: This supplement is a natural extract that is not stimulant compared to other slimming pills, making it a safer choice.
Cons: It’s hard to stay faithful to its proper dosage because you need to take several capsules a day which makes it too expensive. Also, there are many people claiming that they did not see any results.  
Guaranteed weight loss pills number 2: CLA
The second most popular weight loss pills is CLA. When you consume fat that your body does not need for energy, it is absorbed into the existing fat cells of your body with the help of an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase. CLA, a fatty acid, inhibits this enzyme and instead diverts your unused fat to your muscle cells. CLA then activates another enzyme in your body to help your muscles burn that fat effectively, especially during exercise. For these reasons, clinical studies have shown that CLA is even more effective in weight loss when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Clinical studies have also shown the efficacy of CLA to counteract the unhealthy yogic effect of diet often associated with rapid weight loss. Taking the right amount of CLA from your diet is difficult. Beef and dairy was once a good choice. Unfortunately, studies show that changes in cultivation, food processing, and modern diet have contributed to an 80% reduction in the amount of CLA we get.
The recommended daily dose of CLA is 3 grams, but to achieve this level in your diet, you should consume more than 12 pounds of ice cream, 3 pounds of beef, or about 12 pounds of whole milk every day. As a result, the only option available to increase your CLA levels is through regular supplementation.
Dosage: You need to take 1 capsule, 3 times a day along with your meals.
Pros: Natural Supplement without Side Effects, CLA seems to work and confirms many scientific researches.
Cons: Precise supplementation and hard to keep taking three times a day. Sometimes you forget it, ending up with just 1-2 capsules a day, which does not work, since you need to take 3 capsules a day, divided into three meals to get you done.
Best weight pills #3: Orlistat
The 3rd most popular product in our list with diet pills that work fast without exercise is the Orlistat. Orlistat is the only weight loss pill of this article that is not planted or natural but artificial. But it is the only weight loss that is approved by the FDA and EOF as a drug that helps slimming and weight loss while gain muscle. Orlistat is also the only non-prescription weight loss medication – anyone can buy it from the pharmacy without a prescription.
Here’s how Orlistat works: From all the fat of your daily diet, it binds about 25%, which you dispose of through the bowl. Fat is the most caloric nutrient, with 9 calories a gram (carbohydrates and proteins have 4 calories a gram). So cutting half the calories from the fat of your diet every day creates a significant additional calorie deficit, which in combination with a careful diet and daily exercise, helps weight loss and gain muscle.
Dosage: 1 pill with each main meal of the day.
Pros: Unlike other prescription weight loss pills, orlistat is relatively safe: it does not have the mental and mental side effects that other weight loss supplements have. Also, the efficacy of orlistat in weight loss is proven in studies involving overweight adults, for whom it is appropriate. In combination with a hypothermic diet, orlistat helped overweight adults lose 50% more weight than they would only lose by dieting. So for every 1kg you would lose yourself, the orlistat helps you lose half a pound yet.
Cons: Orlistat may cause diarrhea due to its action. Also, because Orlistat makes you lose half the fat of your diet, it can cause a shortage of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, which can cause serious health problems. So it is essential that you take a good multivitamin every day with a meal or snack that you do not take with orlistat to balance it.
Via https://healthperfectionist.com/how-to-lose-body-fat-while-gain-muscle-at-home/
source http://healthperfectionist1.weebly.com/blog/how-to-lose-body-fat-while-gain-muscle-at-home
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allisonswisherus · 5 years
MOVEO The Newest Hydration Solution For Weight Loss
Within a few days, an innovative product from ProductHype, a company with innovative, smart and useful products, emerges on the international market. This product is known as MOVEO. It is the solution to the hydration issue of the body that beyond its many benefits, it will help you by controlling fluid consumption for a more effective diet and weight loss. Let’s go see some more information about MOVEO. Let’s go see some more information about MOVEO.
What is MOVEO?
MOVEO is a modular water bottle that will give you the solution to your hydration. It combines a lot of great features into one product. You will be surprised of how many functions you will find in the new MOVEO. It includes time marks in order to monitor your daily water intake, your personal cup to drink water or any other liquid, a wire ball to mix protein your shakes and a built in fruit diffuser. What else do you need? Oh, you want to bring your protein pills with you? MOVEO has a great pill box for you! Yes, that’s right, MOVEO has it all!
MOVEO’s amazing features for hydration and more
Time Marks: MOVEO includes time marks that will help you track your daily water consumption. You define your goals and the marks on the bottle encourage you to reach those goals. You will never forget to drink water. You will always be hydrated with your best partner, MOVEO.
Fruit Infuser: With MOVEO’s fruit infuser, you can easily fill your bottle with herbs and fruits. You will enjoy a tasteful experience with all the great elements of fruits, such as antioxidants and vitamins. When you just need water, you can easily remove the infuser.
Shaker Ball: Do you want a protein mix after gym? Maybe a pre-workout drink. With MOVEO bottle you can have all your beverages, anytime with you.
Portable Water Cup: MOVEO’s lid’s cap works as a water cup for you. Now, you can enjoy water or any other drinking while you’re out.
Water Straw Filter: Wherever you are, you can drink clean and healthy water with the straw’s hollow fiber membrane. Buying separately a small part for MOVEO you can remove almost 99.9% of waterborne parasites and almost 100% of waterborne bacteria. All these with no chemicals iodine or batteries at all! Also you do not have to worry about chlorine and odor anymore.
Pill Box: Taking your vitamins, protein pills or any other food supplement can be a very difficult task. MOVEO has a feature about this too! It includes a pill box so you can carry your pills anytime and never forget them. Something that is very hard in a busy day.
MOVEO – The Newest Hydration Solution For Weight Loss
More information about MOVEO bottle
MOVEO is BPA-free plastic and fully manufactured with Tritan materials. Both the body and the lib in order to guarantee it’s performance for many years. You can clean it in the dishwasher without any problem. No need to worry about high bottle temperatures. It is durable to any temperature and will not crack or become brittle. Other useful features of MOVEO are:
It can help you check your weight for a diet.
It is also thermally insulated and will help you keep your water cool for many hours.
It includes zipped, water resistant pockets in order to store your keys, mobile phone or any other items.
It has a unique shape compatible with any type of hands. It can also be carried from kids!
There is 0% possibility to spill your water thanks to its silicone water sealer.
Join The Official MOVEO Facebook Page Now!
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Why is MOVEO so useful in weight loss?
MOVEO is the newest hydration solution for weight loss. Many researchers suggest that water consumption is beneficial in weight reduction. Also, hydration is the key to many factors that play a role in weight reduction, including digestion and muscle function. Below, there are six reasons why drinking water with MOVEO can help someone lose pounds. We will also mention how much water a person should drink daily.
Can drinking water from MOVEO help you reduce weight?
Many studies show some positive correlation between increasing water consumption and weight reduction.
1. Water is a natural appetite suppressant
When the stomach feels full, it sends signals to the brain to stop eating. Water can help by covering the void in the stomach, leading to a sense of satiety and hunger reduction. It is a fact that a person can misinterpret the feeling of hunger with that of thirst. Drinking a glass of water before you look for something to eat can help in limiting half-time meals.
2. Drinking water reduces the total caloric intake of liquids
It is very easy to concentrate many calories by consuming liquids such as soft drinks, juices or coffee with sugar. Many people are unaware of the fact that they consume many calories by drinking soft drinks and alcohol. Replacing few of the high-calorie drinks every day with water or with a calorie-free beverage, such as herb drinks, will have a long-term effect on body weight. Research suggests that replacing two or more high-calorie beverages with water over 6 months can result in weight loss of 2-2.5 percent in obese people.
3. Water increases the burning of calories and the activation of metabolism
Research suggests that drinking water can help burn calories. In a 2014 survey, 12 people who drank 500 mL cold but at room temperature experienced an increase in energy consumption. Water may temporarily increase energy consumption during rest or otherwise the number of calories consumed while sitting. Drinking cold water there is greater improvement incalorie consumption because the body spends energy, or calories, to prepare the water temperature in the stomach for the digestion process.
4. Water helps eliminate unnecessary substances from the body
When the body is dehydrated, it cannot properly dispose of unnecessary substances. Water helps the kidneys to filter out the toxins and substances that are unnecessary as long as the digestive system absorbs the necessary nutrients and electrolytes. When the body is dehydrated, the kidneys retain fluid.
Dehydration can also help with constipation. In addition, water helps the body recover from digestion problems such as diarrhea and indigestion. When the body is burdened with unnecessary substances, the person may feel tired and inflated. So, drinking plenty of water with MOVEO is a good way to eliminate unnecessary substances, which can reduce body weight.
5. Water is essential in burning fat
Without water, the body can not properly metabolize stored fat or carbohydrates. The process of fat metabolism is called lipolysis. The first step in this process is the hydrolysis that occurs when water molecules react with triglycerides to produce glycerol and fatty acid. Consuming the right amount of water is essential in burning fat contained in the food, but also in burning the fat that is already in the body.
6. Water helps with exercise
One of the most important steps in weight loss is exercise. Water helps the muscles, connective tissues and joints to move properly. It also helps the lungs, heart and other organs to function effectively as they increase their activity during exercise. Staying hydrated in the body reduces the risk of unwanted development that can get a good workout, such as muscle cramps and fatigue. Always drink water before, during and after exercise to avoid dehydration.
That is why MOVEO is a must have product for all people that exercise.
How much water do we need?
There is no standard recommendation on how much water you must drink. Some people need more or less water, depending on various factors, such as:
body size
exposure to the sun
Coming Soon to Kickstarter
You can pre-order MOVEO with a 40% discount.
Pre-Order Now
It is certain that MOVEO covers the needs of all individuals regardless of the factors that affect the overall water consumption. So do not miss this unique product that will help you stay hydrated throughout the day and check your body weight. MOVEO will be available on the market in a few days.
Via https://healthperfectionist.com/moveo-hydration-solution-for-weight-loss/
source http://healthperfectionist1.weebly.com/blog/moveo-the-newest-hydration-solution-for-weight-loss
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allisonswisherus · 5 years
Will weight loss lower blood pressure
Overweight and obese people are associated with many health problems. Such problems are diabetes, sleep apnea as well as cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure and high blood pressure.
High blood pressure or hypertension is called the condition in which blood pressure is elevated for a long time over normal levels.
Blood pressure is the force of blood that is exerted against the walls of the arteries.
It reaches the maximum when the myocardium contracts, known as systolic blood pressure, and when the heart rests for a fraction of a second, between the beats the blood pressure decreases known as diastolic blood pressure.
Unfortunately, high blood pressure is a very common phenomenon. A quarter of adults suffer from hypertension and a third of them do not know it. High blood pressure usually does not give signs of early warning and is known as a “silent killer” because it increases the risk of heart attack, strokes and kidney problems. According to the available scientific evidence and data, overweight increases the risk of high blood pressure. It is worth mentioning that 60% of patients with high blood pressure are overweight and 20-30%. Essentially, blood pressure increases as our body weight increases.
How weight loss can help you reduce blood pressure?
It has been shown that for every 10% increase in body weight systolic blood pressure increases by 6.5 mm Hg. The cause of the increase in blood pressure in obese people is not fully specified. Perhaps hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, very often found in obesity, are one of the causes of increased blood pressure. Insulin specifically increases sympathetic nervous system activity and renal sodium resorption and appears to affect the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.
Obesity is classified into various grades depending on the body mass index. The body mass index is a simple and relatively accurate indicator to estimate the degree of obesity and is calculated from the quotient of body weight in kg by the square of height in meters.
As normal body mass index is considered to be from 18.5 to 24. 9 kg / m², overweight people is considered to have a body mass index of 25 to 29.9 kg / m² and an obese person with a body mass index greater than 30 kg / m². Another simple and reliable indicator to estimate obesity is the waist circumference. A waist circumference greater than 102 cm. for men and 88 cm. for women is considered a pathological condition.
Weight loss has been associated with many studies for hypertension. A recent study showed that for every kg of weight loss, both diastolic and systolic blood pressure is reduced by 0.45 mm Hg. Weight loss can be achieved by adopting a lifestyle that involves changing eating habits and increasing physical activity, with some help of medicines and in more advanced cases with surgery.
Aim for realistic goals in order to lose weight and lower your blood pressure
It is very important to set realistic goals to lose weight and reduce blood pressure. Weight loss of 10% over a six month period is considered a good and achievable goal and greatly reduces the severity of complications of obesity, including arterial hypertension.
A calorie deficit of 500-1000 calories per day, depending on the initial body weight, is enough to lower you weight without causing vitamin and trace deficiency.
The amount of fat consumed should be reduced, as is the excessive consumption of sugar and susceptible carbohydrates. Conversely, fiber consumption should be encouraged.
Drinking alcohol should also be drastically reduced as alcohol consumption not only increases the number of calories you receive but also increases your blood pressure.
It should be stressed that each gram of fat gives 9 calories, each gram of protein and carbohydrate 4 calories, while each gram of alcohol 7 calories. Calories from fat should not exceed 30% of the daily calorie intake, 10% only from saturated fats, and the remaining 20% ​​from polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.
Protein calories should be about 15-20%, while calories from carbohydrates 50-55% of the total daily calories. Finally, the diet should contain enough fiber (at least 30 grams) from fruits and vegetables.
Adopting all the above in your daily diet will help you lower your blood pressure in a huge rate.
Studies confirm that weight loss is associated with lower blood pressure.
Many studies have shown the effect of weight loss on lowering blood pressure. The most important is the DASH study.
A multicenter study designed to investigate the effect of certain dietary changes in blood pressure. The study involved 459 patients with systolic blood pressure less than 160 mm. Hg and diastolic between 80 and 95 mm. Hg for whom they did not take antihypertensive therapy.
Initially and for one month all patients received the same diet, which was the typical American diet. They were then divided into three groups. The first group continued the same diet, the second group got a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and the third group got a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, but also dairy low fat, whole grains, poultry and fish, while avoiding red meat. Sodium intake and body weight were maintained at the same levels in all three groups.
The results of DASH Study
After two months in these diets and while there was no change in body weight, there was a change in blood pressure as compared to the group of patients receiving the usual diet, the group taking the diet rich in fruits and vegetables had 2, 8 and 1. 1 mmHg lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respectively.
The results were even better in the diet group rich in fruits and vegetables and low fat as the reduction in systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure was 5. 5 and 3 mm Hg, respectively.
The follow-up of the DASH study was the study where saline intake was reduced in addition to the aforementioned diet.
This study involved 412 patients divided into two main groups. In the first group, nothing changed in the usual diet, while in the second group the patients received the DASH diet and were divided into three subgroups depending on the sodium intake.
The body weight of the patients remained stable throughout the study.
At the end of the one-month study, the group of patients who had a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, low-fat and received a limited amount of salt, had 11.5 and 5.7 mm. Hg lower systolic and diastolic pressure, compared to the group that was taking the usual diet.
Conclusion about hypertension and weight loss
In conclusion, obese patients have high blood pressure, which is improved by weight loss. Weight loss is achieved by diet and increased physical activity.
If blood pressure is not only regulated by weight loss, then antihypertensive drugs with more appropriate converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor antagonists are also available. In any case, it’s not easy to lose weight, and adopt a healthy diet in your life.
Many people get bored or give up as they do not have encouragement. If you are seriously thinking of losing weight in order to lower your blood pressure you should always ask for the support of your friends and family or even join a weight-loss group.
The post Will weight loss lower blood pressure appeared first on Health Perfectionist.
Via https://healthperfectionist.com/weight-loss-lower-blood-pressure/
source http://healthperfectionist1.weebly.com/blog/will-weight-loss-lower-blood-pressure
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allisonswisherus · 5 years
5 Healthy Weight Loss Dinner Ideas
Do you know that dinner can help you lose weight? Losing weight can be a hard task. There are many ways you help your body lose weight. One of them is by preparing the proper dinner. Below you will find some tips and 5 healthy weight loss dinner Ideas that will help you see the desired weight loss results.
Dinner is your best friend in weight loss
First of all, if you are trying to lose weight, your dinner should not exceed 450 calories. You need about 550 calories just to keep your weight as it is. The proper dinner for weight loss should contain 45% to 55% of the total calories in carbohydrates, which correspond to 50 to 70 grams.
Do not be afraid to eat carbohydrates in the evening because you think you will get more weight, because it is important to have total calorie intake. In fact, if you consume complex carbohydrates in your evening meal, it can reduce your raids in the refrigerator late at night.
About 20 to 25% of your dinner calories should be from proteins, which corresponds to 25 to 35 grams. Protein is vital for your body, since it can help you build and maintain your muscles and as your body rebuilds in the evening, securing the protein is important.
Lastly, your dinner should contain 15 to 25 grams of fats, which is about 30% to 35% of your total calories. If you want to lose pounds you should not avoid fats as long as you make the right choices, such as preferring monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat found in olive oil, oily fish, nuts, avocados etc.
5 ideas for healthy dinner recipes that will help you lose Weight
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Asparagus Soup is the best option for dinner if you you want to lose weight
1. Half-Homemade Soup with Asparagus
4 oz chicken breast (skinless)
2 Tablespoon dry quinoa
1 cup chopped kale
2 teaspoon soy sauce
1 cup Amy’s Organic Chunky Vegetable soup
10 small asparagus spears
1/8 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
You bake the chicken for 25 minutes at 350°F. Then shred with a fork. Combine the soup with quinoa and chopped kale in a saucepan, bring to a boil, and simmer for about 15 minutes, until quinoa is done.
Then add the chicken.
Steam asparagus, toss with soy sauce and ginger and serve asparagus on the side. You have a tasty, weight loss recipe with only 330 calories.
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Light Lasagna Dish
2. Light Lasagna dish
1/2 cup cooked whole-wheat spaghetti
1/3 cup prepared tomato sauce
1/2 teaspoon crushed red chili flakes
1/4 cup part-skim ricotta
1 cooked Coleman Natural Mild Chicken Sausage link
2 cups of spinach
One of the most delicious and easy recipes you will find. You just combine the pasta, ricotta, sauce, and chili flakes. You then crumble sausage on top, add the spinach, and let wilt. Your dinner is ready and it only has 350 calories per serving.
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3. Salmon with Lemon and Dill
5 oz of salmon
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2/3 cup parsnips
1 teaspoon dill
1 and 1/2 cup chopped and steamed broccoli
Salmon is one of the best dinner solutions for fast results in weight loss. An easy recipe you can prepare in a couple of minutes. Sprinkle the salmon with lemon juice and dill. Bake at 225°F for 15 minutes.
Your healthy recipe is ready with 261 calories per serving. A nice thing with this healthy recipe is that you can play around with the ingredients and adapt it to your liking.
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4. Cilantro Shrimp with Chard, Squash and Wild Rice
8 large shrimps
1 Tablespoon olive oil
2 teaspoon fresh lime juice
2 teaspoon fresh cilantro
1 yellow squash, sliced
1/4 cup dry wild rice blend
1 cup Swiss chard
Sear shrimp in olive oil over medium heat for 3-4 minutes. Then seasoning with lime juice and cilantro.
Steam squash and chard for 5-6 minutes. Finally cook the rice according to its package directions. A tasty meal with only 370 calories per serving.
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5. Jambalaya Blend with Veggies
1 veggie burger
1/2 cup cooked brown rice
2 Tablespoon salsa
2 Tablespoon corn
1/2 cup green, red, or yellow chopped bell peppers
3/4 cup diced zucchini
3/4 cup diced squash
1/4 cup chopped red onion
1 teaspoon olive oil
Cook the veggie burger in pan spritzed with cooking spray. Chop burger and combine it with the rice, corn, and salsa. Toss the veggies with salt and oil. Finally roast for 15 – 20 minutes, and serve on the side of the dish. A great vegetarian recipe for instant weight loss. With only 360 calories per serving, Jambalaya Blend with Veggies the last choice in our list.
Basic mistakes people make concerning dinner
The first and biggest mistake most people do is that they do not eat carbohydrates. It is true that if you avoid carbohydrates you will lose weight more quickly, but the result will not be permanent.
Studies have shown that those who follow protein diets will, unfortunately, take back all the pounds they have lost.
Also, while avoiding carbohydrates, you are depriving your body of the main fuel for proper function and good health. Your dinner should contain complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, starchy vegetables, and legumes. When you follow a balanced diet it is easier to maintain it in the long run.
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Second mistake is that you use huge dishes. When you are eating in large dishes, your regular portion seems too small, and this is not true. But if you start using smaller dishes and bowls you will eat less food and as a result you will lose weight.
The “rule” of eating dinner by 20:00 is just a myth. You will not get pounds if you choose to consume your dinner a bit later. Everyone has their own schedule, so if you are sleeping at 02:0, it is not possible to eat your last meal before 20:00. It is better though to eat dinner two to three hours before falling to sleep.
Weight loss is simple math. You need to consume fewer calories than the ones you burn and always follow a balanced diet in order to have long-term results. Ideally, you should eat small snacks during the day, two to three hours before the main meals.
Healthy breakfast smoothies recipes for weight loss is a great choice if you want something light before your main meal.
The post 5 Healthy Weight Loss Dinner Ideas appeared first on Health Perfectionist.
Via https://healthperfectionist.com/healthy-weight-loss-dinner-ideas/
source http://healthperfectionist1.weebly.com/blog/5-healthy-weight-loss-dinner-ideas
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