allthiswvndering · 2 years
Cute yoga mat for gf
Hello everyone! First for all, I would like to apologize for my english in advance. It is not my native language and I type from a smartphone.
To the point - I want to buy new yoga mat for my girlfriend. She already had two mats. One began to crumble quickly and second is not thick enough for her not hurt joints.
The idea is some cute and cheesy mat with unicorns, or grinch etc. BUT the issue is i found those only about 3,5mm thick and it is not enough. Do you have any recommendations?
Thank you all for your time.
submitted by /u/Horror_Appeal_9693 [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/B5moEFq
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
B Mat vs. Liforme
Hi everyone! I’m thinking of getting a yoga mat for my birthday - I’m from the UK and go to classes fairly regularly, and am also trying to practice at home.
I’ve bought a few cheap mats but I can’t hold my downward dog due to sweaty palms, so if I’m going to invest in an expensive mat then I really need it to be non-slip! I’ve seen good things about the B Mat and Liforme; and also the Lululemon Namastay but it’s out of stock.
Please let me know which you would recommend the most for being non-slip! Thank you.
submitted by /u/Fit_Substance8451 [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/3a0WZVm
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
Hurt my shoulder doing yoga
I was on day 28 of a 30 day challenge and I think I injured my rotator cuff doing chaturanga 😭 it’s been 6 weeks & it’s not healed so my doctor said it’s chronic. I thought it was healed a couple times so I did yoga and it flared up again. I’m so sad. Yoga is my favourite way to workout. Just ranting I guess 😮‍💨 has this happened to you before? I’d love to know your experience and/or advice.
submitted by /u/aaj_123 [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/cm3EB9F
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
Vinyasa / Ashtanga recommendations in East London
Hey guys, I’m looking for recommendations for above anywhere in East London. Specifically, I would love a class with an experienced teacher and CRUCIALLY with no music or at least not distracting music, especially during shavasana. I’ve found every class I’ve gone to plays jarring music during the class and I find it really stressful / not relaxing / not in the spirit of yoga as an individual practice and I absolutely hate it! Any recommendations much appreciated 🙏🙏🙏
submitted by /u/hbel1mil [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/LhZDBle
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
What dietary supplements do I need for replenishment?
Hello, I do a lot of hot yoga and sweat profusely and feel like I’m losing lots of the good things my body needs to function properly.. (I’ve been fatigued lately.)
Do you guys have any suggestions on what I should eat/take after/before a hot yoga class?
submitted by /u/Ddw1988 [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/bzd1TGu
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
Will YTT teach me about proper alignment, injury prevention, and modifications? (because yoga teachers have NOT!)
I started this post to ask for advice, but upon re-reading it it's at least 40% salty rant, oops.
One of my main reasons for practising yoga is to be healthy, mobile and fit into old age, and I generally expect yoga to help me with aches and pains. As I get older (I'm not even 30 yet) I've started to accumulate many old injuries, repetitive stress injuries, and generally weak joints.
I now notice that I'm sometimes MORE sore after a practice, not less. I'm not sure if I'm pushing myself too deeply in to poses, not warming up enough, doing poses with poor alignment, or I just generally need to accept that my body is not the same as it was 10 years ago and I should stop doing certain poses. I started doing yoga as a teenager when my body didn't care if I warmed up or not, and now that that's no longer the case, I'm having to re-learn a lot of basic alignment and sequencing principles that I feel like I should already know (I'm sure I'm not the only one in this situation).
As I learn more about yoga myself, I've become increasingly disillusioned/distrustful of yoga teachers who have failed to notice that I was doing a pose with poor alignment (or failed to say something), have been too enthusiastic about pushing me farther in to a pose, or when I ask them for a modification, they don't have one, so they just tell me to skip the poses. As one example, after about 5 years of practising weekly in studios, one teacher (out of 20+) finally pointed out to me that I'd been overextending my elbows in DD that whole time. I've lived in many different places and have therefore gone to countless yoga studios, big and small, learned from yoga teachers in their homes and taken 1:1 classes. I would say the majority of them have not been very helpful. I now practice almost exclusively at home with youtube because I don't think I'm missing anything from in-person classes- few teachers help with alignment or corrections anyway. Although I constantly worry that if I was going something incorrectly in a way that could harm me, nobody is around to notice.
I'm considering doing an intensive YTT course so that I can teach myself better (I'm not particularly interested in teaching other people, at least not as a job). But I wonder, if all my yoga teachers couldn't teach me much about alignment, can the yoga teacher trainers do it? If I'm mainly interested in improving my own practice, should I do YTT or would a yoga retreat be more helpful and less expensive? Can you suggest any youtube channels or other resources that focus on proper alignment? If I do a YTT, what would you recommend looking for to find a course that focuses on alignment and injury safety (as opposed to instagrammable poses). If I sign up for a course and they ask if I have any injuries, and I have to tell them yes, several, are they not going to want me on the course? Any advice along those lines is appreciated, and also if I'm being way too salty about all this, let me know. Maybe I should be seeking advice from a physio instead of yoga teachers, maybe I should not be complaining so much about the natural aspects of getting older.
Some background if it's helpful: I've been practising yoga for over 10 years but never very 'seriously' (whatever that means- I practice 4ish times a week but I've never progressed beyond an intermediate level), I'm nearing 30, and I gravitate towards vinyasa classes.
PS. I spent my evening reading through most of the FAQ posts on YTT and alignment, and there's a lot of excellent advice in there, but I didn't really find the answer to my specific question(s).
Thank you for taking the time to read my complaints and offer your advice.
submitted by /u/sooowise [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/YhAmoHd
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
Can someone explain this quote from kabir teaching please
''... Therefore, those who do jaap of ‘Jyoti Niranjan’ naam, they can not escape from Kaal(devil) ’s trap i.e. they can not go to Satlok. By doing jaap of shabd ‘Omkaar’ (Om), a devotee reaches the state of Bhoonchri mudra. Ved Vyaas did sadhna of this and remained in Kaal’s trap. By jaap of ‘SohM’ naam, one attains the state of Agochari mudra, and reaches Bhanvar Gufa (cave) built in Kaal’s lok but cannot attain salvation... ''
So basically aum and Soham sadhana cannot reach you to moksha
submitted by /u/olivier753 [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/a7zVNAB
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
Thoughts on transitioning to down dog app from YWA?
Apologies in advance for the lengthy post…
I’ve been dabbling in yoga on & off for a couple years, doing YWA, Yoga with Kassandra, or Peloton yoga classes here and there (I took Bikram classes for awhile several years ago as well). A few ago I committed to doing Kassandra’s 30 day bedtime yin program and the change in my mental state was incredible so I’ve continued to repeat the program over and over since. Two months ago I committed to also starting a daily practice in the morning to work on my flexibility. I’m approaching the end of my second consecutive YWA 30 day program and want to progress into something good a little more advanced. I’ve seen mixed feedback on this sub about the transition from YWA to the Down Dog app and it being quite a jump in difficulty and some people even getting injured
My question is: what are everyone’s thoughts on moving my morning practices to Down Dog vs. using Peloton and/or Kassandra’s videos?
And if I do move to Down Dog what level is recommended? I’ve certainly done more than 10 classes of online counts and I can do crow pose, but I’m really apprehensive about picking a level where I might injure / or reinjure myself (herniated my L5/S1 twice in my 20s from lower body muscle imbalances).
TLDR: After 60 days of YWA should I move to Down Dog app or stick to Yoga with Kassandra and/or Peloton yoga?
submitted by /u/NothingWithoutHouse [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/U0M7fDk
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
submitted by /u/aakriti1357 [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/LoBcrdT
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
Deepening butterfly pose
The other day i was doing this pose in a reclined position. Unplanned, my young son came up to me and gently pushed down on my knees and it seemed to push me past this barrier of tightness that I can’t seem to get through in my hips and groin. Is there a way that I can emulate what he did? I tried to push on my knees when I was in a seated butterfly pose, but it seemed to mess with my posture and my wonky shoulders. Ideas?
submitted by /u/FuzzyWuzzy44 [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/WGL1xqU
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
What are you thinking about when you are doing yoga?
I've always done yoga somewhat mechanically for stretching purposes as I find I am refreshed for my run/bike the next day. That said, I want to ask is there a mindful or meditative component to yoga that is practiced simultaneously with the stretching component? I haven't found this talked about in online resources I follow. But I have been thinking I could be more mindful of my stretching.
I'm curious how traditionally yoga is practice but the mind/body?
submitted by /u/MMM-TripleMark [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/lQZco2F
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
Yoga help vote please 😀
Hey guys can you go vote for my friend, she is trying to win a prize for her Yoga business https://iamyogawarrior.com/2022/jessica-monteggia it's free, much appreciated
Sorry about the spam :/ , just trying to help a friend
submitted by /u/jjdd1211 [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/8fx3leo
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
ashtanga mantra!
submitted by /u/yogaavadhutam [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/Y4LrK2C
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
[COMP] Turning Into A Teardrop 💧 (Purna Dhanurasana)
submitted by /u/slothdra [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/qQE0oVU
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
This makes me happy every time!
submitted by /u/CandaceParkerx [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/BCqknLj
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
[COMP] inversions are my favorite. Photographed by Wanda Photography
submitted by /u/callmelittlesunshine [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/OyavQji
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allthiswvndering · 2 years
ACL reconstruction surgery and yoga.
Having ACLR surgery next month, autograft from my hamstring. I am terrified that I’ll lose the ability to practice the type of yoga classes I take.
I am a very active 29 year old and I take heated power flow/center flow/Pilates classes every single day. It’s my greatest passion in life. Hoping to hear some encouragement from other people that have had a hamstring graft and/or ACL reconstruction and still practice yoga without pain or inability to do certain poses. I really hope to obtain a yoga teacher training cert. some day. Staying optimistic but I would love to hear about other peoples experience with hamstring grafts and yoga.
submitted by /u/Ocean_Influence [link] [comments] from yoga https://ift.tt/6AUD39c
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