Homestay Terlaris dan Termurah Di Kota Batu
Homestay Terlaris dan Termurah Di Kota Batu
Di sewakan homestay terlaris dan termurah di Kota Batu. Cocok untuk keluarga dan Backpacker
Lokasi di Jalan Alpukat No.25 RT.02 RW.01 Oro-oro Ombo Kota Wisata Batu dekat dengan Jatim Park 2 (1,5 Km)
Fasilitas : Ruang santai, tujuh kamar tidur, tujuh kamar mandi plus air panas, Ruang keluarga, Musolla, dua kamar mandi, Taman, Saung santai, Parkir luas, dapur dan perlengkapan, Dispenser galon untuk Buat Kopi dan teh plus gula gratis
Harga :
- 1 Kamar  Rp125.000,-/malam
- 2 Kamar  Rp250.000,-/malam
- 3 Kamar  Rp375.000,-/malam
- 4 Kamar  Rp500.000,-/malam
- 5 Kamar  Rp525.000,-/malam
- 6 Kamar  Rp750.000,-/malam
- 7 Kamar  Rp875.000,-/malam
- Rombongan 30 Orang => 7 Kamar  Rp1.000.000,-/malam
- 1 Kamar  Rp150.000,-/malam
- 2 Kamar  Rp300.000,-/malam
- 3 Kamar  Rp450.000,-/malam
- 4 Kamar  Rp600.000,-/malam
- 5 Kamar  Rp750.000,-/malam
- 6 Kamar  Rp900.000,-/malam
- 7 Kamar  Rp1.050.000,-/mlm
- Rombongan 30 Orang => 7 Kamar  Rp1.250.000,-/malam
Kami juga menyewakan Sepeda Motor untuk Tamu Homestay Kami (Backpacker)
WA/ Line :+6281232074551/+6285230182329
BBM : D74017EC
Twitter : https://twitter.com/AlpukatHomestay
Fan page :https://www.facebook.com/alpukathomestay/
Path :https://path.com/profile/9nIdP
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April ahead. There is a habit that we should be aware of ignorance together as a Muslim; 1 April as an April Fool’s day. April Fool’s Day itself is the day where people were allowed to cheat and lie to others. But do you know whether it is actually an April Fool?
History of April Fools
Actually, April Fool’s Day is a celebration of the victory over the killing of thousands of Muslim Spain by the crusaders were done through means of deception. That is why, they celebrate April Fool by way of deception and lies legalize though wrapped with a pretext just entertainment or mere fad.
Usually people will answer that April Fool-the only force on 1 April is the day where we can and legitimate deceive friends, parents, siblings, or other, and the targets should not be angry or emotional when she realized that she had was subjected to April Fool. Usually the targets, if it is conscious contact with April Fool’s, then he also will laugh or minimal swearing disgust, of course not a real upset.
Although not as popular as the celebration of the new year, or Valentine’s Day, April Fool’s culture in the last two decades shows a tendency that the more familiar in our urban communities. Especially among young people. Not impossible anyway, the future will also extend to people who live in rural areas. Ironically, people easily imitate Western culture without criticized beforehand, whether it is good or not culture, beneficial or otherwise.
April Fool’s celebration begins with a great tragedy that is very sad and heartbreaking? April Fool’s Day, or the April’s Fool Day, originated from an episode of the history of Muslim Spain in 1487 AD, or coinciding with 892 H.
Since freed Islam in the 8th century AD by Commander Tariq ibn Ziyad, Spain gradually grown into a prosperous country. Islamic forces not only stop in Spain, but continue to liberation in countries around towards France. South of France easily released. City of Carcassone, Nimes, Bordeaux, Lyon, Poitou, Tours, and so falls. Although very powerful, Islamic forces still tolerate and Navaro Goth tribes in the area west of the mountains. Islam has put Spain.
Because of the attitude of the Muslim rulers were so kind and humble, many Spaniards who then sincerely and willingly embraced Islam. Muslim Spain not only Muslims, but earnestly practicing Islamic way of life. Not just reading the Qur’an, but behave based on the Qur’an. They always say no to music, beer, promiscuity, and all things Islamic prohibited. The state of peace as it lasted almost six centuries.
Along the infidels who still around Spain tirelessly continues to purge Islam of Spain, but always failed. So dikirimlah number of spies to study the weakness of the Muslims of Spain.
Finally they found a way to conquer Islam, namely by first weaken their faith through the attack of thought and culture. Then began secretly they send free alcohol and cigarettes into the territory of Spain. Music is played to persuade the youth to be more like singing and dancing rather than reading the Qur’an. They also sent a number of false scholars to blow-niupkan split into the body of Muslims Spain. Over time these efforts to fruition.
Finally Spain falls and can be controlled by Crusaders. Attacks by the Crusaders really done without knowing the cruel humanity. Not only Muslim troops slaughtered, but also civilians, women, small children, old people. One by one region in Spain falls.
Granada was the last area of ​​the conquered. Residents of Islam in Spain (also called the Moors) forced to take refuge in the house to save themselves. The soldiers continued to pursue their crosses. When the streets were deserted, the only remaining thousands of corpses bathed in a pool of blood, the crusaders know that many Muslims of Granada were still hiding in the houses. With a loud crusaders shouted announcement, that the Muslims of Granada could get out of the house safely and allowed to sail out of Spain by bringing objects to use them.
The Muslims are still suspicious of this offer. However, some of the Muslims allowed to see themselves passenger vessels which had been prepared in the harbor. After actually seeing a ship that has been provided, they were immediately prepared to leave Granada and sailed from Spain.
The next day, thousands of Muslim Granada out of their homes by bringing across the supplies, hand in hand walked to the harbor. Some Muslims who do not believe crusaders, chose to survive and continue to hide in their homes. After thousands of Muslims Spain gathered at the port, quickly crusaders searched the homes that have been abandoned. Visible flames licking the sky when they burned the houses, together with the Muslims who remained in it.
Medium thousands of Muslims were detained at the port, can only be stunned when the crusaders were burning ships said to be transporting them out of Spain. The ships were quickly drowned. Thousands of Muslims can not do anything because it’s completely unarmed. They are also mostly made up of women with children are still small. Being the crusaders had surrounded them with drawn swords.
With a shout of its leaders, thousands of crusaders immediately slaughtered Muslims Spain without compassion. Wild cry and Takbir formations. The entire Muslim Spain in the port runs cruelly murdered. Pooled blood everywhere. Blue sea has turned into a dusky red.
This tragedy coincides with April 1. This was later celebrated by the Christian world every April 1 as April Fools (The April’s Fool Day). On April 1, people were allowed to cheat and lie to others. For Christians, April Fool’s Day is a day of victory over the killing of thousands of Muslim Spain by the crusaders through fraudulent means. That is why, they celebrate April Fool by way of deception and lies legalize though wrapped with a pretext just entertainment or mere fad.
For Muslims, April Fool’s certainly a terrible tragedy. Day where thousands of his brothers se-faith slaughtered and butchered by the crusaders in Granada, Spain. Therefore, it is very inappropriate also Muslims who join in celebrating this tradition. Anyone Muslims celebrate the April Fool, then he actually is celebrating the birthday massacre of thousands of brothers in Granada, Spain, 5 centuries ago.
So, look around you, your child, or your own, may be exposed to wrap cruel April Fool without us knowing. (Sa / various sources)
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What they said about Alpukat homestay
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How to choose a good homestay when vacationing with family
Ever experienced this? When it comes to hotels we ordered, it turns out the hotel is not as good as the photos posted on the website. Alternatively, already pay expensive and carry a child, but it turns out the hotel that was booked did not have a play area and a swimming pool.
Consideration chose the hotel as a place to stay during the holidays for each person is different. Most people consider the hotel during the holidays is not the main thing for the hotel is seen only as a place to sleep and shower only.
But most other people actually think the hotel is a second home, a place of rest, eat well, and served the hotel staff. If bringing children, the hotel became a place to play with the children.
The most important factor in choosing a hotel is to adjust to the needs. Choose a hotel for business interests who do have a job supporting facilities eg a complete business center such as fax machines, telephones, the Internet, computers, and so on.
For the holidays, adjust to taste the prepared holiday. Here are some things to consider when choosing a hotel for the holidays.
Price. Look for hotels with prices to suit your budget. Not to spend money on vacation outside capabilities.
Budget hotel budget on the strategy during the holidays. For example, it could put more pressure on the budget for the cost of the hotel because they want better use the money for culinary and shopping or for transportation.
Location. Make sure you get a picture of the hotel’s location. Is it far from the city center? Is it close to a tourist area you want to visit? How to transport to get to the hotel, it is difficult or much choice?
Important also confirmed that the area is not the area near the black areas eg rundown, nightlife, or endanger the safety of life. Find out the facilities around the hotel. Do a lot of places to eat so you can easily buy food and drink? Especially if you bring children, if there are drugstores and supermarkets?
Amenities. Find out as much detail as possible the facilities available and select as needed. Its main room facilities, for example, use air conditioners or fans, no hot water to shower or not, there is a window or not.
Especially if you have specific needs, for example, used to shower with warm water, find out facility warm water in the shower. For a guesthouse or hostel room that we make sure the position in which floor message. And whether the available elevators or stairs.
Besides the rooms, the hotel facilities such as whether the receiving laundry or clothes washing services. If there are, how much they cost. When you intend to spend more time in the hotel, the spa facilities, fitness center, play areas for children, swimming pools, cafes and restaurants are also worth considering.
Testimony. Do not be lazy to read reviews or reviews of the guests at the websites of hotel booking services. Generally, guests who stayed will tell you in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the hotel start of the service, the facilities, to the location.
Recommendation. Questions to relatives or friends who have been to the country or region you want to visit. Ask for their opinions and experiences for choosing hotels in the area. As well as their opinions about the hotel where they stayed.
If you are still confused, maybe Alpukat Homestay. Could be your recommendation together out to the Batu Tourism City.
Because we are very strategic place, and close to tourist attractions like BNS, Jatipark 2, and Eco Green Park. Issue price, do not worry because it’s the place we most suitable for you and your family.
More info contact
WA/ Line :+6281232074551/+6285230182329
BBM : D74017EC
Twitter : https://twitter.com/AlpukatHomestay
Fan page :https://www.facebook.com/alpukathomestay/
Path :https://path.com/profile/9nIdP
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How to choose a good homestay when vacationing with family
Ever experienced this? When it comes to hotels we ordered, it turns out the hotel is not as good as the photos posted on the website. Alternatively, already pay expensive and carry a child, but it turns out the hotel that was booked did not have a play area and a swimming pool.
Consideration chose the hotel as a place to stay during the holidays for each person is different. Most people consider the hotel during the holidays is not the main thing for the hotel is seen only as a place to sleep and shower only.
But most other people actually think the hotel is a second home, a place of rest, eat well, and served the hotel staff. If bringing children, the hotel became a place to play with the children.
The most important factor in choosing a hotel is to adjust to the needs. Choose a hotel for business interests who do have a job supporting facilities eg a complete business center such as fax machines, telephones, the Internet, computers, and so on.
For the holidays, adjust to taste the prepared holiday. Here are some things to consider when choosing a hotel for the holidays.
Price. Look for hotels with prices to suit your budget. Not to spend money on vacation outside capabilities.
Budget hotel budget on the strategy during the holidays. For example, it could put more pressure on the budget for the cost of the hotel because they want better use the money for culinary and shopping or for transportation.
Location. Make sure you get a picture of the hotel's location. Is it far from the city center? Is it close to a tourist area you want to visit? How to transport to get to the hotel, it is difficult or much choice?
Important also confirmed that the area is not the area near the black areas eg rundown, nightlife, or endanger the safety of life. Find out the facilities around the hotel. Do a lot of places to eat so you can easily buy food and drink? Especially if you bring children, if there are drugstores and supermarkets?
Amenities. Find out as much detail as possible the facilities available and select as needed. Its main room facilities, for example, use air conditioners or fans, no hot water to shower or not, there is a window or not.
Especially if you have specific needs, for example, used to shower with warm water, find out facility warm water in the shower. For a guesthouse or hostel room that we make sure the position in which floor message. And whether the available elevators or stairs.
Besides the rooms, the hotel facilities such as whether the receiving laundry or clothes washing services. If there are, how much they cost. When you intend to spend more time in the hotel, the spa facilities, fitness center, play areas for children, swimming pools, cafes and restaurants are also worth considering.
Testimony. Do not be lazy to read reviews or reviews of the guests at the websites of hotel booking services. Generally, guests who stayed will tell you in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the hotel start of the service, the facilities, to the location.
Recommendation. Questions to relatives or friends who have been to the country or region you want to visit. Ask for their opinions and experiences for choosing hotels in the area. As well as their opinions about the hotel where they stayed.
If you are still confused, maybe Alpukat Homestay. Could be your recommendation together out to the Batu Tourism City.
Because we are very strategic place, and close to tourist attractions like BNS, Jatipark 2, and Eco Green Park. Issue price, do not worry because it's the place we most suitable for you and your family.
More info contact
WA/ Line :+6281232074551/+6285230182329
BBM : D74017EC
Twitter : https://twitter.com/AlpukatHomestay
Fan page :https://www.facebook.com/alpukathomestay/
Path :https://path.com/profile/9nIdP
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BEHIND prayer was not granted
BEHIND prayer was not granted There is someone who diligently pray, ask God the same thing. The pious person. Good worship. But prayer never answered. A month wait still not come true as well. Fixed she prayed. Three months have not. Fixed she prayed.
Until almost a year of prayer which he prayed, not been answered as well. She viewed her office. His mediocre. Not special. Prayer is perforated, perforated.
His behavior often goes wrong, often trickery, lying here and there. But strangely, what he Doain, all filled. This pious man was surprised. Finally, he was dateng an Islamic cleric.
The story was he the problems being faced. About prayers were answered when she's hard-abiding, while his stubborn, even be what he wants.
Smile this chaplain. Ask the chaplain to this person. If you no longer sit in the stalls, then coming singers, it looks sloppy, playing music was not right, off-key voice, how? Sholeh people had answered, immediately I love pack cleric, do not hold back to see and hear him a long time there, while singing anyway.
If his singers who came tidy, playing music was nice, soft voice, can bring all the songs you like, how? Well, if so, I listen to the chaplain. I let him sing until the end. Lama was not a problem. If necessary I ordered to sing again. Sing until the album was me willingly. If the earlier singers I love the 500, which is 10,000 too bold, chaplain.
Pak cleric smiled. so son. God when he saw you, pious, came to Him, God heard your prayers at home. Looking at you. And God wants you often see in a long time. Build God, love of what you want it easy to correct. But he want to restrain you let the solemn, let me near thee. Try to imagine, if your prayer is granted cepet, what are you going to come this close? And at the end of the day, what you get is likely much greater than what you are asking.
Different as your friend. God do not want to think, he's anywhere near the same God. Already left, though steeped in sin he wrote this. So God's love hastily wrote. already. Quota so much alone. Do not add more.
And rest assured, sir chaplain said, if what you ask of God's love turns out not to end your life, still there is an afterlife, son. The best of retaliation is the ration of paradise for us. We are not going to feel less there.
Realized was that man. He also would like to seek forgiveness, already prejudiced to God. Yet God really very fond of her.
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Perhaps many people think, why Alpukat Homestay be on those who take family or relatives? Or maybe Friends backpacker, who was cruising in Batu?the Alpukat Homestay are one of Homestay or the Villa one - the only provides cheap rates, according to the pockets of the Backpacker or small families who are on a vacation in Batu Tourism City.
The air is cool, because it is located at the foot of the mountain Panderman added comfort when you stay at Alpukat Homestay. Moreover, rural atmosphere which is still quite beautiful and natural make you feel at home in Alpukat Homestay.
Alpukat Homestay, also close to tourist attractions such as BNS (800 meters), Jatimpark 2 (1.5 Km), Eco Green Park (2 km), Jatimpak 1 (2.5 km), the Transport Museum (3 km), and Alun - alun Kota Batu (3.5 km )
With adequate means and facilities, and it is strategically located for sightseeing, you can feel the comfort Alpukat Homestay with cheap price. Homstay amenities include: 1. 7 (Seven) The bedrooms are spacious enough 2. 7 (Seven) bathroom + hot water, and 2 (two) bathroom + hot water
3. Small mosque
4. The family room is spacious + TV
5. Free Wifi
6. Dispenser for Coffee, Tea with Sugar Free ...!
7. spacious rear garden + saung relaxed. Can make a bonfire + mini outbound with family
8. Kitchen + Cookware
9. Parking Area
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Serial Yubo dan Bah
Di sebuah kantin kampus, Yubo sedang merana, karena sebentar lagi liburan kampus tetapi dia masih bingung masih mau liburan di mana.   Sesaat kemudian, datang Bah yang dengan senyum cengernya, berjalan dengan santai menemui Yubo yang sedang merana.
Bah : Galau lagi, Yu?
Yubo : Aku sedang merana, mas…,
Bah : Merana apa lagi? Di tagih hutang Mak Untik ?
Yubo : (menggelengkan kepalanya)
Bah : Lha, terus apa ?
Yubo : Aku bingung mau liburan kemana, apalagi sebentar lagi liburan…
Bah : Gitu saja kok bingung, yu…
Yubo : Bagaimana enggak bingung, mas. Mau liburan, banyak homestay yang menaikan harga, mau yang lebih murah, jauh dari tempat wisata.
Bah : Lha, terus. Kamu mau Homestay seperti apa?
Yubo : Homestay yang murah, dekat tempat wisata, dan fasilitanya lengkap.
Bah : Bagaimana kalau ke Alpukat Homestay saja?
Yubo : Alpukat Homestay? (berfikir)
Bah : Iya, Alpukat Homestay yang ada di Kota Batu itu.
Yubo : Homestay dekat tempat wisata itu ?
Bah : Iya…
Yubo : Homestay yang nyaman itu, kan ?
Bah : Cakep…,
Yubo : Homestay yang masih kaki gunung panderman ?
Bah : Iya, banget…
Yubo : Homestay murah meriah di tengah pedesaan ?
Bah : Tepat, banget…
Yubo : Homestay yang…
Bah : Sudah, deh. Jangan di teruskan, pokoknya Homestaynya murah, sejuk, dan nyaman. Kamu tinggal booking, dan pas hari H kamu tinggal menginap sambil berlibur.
Yubo : Terus tipe – tipe homestaynya, bagaimana ?
Bah : (ambil androit) Lihat, nih…
    Yubo : Wah, bagus – bagus kamarnya. Lalu bookingnya bagaimana ?
Bah: Kalau ingin booking. Hubungi nomor ini saja +6281232074551/+6285230182329
Atau Lewat BBM : D74017EC
Yubo : Wah, terimakasih ya mas. Aku akan booking kamarnya secepatnya…..
Beberapa Hari kemudian….
Bah: Lho, yu. Kenapa muka kamu kusut lagi? Bukannya sudah pesan homestay?
Yubo : Homestaynya… (sambil mewek)
Bah : Kenapa dengan Homestaynya?
Yubo : Homestaynya ternyata banyak yang booking, dan aku tidak kebagian kamar. Hiks…hiks…
Bah : Apa yang aku bilang beberapa hari yang lalu? CEPETAN BOOKING, sebelum kehabisan. Sekarang, rasakan tuh liburan di kos -kosan sendiri.
Yubo : Mas bujuk adminnya, ya? Kan, Mas Bah cakep. Hiks..hiks…
Bah :(langsung menjitak jitak Yubo) Emangnya admin Alpukat Homestay itu ceweku? Gak usah lah, ya…
Yubo: Please…
Bah: Enggak…
Yubo : Please…
Bah : Kagak…..kagak…. titik gak pake koma.
NB : Makanya, kalau melakukan sesuatu, harus di rencanakan dulu sampai FIX…..
Info penginapan
WA/ Line :+6281232074551/+6285230182329
BBM : D74017EC
Twitter : https://twitter.com/AlpukatHomestay
Fan page :https://www.facebook.com/alpukathomestay/
Path :https://path.com/profile/9nIdP
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life is like a spinning wheel. Sometimes the above and sometimes below. If we want to succeed, be like a wheel Always follow lap after lap So that we know how successful it is to be achieved
Alpukat Homestay
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Bagi yang ingin liburan di Batu sambil menginap ini remendasi buat kalian semua
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Apa kata mereka tentang Alpukat Homestay?
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Homestay Murah, Homestay Nyaman dan Sejuk di Kota Batu
Hunian Nyaman Sejuk, dan Murah Di Kota Wisata Batu
Penginapan Murah Bagi Keluarga Di KWB
Villa Sejuk dan Nyaman Di Kaki Gunung Panderman
Di Jaman sekarang, banyak sekali Homestay – homestay yang sedang berjamur, dan selalu ada perang harga antar sesama Homestay. Bahkan banyak Homestay yang menambah Fasilitas – fasilitas yang memadai untuk   menarik pengunjung untuk menginap di Homestay tersebut.
Kini, Anda semua  tidak perlu khawatir untuk mencari penginapan yang murah dan nyaman.
Homestay Alpukat Batu Malang adalah salah satu penginapan terbaik di kota batu dan yang paling kami rekomendasikan bagi anda yang sedang mencari penginapan di batu malang. Homestay Alpukat memiliki fasilitas yang lengkap diantaranya Enam kamar tidur, Enam kamar mandi plus air panas dan 2 kamar mandi umum plus air panas, Saung santai, Ruang Santai, Taman, Parkir luas, Dispenser Galon buat Kopi, Teh plus gula gratis.
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Lokasi di Jalan Alpukat No.25 RT.02 RW.01 Oro-oro Ombo Kota Wisata Batu (800 meter dari BNS)
KAMARAN Weekday : 125rb/malam Weekend : 150rb/malam
RUMAH Weekday 2 Kamar : 250rb/malam Weekend 2 Kamar : 300rb/malam
ROMBONGAN (30 orang) Weekday 6 Kamar : 900rb/malam Weekend 6 Kamar : 1,150rb/malam
Kami juga menyewakan Sepeda Motor untuk Tamu Homestay Kami (Backpacker)
N.B : Info lebih lanjut
WA/ Line :+6281232074551/+6285230182329
BBM : D74017EC
Twitter : https://twitter.com/AlpukatHomestay
Fan page :https://www.facebook.com/alpukathomestay/
Path :https://path.com/profile/9nIdP
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Mau Wisata dan menginap di Kota Wisata Batu? Di Alpukat Homestay tempatnya. 
N.B : Info lebih lanjut WA/ Line :+6281232074551/+6285230182329 BBM : D74017EC Twitter : https://twitter.com/AlpukatHomestay Fan page :https://www.facebook.com/alpukathomestay/ Path :https://path.com/profile/9nIdP
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Akhirnya Alpukat Homestay memiliki akun Tumblr
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