amphibiandrama · 12 days
I guess asking an anon who's saying I wont "go unchallenged" what they're actually going to do to do that is an.....ego thing? I dont get your point. Also ah ok I'm not worth responding too.....after you claimed I DOXXED two people and I responded to that calling your bullshit because you had presented no evidence I ran the account that did that. I'm gonna say this again: If you have such strong reasons to believe I was ZPReceipts, why the actual fuck havent you released anything??????? Provide evidence or stop making claims you are unwilling to back up
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Also yeah this is definetely about what I said to an anon on here a few days ago.
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amphibiandrama · 12 days
just remembered that this exists
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Milena, you know my age. I'm not some 13 year old in her first week on the internet. I know why doxxing is taken so seriously. It can legitimately put people in danger. You implying that I "dont know any better and dont understand the harm I'm potentially causing" (while also saying I was ZPReceipts, so a double lie) is extremely infantalizing. I do know better and know the harm doxxing can cause, which is why you claiming this pisses me off so much. I know you're not gonna respond, despite claiming to have definitive and strong evidence. Apart from my personal reasons for disliking you claiming the things you claim, even from a neutral outside perspective its really weird. You make a claim (me having owned the ZPReceipts account), dont back it up despite saying you have evidence, double down on it again without providing evidence and add another accusation (the doxxing) that is based on something you havent proven. There is no world in which this looks good, even just from an abstract.
anyways rambles over
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amphibiandrama · 12 days
just remembered that this exists
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Milena, you know my age. I'm not some 13 year old in her first week on the internet. I know why doxxing is taken so seriously. It can legitimately put people in danger. You implying that I "dont know any better and dont understand the harm I'm potentially causing" (while also saying I was ZPReceipts, so a double lie) is extremely infantalizing. I do know better and know the harm doxxing can cause, which is why you claiming this pisses me off so much. I know you're not gonna respond, despite claiming to have definitive and strong evidence. Apart from my personal reasons for disliking you claiming the things you claim, even from a neutral outside perspective its really weird. You make a claim (me having owned the ZPReceipts account), dont back it up despite saying you have evidence, double down on it again without providing evidence and add another accusation (the doxxing) that is based on something you havent proven. There is no world in which this looks good, even just from an abstract.
anyways rambles over
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amphibiandrama · 12 days
Go away. Literally no one wants you here.
stop me then
I'll keep saying what I have to say wether you like it or not. Also bold to speak for a large group of people when on anon
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amphibiandrama · 12 days
You aren’t a victim of P&Z. Their actual victims, like Noeh, and yes Milena, have said they don’t want you involved. It’s unhinged to keep pushing yourself into this situation. It makes it seem like you don’t actually care about the victims.
I don’t care what you do in Courtney’s discord, or Britt’s discord if she has one. If they want a 15 year-old involved in the Lily shit, that’s their business. But you aren’t going to keep making things worse for P&Z victims unchallenged.
What. The fuck. Are you talking about. Yes I've posted about ZP in the past. But I have no intentions of doing so again. Also: How is giving my opinions on what is happening with ZP drama "making it seem like I dont care about the victims"???? The fuck???? Just for the record: I was only in Courtneys old server and am not in his new server. I was never involved with Lily stuff, nor will I ever be.
I dont want to talk about ZP drama publicly anymore. I think I've pretty much said everything I'd ever want to say about it. Now, I know Milena doesnt approve of me talking about ZP drama, which to be fair, yes I did promise her to stay out of it. And yes, I broke that promise, the reason for which being paranoia+anxiety. Thats not an excuse tho, just an explanation. And I stopped after Courtney told me to stop. Thetime after that where I talked about ZP stuff was when someone took @/PoppyDiabolique on twitter and Saige took the opportunity to accuse me of running that account and the ZPReceipts one. I defended myself from that, to which I had every damn fucking right. Third time was when Dormiyu was getting blackmailed, to which yeah, my input wasnt needed and I didnt need to say anything. But none of that made "things worse for PZs victims"
Here's the thing: I'm really damn sure that when you say that I'm making things worse for ZPs victims, you mean I'm making things worse for @transpersian. Nothing else makes any fucking sense with what I've been talking about here+on my twitter. Now, if me calling out Milena for baselessly accusing me of things and leaking private info is hurting her credibility/making things worse for her I will tell you and her (though I have some thoughts on if those arent the same) this: Should have thought about that before doing the things I've been calling you out for. If you being a piece of shit being revealed and broadcast hurts your credibility, maybe you shouldnt have been/be a lying piece of shit? Just a thought and my opinions though.
To end this off. Anon, or Milena as I somewhat assume its you writing these: Whatcha gonna do about me? As it stands now, you're just sitting on anon accusing me of things I'm not doing. So, how are you going to challenge me? Maybe by getting off anon and/or showing up with proof? Because right now I can say to almost all of your accusations in this anon: Source?
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amphibiandrama · 13 days
lol I should remember that I have to change what account I repost stuff on after I post stuff here. If you see random shit here, that was supposed to be on my main and got here because I forgor to switch what blog I reblog stuff to
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amphibiandrama · 24 days
Nvm ramble is not over yet
So I had been wondering what this post was about.
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Now, apart from the lie of me having been ZPReceipts and having doxxed Poppy and NW, there is some truth in here. I did, in fact, post about ZP-related things in January. However, that thread wasnt "just to anatogonize the other side". It was a thread defending myself when Saige made the sama accusation against me Milena has been making (with the addition of me being accused of owning the account that took the @ of Poppy's "SFW" acc
Here's the link to that thread;
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Soooo I'm not even allowed to defend myself in Milenas eyes. Or maybe its because she believes part of Saiges accusation (that part being me having run ZPReceipts, I have no clue who she thinks that other acc is)
Just wanted to add additional context to what Milena is claiming about me
Anyway this specific ramble is now over fr
just remembered that this exists
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Milena, you know my age. I'm not some 13 year old in her first week on the internet. I know why doxxing is taken so seriously. It can legitimately put people in danger. You implying that I "dont know any better and dont understand the harm I'm potentially causing" (while also saying I was ZPReceipts, so a double lie) is extremely infantalizing. I do know better and know the harm doxxing can cause, which is why you claiming this pisses me off so much. I know you're not gonna respond, despite claiming to have definitive and strong evidence. Apart from my personal reasons for disliking you claiming the things you claim, even from a neutral outside perspective its really weird. You make a claim (me having owned the ZPReceipts account), dont back it up despite saying you have evidence, double down on it again without providing evidence and add another accusation (the doxxing) that is based on something you havent proven. There is no world in which this looks good, even just from an abstract.
anyways rambles over
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amphibiandrama · 24 days
just remembered that this exists
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Milena, you know my age. I'm not some 13 year old in her first week on the internet. I know why doxxing is taken so seriously. It can legitimately put people in danger. You implying that I "dont know any better and dont understand the harm I'm potentially causing" (while also saying I was ZPReceipts, so a double lie) is extremely infantalizing. I do know better and know the harm doxxing can cause, which is why you claiming this pisses me off so much. I know you're not gonna respond, despite claiming to have definitive and strong evidence. Apart from my personal reasons for disliking you claiming the things you claim, even from a neutral outside perspective its really weird. You make a claim (me having owned the ZPReceipts account), dont back it up despite saying you have evidence, double down on it again without providing evidence and add another accusation (the doxxing) that is based on something you havent proven. There is no world in which this looks good, even just from an abstract.
anyways rambles over
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amphibiandrama · 25 days
I guess asking an anon who's saying I wont "go unchallenged" what they're actually going to do to do that is an.....ego thing? I dont get your point. Also ah ok I'm not worth responding too.....after you claimed I DOXXED two people and I responded to that calling your bullshit because you had presented no evidence I ran the account that did that. I'm gonna say this again: If you have such strong reasons to believe I was ZPReceipts, why the actual fuck havent you released anything??????? Provide evidence or stop making claims you are unwilling to back up
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Also yeah this is definetely about what I said to an anon on here a few days ago.
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amphibiandrama · 27 days
Also where has Noeh said she doesnt want me involveld? Like I'm really curious here. I dont keep up with Noehs social media at all (as I should cos its 18+) but like, Where did she say this????? Again: Source?
You aren’t a victim of P&Z. Their actual victims, like Noeh, and yes Milena, have said they don’t want you involved. It’s unhinged to keep pushing yourself into this situation. It makes it seem like you don’t actually care about the victims.
I don’t care what you do in Courtney’s discord, or Britt’s discord if she has one. If they want a 15 year-old involved in the Lily shit, that’s their business. But you aren’t going to keep making things worse for P&Z victims unchallenged.
What. The fuck. Are you talking about. Yes I've posted about ZP in the past. But I have no intentions of doing so again. Also: How is giving my opinions on what is happening with ZP drama "making it seem like I dont care about the victims"???? The fuck???? Just for the record: I was only in Courtneys old server and am not in his new server. I was never involved with Lily stuff, nor will I ever be.
I dont want to talk about ZP drama publicly anymore. I think I've pretty much said everything I'd ever want to say about it. Now, I know Milena doesnt approve of me talking about ZP drama, which to be fair, yes I did promise her to stay out of it. And yes, I broke that promise, the reason for which being paranoia+anxiety. Thats not an excuse tho, just an explanation. And I stopped after Courtney told me to stop. Thetime after that where I talked about ZP stuff was when someone took @/PoppyDiabolique on twitter and Saige took the opportunity to accuse me of running that account and the ZPReceipts one. I defended myself from that, to which I had every damn fucking right. Third time was when Dormiyu was getting blackmailed, to which yeah, my input wasnt needed and I didnt need to say anything. But none of that made "things worse for PZs victims"
Here's the thing: I'm really damn sure that when you say that I'm making things worse for ZPs victims, you mean I'm making things worse for @transpersian. Nothing else makes any fucking sense with what I've been talking about here+on my twitter. Now, if me calling out Milena for baselessly accusing me of things and leaking private info is hurting her credibility/making things worse for her I will tell you and her (though I have some thoughts on if those arent the same) this: Should have thought about that before doing the things I've been calling you out for. If you being a piece of shit being revealed and broadcast hurts your credibility, maybe you shouldnt have been/be a lying piece of shit? Just a thought and my opinions though.
To end this off. Anon, or Milena as I somewhat assume its you writing these: Whatcha gonna do about me? As it stands now, you're just sitting on anon accusing me of things I'm not doing. So, how are you going to challenge me? Maybe by getting off anon and/or showing up with proof? Because right now I can say to almost all of your accusations in this anon: Source?
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amphibiandrama · 27 days
You aren’t a victim of P&Z. Their actual victims, like Noeh, and yes Milena, have said they don’t want you involved. It’s unhinged to keep pushing yourself into this situation. It makes it seem like you don’t actually care about the victims.
I don’t care what you do in Courtney’s discord, or Britt’s discord if she has one. If they want a 15 year-old involved in the Lily shit, that’s their business. But you aren’t going to keep making things worse for P&Z victims unchallenged.
What. The fuck. Are you talking about. Yes I've posted about ZP in the past. But I have no intentions of doing so again. Also: How is giving my opinions on what is happening with ZP drama "making it seem like I dont care about the victims"???? The fuck???? Just for the record: I was only in Courtneys old server and am not in his new server. I was never involved with Lily stuff, nor will I ever be.
I dont want to talk about ZP drama publicly anymore. I think I've pretty much said everything I'd ever want to say about it. Now, I know Milena doesnt approve of me talking about ZP drama, which to be fair, yes I did promise her to stay out of it. And yes, I broke that promise, the reason for which being paranoia+anxiety. Thats not an excuse tho, just an explanation. And I stopped after Courtney told me to stop. Thetime after that where I talked about ZP stuff was when someone took @/PoppyDiabolique on twitter and Saige took the opportunity to accuse me of running that account and the ZPReceipts one. I defended myself from that, to which I had every damn fucking right. Third time was when Dormiyu was getting blackmailed, to which yeah, my input wasnt needed and I didnt need to say anything. But none of that made "things worse for PZs victims"
Here's the thing: I'm really damn sure that when you say that I'm making things worse for ZPs victims, you mean I'm making things worse for @transpersian. Nothing else makes any fucking sense with what I've been talking about here+on my twitter. Now, if me calling out Milena for baselessly accusing me of things and leaking private info is hurting her credibility/making things worse for her I will tell you and her (though I have some thoughts on if those arent the same) this: Should have thought about that before doing the things I've been calling you out for. If you being a piece of shit being revealed and broadcast hurts your credibility, maybe you shouldnt have been/be a lying piece of shit? Just a thought and my opinions though.
To end this off. Anon, or Milena as I somewhat assume its you writing these: Whatcha gonna do about me? As it stands now, you're just sitting on anon accusing me of things I'm not doing. So, how are you going to challenge me? Maybe by getting off anon and/or showing up with proof? Because right now I can say to almost all of your accusations in this anon: Source?
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amphibiandrama · 27 days
ngl that anon kinda smells like Milena, allthough I admit this is purely conspiracy brain. The style kinda reminds me of the anons she sent Britt/Courtney, but two sentences really arent anything to go off of, and I cant really prove it.
oh boy I might have pissed Milena off properly this time
ah well
lets see if I actually did, or if conspiracy brain is going on hard rn and I'm missinterpreting smth
I do quite think its the first option though
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amphibiandrama · 27 days
also if "literally no one" wanted me here how come you the only anon I've received telling me to leave? just to be perfectly clear, if you haves issues with what I'm doing/saying here feel free to send asks/anons about that. Do be aware though that if you do not back your shit up, and its something I dont know, I wont bother to dig for it.
Same goes for saying I was ZPReceipts. Send/tell what you see as proof. If its just a flat accusation I'll just reply with some variation of "ok. source?"
Go away. Literally no one wants you here.
stop me then
I'll keep saying what I have to say wether you like it or not. Also bold to speak for a large group of people when on anon
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amphibiandrama · 27 days
Go away. Literally no one wants you here.
stop me then
I'll keep saying what I have to say wether you like it or not. Also bold to speak for a large group of people when on anon
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amphibiandrama · 27 days
oh boy I might have pissed Milena off properly this time
ah well
lets see if I actually did, or if conspiracy brain is going on hard rn and I'm missinterpreting smth
I do quite think its the first option though
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amphibiandrama · 28 days
gonna be real here I did not expect ZPReceipts doxxing Poppy and NightWyld, and neither did I expect Milena to cling to the lie that I ran that account. I have a spine. I dont leak/give away private info. Unlike you @transpersian. Still havent forgotten about how you made my age public, when I never stated it in public myself. Didnt even need to tell it to you for you to leak. Having @poppyandzena to snoop around in Courtneys DC must have been reeeaaaal nice. Oh btw if you release those #m-venting (or was it mz ah it doesnt matter) messages of mine as a gotcha let me say this:
Those were raw emotional responses
I wouldnt actually go around saying that
I dont actually believe what I said should happen
I dont agree with what I said in there when I got really angry about your bs
I hate you
But not that badly
Oh btw release proof of me being ZPReceipts or stfu
edit: whooops I forgot to add a "Not" between Did and Expect in the first sentence. fixed that
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amphibiandrama · 1 month
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