andhaaam · 1 year
Marah, capek, sedih... Tapi saking marahnya, capeknya, dan sedihnya sampai gak bisa buat nangis sekedar ngilangin beban. Pasrah.
Suka mikir, apa enakan mati? Tapi gak mau bundir.
Kata dokter Siku gue depresi, apa iya? Gue juga gak tau. Insom semakin parah tiap waktunya. 2 hari cuma tidur 3-4 jam tanpa obat tidur, menurut gue itu normal, tapi katanya enggak.
Bahkan untuk sekedar makan pun gue capek.
Orang taunya Andham itu happy virus, always bahagia... Ya memang harus bahagia kan? Well, I'm trying.
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andhaaam · 4 years
And again... The storm that she talked about, is destroying the platform that she prepared for both of them.
The fear that keeps haunting her, it appears to destroy her who was ready to face up the world.
She squaled back, to the old her. To close the gate that she built and hold the fences with her bear heart.
She felt how it feels to be fly, even though it happened only for a splendid of second.
She knew, happiness is not something destined for her and she already prepared her heart.
And she said she won't be mourned, she won't cry but at the end, she can't control those feelings.
The suffocating feeling slowly pierching her heart as if it tries to make it less painful. But how it felt is still like being turtored.
She's suffering in her silent.
But again, she knows it's not his fault, neither her fault.
At the end, it's no ones fault.
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andhaaam · 4 years
I always hear moon's whisper to stay, but then the sun tells me to run on a new path.
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andhaaam · 4 years
Penemuan mayat putra pengusaha batu bara di sekitaran Kemang gegerkan warga.
Putra pengusaha batu bara yang meninggal di duga dilakukan oleh pelaku yang sama dengan kasus meninggalnya salah satu putra pengusaha jaringan komunikasi terbesar di Asia dan putra Presiden yang di temukan beberapa hari lalu.
Saksi mata melihat bahwa pelaku penembakan putra pengusaha batu bara adalah seorang wanita.
Sudah seminggu terakhir warga Indonesia di ramaikan dengan meninggalnya 3 orang putra orang-orang berpengaruh yang bukan hanya di dalam negri, tetapi juga di kancah Internasional.
Semua orang sadar, ada motif dibalik kasus-kasus tersebut karna di setiap mayat yang ditemukan selalu memiliki penyebab kematian yang sama, yaitu sebuah luka tembakan pada dahi mereka. Dan karna hal itu pula, masyarakat yakin bahwa pelaku adalah seseorang yang sangat piyawai dalam menggunakan senjata, karna tidak ditemukan kemelesetan tembakan pada setiap jasad korban.
Jasad putra kedua Presiden yang ditemukan beberapa hari lalu membuat Presiden memerintahkan kepolisian untuk membuat satuan khusus untuk memecahkan kasus ini, tentu dengan dipilihnya anggota terbaik dalam berbagai bidang di kepolisian diharapkan  pelaku dapat segera di tangkap dan di adili.
Chandra yang ditunjuk langsung oleh KAPOLRI untuk menjadi komandan tim tentu dengan senang hati mengetuai tim dengan oramg-orang terbaik dalam bidangnya tersebut. Alasannya tentu karna kasus besar dapat membuktikan kredibilitasnya sebagai pengayom masyarakat. Terlebih, ego pria itu juga tersentil saat mengetahui bahwa target pelaku dikhususkan pria, dan bukan pria biasa melainkan pria-pria kalangan atas yang tentu saja memiliki tembok pelindung yang melindungi nyawa mereka.
Jam menunjukkan pukul sebelas malam dan Chandra masih saja duduk termenung di dalam kantornya, tatapannya kesal melihat lembaran foto barang bukti yang berserakkan di atas meja kerjanya.
"Peluru berkaliber 7.62mm? Dia pasti orang kepolisian! Sial, tapi siapa dia? Dan apa motifnya?"
Chandra harus puas pada 3 foto peluru yang menjadi barang bukti, sementara barang bukti asli sedang dalam pemeriksaan tim forensik untuk menemukan sedikit titik terang.
"Entah dia orang dalam atau siapapun bajingan itu, aku tak akan segan-segan untuk membuatnya membusuk di dalam penjara!"
Pikirannya terus berkelana untuk mencari-cari kandidat pelaku. Entahlah, tapi pikirannya buntu. Selain satu-satunya saksi hidup yang mengatakan bahwa pelaku adalah seorang wanita dan 3 buah peluru milik kepolisian yang bersarang di kepala para korban, Chandra dan timnya masih tidak memiliki petunjuk lain.
Setidaknya, ditengah badai hatinya sedikit meringan ketika ponselnya berdering, sebuah telfon dari wanita yang sudah menjadi istrinya selama 2 minggu terakhir.
"Kamu gak pulang Mas?"
"Ahh, kau gak mau tanya kabarku dulu, Ann? Kamu gak kangen aku?"
"Aku kangen. Itu kenapa aku nelfon kamu. Aku mau kamu pulang."
"Maafin aku, Anna. Sepertinya aku masih belum bisa pulang."
"Gak apa, paling lama juga besok pagi kamu pasti pulang ke rumah."
"Percaya sama aku, kamu akan pulang paling lambat besok pagi dan aku akan menyambut kamu dengan senyuman terbaikku."
"Sayang, maafin aku... Aku masih belum bisa pulang sampai seenggaknya aku menemukan sebuah titik terang dalam kas--"
"Aku mencintaimu."
Chandra hanya bisa tersenyum setelah panggilan singkat itu terputus. Anna, istrinya bukanlah tipe wanita romantis yang rajin menghujaninya dengan ungkapan cinta. Tetapi, setiap kali Anna mengungkapkan perasaannya tanpa Chandra duga-duga, hal itu selalu saja sukses untuk membuat senyum bodoh terukir di bibir Chandra.
Anna, si gadis yang Chandra temukan sedang menangis di kantor polisi beberapa tahun lalu. Anna, si gadis yang membuat Chandra mengabdikan hidupnya untuk wanita itu sekarang sudah sah menjadi istri seorang Chandra Dirgantara.
Tok tok
Ketukan pada pintu ruangannya membuat Chandra kembali pada kesadarannya, membuang euforia menggelitik yang selalu saja terjadi setiap kali Anna melakukan hal-hal yang Chandra sukai.
"Maaf mengganggu, komandan. Sepertinya kita memiliki petunjuk baru. Yang lain sudah menunggu di ruang rapat."
Memang, Tuhan sepertinya sangat menyayangi Chandra. Atau sebuah pencerahan itu datang dari energi positif yang Anna berikan padanya di telfon tadi? Entahlah, yang jelas Chandra senang dengan adanya sedikit petunjuk yang akan terkuak. Dengan begitu, ia bisa pulang dan melepas rindu dengan sang istri.
Tapi, berbeda dengan yang di harapkan. Daripada raut-raut wajah bahagia pada wajah anak buahnya, wajah mereka terlihat lebih mencekam daripada saat semuanya masih gelap.
"Ada apa? Bukannya kita memiliki petunjuk baru? Kenapa kalian terlihat mu--?"
Belum juga Chandra menyelesaikan ucapannya, salah satu anggota tim pasukan khusus sudah menyela ucapan Chandra. Wajah bawahannya itu terlihat tidak yakin dengan fakta yang akan ia sampaikan, dan seakan-akan ia mengulur waktu dengan meminta keyakinan pada anggota tim lain melalui tatapan yang seolah-olah memohon, Chandra tak bisa membohongi dirinya sendiri jika ia tiba-tiba saja merasa takut. Entah takut akan hal apa, tapi Chandra merasa bahwa fakta yang akan ia dapat tak akan membuatnya bahagia bila dilihat dari ekspresi anggota pasukan khususnya.
"Jangan mengulur waktu, katakan petunjuk yang kau tau."
Bawahannya itu seakan terlihat semakin ragu, Chandra dapat melihat bagaimana tangan bawahannya itu menggenggam ujung meja dengan cukup erat sebelum mengambil beberapa lembar kertas dari sebuah map berstampel rahasia.
"Saya tau ini akan mengejutkan anda, komandan. Hasil dari tim forensik sudah keluar beberapa jam lalu, dan menurut pengakuan mereka, mereka sudah mengecek hasilnya berulang kali. Tim forensik menemukan sidik jari di peluru yang bersarang di korban ketiga. Dan..."
"Sekali lagi, saya ingin mengingatkan bahwa ini sudah di periksa berulang kali dan mereka yakin bahwa sidik jari tersebut adalah sidik jari anda, pak"
"Jangan bercanda, ini kasus serius!"
Chandra melihat ke sekeliling dan dia tidak melihat satu orang pun bawahannya yang berani menaikkan pandangan, seolah-olah mereka telah bersekutu untuk menatap lantai berkarpet ruang rapat tersebut.
"Seperti yang anda tau, bahwa ketiga kejadian tersubut terjadi di blank space sehingga tidak ada cctv yang merekam kejadian tersebut, tapi... Tetapi kami akhirnya menemukan sesuatu, komandan."
"Langsung ke intinya!"
Bawahannya tersebut lagi-lagi memberikan tatapan aneh, seakan-akan ia kasihan pada Chandra sebelum ia memutar sebuah video berdurasi cukup pendek. Sebuah video yang cukup untuk membuat dunianya hancur berkeping-keping.
"Kami mendapatkan video ini dari black box mobil pick up yang mengirim pasokan sayur ke restoran di dekat tempat kejadian perkara, komandan."
Layar proyektor dihadapannya menampilkan video Anna. Istrinya itu turun dari mobil dengan perlahan. Tidak, Annanya tidak terlihat takut atau apapun. Gerak-gerik Anna menunjukkan sebuah tekad dan keyakinan dengan apa yang selanjutnya akan ia lakukan.
Jemari manis yang biasa ia genggam sedang memegang pistol, mengarahkan moncong pistol itu ke arah wajah putra batu bara.
Wajah manis yang selalu menyambutnya dengan senyuman tidak menampilkan sebuah kelembutan sama sekali. Bahkan dengan kualitas dan jarak video yang tidak cukup baik pun Chandra bisa dengan sangat mudah melihat kebencian pada wajah istrinya itu.
Ya, itu Anna. Istrinya.
Wanita yang membunuh ketiga anak petinggi itu adalah istrinya.
"Kami sungg--"
Belum bawahannya itu menyelesaikan ucapan, Chandra sudah terlebih dulu keluar dari ruang rapat. Berlari kesetanan di sepanjang koridor seakan di kejar oleh iblis.
Bahkan saat sudah di mobil pun tangannya sudah teramat gemetar dan lemas untuk sekedar memutar kunci. Tapi semua tak ia hiraukan, karna Anna. Ya, Chandra hanya ingin Anna. Dia ingin melihat istrinya, tetapi ia juga takut. Belum pernah sekalipun Chandra mengalami ketakutan seperti itu, seperti Tuhan akan mengambil nafasnya, namun terasa lebih buruk.
Mobil yang berhenti di depan rumah ia parkirkan secara asal, dan ketika ia membuka pintu pagar, Anna sudah berdiri di ambang pintu dengan senyum yang selalu saja berhasil memabukkan Chandra.
Chandra langsung masuk ke dalam rumah, dan mengunci pintu. Menggenggam pergelangan istrinya dan menarik wanita itu ke dalam kamar mereka.
Baju-baju yang Chandra lemparkan secara asal ke dalam koper membuat Anna mulai meneteskan air mata. Bukan itu yang Anna inginkan, ia ingin suaminya itu marah dan berteriak, bukan malah diam seribu bahasa.
"Ann, kamu bantu aku siapkan barang-barang mu. Seperlunya saja. Kita harus pergi dari sini sebelum anak buahku tiba."
"Mas, aku benar kan? Kamu bahkan sudah pulang sebelum pagi."
Sekuat apapun Anna mencoba untuk terdengar tenang dan ceria, ia tetap gagal. Bukan karna menyesal, tetapi karna ia harus menghancurkan karir suaminya. Karir yang sudah lelaki itu impikan dari ia kecil.
"Anna, aku mohon... Tolong bantu aku, sekali ini saja. Tolong dengarkan aku. Aku mau kamu cepat bersiap, kita akan pergi setelah aku menyiapkan barang-barang mu. Hancurkan ponsel, dan segala hal yang dapat melacak mu. Kita akan memulai hidup baru, hmm"
Chandra mencoba meyakinkan istrinya sambil tetap memasukkan beberapa barang penting ke dalam tas. Tapi, bukannya menurut, Anna malah melakukan hal sebaliknya.
Wanita itu mendekat dan memeluk sang suami dari belakang, menyalurkan cinta dan permintaan maafnya secara bersamaan.
"Maafkan aku sudah menyeret mu kedalam masalah ini."
"Aku tersiksa mas. Aku pikir aku akan baik-baik saja ketika kamu selalu ada di sampingku. Tapi ternyata tidak, aku tidak bisa memaafkan mereka. Dan aku membunuh mereka"
Pelukannya menjadi semakin erat dengan air mata yang semakin membasahi seragam Chandra. Tubuhnya bergetar hebat seakan-akan ia berada ditengah-tengah badai.
"Tapi aku tak menyesal, sedikitpun aku tak menyesal. Karna aku hanya membunuh binatang!"
"Kita bicarakan lagi nan--"
"Mereka yang memperkosa ku."
Terucap sudah, sesuatu yang ia sembunyikan dari suaminya terucap sudah. Sesuatu yang selalu ia sembunyikan kini sudah ia ucapkan. Membuat badannya menjadi lebih ringan lagi, seperti setengah sisa bebannya terangkat.
Bukan tanpa alasan Anna menyembunyikan pelaku pemerkosaan itu pada Chandra. Dulu, ketika ia melaporkan kejadian pemerkosaan itu pada polisi, Anna justru mendapatkan ancaman mati dari si polisi. Dengan alasan pelaku pemerkosaannya adalah putra-putra orang penting tanah air dan kasusnya hilang begitu saja seperti tak pernah terjadi. Bahkan kasus itu pun tak pernah menjadi kasus karna pihak kepolisian menolak laporan Anna pada saat itu.
"Kita pergi sekarang!"
"Bawa aku ke kantor polisi, mas."
Hati Chandra berkecamuk, bagaimana bisa ia menjebloskan istrinya ke balik jeruji besi? Bagaimana ia bisa membiarkan separuh jiwanya merasakan kekejaman penjara? Sebagai seseorang yang sangat mengetahui perlakuan para sipir di sana, tentu saja Chandra tak akan membiarkan hal itu terjadi. Sama seperti istrinya, Chandra juga merasa Anna tidak membunuh manusia. Binatang, ya Anna hanya membunuh binatang.
Koper yang berantakan tak ia indahkan, dengan buru-buru Chandra menarik Anna keluar untuk segera pergi.
Tetapi, ketika ia baru keluar kamar, pemandangan di depan mereka sangat membuat Chandra terkejut, pemandangan yang sangat ia takutkan pada beberapa menit terakhir.
Di hadapannya ada beberapa anak buahnya dengan senjata api yang membidik mereka berdua.
"Komandan, sebaiknya serahkan tersangka kepada kami." Kata salah satu anak buahnya yang masih bersikap sopan.
Tapi, seakan Chandra sudah buta akan pangkat-pangkat yang ada pada seragamnya. Alih-alih menyerahkan Anna, pria itu malah membawa Anna bersembunyi di balik tubuhnya. Menyembunyikan Anna dari bidikkan senjata api yang menodong wanita itu.
"Kalian semua... Pergi."
Anna tau hidupnya sudah hancur, bahkan hidup suaminya pun telah hancur karna dendam yang ia balaskan. Karna itu, tak ingin membuat hidup suaminya menjadi lebih susah, Anna memiliki cara lain agar semuanya lebih mudah untuk Chandra.
Pistol Chandra yang ia curi kini sudah ia keluarkan dari balik blousnya. "Mas Chandra, terima kasih sudah ngajarin aku cara menggunakan dan bongkar senjata waktu itu."
Walaupun matanya tak pernah melepaskan para bawahannya sebagai bentuk wadpada, tapi indra pendengaran Chandra masih cukup tajam. Chandra dapat mengetahui bahwa Anna sedang mengeluarkan peluru-peluru dari pistol tersebut. Ditambah 6 dentingan besi yang menyentuh lantai, Chandra tau bahwa senjata yang ada pada istrinya kini telah kosong.
"Maaf, aku tetap cinta sama kamu, mas."
"Jatuhkan senjata anda!" Ucap salah satu anak buah Chandra.
Setelah itu tubuhnya terasa dingin, tak ada lagi kehangatan di bagian belakang tubuhnya. Hatinya semakin memburuk terlebih ketika ia melihat bidikan senjata sudah tak lagi padanya melainkan menyerong sedikit ke arah kanan.
Chandra membalik tubuhnya, dan hidupnya telah benar-benar hancur ketika istrinya yang memiliki titik-titik merah target bidikan anak buahnya itu menodongkan senjata kosong pada tubuh Chandra.
"Tidak! Jangan!" Bisik Chandra ketika bidikan target itu kini semakin banyak dan mulai mengarah ke titik vital Anna. "Pistol itu kosong!"
"I love you." Otot tangannya bergerak, menekan pelatuk pistol kosong yang mengarah ke arah Chandra.
Dan selanjutnya, hidup Chandra benar-benar berakhir ketika ia melihat tubuh istrinya terhuyung mundur ditemani beberapa suara tembakan nyaring yang anehnya terdengar seperti dengungan di telinga Chandra.
Anna, istrinya kini terjerembap di lantai ruang keluarga mereka dengan darah dan beberapa lubang yang bersarang di sana.
Chandra segera menghampiri tubuh sang istri, berharap ia dapat membuatnya bertahan. Tapi matanya yang terpejam mengisyaratkan seolah-olah Anna tak ingin melihat kesedihan di wajah suaminya.
Gweliiii gasiii?:(
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andhaaam · 4 years
I don't love you.
As odd as it sounds but I do not love you.
All these years that have been passed, with lots of affection that I've had to you...
Now, I don't love you.
The hopes that have been with me for these past years, it's now all gone so I don't love you.
But no one believe me when I say I don't love you, even my self don't believe in it too.
No matter how many times I tell the same lie to myself, I still don't believe that I don't love you.
No matter how many times I tell myself to stop loving you, but I still do.
So what can I do to not love you?
0 notes
andhaaam · 4 years
In between twilight shadows, the shining lights that start to illuminate the hollow heart is calling your name.
The glow of your glory charm that you have keep lingered somewhere this sunken soul.
This silent opportunity that I keep for years, should i move forward and lea leaving this uncertain circumstance?
I propped my chin to ease my heart about your answer.
But as I sit silent and watch how the sun gone in the horizon, my hope keeps raising that tomorrow you'll pick me up and teach me how walk. Together with you.
Together to finally chase that light.
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andhaaam · 5 years
His Angel (Short Story)
The road is empty.
And the sky is already dark.
The autumn breeze also breezes strongly tonight.
I tighten up my coat but I'm still shivering. Not because of the wind, because I can't feel anything at this time, it seems like the nerves in my body are no longer functioning.
It's odd... I can't see, I can't hear, I can't speak, and I can do nothing. Except feeling the pain in my heart. That damn feeling, I can feel that. And it hurts so much...
I need big courage to drag my feet and take a step ahead. One hand is on my chest, clenching on my coat while the other one is tightly holding the guardrail iron fence.
The iron guardrail should feel cold on my bare naked palm, but no. In fact, I still can't feel anything even though I can see my knuckles already turn white due to the cold itself.
I blankly stare down, the surface of the river looks calm yet deadly with its darkness and the glints of lamposts from the riversides.
That river must be cold, I will freeze to death if I jump down the there. I surely will.
I only need to let the gravity do its job the moment I take another step forward. It won't be that hard, right? It will be easy.
The pain that I could never bear will go.
And the angel I love will never be hurt again.
That's indeed what I want, her happiness. Just simply her happiness. But why the price of it has to be so high?
Claire is an angel, my angel.
The woman that makes me fall in love again for every single day. The only woman who can fix the broken pieces of me.
That winter night, i saw her lying unconsciously in the alley. She lied on a thick layer of snow. Even with tattered clothes and blood on her face, she still could immediately make me head over heels for her.
Claire... She's what matters the most to me, nothing in this world can replace her place, even my own life is placing beneath her.
That melodic voice of hers whenever she calls my name, i love that. That voice that always lullabies me so i can sleep soundly, i hope i could hear that for another hundred years.
But what's the point of another year if it always accompanied by her sorrowful sobbing?
She is my morning caffeine.
She is my sleeping pill.
She is my breath.
And Claire is my angel. A holy angel who brought me back to the unholy world.
The spaces between my fingers supposed to be for hers, the missing puzzle piece that i thought i already have. But instead of her hand, mine used to hold guns. Taking their life for her sake. For her comfort.
"Theo... You know i love you"
And i love her too, i love her so much so i can give my life for her.
And if i have a choice, i will still love her in my next life. I regret nothing, loving her is the best thing that ever happens to me.
"Theo. I love you"
Only if my tongue can function... For the last time, i want to tell her that our love is mutual. But i can't, my tongue is glued with the sins I've made.
I can feel her behind me, leaning her cheek on my back.
I know her love for me is real and pure. I can feel it, i can feel it by feeling her trembling on my back.
Her touches that always makes me want her more.
Her touches that always makes me crave her more.
Her touches that i always love...
I wish i can feel it again in my next life too.
"Theo, I'm sorry"
I look back when i don't feel her touch on my back anymore.
My Claire is pointing the gun that I gave into my chest, the gun that i myself handpicked for her.
"Theo, I'm really really sorry"
I'm not lying when i say i see the despair in her breaming eyes.
I'm not lying when i say i see the love in there.
But I'm also not lying when i say i see hatred in there, the hatred that she tried to hide all these times.
"Claire, i love you"
Her forefinger gets inside the trigger ring and as if God makes me could see it into detail, i swear to God i can see how the little muscle of her delicate finger moves, making a movement to trigger it.
The finger that used to spoil me with her tracing game.
The finger that i used to hold.
The finger that i always kiss all these time is about to give me my end journey.
I hope my death will erase her pain.
I hope my absence will make her forgive me.
And i hope...
My sacrifice will be enough to pay the sin I've been done.
"Claire... Let's be together in our next life, without the sins we've made. I don't regret every moment we've spent together, all the sad and happy moments we created, i cherish every single of it"
"Theo, no!" Her trembling hand manages to wipe out her tears. "I don't want us to hurt each other in our next life again. You deserve to be happy"
"And my happiness is you, Claire. I lo--"
God, why it isn't cold?
Why am i not in pain?
Why do i feel so light when the bullet my love shot on me is piercing my chest?
The water that drowned me feels warm on my skin, like I'm on the side of the bonfires, sharing smores with her like we used to do during summer.
I'm floating like the hole on my chest is lifting all the weight that has been suffocated me all this time.
I love her, God i love claire.
Please, just please... Let her be mine once again in our next life because i love her.
I do really love her.
Pft... Trying a 1st person male point of view.
Too many I love you 🤮
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andhaaam · 5 years
The Masked Man (Short Story)
She was standing in front of a mirror, her grey orbs which could make every man drowned on her charms was blankly stared at her outstanding appearance, somehow looking unsatisfied with her own reflection.
Roseanne Anniston... Is what every woman dreamed to be.
The black velvet long dress that hugged her perfectly sculpted body looked really beautiful with the high hemisphere that reached her upper thigh, thin straps that adorn her smooth shoulders, and also the low cut in the front which enough to expose her cleavage that beautified by a stunning black diamonds necklace were looking really claxy, classy but sexy.
Her raven hairs fell on her exposed backs and with a little touch of a small tiara on the top of her crown, she indeed worth to be jealous by the whole room later.
"You look stunning Rosie"
She indeed looked stunning, who can argue that? With her tall figure and her overall appearance, she looked like a princess from a fairy tale story that every girl wished to be. Even her soft makeup couldn't betray her natural beauty that she didn't try to show. Her plump polished lips and her blushed chubby cheeks looked simple yet sophisticated, but she would look even more perfect if she flashed her magnificent smile in addition.
"Robert, you're here. So glad to see you" For the first time, a smile formed on her lips.
"I'm glad to be the first person to see your beauty, young lady"
"Robert, stop. You sound old"
"I am old, Rosie" The man in his fifties with a bald spot on his head offered her his arm to be linked. "You ready for the party?"
Her smile that beautifies her beauty dropped in a split of a second. The thought of the party that awaits her just making her more and more annoyed.
"Does it really necessary? I mean why do I need to attend that? Rob, I don't know almost 90% of them. Please"
"It's your farewell party, Rosie. Of course, you have to be there"
"I've never asked for a party before"
"But Mrs President wants to throw you one, she wants to remember this moment and what could be better than to share the happiness with people that you loved"
"Let's be honest Robert, it's not my party, it's theirs. How can I love them when I don't even know their existence" Her face fell even more knowing that her father will force her to stay at his side for the entire evening. "Besides, it's not the kind of party that I want. You know... Ballgown and classical music aren't really my thing"
"Cheer up, Rosie. Your friends and some of the minister's son will be there. There'll be a lot of young entrepreneurs too, you can find your Mr Right in there"
"I don't want to fling around on dad's 'work relation', they are boring"
"But you still need to to be there. Do it at least for your mom. Come on, it will be fun"
"Fun? Duuuuuh" She rolled her eyes to the word that won't happen in her evening. "You talk like I've never attended a night bowl party before. It's boring, Robert. Bo-Ring"
"But still... Let's go, everyone's waiting for you"
"Can't I have another option?" Roseanne's forehead suddenly scrunched while she held her belly, "I think I have a stomachache"
"It's a lame excuse Roseanne"
Robert reoffered his arm and looking at his expression, she knew she got no other choices but to link her arm on his.
They arrived at the large stairs with a red-carpeted floor. Her eyes uninterestedly looked down at the crowd who were busy with their peers. And taking the advantages of the unaware young lady, Robert made his move to inform Roseanne's arrival to the person who was in charge of the event.
The sound of violins and the other music instruments that filled the room suddenly stalled, she stood tall alone on the edge of the stairs still dozing about her upcoming boring evening when suddenly the spotlight shone her path down to the ballroom where the real party held.
Knowing her fate, she knew she has no choice but to fake a smile for the rest of the night. The first step she took brought the music to be heard again. All eyes were on her, and every step she took could awe all the guest on the ballroom. She doesn't like the attention but her looks make her got what she hates.
Her parents were already waiting for her on the other edge of the stairs. Roseanne could clearly see how her parents' face filled with happiness through a wide smile that spread on their faces.
As Roseanne arrived at the end of the stairs, her mother immediately gave her a kiss on the cheeks before her father dragged her to a small platform in the middle of the room.
She looked around to find a familiar face but she couldn't spot anyone she knows, not even one.
All the guests at the party look gorgeous with their best dresses and their best jewellery that probably could feed all the homeless at their country. Those socialites were talking with a shy manner while Roseanne knew that they just tried to show off while acting humble. Pft, fake.
She was taken aback when she heard a clink of a champagne glass and a fork. And it was her father who asked the crowd's attention.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen" The president began his speech with a clear proudness marked on his face. "In this beautiful evening, I want to say my gratitude to all of you who willingly spare your precious time for this small farewell party for my only daughter". He took Roseanne's hand before he continued his greeting, "I'm not standing in here as a president that you all know but I'm here as my daughter's father, as Roseanne's father".
"As we all probably know, my daughter will leave us soon to chase her dream at Stanford. And as a father, I can't be more proud and happier for what she achieved".
Jealous, proud, annoyed, didn't really care, happy and any other expressions that the guests showed gave another odd thrilling to the president. He liked that some of them were jealous of him and his family because Roseanne is a type of daughter that anyone could dream of.
"With all our humility, we want to share this happiness with all you who come to this small event. I don't want anything, I just want we wish all the best for my daughter, your daughter and all the young generation in our beloved country. Cheers!"
"Cheers" As Mr President raised his glass, all the guests followed.
Roseanne has to accompany her mother to personally greet a couple of important guests. Even though she was tired to fake a smile, she still behaved enough as to how a ladylike should be.
"Mom, when this party will be done?" She whispered when they were about to greet a minister's wife. She knew if she stayed there, her mother will start to matchmaking her with the minister's son and she won't let that happen. Never!
"Why, sweetheart?"
"I need to go to the ladies room"
"You can leave, sweetheart. William will escort you"
"Ugh, I know Will will never leave me alone"
"Let's go, Miss Roseanne. I will assist you" The handsome bodyguard outstretched his hand as a sign to let her walk first before he would follow her from behind.
She has nowhere and no one to go, she couldn't drink too much either or else she would start a chaos in the party. And after a quite a long wander around the ballroom, she got even more tired than before. The 6 inches red bottom stilettos were killing her feet.
She stopped and turned around to face her dearly bodyguard.
"Yes, Miss?"
"I wanna go to the-"
"The roses garden, I know miss" He took out a very beautiful black lace mask with scattered Swarovski diamonds that adorn the masquerade mask. "As usual Miss?"
"I swear you're the best Will" She happily took the mask and put it on her face.
"I know Miss Roseanne" He shyly scratched the back of his head when his boss praised him. You know, it's always nice when your boss treats you like a human being, moreover as a friend. "I guess I will wait in here? But please if something happens, you have to call me immediately. And promise don't take too long and too far or I'll be in trouble, miss Roseanne"
"I know, I know. It's not my first time sneaking out of the party like this. Don't worry"
She walked through the roses garden by herself, walked deeper until she reached the angel fountain.
It was her sacred place, her go-to place whenever she felt trapped and suffocated.
Roseanne loves the fountain because she thinks it's her cupid, like a real cupid. She believes in it, she believes that she'll find her right one in there. Because the statement angel of the fountain was sculpted as a cupid with his arrow, but instead of a love arrow, the cupid's bow point is a rose. Like like the cupid was ready to aim the beauty of the flower for what Roseanne has been longing for.
The crickets, the soothing gurgling fountain sounds, and faint violin strings were so calming. She enjoyed her peaceful time until a sweet voice interrupted her moment.
"Is it your private place?"
"Well, I guess I gotta leave then"
Roseanne didn't expect an uninvited guest like him, and he wore a black masquerade mask just like her. And as much as she wanted to be alone, she could feel something inside her heart that triggered her to share the fountain with the man.
"It's okay, just stay"
He's about to take his step but Roseanne wasn't in her right mind. She insanely asked a stranger to stay with her in a quite isolated area like the fountain.
"Can I?"
"Sure" She gave him her hand which thankfully replied by a warm heat from his palm.
He took a seat next to her. For a moment there was no particular conversation between the two of them. Just their breathings that adding the sound of a faint classic musical instrument that could faintly be heard from the ballroom.
The masked man was drowned in his own world.
Roseanne used to get attention but the man beside her was an exception, and she liked it. He didn't spare her a glance that all men she met always give. He didn't intend a conversation when all men she knew were always trying to extend their uninteresting conversation.
And she liked it. She liked how he treated her.
The cold of the evening breeze breezed a little rougher, caused the roses made a little more soothing sound when it rubbed one another.
The masked man looked at his side and found the girl was rubbing her arms. He took off his suit and politely offered it to the shivering lady without any words.
"It's okay"
"I insist. Wear this"
"I'm totally fine, I don't need your jacket tho"
It was like her words never existed. He suddenly encircled his hand around her shoulder then dropped the suit on her.
He was so close, too close to be exact. The scent of masculine yet calming fragrance hit her nostrils when there was only a couple inches distance between the tip of their noses. She didn't even realize she closed her eyes and took a deep breath of his scent to occupy a small spot of her insanity.
With the size of his suit compared to her small figure, the suit obviously covered her like she's been wrapped in a blanket. It felt so warm, not only her body but also her heart.
A familiar song could be heard from inside the ballroom which makes a small smile escaped from her lips. 'It must be Robert'
Roseanne mumbled to herself knowing the only his father's man she put her trust was setting her favourite song.
"Ahh, nothing... It's just my favourite song is being played"
"Smokes get in your eyes? Isn't it a sad song?"
"Yeah, kinda sad but still a good song. By the way, do you know how to dance?"
"Not at all"
"Great, me neither. Want to dance with me?"
"But we can't dance"
"So what? No one will see us"
He wasn't sure about the idea, he indeed wasn't a type of person who likes to sway his body to the rhymes but somehow, her glistening eyes transferred a little excitement that clearly shown on her grey orbs.
"Everything will be fine. I'm not biting" She chimed before she abruptly took his hands and put it on her waist.
There was barely a gap between both of them, probably only an inch that separated their bodies to touched.
But again, Roseanne wasn't herself at the time. Feeling the comfort that radiated from the masked man, she leaned forward and completely erased the gap between their bodies with her head on his chest and she could tell that his heart was beating normally unlike hers.
"Why are you wearing a mask and coming here alone?" He asked her out of the blue. His left hand was still secured on her waist while the other one was intertwined with her delicate fingers.
"The party is boring. And about the mask, it's just so anyone couldn't tell who I am if I'm creating a mess"
"You're afraid that people will look down at your parents? And that's why you're wearing a mask so no one could recognize you?"
"Kinda..." She looked up and found his eyes were staring back at her. "You're wearing a mask too, why?"
"A man in a suit gave me this. He said I have to wear it"
"Ohh, that must Will"
"William is my bodyguard, tho". She broke the seal in between them when she heard his oddly calm respond.
"You don't have to explain anything Miss" He chuckled when he saw a pout on her plump lips. 'cute'.
Roseanne was on her defensive mode with hands clasped on her back and her feet tapping the ground. If she was the first one who asked his hand, the second time was his turn to outstretch his arm to be taken by the girl.
"I just don't want you to get the wrong idea" She took his hand and back to their previous position. "By the way, what's your name?"
"No one"
"Seriously, what's your name? who are you?" She softly hit his chest.
"Why do you want to know?"
"Just curious. Besides, I think we could be best friend"
"You said you wear it so no one could tell who you are, then so am I"
"Fine... Mr no one!!!"
Rosé felt a little bit annoyed with him. Only if he knew who she is, he probably would immediately tell her his name, or even his bank account. Every man is wishing a once in a million chance to get the experience of getting close to her then there he was, being mysterious which oddly make her more attracted to him.
Normal people will never dance with a stranger in a quiet isolated place like where they were but there they were, glued to each other due to the comfort that they got from their pair.
One song changed into two and they were still swaying their bodies to the melodies. Nothing but comfort was what made both of them refused to stop what they were bad at, dancing.
"You have a comfortable embrace" Roseanne shamelessly mumbled those shameful words to the man.
"Do I?"
"Yeah, did your girlfriend never say that?"
"I've never had one"
She felt a little happiness crept on her heart when he said that but she choked in another second because the other thought that followed on her head.
"Your boyfriend, maybe?"
Her lip sored because she bit it way harder than it should be. She kept waiting but he seemed like he was enjoying her being nervous.
"I'm straight"
"Really?" She exclaimed way too excited.
Roseanne couldn't hide the grin on her face that widely spread, thankfully her face was on his chest so he wouldn't see the happiness on her face.
"How can you haven't had a girlfriend before?"
"Busy. Just like all of us in here"
"Are you a businessman or a minister's son?"
"Does it matter? What if I'm on of the waiters?"
"No, it doesn't matter actually" She moved both her hands to lopped around him so she could feel more secure and comfortable with the warmth that he had. "Whatever your job is, as long as it's a clean and legal work, it doesn't matter for me"
"I didn't expect that replies from you Miss"
"Why?" She looked up and found him smiling.
Heat crept on her body as his fingers made its move into her cheek, he softly caressed it as if he could break her crimson tinted cheek into pieces. The way his touches touched her like a fragile porcelain china doll and the way his dark orbs peeked through the masquerade mask were waking the butterflies that have been slept way too long on her stomach.
They were drowned in each other's feeling that instantly be felt through the company that each of them gave. They were locked in each other until a cough took them back to the ground.
"Miss, Mr Pre--. I mean, your father is looking for you"
The emptiness suddenly filled her already full heart when she knew her time with the mysterious masked man was about to end.
For a moment she didn't let her hands off of him, and just like Roseanne, he seemed to has no intention to let the woman go.
"I'll be there, Will. Wait a sec" Roseanne told Will to go back to his previous spot at the front roses garden. As much as she wanted to stay the rest of the night with him, she knew that her father should be prioritised. Moreover when she will leave him for the next 3 and a half years. "I have to go"
"Why am I feeling emotional?" She put her chin on his chest, looking up to the man with pouty lips and sad eyes. "I feel like I'm the Cinderella who left her prince charming to face the awful reality again"
His hand left her waist, and carefully caressed her hair down to stop at her nape. "Be careful" With those two simple yet meaningful words, he took a step behind and made a gap between them for the first time.
"Will we meet again?"
Roseanne took off the masked man's suit that been protected her body from the breezy evening, she unwillingly handed it back to the rightful owner. "Thank you"
"The jacket"
"That's totally fine"
"And for making my night a little better"
She felt a bit betrayed when he gave no response in return. Was she the only one who enjoyed their secret sacred moment?
"So, I'll be waiting to meet you again, I hope it will be soon" Her feet made a step forward then she placed her palm on his left cheek. As she gathered her courage to plant a kiss on his cheek once, a blossom tinted hue couldn't be helped but blushed on her chubby cheeks herself.
"See you?"
"See you"
0 notes
andhaaam · 7 years
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andhaaam · 7 years
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andhaaam · 7 years
“He is smiling but I look into his eyes. He doesn’t let anyone know but somehow I know, he hides it behind his smile and he’s breaking inside”.
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andhaaam · 7 years
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andhaaam · 7 years
How did I end up liking this ambiance?
It’s like I’ve been trapped in the turbulence.
Actually, it’s too good to be worse.
But it’s too bad that the thing is being forced.
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andhaaam · 7 years
C'est ca que je devis savoir
Il s'en est allee et ne rentra pas. Et l'arreter a la fin, je ne peux pas. Je sais que l'amour s'en ira. Comme en fou, je suis la et je n'oublie que toi. Je pouvais voir se deplace un peu plus loin chaque fois.
Disparaissante, sans laisser le choix. Le temps va me laise t'oublier. Je me souviens de toi. Si tu que ce n'est pas totalament trop tard tu chois. Il faut que nous soyons plus simple mais pas comme ca.
c'est ca que nous devions savoir.
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andhaaam · 7 years
What I feel from this track are…
Sad, hopeless and helpless.
A miserably loventure which can’t be avoided.
Starting with these sad eyes and this sad smile.
How many sleepless nights passed in conscious?
How many tears fall for the obscurity?
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andhaaam · 7 years
What did you feel when you heard this song?
-Oh, dream maker, you heartbreaker-
I feel sad but secure.
Alone but not lonely.
I couldn't understand yet I couldn't stop.
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andhaaam · 7 years
By Fathia Izzati, originally by Bee Gees
I started a joke which started the whole world crying Oh but I didn't see that the joke was on me oh no I started to cry which started the whole world laughing Oh but i didn’t see that the joke was on me I looked at the skies running my hands over my eyes ‘Till I fell out of bed hurting my head from things that I said 'Till I finally died which started the whole world living Oh If I'd only seen that the joke was on me
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