Hi. Send stuff for the zine to [email protected].
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Rough Draft of Master Plan
“And How Do You Feel About That?” zine project idea 
Vision: An ever-shifting, community-populated living space built in between the pages of a so-called “zine” presently and possibly foreverly focused around the theme of [STUFF IS ON] FIRE. The ethereal materials making up the so-called “pages” could include (but are not limited to) metafiction, poetry, serious scientific research papers, selfies, stream-of-consciousness expletives, visual art, songs, stitched-together videos, meandering essays, diary entries, cartoons, collages, manifestos, lists of facts, meditations on spiders or volcanoes, advice columns, and the like. These materials are offered to the so-called “world” in both printed form and digital online format (which would be able to include unprintable multimedia content). 
The general ethos is anarchistic, dark, collective, intelligent, humorful, collaborative, serious, contextual, expressive, playful, honest, curious, inflammatory, compassionate, indignant, anti-construct, pro-illusion, anti-delusion, and pro-amatuer. Aesthetics are games not rules. Not all opinions represented must be shared by all, though perpetuation of societal oppression will be addressed noisily and damnably. A diversity of tactics is the artistic method of choice. Any truly unifying thread is invisible and unspeakable, though thoroughly felt. 
The goal is not profit. The goal is everything is as free and accessible as possible. Donations may be acceptable means to make possible physical production/shipping. Surplus funds, if gotten, will be given to organizations or individuals in a form of non-dogmatic mutual aid. This model limits all projects to what is do-able only with resources/time/energy on hand to the so-called “collective” involved. This limitation is not a problem. It is a catalyst.
Stuff Is On Fire Theme: to explain - a very un-thorough late-night brainstorm list of possible source material/idea sparks
-creation through destruction/destruction through creation
-mythology related to fire
-wildfire ecology
-incendiary politics
-chemistry of state change
-hearth design blueprints
-liminal states created by/with fire
-heat as a feeling
-volcanoes, the sun, explosions in space, magma, etc
-how candles look in the dark
-human evolution through/with fire
-etymology and cross-language comparison of fire words
-jokes (duh)
-historical fires
-coal vs charcoal
-directions and reflections on using wood ash in gardens
Misc. Notes: Stuff to go in zine is accepted on an ongoing basis (see contact page for email address) with zines being put together when enough material is around to work with (which may just mean only one ever gets made which is cool). Neither deadlines nor consistent creation are encouraged, but the message will go out amongst the people when a zine seems to be forming itself along with an estimated timeline for birth in case anyone wants to offer materials. The relational process is more important than the outcome. Anyone who proffers materials for the zine has to shoot the shit in some form or fashion with people (or person) putting the zine together at that time. That basically means say hi and mean it, don't just email some material without any of the context that is you. “Stop taking yourself so seriously and get serious about this shit” is the secret actual name of the zine.
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