angelahoward · 5 years
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Jolene’s eyes sparkled at Angela’s suggestion. “Dottie would love that. She thinks playing dress up is so much fun and you’re practically a doll, Angie.” Jolene’s eyes followed Angela’s look smiling knowingly at the look she gave him. “Oh? I’ll just politely disagree and leave it at that, but you should tell me all about your date so I can accurately judge for myself, you know?” The blonde grabbed two champagne flutes from a nearby waiter. “Would you like one?”
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Angela grinned, not only at the compliment, but the thought of being Dottie's doll for a day. It was an endearing thought, to say the least. "Then you tell her I'd love that." She chuckled. Her eyes pulled away from Holden and back towards Jolene, the blush on her cheeks from being caught red-handed with her longing gaze towards him. "Well, what would you like to know? He's.. real sweet, 'n he always makes me smile 'n laugh. Ain't been anyone that's made me feel this special in a long time, Jo." Nodding and taking one from her gratefully she grinned. "That even a question?"
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angelahoward · 5 years
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“Doors open!” Ax called out, stumbling a little before deciding he couldn’t be bothered to go and greet the visitor personally. “Just give it a lil shove, it gets stuck sometimes. Ain’t got around to fixin’ it yet.” he added, and then smiled to the other. “Well look who it is. Beer?” @atlanta-rpgstarters·
Angela had only wandered over Ax's with some new bakes for that winter, when she'd got stuck at the trailer's door. She always ended up baking a few 'taster' batches with new flavours so that she could get her friends' feedback on them. Shoving the door a little harder, she stumbled in through the doorway and caught herself from falling. Angela cleared her throat before shaking her head. "You know I ain't one for beer, Ax." She grinned, smoothing herself down. "Got anything a little more.. wine?"
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angelahoward · 5 years
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Nicole Kidman as Gillian Owens (Practical Magic, 1998)
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angelahoward · 5 years
mutual luckiness sounded fair, though holden would still contest that he was on the reciprocating end of the most luck – or a miracle, even. still, arguing ( though it was more like amicable teasing ) about it got boring real quick, so he decided to put a cork in that conversation for the evening. instead, he let his chin rest idly atop angela’s head for a moment as they prepared to locate and, blatantly, devour, whatever food the event had to offer. “never understood the appeal of that shit, we’re all adults, aren’t we? no need to be subjected to miniature finger foods at forty, surely.” smiling, he pressed another kiss to the top of her head before forcing himself apart and heading in the direction of a table that looked like it might have food that could actually sustain a human being. “i don’t know what half of this shit even is, ange.”
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It would always be the small things that Holden did to show his affection, that had Angela like him even more. He had never been someone so touchy-feely, not the Holden that she knew and had come to know. But it was as if around her, he wanted to show her how much he cared, with small gestures, like the kiss to her head, and the hand on her waist. A small smitten grin on her face, she couldn't help but laugh at his comment about finger foods, and shook her head. "You think I know what this is?" She muttered back, looking up and around as if someone might have heard them. This fancy-life was far from the one she lead, as much as she loved dressing up to enjoy herself here. "I don't think I'd even eat this as a snack, I mean-- look," she picked up one of the small crackers with.. salmon? Salmon, on top of it. "You think they've got pizza hidden back in that there kitchen?"
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angelahoward · 5 years
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“ i hope you don’t me saying , angela , but you look beautfiul . hands off , though – don’t wanna get on the wrong side of holden , “ he took a seat at the bar and waved over the worker , ordering a vodka-coke for himself before turning back to the woman that was pretty much family to him . she could pull off anything and look incredible , just like his own mother could , whereas in his own suit fletcher felt like a giant stuffed into children’s clothes . “ looks good – it really does , and so does all your hair ‘n makeup and everything . i don’t understand it all , fascinates me when syd puts her face on in the morning and comes out the bathroom looking like a totally different person , “
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Grinning, Angela shook her head at Fletcher's comment before glancing over to where Holden was stood in the room. "He ain't gonna do anythin', probably just agree with you 'n that'd be that." She chuckled, turning back to the boy at the bar. The fact that Fletcher was married now, she still hadn't wrapped her head around. It was an incredible day, and she had been awfully happy to be a part of that. He was family to her, and it didn't matter if they weren't blood related. He always would be. "'m glad, I took a real long time tryin' to look ten years younger." She laughed. "Syd always looks real beautiful, make up or no make up. 'course, it looks much better on her than on me, I ain't got the skin I used to have."
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angelahoward · 5 years
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“I usually change some accessories and the shoes when I wear a dress more than once, sometimes a little silk shawl to throw people’s scent off. Nobody’s noticed just yet.” Helene teetered, pouring the wine into the glasses and sliding one over towards Angela. The two women always had great fun together, Helene considering Angela one of her nearest and dearest. After all, her daughters called her Aunty Angel. “You’re gonna look gorgeous no matter what you wear, Angie. Plus, Holden is gonna love you in it. Probably even more out of it.” Helene wiggled her eyebrows with a cheeky laugh. “Oh, men have it so easy don’t they? Can just throw on a suit to make the ladies swoon.”
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Taking the glass from her friend, Angela raised it in her direction, as if to 'cheers' together, before taking a sip. It was nice when she got to do this with Helene; the pair were busy, but it was always such a joy when they came together. Her daughters had grown up around her, and she was pleased to be called their Aunty Angel. A laugh escaped her when she mentioned that Holden would love her more out of her dress than in it. "God, I'd be lyin' if I said I haven't thought about that." She told her, honestly. "Y'know, when I kissed him, my heart was poundin' so hard, 'm surprised you didn't hear it. 'n that was just a damn kiss. I just.. ain't done anything like that in so long, and I sometimes wonder if that's somethin' he'd actually want." She sighed, taking another, larger sip of her wine. "Damn right, it just ain't fair, Helene!"
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angelahoward · 5 years
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Jolene grinned when she spotted Angela waving her over. Quickly excusing herself from her current conversation she had no interest in, she made her way over to her friend. “Oh, thank you,” she gushed at the compliment. “It helps when your fifteen year old is into fashion and you having a sewing machine.” Jolene smiled looking at Angela’s outfit. “You always look so classy, Ang. You’re just stunning. Who is the lucky bastard that you came with tonight because I am so jealous.”
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Grinning, she took another look at her dress and took it all in. Angela loved seeing what everyone wore to occasions such as these, and she couldn't help but admire her friend's. "Well, maybe she can think me up some ideas. Gettin' tired of my old clothes." She jested, giving her a small shrug at the compliment. "Ain't you sweet, but I think I'm the lucky one tonight, y'know." Angela took a glance over to where her date for the evening stood.
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angelahoward · 5 years
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“you think so?” though he still wasn’t certain of his own part in the aesthetic, angela was undoubtedly stunning enough in his mind to make up for it. he emitted soft laughter, silencing himself with another sip of his drink that he narrowly avoided choking on. “suppose he should consider himself lucky then, eh? bein’ bombarded with compliments,” edging closer his arm came to rest around her waist and holden gently tugged her towards him to plant a kiss on her temple. “how about a wander around to look for some food? i’m starvin’.”
Nodding, Angela gave him a small smile. She knew that Holden didn't think much of his own appearance when it came to the pair of them, but she had always adored how he looked and how he dressed. "I know so." She responded quietly, drinking a little as she glanced around the room at everyone else. It was such a lovely event, well put together. Ange's smile grew to a wide grin as he placed his arm around her waist and kissed her on the forehead. It was the little things she so adored about the man. "Well I certainly consider myself lucky to have him, so.. maybe we're both just real lucky." Nodding at the mention of food, she chuckled. "God, please, I ain't eaten much, 'n these tiny finger foods are doin' nothin'."
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angelahoward · 5 years
closed for @joleneedwards​
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Managing to shake her date to the ball in some manly conversation, Angela instead found herself waving over towards an old friend. Jolene looked absolutely stunning, and there was no chance that she wasn't going to speak to her all night. "My my, that dress was just made for you, Jo." She grinned, giving the woman a large smile, and a friendly hug.
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angelahoward · 5 years
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he inhaled deeply and took a hearty gulp from his drink, praying his cheeks weren’t as rosy as they felt – though perhaps he could blame it on the large ( even for him ) amount of alcohol he’d consumed, rather than angela’s compliments. holden turned to face her, head at a slight angle. “think you might’ve
 once or twice, but i could be wrong. still, i’m willin’ to bet i look an absolute state compared to you in that dress; folk’ll be wonderin’ how this whole thing works.” flashing her a brief and teasing smile, he took another sip. “been complimentin’ all the men hereabouts tonight, ms. howard?” 
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Angela bit down on her lip in an attempt to hide her smile; she'd spot the heat come to his cheeks as she spoke, and though there probably a multitude of reasons they were so, she'd hoped it was because of her. She would always hope to compliment him at an appropriate rate. She knew he would never get used to it. "Oh please, we look like a damn great pair, if you ask me." She mentioned quietly. Ange sipped on her drink, eyes on his when he asked his next question. "All of 'em, every single one." She teased back, playfully. "Ain't anyone else I want to compliment, Mr. McBride. Just the man 'm with."
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angelahoward · 5 years
closed for @kanevsky​
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Angela was at the bar when she noticed Fletcher by her side. She had been having a wonder about her outfit, which was a little late since she was already and Holden had reassured her a million or so times. So of course, she'd ordered a glass of wine and was happy to people watch for a little while. "This dress too young for me, Fletch? Be honest."
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angelahoward · 5 years
closed for @holdcnhq​
PERSON A and PERSON B are both a little tipsy and dealing with the aftermath of knocking over a whole plate of h'orderves before anyone notices
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By this point of the evening, Angela was around three wines down and completely loving her life. She had a chance to speak to everyone she'd wanted to, and to top it off, she was there with Holden. Not a run in as friends, not a polite conversation as they'd seen each other to give an excuse for speaking to each other. She was there. With Holden. Looking over to him, she took another sip on her drink before grinning widely. "I told you how dashin' you look this evenin'?" She questioned, tilting her head to the side.
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angelahoward · 5 years
He wonders if this is what they call Southern Hospitality. He’s grateful, nevertheless, to her understanding disposition, chews the inside of his cheeks as she offers them to go together for some lunch. “Well, Miss Howard, I’d love to, but I don’t have much to offer in terms of cash.” He hates how he sounds, grimaces, and mentally counts the crumpled bills he does have stored in his wallet. “If it’s a place that isn’t too pricey, I’d be happy to join you.”
Angela rose her eyebrows when he told her that if the place wasn't too pricey, that he could join her. "Oh, no-- no, sweetheart, my treat." She thought that was already evidennt, but perhaps it wasn't. She was happy to pay for him, more than happy actually.
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angelahoward · 5 years
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angela howard | masquerade ball
keeping it traditional, angela has opted for a gold and black theme with an intricate wire mask, her hair back and whispy, with jewelry to match. she adores dressing up, and so her black dress was chosen as soon as the event came to light, the one shoulder piece being something she is extremely excited to wear to such an occasion.
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angelahoward · 5 years
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She laughed slightly at Angela’s words of reasoning, shrugging innocently. “You’re too nice, y’know that? I’m sorta mad at you mama, Barbie and my pops for not tellin’ me to stay away from a sleasy New Yorker in the first place. Now look.” Tammie laughed, she was only teasing because really she wouldn’t have listened much anyways. “You and Holden, huh? Is that all serious now, official?” she raised her eyebrows to Angie with a wide smile. “But I won’t bother you both with havin’ a little one to watch. I’m sure y’all would rather be all snuggled up than doin’ bottle feeds.”
Rolling her eyes, Angela shook her head at Tammie's words and could only really shrug. "Y'know if any of us told you not to, you'd have done it anyway. Ain't no tellin' you what to do, Tammie Jones, 'n you know that." The small smile on her face was the giveaway sign that she was only being playful about it. "Official? --no, not official, but.. goin' somewhere, sure. I bit the damn bullet 'n kissed him, Tams." She laughed, as if she were mightily proud of herself. "Are you kiddin'? I'd love to look after her, 'n I'm sure he would too. Would be real nice."
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angelahoward · 5 years
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It was like a little scene right out of the movie Stepford Wives, light swing music playing softly in the background as the two women shared a bottle of wine while baking together. “I’m real excited about this masked ball, Angie. I can barely decide what to wear.” Helene hummed, tying the apron around her waist and smoothing down the fabric over her skirt. “Been a long time since I saw Mark in a suit and Tammie in a dress. I bet Holden is gonna look like your prince charmin’ too.”
Angela always adored spending time with Helene; it was the time she got to spend with someone who was genuinely around her age for once. Not that she hated every other person she spent her time with. Helene was simply different. "Oh, I ain't got a clue what to wear, Hels, I already wore that real nice dress Tammie helped pick out for me. Twice." She made a point as she shook her head and sighed. The lack of dresses she had was truly appauling. Though her friend was right; she was excited to see Holden in a suit again. The thought brought a gentle smile to her lips, ans a heat to her cheeks. "That man sure knows how to look good in a suit, 'm tellin' you."
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angelahoward · 5 years
ella sent her a smile, nodding. “you’re right.” she laughed to herself. “maybe i’ll see if everyone from the hall wants to do something, i think he would appreciate that.” ella thought about it for a moment, knowing the fire hall was their big family. “who are you shopping for?”
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"'m sure he'd love that." Angela commented, a smile gracing her lips. She always knew that making a present special and something to appreciate, went a million more miles than something that exptra bit expensive. "Someone real special." Ange spoke softly after a pause. Shopping for people she adored, but not when it came to not knowing what to get. Mostly because she had a hundred ideas, and neither one of them was good enough.
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