anxious-scrambles · 19 hours
Just a heads up I’m not gonna be posting any fic updates until about the 10th May because mummy’s on a holiday. 👍
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I do so love that every time Ed Balls Day comes and goes, there’s a whole host of people not from the UK who just look at us like we’re fucking insane.
I mean, they’re correct. But we’re having a lovely time with our silly bullshit.
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I literally spit out my water
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“what can that hand do?” kill. Cause problems
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anxious-scrambles · 2 days
Wait… Isn’t Ed Balls day coming up? ED BALLS DAY, I HAVE TO GET READY TO CELEBRATE 
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anxious-scrambles · 2 days
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The only good thing reddit has ever produced https://www.reddit.com/r/casualiama/comments/65788g/im_3_i_know_everything_ama/?st=1Z141Z3&sh=f48ba715
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anxious-scrambles · 2 days
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When you spend too much time with The Homie, The Bestie gets super jealous
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Ref under the cut
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anxious-scrambles · 2 days
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Another Wyll dialogue that has me CRACKING UP (IYKYK)
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anxious-scrambles · 2 days
Reblogging would be a great help, but don’t feel pressured to
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anxious-scrambles · 2 days
its rude to reblog things from people you arent mutuals with fyi. :/
💀 my brother in christopher
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anxious-scrambles · 3 days
do i ship these characters or do i want them to form a sketch comedy duo
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anxious-scrambles · 3 days
Torchwood Children of Earth: the kiss between Captain Jack and Ianto is the most heartbreaking goodbye kiss ever committed to television.
Good Omens Season 2: Hold my beer.
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anxious-scrambles · 3 days
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anxious-scrambles · 3 days
"Don’t you just wanna wake up
Dark as a lake
Smellin’ like a bonfire
Lost in a haze?"
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anxious-scrambles · 4 days
(Your first letter was so brilliant! Cackled the whole time I was reading it 😂 I believe Dreuer deserves the right to reply as well so… here we are.)
[A package wrapped in brown paper arrives at Gale’s Blackstaff study. Within, there are many manuscripts in a very questionable order, with no real filing system in play.
Though Gale is well aware of his husband’s lack of organisational skills by now, this is perhaps a new level of disorganisation. This is the tiefling’s first academic field study and it shows. By the gods, it shows.
On top of this pile of chaos is a note, handwritten and lightly crinkled.]
Please find attached my updated field notes with regards to my ongoing research. I have included several documents pertaining to illusory magic that made me think of you.
Need I remind you that cutting paper with a dagger dulls the blade more than carving through bone. Given the typical use of a dagger, it does not seem prudent to dull its edge performing mundane office work when it should be cutting flesh and sinew.
As for the medicines, I warned you. I told you buying those extravagant dyes in Amn was silly.
If you have used my expectorant to dye your new robes I shall be very annoyed.
Conversely, if you have used fabric dye to treat a cough I am delighted that you have found a charming new colour for your innards. Congratulations my love. I hope it’s purple.
I will begin my return journey back to Waterdeep within the coming tenday. If you require anything from the libraries do inform me before this time is out, I will not linger here waiting for you to make up your mind.
I do so miss you, my love.
Ps. Kindly inform Tara that we now have a dog named Arnold.”
Lovely Dreuer,
Attached is a “how-to” on filing and note-taking for intensive studies. Written in Gale’s neatest handwriting, signed off with a ‘Please attempt to use this.’
My dearest. While I do greatly appreciate your updated studies and will do well to decode the wonderful mess you sent me, I request that you try your hand at a filing system. I’ve come up with a quite simple system we can implement when you return. You know how much I adore you but this is going to make me pull out my hair. And I quite like my hair the way it is.
Well, perhaps the dagger would prefer to be used for mundane office work rather than the gruesome act of murder. Have you ever tried to speak with the dagger and see how it feels on the matter? Perhaps both of us are wrong and we’ve separated it from its family.
As stated in my previous letter, I am choosing to not elaborate on the manner. You will see for yourself when you return. Though I will inform you, your expectorant is in fine condition.
I look forward to your return home. It is getting awfully lonely here and Tara has been badgering me incessantly. I do request you bring home any information you can find regarding “lost” spells. I’m beginning a research project to potentially revive spells mentioned and used in previous decades, but that have not been passed onto the newer generations of spell-casters. Anything you find will help. Thank you, love.
Enjoy your final days of your studies, it will serve you well when you return. Perhaps we can take another journey there together sometime soon.
Until the end of time,
𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔
P.S. Tara is quite definitely the opposite of thrilled! Perhaps we can make Arnold sentient enough to interact in a general level with her? I’ll begin looking into that.
text reads: gale dekarios
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