apollopark-s · 4 years
Jiah had spent the entire evening picking out her outfit, having tried on multiple dresses and sending her friend a bazillion pictures of each one to ask for her opinion. Jiah didn’t often stress about clothing, the girl felt strangely out of place whenever she realised she’d spent hours on her looks, she’d never been insecure about how she looked. Only, tonight seemed to be different. Why? She didn’t know. Shaking her head she made her way down the stairs of her childhood home, just as the bell rang─ again. “Coming!” She yelled, knowing exactly who was on the other side of the door. Taking another glance into the mirror, the flowy material of the dress made her feel a like a princess.
As she opened he door, she came eye to eye with her best friend, the male looking more than handsome. “Well, thank you, Sir Jeffers.” She said, rolling her eyes at him playfully. “You do look quite dashing yourself.” She giggled, gladly accepting the flowers from the male. “For me?” She asked as she looked at him over the bouquet, her eyes twinkling happily. She hadn’t expected to be getting flowers from anyone that night, especially not someone who wasn’t her date, but it made her happy nonetheless. 
“Thanks, Ap. I wish i had something to give you in return…” She said, as she walked back inside the house, quickly taking the flowers to the kitchen. “Let me put these in a vase, they’re so beautiful.” The house was quiet, her moms having left to work early in the morning and probably not coming back till way after she herself would be coming home that night. “Are you excited for tonight?”
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Truth be told, seeing Jiah all dressed up was enough to almost make Apollo forget his damn name. It if weren't for the sake of pretenses, he would have said something else--something different, something sincere. But they were supposed to be best friends, and Apollo and her always made fun of each other. ( More on Apollo, really, since Jiah was perpetually nice and he was . . . himself. ) As she went back in to find a vase for the flowers, Apollo lingered by the doorway and listened to her voice bouncing off the walls of her empty house.
"Excited . . . is one way to put it," he said breezily, laughing at the thought of the whole thing. "We all know this is just admin doing damage control. I would like to think that no amount of feasting or alcohol can appease these angry students, but we'll see how gullible they all are. How do you feel about it?" He waited for her to answer and waited for her to come back before clearing his throat and allowing himself some honesty: "Hey, dummy," he started, affectionately, casually. "You look beautiful."
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For the life of him, he didn't know why he couldn't let the moment linger. Quickly straightening himself up, Apollo flashed her a cheeky grin and held out his arm. "Shall we?" he asked pompously, in a terribly butchered British accent. "You grand chariot--" he said before gesturing towards his ancient car that broke down far more than it actually worked. "Awaits, m'lady."
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apollopark-s · 4 years
how ya' doin, ( @starlihgts​ ) ?
It was Apollo's sister who insisted that he get some flowers for Jiah. He would've done it without her asking--really, he would've--but a part of him still worried about it all being misconstrued as he rang her home's doorbell. They'd agreed to go to the reception together and meet their respective partners there instead; having to wait around for each other was both the boon and bane of being neighbors with your best friend. After a few minutes, Apollo impatiently rang the doorbell again. "This girl, I swear. . ." he was mumbling as he fumbled for his phone--only to have the door swing wide open. His reaction to Jiah was an instant: "They said to be in formal wear, ugly," he teased, feigning confusion. "God, and I brought you flowers and everything. . . You have enough of it in your dress already!"
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apollopark-s · 4 years
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"You know, the fact that it's oversized is a fashion statement. All the rage in Korea right now, didn't you know? I just didn't-- ( afford ) have enough time to look for a new one, so this is my abeoji's. I'm quite excited for this reception actually. Who am I to pass up some good times--music, food, all that shebang. If only my ' wife ' Avani would stop running from me, maybe spare me a slow dance. That'd be a miracle. See you there!"
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apollopark-s · 4 years
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she wasn’t the one to be mean or hold a grudge against a person, she wanted to always believe there was something good in people. “sweets can always be a way into someone’s heart. i suppose?” she let out a short unsure laugh while her gaze stayed on them for a couple seconds. “i think it’s your job to figure that out,” she giggled softly as she scrunched up her nose her gaze falling to the ground. “but ice-cream wouldn’t be such a horrible starter,” she stated in a confident tone.
"Fair enough," Apollo sighed, finishing off his ice cream as he tried to think of where else to take the girl. Unable to contain his curiosity, he found himself asking, "The--comment I made earlier. It's obviously made you feel bad, so I won't say it again. I suppose I just have to ask--you seem so confident and secure to me, but why'd it hurt you?" Quickly, he added, "I'm not invalidating your feelings. Just want to know the thought process."
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apollopark-s · 4 years
It hadn’t always been like this. That feeling of heat just beneath the surface. Like a ketal that had been sitting on the stove for just a little too long and any moment was about to blow its lid. In fact if he thought back hard enough, he could remember a time when things felt okay. Normal even. But every day those times felt further and further away and the lines between an acceptable level of anger, and out of control were starting to blur. This was especially the case when all it took was one stray arm to completely cause him to lose his Baja Blast not only all over the concrete but completely down the bottom of his pant leg and into one of his shoes. “Jesus christ are you fucking kidding me?” He shouted as he turned towards the stranger who was already walking away. His firsts curled tightly until he noticed the few pairs of eyes that had stopped to notice the scene. “It’s fine I’d been meaning to dye these socks blue for a while now asshole!”
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Apollo had only half-meant to bump into Kota. He saw him halfway across the quadrangle and sped up to catch up to him--to do what exactly, he hadn't figured that out yet. Instead, he ended up mixing Kota up with another guy, bumping in to the actual Kota, and only realizing when he was a few steps away. That ANGRY tone wasn't at all new to Apollo. . . but today, he realized that he maybe might have truly fucked up. Guilt simmering at the pit of his stomach, Apollo turned to Dakota with a sheepish grin. "Hey, Benson," he said slowly. "I swear on my life that I hadn't meant that."
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apollopark-s · 4 years
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hearing his small comment, the blonde’s lips curled into a small smile which she quickly retracted as she looked down at the ground for a split second, before her blue hues met theirs. she was so easily offended and honestly, she just couldn’t take a simple joke sometimes. deep down she knew that his comment about her earlier was a joke, yet she took it so personally that she started to pout. liliana wanted to keep a stern look on her face and didn’t want to show that easily a bit of humor can change her feelings, “it could easy it out - just a little.” she spoke in a soft tone, shuffling on her feet she crossed her arms over her chest. “i mean, don’t get me wrong, i really do love sweets.”
Apollo hadn't meant to offend Liliana, but truth be told he always did kind of struggle when it came to context clues. His lack of perception led to the girl expressing genuine hurt, which then led to the on-campus ice cream shop. (Apollo's pursuit to make ammends.) "Who doesn't love sweets? But, ah, I guess it isn't enough today--" he said, half-teasing as he tried to catch the blonde's eyes. "What'll make you feel better, then? How can I get a smile back on that pretty face?"
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apollopark-s · 4 years
"Didn't I tell you this ice cream was divine? Best in Philadelphia." Apollo said a little too enthusiastically, still a bit miffed that he'd wounded up treating the other person to dessert. It was really on his own volition, actually, after he'd WRONGED them so grievously. (Well, according to them at least.) It was just a few extra dollars he could've saved--not something the other had to know, of course. "I don't suppose this means you forgive me?" he asked innocently. "Sweets usually seem to do the trick."
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apollopark-s · 4 years
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“he doesn’t want to bang you,” the tiny girl’s lips moved a mile a minute, talking to another girl that she was supposed to be hanging out with that day— of course,plans had changed as soon as her lips moved. she didn’t mean to say the sentence so …loudly, but maya couldn’t help herself from trying to prove her friend wrong. “i’m sorry!” maya tried to let out as she saw her friend gathering their things and leaving, leaving maya alone in the area. letting out a sigh, maya made eye contact with another in the area, a sheepish smile on her lips. “i totally fucked that up, didn’t i?”
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apollo was trying to study, but maya's voice was pretty hard to ignore. even more so her crassness--he couldn't help but let out a snort of laughter at her straightforwardness. of course she'd be so. . .honest. "you think?" he replied, feigning momentary shock only to laugh. "you still don't have a filter, huh? it's nice to know that some things don't change."
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apollopark-s · 4 years
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“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here? Ah--it’s for the program? I wonder who’s the lucky guy assigned with you. Okay, okay, back on track. What I think of Tie-the-Knot? Personally, I could do without it, but I had a terribly boring junior year--internships and all that--so I suppose this is a great way to mix things up a bit. I’ve met my partner, yeah. (THE MOUSE). She ran away the moment I opened my mouth, though, which I suppose is an accurate enough reaction. Anyway, I ought to go find her--give me a call, though, yeah? Alright, alright. See ya!”
my son. look at my SON ! lmk if u want to plot :0 
moved to river valley at the start of high school; has a good enough family life (genuinely loves his younger sister + parents) but they’re not-so well off which has dictated *so* much of apollo’s life: he spends half his time working odd jobs, he works really hard to keep his scholarship at RV, he’s doing everything he can to provide 
because of this, he hasn’t had much time to focus on himself! he’s very deflective and flirtatious in an effort to keep people at an arm’s length; few people really know about his financial situation, and he’s not in the business of letting other people know. he’s very secretive and mysterious, and can even be perceived as a fuckboy if he were a little meaner 
also VERY SMART. honors class kid, competes for the school, en route to a good company post-graduation, full scholarship since freshman year!
random hcs: the only escapism he allows himself is computer games, has had a lot of flings but only one “serious” relationship, can’t cook to save his life, if he had free will he’d probably would have taken up teaching 
plot w/me !
[LF] let’s pretend we don’t know each other, those kids are non-stop!, every cliche best friend plot ever, the one that got away + hmu for more!
let’s pretend we don’t know each other - is apollo an annoying older brother? definitely. would love to have his younger sister (either a freshman/sophomore) in river valley too so he can mess with her + threaten boys! all that fun stuff
those kids are non-stop! - rivals plot :DDD plsss :DDD the two have been academically at each other’s throats since their freshman year. do they hate each others guts and always try to one-up each other? always. is their sexual tension? possibly. 
every clliche best friend plot ever - ever since high school they’ve been best friends! she’s one of the few who know about apollo’s real living situation and although apollo is yet to unpack it, he is most definitely probably in love with her <3 please 
the one that got away - someone to be apollo’s ~one serious relationship! they could either be on bad or good terms (and whether there’s leftover feelings/relapsing WOULD LOVE TO DISCUSS....) lmk.... 
relationships & connections !
the mouse - avani is apollo’s partner, and he finds himself... intrigued by her. she avoids him like the plague and is generally awkward around him, and since he’s smart in everything except social interaction, he thinks it’s her playing hard-to-get. he’s yet to find out her secret, though, which could mean that some misunderstandings are meant to ensue. 
the drama queen - maya and apollo “dated” for a brief time, and apollo steered clear because he much prefers to stay lowkey. the two are still constantly at it (bickering, flirting), but apollo remains extremely wary of the impulsive, happy-go-lucky character his ex is. 
the crimson - there’s a reason apollo always brings his flings to the theatre to fool around: he thinks dakota, who works the lights, is cute. it’s a terrible excuse and an even much more terrible way to get his attention, but if it’s a way to get dakota to look his way--something so uncharacteristically whipped of apollo--then he’ll take it. 
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apollopark-s · 4 years
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professor cha eun ho and his glasses
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