apurdyfulmind · 5 years
Extremely well written! And extremely true!
Anxiety vs. Asthma: Why Is One More Accepted Than the Other?
Before I start, a little disclaimer: Everything in this post, with the exception of the linked article, is solely my opinion, and should be regarded as such.
This word controls my day, everyday. No matter how much I think I’ve got it under control, it’s just not the case. Anxiety decides how easy (or not easy) it will be for me to get out of bed and complete my morning routine, or rush through the essentials of getting ready. Anxiety decides if I’m going to be pleasant or cranky. Anxiety decides if, after I’ve completed my work day, I’m going to be able to continue to be productive, or spend the five or six hours before bed doing absolutely nothing of note. Anxiety decides if I’m going to sleep well or toss and turn until my alarm goes off the next day, and the whole process starts over again.
In October 2015, years after my anxiety symptoms began to manifest, I was clinically diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety. As far as which came first, well, that’s a chicken-and-egg type of question. Currently, my OCD is managed with the lowest dose of a commonly-prescribed anxiety medication. That tiny little pill doesn’t completely take away my anxiety, but it takes the edge off and allows me to function like a relatively normal person. If life becomes overwhelming, however, I can still give in to those obsessions and compulsions. Often, if my anxiety is not sated when it rears its ugly head, I can become very nervous and agitated.
Recently, the school district I work for completed our Winter Break. I went back to work for inservice on Wednesday, and the kids came back on Thursday. Wednesday morning, my brother texted me about a family situation; this is not the first time we have faced this situation but the same concerns and anxiety build immediately when it happens. Thursday night, I found myself so anxious and stressed, I asked my roommate, “Is it too early after break to take a mental health day tomorrow?”
Mostly I was joking, but the fact that it would have been frowned upon got me thinking. I also have asthma, and if I called or texted my boss and told her I was having an asthma attack and needed to stay home, it’s likely no one would have thought much of it. If I had called and said, however, that I was having high anxiety and needed some time for myself, that’s not as accepted. Why is that? We’re almost twenty years into the twenty-first century, and with all the encouragement to talk about our mental health and accept this silent, invisible diseases, there is still a stigma attached to those of us who may need accommodations for our disorders.
According to Fortune:
42 million Americans live with an anxiety disorder.
16 million suffer from sever depression.
6.1 million have bipolar disorder.
The linked article goes on to state:
Only 41% of adults with a mental health condition received help; less than 50% of children ages 8-15 received mental health services.
36.9% of this affected by anxiety receive treatment.
20% of Americans with moderate depressive symptoms sought help from a medical professional.
The generation I am from seems to be in a weird sort of limbo where we are more open to acknowledging and seeking help for our issues, but we also seem less inclined to use the manifestations of these symptoms as an excuse/reason to not attend work or other events. We keep mum about our diagnoses and management plans, suffer through parties and emotionally-taxing work days, and keep the tears and complaints to ourselves. In contrast, the generation before us took on a more “suck it up” type of approach, and the generation after us fully embraces their issues — maybe more than those issues need to be embraced. (Of course, that statement could be borne of my perspective on my own issues and upbringing.)
Is this why the stigma remains? Because our supervisors are from the generation who sucked it up, didn’t talk about it, and just moved on with their lives? Because we feel we need to set a better example to the generation after us who seem to have lost some of the work ethic that we have — just as we have lost some of the work ethic maintained by the generation before us.
Whatever the reason, I encourage all of us, myself included, to be honest about what’s happening with us. This doesn’t mean we openly offer up the information on our anxiety and depression and other mental health disorders, but let’s not hide them, either. I has taken me thirty-plus years to be honest with my close friends when I need to cancel plans because I’m on sensory overload or my anxiety is attacking me in some other way, and not make up some other excuse (read: lie) in order to avoid the event. I’ll admit, I’m even guilty of doing this with my job, though I am trying to do better about that.
On Thursday, I’ll post about self-care/anxiety management tips and tricks I’ve discovered that have helped me be honest with others about my OCD and anxiety, but for now, let me say this: if we are going to embrace our disorders, we cannot continue to lie about it and hide it from others. We cannot use anxiety and depression as an excuse, either, but just as those who have asthma or cancer or any other chronic illness, we have to accept and acknowledge on of the hardest things there is to accept and acknowledge — we need help.
I’ll see you guys on Thursday. Until then, keep encouraging yourself, keep accepting yourself, and, above all, keep moving forward.
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
I updated my commissions page the other day, and if you saw it, you know I’m trying to earn/save some money for an assistive listening device for my newly diagnosed auditory processing disorder.
From the time of this post until 11:59 PM CST on Monday, 11/26/18, all commissions will be 50% off!
Please make sure you’re reading the entire post, which can be found in the link above, or in the bio on my page.
Hope everyone that celebrates had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and if you don’t celebrate, I hope your week is going fabulous!
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
So excited!!
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Average Thursday with Al Cal 🖤 #supernatural #unhumannature https://www.instagram.com/p/BqYD_PogEN5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19twpz8enwkni
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
TØP Fall Drabbles!
I’m in the Fall mood, so please choose from the list of prompts below! I will write either Josh or Tyler, and all drabbles will be reader inserts. Please make sure you are sending an ASK – it makes it a lot easier to keep track of requests that way. I will be taking the first ten requests, then I will post that drabbles are closed for today. If you don’t make it in, don’t worry! I will re-open drabbles at another time for the rest of the prompts.
Also, if you send an ask for a prompt that has already been requested, I’ll ask you to choose another one. I try to update as the requests come in what’s available and what’s not!
You’re welcome to include any other details you’d like to see, and I’ll do my best to write you a drabble you can enjoy! Without further ado, here are the prompts: 
Fall Festival
Pumpkin Patch
Fall Baking
Corn Maze
Jumping in Leaves
I’ll try to cross out the prompts as they’re taken; if I let you know that the prompt you want has already been taken, you’re welcome to give another one a shot! Happy Requesting! 
P.S.: If you’re not sure what’s exactly happening here, follow this link and check out some Supernatural Fall-themed drabbles I did a couple of years ago. 
Tagging a few people who have requested before or who might be interested in requesting/signal boosting: @adversaryproject @calmtullips @apurdyfulmind @ashleymalfoy @blurry-fics 
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
Best thing in my life right now! 😍😍😍
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
Scorpio and the first movie I thought of, People Under the Stairs!
since it’s october, reblog with your sign and your favourite horror movie!
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
REBLOG if you have amazing, talented WRITER friends.
Because I certainly do, and I love every single one of them and their work.
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
Every time someone tries to explain the metaplot of Supernatural to me, it basically ends up sounding like redneck Dragon Ball Z. I’m sure there’s some nuance I’m failing to grasp here.
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
Man, I 100% relate!
I know I can’t blame EVERYTHING on my parents but I do absolutely blame them this. I can’t imagine how much I could’ve accomplished if they had just supported me in SOMETHING I wanted to do. I had sooo many interests when I was younger and hearing them say “well who’s gonna drive you?” “You’re not going there” “that’s for people who’ve done that they’re whole lives” “you’re not taking from someone else” (my mom & gma are dance teachers) “that’s too far away” or the WORST “we’ll see” made me think my dreams were stupid. Now I feel like, and I’m not being melodramatic, I feel like my dreams are dead.
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
The best!
Why the fuck would you go big when u can go home
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
That's so cool!!!
Giant animatronic dinosaur outside bbc hq! Wow! Credits: BBC
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
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Icons: Ruth Connell
Like or Reblog
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
So much love!
Reblog to shower our beloved queen with love on her appreciation week 💓
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
Why not!
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apurdyfulmind · 6 years
I don't know if there are rules or anything but I'm just going to jump in and write about my favorite episode. I'm not good with edits or gifs or aesthetics! Well, I've never really tried! I could be amazing and don't know it! Although, I do know I'm not an amazing writer, so bare with my ramblings!
Anyway, I guess I wouldn't say this is my favorite Rowena episode but it's definitely the most significant to me, and that is Inside Man, 10x17.
Until this episode, I felt Rowena was kind of over the top, over dramatic, trying to manipulate Crowley (don't hurt Crowley!!) with snippy, sassy comments and was just kind of one dimensional, but humorous. But this was the first episode that we saw a different side, some actual emotions, some character development. She super badassingly confronted Dean at the bar and was just like, Yeah! I'm not scared of you! Go ahead and kill me! And then the end when Crowley confronts her, kicks her out and she cries, we see real anger and hurt. "Everything you have, I will watch it burn!!"
The writers finally gave Ruth something to really work with, and she killed it! I remember watching that episode and thinking, "Oh... Ok! Well, this chick is now on my favorite characters lists! Can't wait to see more!" And that is the episode I fell in love with Rowena Macleod and fell head first into the SPN family!
All this rambling comes down to... loving Rowena, and consequently Ruth, has literally completely changed my life for the better. I was so alone, so depressed, and scared of life. If I had not watched that episode and fell in love with Rowena and Ruth, I would have never discovered there were Supernatural conventions. I would have never taken the biggest scariest chance of my life, at the time, and travel, far away, to a convention by myself. I would not have met my two very very bestest friends ever and for the first time in my adult life gain confidence, courage, and self love from them. And I would have never moved to a whole new state to be close to my friends and to start a new life and actually be happy with who I am! So I have a great great amount of appreciation for Rowena!
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