arcanesoldier · 1 year
The Raven Academy of Mystical Arts UPDATES
Want to keep updated on when the school reopens (Oct 29) or if we have a new area of study (yes, House Loshon) or new classes (so many)? Join the RAMA Hiatus Lounge!
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arcanesoldier · 2 years
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Have you got the provable experience and knowledge to help others learn? Do you have years of research into mythology, herbalism, or any other manner of occult experience under your belt? Want to add another line to your resume?
Apply to teach at The Raven Academy!
Our college is putting out a call  for new teachers to join on to our next trimester that starts in June. Each trimester is 8 weeks long with teachers offering at least one lesson per week.
If you’re interested in teaching but you're not too sure about it, apply to be an Acolyte! Acolytes read over lesson plans, help grade, and essentially work as magic-y TAs.
We’d love to see you apply!
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arcanesoldier · 2 years
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School is almost in session!
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arcanesoldier · 2 years
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School is almost in session!
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arcanesoldier · 2 years
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Have you got the provable experience and knowledge to help others learn? Do you have years of research into mythology, herbalism, or any other manner of occult experience under your belt? Want to add another line to your resume?
Apply to teach at The Raven Academy!
Our college is putting out a call  for new teachers to join on to our next trimester that starts in June. Each trimester is 8 weeks long with teachers offering at least one lesson per week.
If you’re interested in teaching but you're not too sure about it, apply to be an Acolyte! Acolytes read over lesson plans, help grade, and essentially work as magic-y TAs.
We’d love to see you apply!
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arcanesoldier · 3 years
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Have you got the provable experience and knowledge to help others learn? Do you have years of research into mythology, herbalism, or any other manner of occult experience under your belt? Want to add another line to your resume?
Apply to teach at The Raven Academy!
Our college is putting out a call  for new teachers  to join on to our next trimester that starts in October. Each trimester is 8 weeks long with teachers offering at least one lesson per week.
If you’re interested in teaching but not sure you can yet, apply to be an Acolyte! Acolytes read over lesson plans, help grade, and essentially work as magic-y TAs.
We’d love to see you apply!
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arcanesoldier · 3 years
Are you curious about runes? Do you want to learn energy work? Are you intrigued by the idea of understanding ancient religions? Consider joining us for the new school year!
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arcanesoldier · 3 years
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arcanesoldier · 3 years
i can’t talk shit about the pirates of the caribbean films as if elizabeth swann becoming pirate king didn’t hand my entire ass to me and make me the gay i am today
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arcanesoldier · 3 years
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Cover Reveal Time!
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Since its inception, the Kingdom of Camoor has been led by warrior Queens who would do anything to keep Camoor on the path towards its destiny, waging wars of conquest to bring civilization to the rest of their continent.
Princess Malia Ausan cares only about two things: her military prowess and her elf girlfriend. The idealistic heir to the throne, she's fiercely protective, competitive, and loyal. But that fierce loyalty will be questioned when the Queen hands down punishment by sending her out on her Expedition years early and in disgrace. Her Expedition takes her through the newly conquered Nadun as they head to the Uncharted Territory the kingdom is at war with. Under the guidance of the Kingdom's cruelest general, Malia learns some hard truths about the Kingdom and her own past.
I did it, I wrote a book, ya'll! It's available for presale now until October 31st! If you want more explicitly LGBT rep in books, reblog this and ORDER IT HERE!
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arcanesoldier · 3 years
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arcanesoldier · 3 years
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arcanesoldier · 3 years
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Growing up with your starters
Artist:  esasi8794 / Twitter
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arcanesoldier · 3 years
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arcanesoldier · 3 years
This is me, never leaving the house but when I actually do:
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arcanesoldier · 3 years
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arcanesoldier · 3 years
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One of the most enigmatic characters in all of Irish literature is the Morrígan. Alternatively described as a goddess, a trio of goddesses, a collective of battle spirits, and even a gloss for the Greek Furies, the Morrígan was known as a prophetess and a shapeshifter, appearing frequently in the form of a scald-crow. When appearing as a trio of sisters, the three Morrígna are most commonly named as Morrígu, Badb, and Macha, although other names such as Fea, Anand, or Nemain are given in other sources. The name "Morrígan" itself may even have been seen as a title rather than a proper name, which was assumed by different figures at different times. One of the Morrígan's most notable appearances is in the Táin Bó Regamna (the Cattle-Raid of Regamna), a prequel story to the better known Táin Bó Cuailgne. In the tale, the hero Cú Chulainn has an encounter with a strange, red-haired woman, whose presence is preceded by a terrible cry from the North. The woman, driving a chariot with a one-legged horse and accompanied by a man and a cow, tells Cú Chulainn that she is a satirist, and gives him a cryptic poem before transforming - chariot and all - into a black bird on a branch. Now recognizing the woman as the Morrígan, Cú Chulainn says he would have handled things very differently, had he known it was her. In response, the Morrígan tells him that misfortune would have resulted either way. Cú Chulainn insists that she has no power over him, to which she replies "I have power indeed; it is at the the guarding of thy death that I am, and I shall be," fortelling of Cú Chulainn's tragic fate in the Táin Bó Cuailgne, and the role she would play in bringing it about.
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