areadummy · 15 days
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Original idea from @saintdaily
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areadummy · 29 days
Rainworld art plans
heehaw, I might make rainworld art one day (and maybe ship)
Practice comes first though ^^
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areadummy · 29 days
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sometimes I feel like, Internet me, is not the real me, and it's just another persona.
sometimes I feel like life is trying to throw all this negativity at me, trying to make me kill myself or something.
I vent to my friends often, telling them about my issues, or just venting on picsart, but never here.
@seraphimsirius you were right although I can never escape negativity from always coming back, I always see the light at the end of the tunnels I always find myself in.
And just today, I cried over my comfort item.
It's in a ruined state, which means it might get thrown away sooner or later, but I won't let that happen.
On discord, after t, and A bullied s mercilessly, I wanted to confirm to t i did put 👍🏻
And I added crying Emoji's because why not?
T had to be dryer than the Sahara desert.
And also say "no need to cry about it."
So I wanted to politely call t a bitch.
Then A defended t (t pulled my trigger honestly-)
Which a bit of arguing, t had to comment on my grammar.
AHEM incompetent teacher alert!!!!
Also why say smth about a simple to having to be too?
When she can barely type YOU-
I lashed out at them, and of course eventually left.
T is growing blinder than a bat.
So I made my own server.
I called t and A out, my points standing strong.
so A is a hypocrite.
And t is, idk A BITCH?
also the bullshit is real-
She literally gets pissed off if he simply breathes air.
Or wants to share an idea.
They got pissed off over a WOMP WOMP
And t had to say
"would you go WOMP WOMP at your mom's funeral?"
Brother, it's not that fucking deep, s just said WOMP WOMP, no need to go that far.
They called me pissy because of actually having a valid reason of leaving their asses?
Wow how pathetic.
They have so many points stacked against them.
Mi rant speaks.
Also, the reasons they hate s, differs.
So the BS is real
They bully s for being childish, despite being childish themselves.
as for the catboy incident? Idk
He told them to stop calling him a femboy once
And yet? They didn't stop.
And their reason to hating him?
Was "oh but he did smth repeatedly and we told him to stop but he didn't" fucking bullshit ngl
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And here is more
They keep trying to come up with reasons to hate s
But fail miserablely, their little bullshitting won't work on me.
your thoughts?
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areadummy · 1 month
I'm gonna make an example.
Hello sir or ma'am, but why do you exist.? period question mark.
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It's my testing anonymous ask GAPS
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areadummy · 1 month
Ahh...Free at last
O Gabriel
Now dawns thy reckoning
and thy gore shall GLISTEN before the temples of man
Creature of steel...
My gratitude upon thee for my freedom
but the crimes thy kind have committed against humanity
are NOT forgotten
And thy punishment...is DEATH
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areadummy · 1 month
Sunny entered moon's basement-
nothing scary, just sunny trying to find moon
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body dissapeared?
It's an emojicat, it can do that whenever-
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areadummy · 1 month
You will love it here 💖
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Silly little post :3
Alr so i got some funny goofy little online friends- sadly stuff got a “little” bad (putting in quotes bc its not little)
we will call my friends ruffles,sky,tofu and lets call the last friend “A”
alr so i wont go into too much detail but basically that happening rn is alot of drama- “A” and ruffles are no longer friends an tofu is talking shit about sky- and basically everything is falling apart ;^;
And im basically in the middle of this- the only thing i know is that someone is mad at someone else- now im mad at most of my friends for just being dicks- i mean great to know your opinion! But still! If you have nothing nice to say then maybe dont speak? Anyway i wont complain long- ill also probably wont post- the only reason im using tumblr now is bc I wanted to follow ruffles acount- (i wont add any links bc i dont want any slurs yelled at me-)
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areadummy · 2 months
Sunny and friends ig?
I am better at images honestly.
But where do I start? Ah! I know!
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Sunny has received moons package?
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areadummy · 2 months
Helpful ^^
Tips for Cluster B Anger
~ coming from someone who has BPD and a psychology special interest Have you been feeling like your anger is completely uncontrollable and all encompassing? Do you feel like your anger controls you more than you control it? Me too! But here are some things I've found to be helpful: - Taking notes. Write down triggers for what causes your anger episodes (as well as other episodes e.g sadness or paranoia) once you come down from it and start looking for a pattern. Not only will this help you to slow down and self reflect, you can begin to either avoid those triggers or find ways to regulate the effects. - SLOW DOWN. If something is making you want to hurt someone else or yourself, slow the FUCK down. Push against the grain, step back and let yourself have a good cry or scream into a pillow. Do whatever you can to (healthily) process the emotions, no matter how long it takes, before making major decisions. - Avoid self harm, substances or unhealthy habits like disordered eating or emotional self harm. It's so tempting, believe me, but it will only serve to make things worse. You might feel like you want it to get worse now, but in the future, you WILL regret it. If you start feeling these urges, refer to the urge surfing diagram below this. - Get outside advice. Think you're splitting but you can't tell? Run the situation by a close friend or loved one and see how they feel about it. Try to relay it with as little bias as possible and see if they agree with the decision you're about to make or if you perhaps need to reevaluate some things. - Take care of your heart. I know this is cliche, but a good sleep schedule, hearty food consumption habits, hydration, exercise routine and mental health care go a long way in helping you succeed in the above tips. You are struggling with an illness, and ill people need as much care as possible. Become your own parent. This works for anger in all Cluster B personality disorders, as well as with autism spectrum disorders! Urge surfing:
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areadummy · 2 months
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Who fuck with my iterator design line up ‼️‼️‼️
been meaning to do this so i dont have to pull out 5 different images of mine just to color pick from multiple of them… also thinking of making stickers/charms.. for personal reasons,,, already have some ideas in mind :3
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areadummy · 2 months
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Updated intro
// Howdy!! The name's Sirius. You can also call me Kuu, Arti, or Eclipse.
// I am interested in A LOT of stuff. I'll list the main ones.
Hollow Knight
Rain World
Monster Hunter
BUGS!!!!!!! they're so silly
Space [The name Sirius came from the star!! :D)
// Idk how to conclude this intro, it's 2:30 AM EST for me as of me typing this. I'll update it again later lol.
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areadummy · 2 months
words cannot describe how true and accurate this is
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areadummy · 2 months
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happy anniversary to this bitchass game
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areadummy · 2 months
Gourmand already is the loaf of bread!
Nice art btw!
gourmand sharing a loaf of bread with a scug of your choice for the doodle requests >:3
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what if.... they shared with all of you!
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areadummy · 2 months
very silly :3
Maybe nightcat and saint vibing together (based on my sibling headcanon)? :3
Hope you have a good day/night by the way!
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sibling gossip
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areadummy · 2 months
He name lemonshark fits well with your designs honestly!
Keep up the good work :3
Lemonshark or error 404 would be cool,,
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love lemonade so much.... i did error 404 in the last post!
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areadummy · 2 months
Silly!!!!! I like the art style
Saint looks snowy
Rivulet looks very tropical :0
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the tiniest reversal up there
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