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This is how I’m feeling this morning.
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theo_the_squirrel || video
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if you wanna date me you have to fight my 7 evil anxieties 
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guys i had a revelation while doing my greek translation
so in book 1 of the iliad, when agamemnon and achilles quarrel during an assembly, achilles throws some pretty heavy insults at agamemnon (things like “dog-eyed,” “drunkard,” “one who commands garbage”), and then he takes the staff he’s holding and throws it on the ground before taking his seat. thing is, when you’re given the staff in an assembly, that’s how everyone knows that it’s your turn to talk. it’s like the ancient equivalent of being handed a microphone. so not only does achilles insult agamemnon and tell everyone that he’s gonna leave the fight and none of them are gonna be able to do anything about it even when hector starts slaughtering them all, he literally drops the fucking mike
achilles OUT, motherfuckers
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I look both ways before crossing a one way street. That’s how much faith I have left in humanity.
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me: oh my god please let me concentrate for once my shit brain: Ra Ra Rasputin. Russia’s Greatest Love Machine.
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Our winning Easter Bonnet Presentation, sung to the tune of “Alexander Hamilton.” Proud of our company, who raised an insane $516,029 for BCEFA. And grateful to you, who dropped Hamiltons in our buckets for people who need it to live. Thank you. *greatjob*
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Otters chasing a butterfly. 😍
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Wonder Woman has it rough.
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Agent Emily Preston Appreciation Post
Something that I just really appreciate about Deadpool comics is the character that is Agent Emily Preston.
You have this total bamf who is a plus sized black woman, but is also this really sweet caring empathetic person, not to mention a wife and mother. 
And then they kill her off right away - but wait! Not quite, so after living in Deadpool’s head for a while, they finally get her into a robot body. And they could have designed it however they wanted, but they keep it looking exactly the same as before. Natural hair, big body and dark skin.
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And then she kicks all kinds of ass with it because she’s basically the terminator:
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(sorry for the image quality, I couldn’t find anything on google images so I had to take pictures of it from the comics I owned. And no way am I pulling the binding by sticking it in my scanner, sorry.) Also her face got torn/blown off in the fight, she obviously doesn’t look like that normally.
I just really think that she’s a very important character in terms of representation. 
Also she’s super fucking important in Deadpool’s life, because she’s the one that keeps him in check, plus she takes care of his daughter, so he can still be in her life, despite his mental health issues, profession, and past. (All things that would lose him visitation rights in any other situation)
And unlike most people that just labelled him as crazy and moved on, she actually saw him as a person with worth from the get go. She was the only person who actually seemed to give a shit about him and not just see him as a disposable scapegoat during the who Dead Presidents fiasco. He was genuinely distraught by her death. 
And when she got trapped in his mind, she said it was “beautiful”, and showed him nothing but compassion for his suffering and mental illness. But she also wasn’t afraid to put her foot down with him, holding onto her boundaries and morals. 
Basically she’s an amazing character and I am very glad for her existence, and I hope that she isn’t pushed to the background. (I haven’t read anything after secret wars yet so… but she was already starting to become more of a background character in the last comics I read, which is why there’s the concern there)
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Also I would totally read a comic book series starring her, just saying.
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Costume. Chitons.
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