aro-of-spades-7 · 16 hours
I think a lot about how, if the glorious violent revolution happens, every kid with significant medical needs in a hospital where power gets cut will die.
You can decide you're willing to sacrifice your own life, but you don't get to tell everybody else on the planet that they're acceptable collateral damage.
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aro-of-spades-7 · 19 hours
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aro-of-spades-7 · 20 hours
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Viral comic
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aro-of-spades-7 · 24 hours
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Reblogging this manually. Op doesn't want credit for fear of being terminated.
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aro-of-spades-7 · 1 day
The fact that we as a species haven’t dropped absolutely everything for science baffles me.
You want to go to war? When there are dinosaur bones under your feet? When there are diseases that could be cured? When trees can communicate?
I will never understand.
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aro-of-spades-7 · 1 day
I love how John picked up swearing from Arthur. It’s a part of the Malevolent canon that a fragment of The King in Yellow, Hastur, Him Who Is Not to be Named yells “JESUS FUCKING CHRIST” whenever he’s scared or angry or mildly frustrated or feeling really anything other than complete apathy because one (1) atheist is really dedicated to taking the lords name in vain as much as possible
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aro-of-spades-7 · 2 days
posted by @.thefutureperfectproject on Instagram; made as part of a workshop in which students wrote "A Letter to Queer Youth in the Future"
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aro-of-spades-7 · 2 days
hey how'd kevin find out about the boy anyway. did lauren tell him. was he spying on night vale. did he just Know. kevin wakes up in the middle of the night immediately like "i have to go fight a kid" (charles: "you have to WHAT"). did carlos tell him. carlos sends him an email of just a picture of the boy holding a knife and smiling with the caption "???" and kevins like "that kid's ugly lmao" "that's you??" "oh"
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aro-of-spades-7 · 2 days
Have you been made aware of the random assortment of arthurs body parts floating around the ocean of tumblr?
yes and I absolutely had to draw something about
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aro-of-spades-7 · 2 days
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He ain't wrong.
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aro-of-spades-7 · 2 days
"you're ignoring a genocide happening now and fear mongering a completely hypothetical genocide by saying if Trump wins-"
incorrect. What I'm actually doing is being aware of the reality of things, which is that regardless of who wins, the genocide in Palestine will continue, and being aware of both candidates statements and goals for their re-election, Trump's being to enact project 2025, which does in fact promise genocide on basically all marginalized groups in the US.
Fear mongering, is using blatantly false or misrepresented information, to scare people into believing something that isn't true for political gain, but the Republican party, and Trump himself have outright TOLD US they are planning to wipe queer people, immigrants, etc. out of America, and strip women's rights to literally nothing, it's not fear mongering if it is the actual reality of what's happening and what's being promised by the candidate most likely to win if every Democrat or leftist splits their vote thirty different ways or doesn't show up at all.
Reality hurts, but we have to be aware of it and face it to fix it effectively. There is no way for us as citizens to quickly and swiftly end the current genocide in Palestine, we can only keep protesting and boycotting until the pressure puts the Palestinian genocide to an end, but by not voting or splitting your vote off, you're allowing a candidate who wants to make deportation and execution viable punishments for protesting and boycotting, that candidate being Trump, as well as allowing room for a new genocide to start right here in your home country too.
You can imagine that will make it much harder to actually continue the pro-palestinian movement, as well as send other movements back more than 50 years of progress.
Vote blue, because it's the option that lets us continue fighting toward progress. Change doesn't happen overnight, and it certainly doesn't happen if you don't actually do anything to stop things from getting worse again.
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aro-of-spades-7 · 2 days
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aro-of-spades-7 · 2 days
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Let’s go
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aro-of-spades-7 · 2 days
The "I am not voting" thing is KILLING me
You guys REALLY had to choose the election where we are trying to keep the US from falling under a fascist dictatorship under Trump to say "Now is the perfect time to let the Democrats know how I feel about a tenth of their policies."
Like, cool, can you wait until after we aren't trying to keep someone you will DEFINITELY hate more out of office?
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aro-of-spades-7 · 2 days
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aro-of-spades-7 · 2 days
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This was @croik ‘s idea.
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aro-of-spades-7 · 2 days
the point of cities is that they dont go everywhere we've already built. its about concentrating the very spread-out way most people live our lives. its not that we'd turn suburbia into cities but that suburbia's huge waste of land could become unnecessary if we had a few more cities.
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