art-histormemes · 2 years
do you have any tips for writing dave or rose?
!!!! i am no expert but!
dave: rambles, asks a lot of questions without waiting for the answer. his raps are truly shit. in terms of actions, i usually think of repressed closeted gay guys who compensate w hypermasculinity + the kind of people that are overly chill bc theyre super emotionally repressed. hes clearly a smart guy but he can't help but bring in a million references in all his jokes, and he remains very casual/flippant about most things (if he got stabbed, he would quip before reacting properly). later in the comic, he becomes more rambley but this is more clearly out of anxiety/habit than to be funny. it depends on which characterization you go with (early or late comic); pesterquest kinda makes him this shy blushing guy who poorly hides behind the cool guy mask, but 2009 dave was a genuine menace/vibe terrorist. like remember him and tavros' first interaction? thats p much what i think of most when i try to write him aggressively. for his rambles, i have ADHD and i have a rambley thought pattern so i just let my thoughts wander, though you might have to force yourself to do it. sometimes theres emotional beats i want to hit so i plan it out, but usually his main dialogue can be broken down into (genuine sentiment) (pop culture reference) (train of thought rambling to hide genuine sentiment) then rinse and repeat. he has a fixation on sex and dick jokes and hes very irreverent. sometimes he can be defensive. honestly the best tip is trying to remember his main character motivations: for me, i think his is being invulnerable. he's all about being the strongest person in the room; that can translate into social capital (cool guy persona/being perceived as cool), physical prowess, or whatever u want it to be. dave is a character that constantly wants to prove to himself and others that he cannot be hurt, even though he's actually kind of a sensitive guy (a pacifist whos forced to fight). his "coolness" (which is actually just being a fucking weirdo? i dont think dirk or dave actually know what being cool means other than apathetic. i def think he was homeschooled) is a mask and a compulsion, so keep that in mind! also, i think its good to have people as contrast to him bc hes so weird/aggressively chill to emphasize the weirdness of his own actions/behavior, cuz that gets lost when hes next to the other strilondes (karkat is a good comedic striaght man). one of the biggest flaws, i think, when people write him is when they make him this shy traumatized guy who can do no wrong. he clearly is capable of hurting people (and has done so!), usually as a result of his antagonistic bluster or violence. his whole character journey is about strength and confidence in a very masculine way, and that means that people can get hurt.
rose: she's literally susan sontag. most of her writing style is very similar to 70s-80s feminist scholarship, when most essays were about freud and phallic imagery. she has mommy issues and a penchant for passive aggression. like dave w irony and coolness, she hides behind big words/intellectualism and freudian psychoanalysis. they both deeply dislike not being in power/having control, though dave's comes from being conditioned into it and rose's is a genuine compulsion from her childhood. she has trouble being vulnerable/relinquishing that control. it should be noted that her psychoanalysis, while i think she's a smart girl, is almost entirely for show bc fruedian analysis is not really regarded as helpful/viable among contemporaries. she is constantly on the defense; she interprets her mom's well-meaning actions as cruelty, and doesn't trust easily/assumes the worst out of other people. when i think of her, i mostly just think: what would a lesbian with mommy/trust issues do? and its usually pretty straight forward from there. she pretends to be calm, but is prone to a lot of impulsivity and petty anger (blowing up eridans computer, blowing up her own planet/house). ironically, she's one of the easier characters for me to write, bc her character schtick is pretty much my academic writing. if you're struggling with dialogue or tone, just read some of sontag's writing LOL. like how in detective pony dirk plagiarizes a lot of derrida, i think rose would do the same with sontag. against interpretation is a good one if you're up for the read! also shes cuttingly sarcastic and smart/sees through things easily, but that can make her a really difficult person to get along with. dont be scared to make the characters unlikeable. cuz all of the HS characters kind of are unlikeable as people, esp if you dont know them well. like, shes the type of bitch to tell you john berger style all the flaws of marvel as a piece of military propaganda when you're just trying to watch chris evans' man boobs. for her, everything is deep/more than it appears on the surface. + her alcoholism is interesting because she hates giving up control, and alcoholism is what enables her to do so. i dont think most people understand inherently that she is a darker character. people do the whole horror terror stuff fine, but i mean that she is prone to cruelty and manipulation because its how she reacts to perceived danger. shes very girl dirk in that sense. people make her hyper-competent and hyper mentally healthy, but in my opinion? dont be afraid to make her a bitch, LOL.
if you get the chance lmk how your writing goes!! ^_^
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art-histormemes · 3 years
im screaming i love her sm omg
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art-histormemes · 4 years
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art-histormemes · 4 years
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art-histormemes · 4 years
A mom helping her kids beat a hard level in Super Mario Land, 1990s.
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art-histormemes · 4 years
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Hey there! I have an ALL NEW product available on my Redbubble page! I’m not sure if anyone remembers BuffPuff (the puffer fish with buff arms), but this is the long awaited* sequel: BUFFTOAD! He’s available for print on multiple products, including those shown here. Click here to visit the art print page. From there, you can see other products for sale!
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art-histormemes · 4 years
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Mark Manders. Two Interconnected Houses (Slide nr. 10), 2010, Collection: Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, S.M.A.K. Ghent
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art-histormemes · 4 years
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Hi Hi! I’m raising tuition money for my junior year of college! Any little bit helps since I’ve been furloughed from my primary job due to COVID-19! please SHARE SHARE SHARE (and donate if you can :))
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art-histormemes · 4 years
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In Hot Pursuit by Charles Schreyvogel, American Paintings and Sculpture
Anonymous Gift, 1962 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY Medium: Oil on canvas
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art-histormemes · 4 years
Was this recorded in a mug
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art-histormemes · 4 years
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I took this picture of a sting ray at the aquarium while I was in San Francisco. I didn’t check the picture until later, but somehow the lighting there made it look like the sting ray is… I dunno. floating in space? ascending to heaven? it’s weird.
and I love it.
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art-histormemes · 4 years
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Mom’s potato staring at me across the room
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art-histormemes · 4 years
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art-histormemes · 4 years
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She watches all, judges none, and takes donations.
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art-histormemes · 4 years
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The little toad wishes to see the world, but Americans refuse to wear masks!!! They’ve been locked out of everywhere because they simply can’t think about others! It’s so sad for the little toad. Please wear a mask. Think of the little toad. She wants to see the world. For now, she will sit on this little car and dream.
You can show her the world by reblogging this post and donating to her owner’s Ko-Fi.
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art-histormemes · 4 years
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this is the FUNNIEST thing a villager has ever said to me
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art-histormemes · 4 years
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Promote a good cause in Animal Crossing. Bring back the guillotine.
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