artfagget · 11 months
SILLAGE — a Simon Riley fic. 1/2
❱ This is the au i wrote on tiktok captioned "he realized he wanted to stay too late" this will have two parts! I've been making a lot of ghost fics lately LMAO and I'm sorry if the plots are consistently angst, it's what I like doing the most. This one though is a little heavier than most of what I've written, definitely has some personal linking to it with my experience :)
ꜝ? Warning. . this is a heavy angst fic, mentions of suicide and acts of committing, if that is something that triggers bad emotions, please exit the fic.
paring is Ghost x Reader this is unedited! mistakes such as spelling and grammatical errors are to be expected !
! if you are going through something heavy right now, please seek someone you trust and you are able to talk to about your emotions, nobody should have to go through their troubles alone, you're loved<3 My messages are open if you need a stranger to listen :)
Part 2 (^_^;)
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SILLAGE — (n.) The scent that lingers in air, the trail left in water, the impression made in space after something or someone has been and gone; the trace of someones perfume.
"The deployment takes place soon."
He mumbles, without turning to face you. Occupied by packing up the things he'll need for this mission and more,
He was packing everything.
"Do not wait for me [name]."
"What does that mean?" You ask, a look of indifference plastered on your face. It wasn't necessarily the first time this conversation has been held. 
Though it is the first time you're not opposing. For the entirety of that 7 months you're together, fights happened, arguments would sprung. Yet you find yourselves back into each other's arms within a week,
It was a tiring cycle. Something you knew was unhealthy for the both of you, especially with your deteriorating well-being which he has no waking idea about. You've never brought light to it.
It was an ugly part of you, something you despised.
Something you won't ever show him yourself.
With a short sigh, he stood straight, hands propped on his forehead indicating his rising stress. "I can't, we can't."
"I can't let this go on longer.
You kept quiet, awaiting for him to speak more, to tell more of his worries you're evidently familiar with. It was something you've grown aware of,
His fear of abandoning you,
His fear of dying on the field while you wait aimlessly for him.
"This is for the better [name]." Cowardly, is what you would have described this. But you are in no place to be speaking of such as you're also deep into your own hell of mental instability.
For a lot of times this argument has happened, it was the first time you are not tearing up. Asking him to stop spewing nonsense and convincing him to stay.
Why did you keep doing that? You wondered. Now you finally have the answer. 
It's the fear,
Fear of your darkness once he's far from you, far from your heart. He was completely unaware of how he'd changed you temporarily, how your sleeping heart awoke with just the sound of his voice.
For the longest time you have not felt anything close to what he made you feel; for the first time you are able to feel. And the thought of that suddenly being taken away from you made your body tremble.
But this time you stood firmly,
He was right. This can't go on forever,
You two may have different reasons for saying such but what mutual fact was that it was true. Staying with each other will only drive you to madness.
With his fear of attachment, and your fear of abandonment. It was bound to fail.
You were already planning on cutting ties even before he brought this up once again; you knew you can't stay. Not any longer,
Not when this void plagued you like a curse.
The air was thick and dire, your lack of response threw him over the edge. It was unpleasant. He had expected you to do the same, to react the same, to stop him.
To fight for him like you always have,
But you're no longer capable of doing that. If you can't fight for your own will to live, how does he expect you to fight for this wilting relationship?
You hated it. Feeling helpless.
But you're certain it's the right thing, tonight, you'll finally do it. Like you always planned.
"I see."
Simon felt conflicted, your short answers and your lack of expression, it gave him a strange gut feeling. This sudden gut decision to stay and make sure everything's okay,
He can't.
He needs to go, one way or another. He's doing this in regards to you, and the safety of your feelings.
If only he'd know you're incapable of feeling, without him you can't. Your gaze followed his walking figure as he brought his things at the door,
Turning to you with a pinched expression, though he was shocked to see you looking at him with a smile.
"Be safe."
You spoke ever so gently, with that slight smile he adored but for some reason it felt odd to see it. It troubled him, he shrugged it off, not wanting to drag this moment longer,
Afraid he'll give in and pull you into his arms.
He kept staring, as if he didn't wish to walk out the door. If he does, it means permanently, his heart was against that. "Can I hug you?"
"One last time?"
He was taken aback, stunned at your sudden request. And for a lot of reasons it hurt him, to hurt you in such a way you end up smiling in acceptance, asking him for one final hug.
With an anxious swallow, he dropped the bags and slowly drew closer to you. Pulling you close, perhaps too eagerly? Too desperately. But he didn't care. 
If its the final time he gets to have you in his embrace, he'll make the most of it. 
He lets the moment linger, with your hands clutching his shirt, he took you in. Taking your scent, the calm thumps of your heart, he needs all he can get.
With his eyes closed, he carefully rubs the back of your head when he suddenly felt warm on his chest,
It was tears,
Your tears. You were crying silently.
You interrupt him with a chuckle, pulling away from the hug to wipe your tears. 
"Sorry, it escaped." You humoured, wiping them away.
Right at that moment he felt his heart shatter, he felt cruel. On the other hand you felt fulfilled, with the final hug you wanted,
You can finally do it.
"I love you Si." You smiled once again, looking up at his towering figure. Though his expression remained stoic, almost softening as his thoughts dwelled with what his heart wants.
He shook his head, closing his eyes shut as he turned around to take his things. Twisting the knob in the process, stopping to spare you one last glance.
"I—" he almost said it but he stopped himself, he didn't want to make it any harder for himself, no matter how badly he wanted to say it.
"Goodbye [name]."
Those were the last words he spoke to you, as the sound of the door closing erupts in your ears. Leaving you in the eerie room you dreaded,
It's as if you could still feel his embrace.
Once you're sure he's far enough, it's when you started the preparation. Sitting down indifferently to write a few notes; letters to those few you held close.
One final regard of what you were too cowardly to say in person, a goodbye.
And so, you wrote.
To Simon,
My Simon.
If you're reading this, I am gone.
Whether or not you find this letter, I can only hope you know how much I've loved you. That even without reading this, you're still aware of how much you made me feel.
Thank you, truly.
For the longest time I have struggled to feel, most times it would just be devoid of yearning; my yearn to view life as something worth living for. To no avail I never got that, the idea to keep living never shone bright to me, of course, until you showed up and brighten up my space with your own special way,
It took us quite a few to get along, we really did.
But when it happened, it was ethereal. Things felt right, for the first time I was able to feel,
For the first time I had this sudden urge to keep living, to keep living for you. To see you, to hear your voice, to be beside you. I'm afraid I've grown dependent on that,
As someone who has never felt love nor care, I had no sense of value for myself. Yet you looked at me, you told me you love me and believe me I was ecstatic.
I depended on you, you were my source of happiness and I owe you for every bit of happiness I've gotten from this unfortunate life so when we're apart i find myself remembering just how miserable i am, how my family is, how i am as a person and how hard it is for me to feel.
Without you I can't feel anything.
But that was unhealthy,
I was merely distracted. The void never left, it was there temporarily filled with what I convinced myself was a will to live. I'm sorry. I really am, I wish I could have been better. I wish I could have been stronger,
Braver, to see your achievements even if we're not together anymore. My heart remains yours. It's not your fault, it never will be. I'm sure that you know If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. 
I know I lack the ability to feel, but with you, I never lied. I never faked anything. My love for you is here and it's the only feeling I am able to recognize, I know that night you walked out of the door saying we are better off apart, for the safety of my feelings and for the sake of your growing attachment. I cried but I cried because I agreed.
I'm sorry for surrendering to my weakness,
But I can't keep it together; not any longer. I can only hope that you'll be glad to know that maybe I'm somewhere free from the void of my emotions. I'm somewhere better, freely able to feel. Please be proud, with you I felt so much and that will never change. It's me your [name] :) always will be.
Goodluck to the strongest lieutenant! Remember to keep him happy and healthy, take care of the person I cherish the most, okay? Wherever I am, I am somewhere carrying the short-lived love we had. Treasuring it forever,
Stay frosty yeah? Don't be like me. 
Until next time, lieutenant :)
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artfagget · 1 year
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vampire spider voiced by oscar isaac goes harddddd
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artfagget · 1 year
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just spidey things 🤪
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artfagget · 1 year
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there's always a kiss scene that usually happens while the movie starts to end, right?
aka how beyond the spiderverse ends
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artfagget · 1 year
across the spiderverse deleted scene (real)
what happened during the events of gwen being a part of the spider society:
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artfagget · 1 year
Imagine with me Mario knows exactly what Luigi‘s type in men are so when him and peach are talking Mario’s like “what does this bowser fellow even look like anyways” peach goes on to describe him as like 10 foot fire breathing turtle Mario starts asking questions like how would you describe his eyes
Peach:… I guess Stern and sharp
Mario: looking increasingly worried “does he have a deep voice like rustic”
Peach: starting to get concerned yeah??
Mario: I need to get to my brother!!
Peach: what? I mean of course we’re going to get your brother but you seem… Extra desperate
Mario: I can’t have my brother falling for tyrant
Peach: WHAT?!?! Mario what are you talking about.
Mario: “ tall! deep rustic voice! sharp AND stern looking man THATS TOTALLY HIS TYPE!! we’re lucky that he’s a real bad guy so it’s not like he’s going to do anything like caress Luigis face gently ”
meanwhile Luigi looking into Bowser‘s eyes as his chin is lifted up to make sure he doesn’t look away (oooh nooo hee’s hoooot!!!!)
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artfagget · 1 year
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Weege doesn’t talk much, and certainly not to anyone who actually listens.
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artfagget · 1 year
That Luigi movie, huh?
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artfagget · 1 year
a (Bowuigi) Short comic 3/7
Lot's of crying
Social pressure
Please continue with caution.
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Oh Luigi my sweetheart... stay strong! 💪🏻 You are an awesome Dad!
Emotional support Kamek.
Wow the day has come. Some people already saw the Super Mario Bros. Movie. XD
Sunday is my turn!🐰
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artfagget · 1 year
King Regent of the Dark Land
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after protecting his son Junior and his husband Luigi from an attack, Bowser falls in a coma.
Kamek fills this roll of a leader for some time, but the people of the Dark Land demand for a king.
Junior is too young to be regent, so Luigi is -by law- the next in line.
The moment Luigi and his brother Mario came to this world, they were separated.
Luigi lost his memory after the fall, he meets Bowser - a lot stuff happens.
Mario is searching for years but never finds Luigi.(because of reasons)
One day Bowsers ship flies over the mushroom kingdom and lands at the castle. Everyone is freaking out, but when Peach and Mario wait for the King to exit his ship- it's not Bowser who steps in front of them.
Mario tries not to break down as the new and gentle King regent of the Dark Land stands before him and doesn't recognise him...
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artfagget · 1 year
a (Bowuigi) Short comic 6/7
Lots of crying
Social pressure
Panic attack
Please continue with caution.
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Bowser didn't know the crown he made for Luigi would come to use...
He forged it for their wedding but never found the courage to give it to him.
It was a secret only Kamek knew about.
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artfagget · 1 year
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doodles of them <3
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artfagget · 1 year
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I’m slowly getting through all the prompts please accept this humble drawing for now
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artfagget · 1 year
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uno reverse card
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artfagget · 1 year
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drew these for the gf months ago and forgot about them until i colored them yesterday!!
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artfagget · 1 year
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kyman now kymen
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artfagget · 1 year
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sometimes all kyle needs is a little reminder 😌🙏
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