An Ultimate cheat sheet for Engineers to Prepare for Campus Placements
Start building your own Network
Start using LinkedIn, networking is much more important than you think. Networking not only helps you in climbing the career ladder, it also helps you to get your first firm and stronghold into the competitive modern world.
According to a joint research carried out by LinkedIn itself, they found that 85% of all jobs are filled via networking. That’s not a small number!
Improve your Problem-Solving Skills
Work on your problem-solving skills. That’s what recruiters look for the most in all their employees because they are interested in knowing how you will perform when you are put in completely new, unique and ambiguous conditions.
They don’t want an employee who needs to be guided at every small step. Rahter they need someone who can adapt, understand and execute.
Most technical jobs require you to be at a pro level in problem-solving skills.
There is a misconception among people that problem-solving skills cannot be developed and they are just certain gifted traits some people have. But this is not the case. With practice you can develop anything.
So, start exercising your brain with puzzles and riddles and improve these skills. Your brain is just like your muscles, you can exercise it to grow it. These skills will also help you in clearing the Aptitude tests most companies take before the main interview round.
Even doing one crossword or a game of sudoku every day can sharpen out your brain. The puzzle section on GeeksforGeeks and sites like www.folj.com and www.pzzls.com can help you in kickstarting your problem-solving conquest.
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What is Lead Career Assessment Test (LCAT)?
There is a time in the life of every student when he/she has to pick on his/her career path. But, students do not know about the need to obtain the appropriate career path and end up picking the wrong one. It is where the function of a career guidance programme comes into play. 'vLEAD', an edu-tech startup, has come up with a solution. According to Muhammed Ammachandy, chairman and managing director of vLEAD Eduventures, their proposed services and products come under five categories -- next-gen learning activities for jobs, career planning and development, quality assessment and educational intelligence. After coming to realise that tests like Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and MAPP Career Assessment Test, provided by counselling centers all over the country, are appropriate only in the Western surroundings, vLEAD developed LCAT.
Since its launch in May, over 500 students have appeared for the LCAT. VLEAD Eduventures has also formulated a year-long career and academic development programme for pupils in Classes VIII to XII, which is called as LCAT Career Development Program. The instrument was designed after extensive research. It employs the most advanced instruments like machine learning and artificial intelligence. It is a career assessment test that has been developed based on the Indian context and is extended in regional languages. It comes inexpensive at Rs 750 as from the amount charged by others. If a pupil is not able to pay Rs 750, a tab has been made accessible on our site which permits a student to look for the test free of charge. The one thing they have to do is to present a letter from the head of their establishment.
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