aruhappy ¡ 2 years
Your Babies | 50
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Sano Shinichiro x f!Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Genre: Established Relationship, Fluff, Crack, Angst
Warning: Spoiler warnings
Synopsis: Siblings ft. I’m Sorry
Chapter 49 Chapter 50 Chapter 51
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“You did it, my star…” Turning around, you can’t help but squint as you try to look through the mist in front of you, hoping that  you’ll finally be able to see something other than the grey curtains that block your sight.
Your hand barely makes contact with the mist, making you feel like you’re floating above the clouds as you tentatively take a step forward despite not being able to see the ground.
Looking around, the atmosphere feels like it should be cold, freezing you until there’s goosebumps on your skin but despite all of that, you feel perfectly fine.
You feel warm and safe.
Even with the sheer material of the white dress that you’re wearing, you feel nothing but warmth engulfing you with every step into the mist.
It feels like you’re being protected in someone’s arms.
Like you’re back in Shinichiro’s hold, with his warm hands holding onto yours as he sways the two of you around, humming along to the songs that he likes so much.
Just the thought brings a smile to your face, eyes slowly tearing up as you continue to think about him. Though as you do so, there is no weight on your chest, no painful sting going through your body like it usually did.
Now, it feels… nice.
Being able to think about your love without the pain accompanying it.
Caught up in your memories, you don’t realise how the heavy fog has started dissipating, now leaving a thin curtain in front of you.
“My star… I’m glad that you’re safe…” Walking closer to the source of the voice, your eyes widen a little when you start to see him, the soft smile on his lips bringing warmth into your body as you slowly start to see him appear before you.
“Shinichiro…” You whisper, unable to believe your eyes as you watch him walk closer to you.
Hesitantly, you bring out your hand, fingers barely brushing against his cheek before it went right through him which makes you let out a surprised gasp. Immediately pulling your hand to your chest, you watch with wide eyes as Shinichiro gives you a small smile. “It seems that you can’t touch me just yet, my star… and here I thought that the gods were finally a little kinder to us after all that you’ve been through.” He chuckles at the end as he’s finally standing a few inches away from you, face close enough for you to hold but you now know that that’s impossible.
“I just… I missed you…” Raising his hand, he licks his lips, dark orbs shaking as he hesitantly lays his hand on your head, a shaky breath leaving him when he doesn’t go through you like how you did him.
His hand lays comfortably on your head though you can’t quite feel his touch.
It just feels like a light feather placed on your head, but you can still barely feel it.
Which is enough for the both of you.
It’s enough.
Even with years of you two being apart.
Slowly petting your hair, you can see tears start brimming his eyes as he finally looks at your face. “I saw everything that you had to go through… and I’m sorry that I wasn’t there to help you. I’m sorry that I left you all alone there, dealing with the things that I should’ve been helping you with… the kids were giving you such a hard time too, I ought to scold them or something, don’t you think?”
Shaking your head a little, you let out a giggle when you feel his other hand barely press against the skin of your cheek, thumb slowly wiping away your tears which you can barely feel. “I… I’m glad you visited me, Shin…” You can barely whisper out, too caught up with finally being able to be in the presence of Shinichiro. Even though it feels like such a dream, it’s better than the ones that you had before.
Right now, you don’t feel anything weighing you down. It feels like you can just start floating away with him now.
“Oh? Why is that, pretty girl? You missed me that much?” He jokes though you can see the tears dripping down his cheeks and onto his lips.
It makes you want to hold out your hand in order to wipe it away, but you’re afraid that if you do and your hand passes through him once more, then he’ll disappear much like the mist that once clouded your vision.
You nod your head, unable to hold in your chuckle though it sounds a little too broken judging from how Shinichiro furrows his brows in worry. “Y-yeah… I almost forgot how you sounded, Shin… almost forgot how it feels to be held by you… it was so scary. I didn’t want to forget you…”
“My star…” Inching closer to you, you still your body as Shinichiro tries to wrap you up in his arms, the feeling of him barely registering on your skin though you still try your best to lean in closer and hope to remember how it always felt like to be help in his arms, how it felt like to have his lips littering kisses on your cheek and neck. It’s the most that you can do in this situation. “I’m sorry for not keeping my promises… I told you that you can be lonely with me… but now, I’m the reason why you’re so lonely… I’m sorry…”
“It’s alright, Shin… All I want now… is for you to wait for me, okay? Please wait for me… I want to see you first when it’s finally my time.” Shutting your eyes, you try not to let your tears flow when you finally start to feel him more, when you can finally feel his calloused hands caressing your hands as he brings your left hand close to him. Your skin tingling as you feel his lips press against your knuckles, right where your ring was supposed to be.
“I will wait an eternity for you, my star. An eternity for you is merely a second in my eyes…  As I wait for you, I will collect the stars that you love so much and make sure that they sparkle for you and only you… I love you… with all that I have. I’ll love you for all the lives that I will live. So just know, I will always wait for you, for how many years, for how many lives that may pass. My heart will only scream for you…”
With a deep breath, you slowly open your eyes once more, catching a glimpse of Shinichiro’s form one last time before the mist engulfs the both of you once more. Though you can still hear his voice.
“Please be happy as you live your life while I wait for you… live life for the both of us, my star… that is my last wish for now…”
As the mist continues to get thicker, you clutch your hand closer to your chest, feeling his warmth slowly disappear as your knuckles meet the feeling of the cold metal necklace hanging on your neck. “Shinichiro… Do you think we’ll be happy in our next life? Do you think we’ll have a second chance?”
“I’ll make sure we do, my star. I’ll make sure to give you the life that we always deserved.”
With that, the mist completely takes over your vision, leaving you in the void with nothing but the mist and the growing throb on your arm.
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“I think she’s waking up…”
“I’ll call a nurse-”
“Oh yeah? How’d you know that, dumbass? You got some superpower or something?”
“No… But I do know that you have a stick up your ass and shit in your mouth-”
“Can you guys stop? If Y/N-nee does wake up now and she hears the two of you arguing, she’ll probably just kick the two of you out of the room.”
“Yeah, Kakucho-san is right, and you’re probably disturbing the other patients like how you disturbed me.”
Groaning, you furrow your brow from how uncomfortable your mouth feels, eyes barely opening from how heavy it is as you try your best to look around.
It takes a few seconds for you to come around which gives the kids around you enough time to shush each other into quieting down and to loom over your form on the hospital bed, successfully making you feel a little claustrophobic from the four sets of prying eyes watching your every move.
“It feels like I’ve gone back in time a few years ago where all of you are barely 7 years old and the only thing you do in the morning is stare at Shinichiro and I until we wake up…” You grunt as you start to feel all the aches and pain throughout your body, along with some restrictions on one of your limbs.
Looking to the side, your neck cracks a little which makes Emma and Kakucho flinch as they watch you look over to the left where your left arm is all bandaged up and restricted from any movements. Letting out a sigh, you finally rest your head back on the pillow and look up at all the kids that are still staring at you. “It’s nice to see all of you together and alive…”
Just like that, a stream of tears comes flowing down their cheeks as Emma and Manjiro throw themselves on your torso, crying and calling out your name while Izana stands beside you, a small smile on his lips as he sneakily holds your hand. As for Kakucho, you see him walking over to the door.
“I’ll go call the others and tell them that you’re safe. They were just buying lunch for everyone.”
Giving him a smile and a little nod, you watch as he closes the door though it opens again after a few seconds, but instead of Kakucho, it’s a nurse coming in with a small smile on her lips as she watches the kids slowly remove themselves from you. “Y’know, L/N-san, we didn’t expect you to be the one admitted to the hospital… it’s always been you waiting and taking care of someone else. So imagine the staff’s surprise when we see you being rolled in through the emergency room.” The nurse starts as she starts checking the machine beside you, along with the fluids that've been connected to your hand.
“Yeah, I didn’t expect for something like this to happen to me as well…”
“Well, at least you have a lot of people looking after you.” She giggles as she sets her clipboard down in order to check your body. “You’ve been admitted for about 2 days now, barely waking up during your stupor, you probably don’t remember those but throughout those 2 days, a dozen of people have been going in and out of the hospital, just looking after you and waiting for you to wake up, In fact, your cousin even had to kick out three girls after they tried to sleep here and watch over you. The hospital hasn’t had this many visitors for just one patient in a while, y’know, L/N-san?”
Chuckling, you shake your head. “The three girls must be my friends then. They must have been worried sick since they haven’t heard from me in a few weeks. But I hope that the kids haven’t been causing the staff any trouble? I know that they can be a handful-”
“We’re right here, Y’N-nee!” Manjiro whimpers from your side, big eyes staring at you while you can see Izana roll his eyes on the side.
‘“Suck up…” Izana mutters which earns him a glare from Manjiro while the nurse only chuckles as if she’s already used to the sight.
“You’re just jealous that I’m not scared of asking for attention!”
“Why would I be jealous of THAT?! YOU should be the one being jealous of ME because at least I’m not stuck being 5’3 my whole life!”
“You’re just an inch taller than me!”
Raising your right hand, you rub your temples, a headache starting to form as the two continue to spout insults at each other from across your bed. “Alrighty, kids. Please. Let’s not fight. I still need to know what exactly happened to me and my arm-”
Just then, the door opens, revealing Kakucho with a few bags of food. “Sorry, the others told me to bring this here first while they buy some snacks downstairs.” He says before setting the bags on the table next to you.
Taking in a deep breath, you nod at sweet Kakucho who’s now sitting on the end of the bed as the three of you - you, Emma and Kakucho - look at the nurse who’s now about ot explain what happened to you.
“Well, the doctor said that due to the course of the bullet in your body, it’s likely that the bullet had damaged a nerve in your left arm.” By now, Manjiro and Izana has finally quieted down, the two now intently listening in on the nurse as well. “And since the bullet most likely went in through your back and out of your left shoulder, there’s a possibility that the damaged nerve on your left arm may cause some issues with your mobility. Most only your fingers and wrist which means that the doctor advises you to go through some physical therapy in hopes that that will help with bringing more control on your hand.”
Nodding along to her every word, you can’t help but eye your left hand, trying your best to move it a little though it only makes it jerk a little which shoots a searing hot pain through your arm and shoulder
Noticing your struggle, Izana slowly caresses your hand, a troubled look on his face as he looks down.
With the atmosphere in the room slowly becoming heavier, the nurse takes her clipboard again and nods at you, saying a quick goodbye before heading out.
“Well then, I guess it’s time for all of us to have some family bonding time once I’m out of here.” You start, hand stretching out a little to pat Emma and Manjiro’s head while you call Kakucho over so that you can do the same to him and Izana. “Maybe we can start by going to therapy together… Sara and Yui both got into Psychology y’know, I can start asking them to give us recommendations on therapy for teenagers.”
Looking at the four kids, you can see most of them furrowing their eyebrows at you, a funny look on their faces which makes you giggle a little. “C’mon now, don’t give me that look. I’m sure that all of us here can use some therapy.”
Before anyone else can answer you, your attention is suddenly diverted to the door where you can hear a set of voices all yelling the same thing. “Baji! Slow down!”
With one loud bang, the door gets pushed open with a running Keisuke heading straight for you. “Y/N-nee!”
The wind gets knocked out of your lungs as Keisuke all but lands on your stomach, arms wrapping around you as he mumbles your name.
Chuckling, you place your hand on his hair, caressing the soft locks as you watch as more kids pile into the room.
Ken, Mitsuya, Kazutora, Chifuyu, Peh-yan, Takemichi, Haruchiyo, Nagoya and Souya, Senju and at the end of the line, your cousin and Benkei.
Raising your brows at the crowd, you can’t help but chuckle. “I didn’t expect that I’ll have a whole group waiting for me…” Sniffling a little, you smile when Emma gently wipes away the tears that are building up on the corner of your eye before resting her bandaged head on yours as you watch them all smile at you, some with tears in their eyes while the others decided that it will be best to hide any of their tears away from their friends.
“I hope that we can all finally be safe now…”
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@rinsie @sseorin @sunahyejin @agoddess-inashell @wakasagurl @diestheticu @queen-flower @salty-salty @the2ndl @crapimahuman @imkumichan @angelmitsuri @coconois @princessatoru @akaashis-liquidluck @bajifairyy @tsukkisukkii @chaoticyuna @missarabellla @kawasbaby @bittermoonlightsblog @yukihime-mikeys-girl @vanderaliwaal @astro-pioneer @nomnom21 @tamakislover @misinfe @starryshi @honeysoob @monsterm21-blog @justalamppost @arisu003 @quacksonlover81 @shaak-ti-s @yuuki4646 @manjiroarchiviste @gouzouuuuu @sh4nn @bubs-world @lordbugs @notsostraightweeb @xbabybajix @aruhappy @chiaki3nanami @matchamidoriya @skrp @sadly-yu @tsukkikeisimp @manhwabtch @kawaragimysticalsenju
all rights reserved Š cottonkendi, 2022. do not copy or repost any of my works! reblogs/feedbacks are very appreciated~
268 notes ¡ View notes
aruhappy ¡ 2 years
— 𝘀𝗼 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆, 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝘄𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲?
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bonten x reader (no preferred gender)
cw. fluff, comfort, reverse harem
an. when you decide to spark up the dull faces of the bonten men with your dance moves and cheerful smiles. requested wc. 1k+ — reblogs and likes are very much appreciated!
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It was early in the morning, too early as you struggled to sleep. it was three in the morning. your fingers glide through the glowing screen of your phone, your hair messy, a tired look on your face but your eyes shine with excitement as you bounce towards the living room.
gloomy faces surround your figure. they were tired from work and had decided to collapse in the warmth of your house. you took it upon yourself to cheer them up.
words couldn't comfort the grumpy men who were scattered across your living room and kitchen, but movements translated without words could. your hand grabs the bluetooth speaker that was in a drawer, connecting it with your phone.
your smile widening as your thumb taps on the play button. the sudden music filling everyone's ears, as they look up to find your gaze. your feet tap against the wooden floor, letting the music flow through your veins.
like a ballerina, your legs extend, your fingers touch together, and you move your body, gliding through the floor. the men's eyes follow your movement. you never knew how to comfort them through words, but dancing took all the words you needed.
like a secret song filling you, your eyes close, putting on a great show for your audience. Mikey's dark orbs gaze at you. the taste of chocolate melting in his mouth as his eyes wander your body, eyes trained on every elegant movement of your legs.
ran let out an amused chuckle, "this seems fun", he walked over to you. you were so lost in the delight of dancing that you failed to notice his arrival, taking you by surprise when he grabs your waist.
no words were needed, as you wrap your arms around his neck, letting him guide you through each step. The music slowed, violins and piano replacing the melody. love pouring out of ran's gaze as you smile at him.
" you look beautiful", he lets out, bumping his head with yours, nose nudging each other. this moment felt so intimate and special. he kisses your cheeks, making you giggle at the sensation. but the younger brother had other plans.
a silent squeal escape your lips as he pulled your back flush against his chest. "rindou what are you—", you giggled at the way he glared at ran. the oldest only shrugged, going back to the couch.
rindou twirled you, pulling your face against his chest. his arms trap you in, almost embracing you softly. " well you're being romantic today", you smile at him. "aren't i always, princess/prince?"
"yeah right", you rolled your eyes at him. he pressed his lips together suppressing a wide grin. takeomi sat by the window sill,  his eyes staring with a fondness. his smile curving through the hazy smoke of his cigarette.
the music changes and rindou lets you go with a soft kiss on your lips, acknowledging that everyone should have their moment with you. your playful gaze settles on kokonoi, who had just entered the room.
you pull him onto the dance floor. " i don't want to dance y/n!", annoyance laced in his tone but you know him better. "come on koko, it's fun!", you urged and he sighed, giving in and placing his hand on your lower back, slowly guiding you into a waltz.
his face cracks into a small smile, he is fascinated at your giggles and graceful steps. to everyone's surprise, kokonoi dances well —a bit too well, making you unable to keep up with him. you stumbled on his legs and he had to catch you.
"sorry", you mumble against his neck, he only smirks in playfulness. "where did you learn to dance?", ran amused. "i learned when i was young", a melancholic smile on his face as he reminisced the nights he'd stay up dreaming of the day he'd dance with his lover.
you let him go sensing the hesitation in his steps, but his smile and loving gaze never falter. he kissed your knuckles before walking away and you're left awestruck.
dark blue hair peeked your vision and you laughed at his furrowed face. " kaku why do you look so tense?", you chuckle, tangling your fingers with his. "i've never done this before", he explained and you only found him adorable.
" just follow my footsteps, okay?", you urge him. "okay".
it was a mess. " fuck, i'm sorry", he apologized for the tenth time. his feet stomping over yours as you yelp in pain. slowly your smile and patience subdued. "kaku—"
"i'm sorry i'll just leave", his gaze apologetic as he lets go of you, and you nod. as soon as he leaves for the kitchen, you glare at ran and sanzu who were laughing at you both.
" i'll show you how it's done!", sanzu announces, striding towards the kitchen counter, where your phone and speaker were placed. "what are you doing sanzu?", rindou asked, peeking over sanzu's shoulder to see what he's up to.
"i'm going to make this even more fun". he disconnected your phone with the speaker, instead connecting with his. you were tired, panting as you collapsed beside mikey, your head leaned on his shoulder.
The peaceful atmosphere had cracked with sanzu playing heavy metal music on the speaker. his fingers turn the volume to the max and everyone groans in irritation. your hands coming to cup your ears immediately.
a girl screamed through the speaker, the loud music so unbearable that mochizuki arrived at the living room. he was laying his head on the kitchen counter with an awful headache.
his eyebrows furrowed as he knocked sanzu out with a frying pan. a screech left the pink hair's lips as he fell on the floor, face down. Mikey turned down the volume and everyone sighed in relief.
It was a change for the men to witness such an art. a moment for them to drift away from the worries and dangers that lures around them, to just gaze at your figure and be lost in your beauty and sweet smiles.
if they weren't already in love with you, now they had fallen hard for you, well except sanzu. a storm was waiting for him as soon as he'd wake up.
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join the taglist
taglist — @ily-inupi / @whydohumansss / @souya-souya / @arosora / @lordbugs / @zuuki / @novaresque / @devilgirlcrybabiey / @cvtemochi / @awkwardaardvarkforever
all rights reserved! Š etheralyonn !! do not repost my works on any social media platform!!
233 notes ¡ View notes
aruhappy ¡ 2 years
note: kinda ass. recent manga spoilers.
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“ missed me? “
you truthfully didn’t have any words for the man that stood before you — well you did, just didn’t know how to say them. if anything they were more so questions and you had a feeling he wouldn’t answer them all.
perhaps answer none.
whatever the case may be, he was waiting for you to allow him inside and take him into an embrace but none came, at least not in that moment.
Keep reading
544 notes ¡ View notes
aruhappy ¡ 2 years
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“You piss me off.”
"I thought I told you to stop calling me. It’s-"
"I did everything. I deleted all our photos, I threw away all your shampoos, all your stupid condiments. I watched all our movies with someone else, I ate in our restaurants with someone else, I sang our songs with someone else. I relearnt everything. I did. I did everything to forget you. So why are you still everywhere? Why everything looks like you? Huh, why?"
- rindou, mikey, akashi, gojo, geto, nobara
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323 notes ¡ View notes
aruhappy ¡ 2 years
• pairing: draken x gn!reader, chifuyu x gn!reader, mikey x gn!reader
• genre: crack
• note: thank you for the request!!! its was fun to do! you didnt asked for someone in particular so i choosed myself, hope you'll like it <3
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— draken
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— chifuyu
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— mikey
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3K notes ¡ View notes
aruhappy ¡ 2 years
sanzu: why are we laying on the ground?
yn: mikey kicked your ass unconscious…
yn: so i laid next to you so everyone would think we were chillin’.
5K notes ¡ View notes
aruhappy ¡ 2 years
genshin men & what they’ll do if they like you:
-warnings: none i think ? Its all fluffy things !
-genshin woman version
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-he will ask to paint you !! he will say you are his artistic inspirations !! expect to be his live model quite often. 
-also, he may or may not ask you to accompany him to dragon spine. and if you don’t go, you will be the first person he visits when he gets back.
-he will also ask if you wanna babysit klee with him !!
Keep reading
4K notes ¡ View notes
aruhappy ¡ 2 years
Out of all of the genshin cult who is the quickest to come to their god’s side when they call for them? ♓️ Anon
[Who’s most likely to be the quickest when reader calls for them?]
warnings: yandere content, yandere cult stuff, mentions of minor injuries
event is now closed!
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aether perks up immediately when you call his name. sometimes you wonder if he's developed a sixth sense for it because even before you call him, he's already there asking if you need something. he's like a puppy almost-- a golden retriever, you jest. he likes it so when you call him name, especially when you coo at him about how cute he is. it makes him all the more enthusiastic when you call for him, knowing how much you'd praise him after finishing the order you've placed upon him.
"aether," he hears you call from down the hall. he sprints as fast as he can, almost tripping over his feet and sliding across the floor when you finally come into view. there's a smile on your face, and he already feels giddy at the sight. "can you get something for me?"
xiao entrusts you with everything that he is. calling his name, you become his top priority at any given time in any situation. even when a hundred voices are calling for him simultaneously, he can pick apart your voice from the others. just whisper his name, and he'll come as quickly as he can. his first instinct when you call him while he's on duty is that you're in danger, so do prepare for him to be a bit defensive and protective when you summon him. after he senses that there is no immediate danger, he'll calm down and calmly ask what it is you need him for.
"xiao, dear." it feels odd to hear his name said so softly as if you'd cradled him in warmth yourself. his rigid figure gives, and he turns into the idle xiao that resides with you in your teapot on slow days. "here, have a bite!" his golden eyes migrate from your face to your awaiting hands, a spoon of almond tofu in your hold. he opens his mouth and eats, but no sweetness could ever compare to the gentle call of his name from your lips.
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2K notes ¡ View notes
aruhappy ¡ 2 years
May I please request yandere Zhongli and Xiao to a failed escape attempt too, please?
FAILED ESCAPE // ft. Yandere!Zhongli, Yandere!Xiao
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tw: yandere behavior, kidnapping, minor injury, drugging, emotional manipulation
Here we go again with the yanderes!
Sorry for being late on asks lately, we're working on something special and we had to get our shadowban figured out., which tumblr said was just a glitch on their end.
Hope you enjoy~
-Vin & Lilith
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After seven months of waiting for the perfect chance to try your escape plan, it was finally time. You hadn't planned on staying this long, but Zhongli had been careful.
First drugging you up and doing his best to influence you during it. Then he lengthened the chain, but kept it on you still, even as you stayed compliant without the drug fogging up your mind.
To gain that last bit of trust, you acted like any good spouse would. You cooked for him, welcomed him home with the biggest smile and a kiss to his cheek. You'd snuggle up to him durings hug despite the shivers threatening to shake your body.
And he accepted it all, taking all the fake love you offered.
Six months in, he took off the chain.
He still left during the day, but came back around noon more often than not. You were sure it was because he watched the house, waiting for you to make a mistake.
Now it was time. He'd warned you that Hu Tao wanted him in Qingxe Village to help her on a job. It would probably take him until the next day to return back to you.
You smiled and nodded. The kiss you placed on his cheek this time around was genuine, your happiness almost too obvious. Following him to the door, you wished him a safe return, promising to make him his favorite meal once he's back.
Two hours later you had packed a bag with clothes and a bit of food and were ready to go.
Your heart beat fast in your chest and you gulped as you stared at the door, shaking hand reaching out to it.
A smile lit up your face. A genuine one, unlike those you gave Zhongli to appease him.
You stepped out into the sunlight.
And froze.
Zhongli was leaning against the tree by the entrance, arms crossed and a dark look in his eyes.
"I must say, I'm surprised. You really waited a lot longer than I thought you would."
The Geo Lord came towards you, eyes ablaze. "But did you really think you could play me?"
You tried to dash past him, throwing your bag at him. The man ducked to the side and easily caught up with you. One arm wrapped tight around your waist, the other hand grabbed your throat, applying the least bit of pressure. His hot chest pressed against your back.
"Let's make a deal, love."
It was impossible not to grow dependent on Xiao, without being able to move your legs it was hard for you to traverse around "your" humble home. Sometimes your arms would even be to weak to bring yourself to the bathroom, forcing you to call his name to save yourself from humiliation.
Everyday you grew more and more desperate for an escape. When he was away you would crawl yourself over to any doors and windows in the house, only to find them all locked and out of reach. He knows you can't stand up, he relies on that fact.
You tried to formulate a plan in your head to escape this hell hole, to find someone to help you get better. But Xiao's schedule was unpredictable, anyone can be in danger anytime causing him to be gone. Some day's there will be nothing and he will choose to spend it with you.
At times, he's been tempted to ignore the calls for help, his arms wrapped around you as he basked in your presence, nothing was more important than you. But You reminded him of his promise to protect the people and made him uphold it despite his reluctance to leave.
The look you gave him when he hesitated to answer those in need, haunted him.
You peacefully soaked in these moments away from him, it was a breather from his suffocating presence, always needing to be holding onto you.
In these times you learned how to make your way around the house despite the handicap. Xiao did not offer you a wheelchair, insistent on keeping you in one room, but you could gather your strength to unlock your bedroom door. Pulling your body up and unlatching the lock, pulling it open and crawling your way through.
You had to slowly build up your upper strength throughout the months, doing a routine of pulling yourself up windows and doors to help yourself get used to pulling your entire body with ease while he was gone. You did whatever you could around the house that he wouldn't notice.
Tonight, as Xiao said goodbye to you, giving your knuckles a kiss and stealing one last glance before disappearing, you wasted no time in getting out of your bed before heading towards your door.
As you unlocked it, you hurriedly made your way towards the front door, your heart racing against your chest from the adrenaline rush. The latch was up so high on the door, the door lock was no bother but as you looked up at the latch a few inches above from the knob, you almost dropped.
Could you really do this? You're already so tired from rushing your way over here, your body aching and the muscles in your arm throbbed from the pain. Even with months of building yourself up to do this, it seemed as if your body could still not handle it.
You gave a cry before you could second guess yourself any longer, reaching your hands up, you grabbed onto the doorknob and pulled yourself up slightly. You tried to keep the knob as still as possible to keep yourself stable but your hands suddenly slipped to the side with the knob making you stumble onto the door.
Closing your eyes you winced at the pain in your upper body before realizing you were somewhat standing up, your body heavily relying on the support of the wooden door. You pulled one hand away from the knob and rushed to unlatch the door, knowing you would not last long being up like this.
The door swung open as you pulled it, not caring that it knocked you back as you quickly made your way out of the house. The feeling of wind brushing against your skin and breathing fresh air made you tear up, it's been so long since you've seen the moon shine.
Your happiness was destroyed when you realized you had no idea where you were, where Xiao had taken you. Panic quickly crept into you as you looked around for any familiar signs, but nothing appeared the land seemed forsaken and bare.
You were in the middle of nowhere.
Despite this new realization, you gathered up your courage to stumble down onto the grass and crawl over to the forest next to you. Normally you would be scared to enter such a dark forest but now nothing would be more threatening to you than Xiao.
Dirt clung to your clothes as you made your way, your arms screaming in protest, the burning pain letting you know you're pushing yourself past your bodily limit.
No matter how much mental strength you had to leave this place, your body screamed at you to stop. Every pull forward hurt more than the last, the tears that burned your eyes now fell onto the dry grass. Hisses and groans escaped your throat as you tried to push through the pain, your body easily becoming bruised from the rocks and sticks below you.
You didn't even make it to the tree before you heard a branch snap behind you.
"You...what are you doing..?"
His voice made your heart drop, a pit growing in your stomach as your mind raced. How was he here? Didn't he just leave?! You didn't take that long to get out here!
"Your grace..are you..trying to leave me?"
His voice broke, he sounded almost pitiful. If only you didn't know how much of a monster he was.
A thin line between rage and despair was snapped as he witnessed you try to crawl away from him. Xiao quickly grabbed your collar before lifting you into his arms, his grip tights and suffocating like always.
"Let go of me! You don't need to do this!!" You tried to plead.
The adeptus only ignored you as he shoved you back inside with him and slid down to the floor, you still in his arms. No matter how hard you tried to fight back, weakly punching him and slapping anywhere you can reach. Your exhausted body slowly gave into him.
"I need you, I need you. How come you tried to leave me when I need you?" He repeated as his grip grew even stronger making you choke.
"I'll have to make sure you can't try to leave me ever again"
His hand reached out to your wrists, grabbing them both in one as a black aura surrounded his arm.
"Can't you understand? I need you"
A snap was heard as you screamed.
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aruhappy ¡ 2 years
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#who's a good boy?
their reactions when you dote on azhdaha and dvalin ft. cult!venti and zhongli
warnings: yandere content, yandere cult stuff
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venti is entranced while watching you interact with the creatures. you look so powerful but sweet as you dote on the ancient protectors of liyue and mondstadt. as he looks at you, he's reminded just how lucky he is to be breathing, to have been made for you. everything that you are is to be loved by him, including the sight of your hands gently patting away at dvalin's wings. it brings him joy to see you react so positively to one of his dearest friends. though, he would be lying if he didn't want a headpat too. say... why doesn't he skip on over and hang out too? surely you wouldn't mind giving him attention; he's your good boy too, y'know?
zhongli does feel the tiniest twinge of jealousy in his chest as you call azhdaha and dvalin "the cutest dragons." to combat this, he'll take to telling you of the fact that he had been the one to carve azhdaha's body in the liking of a dragon, a dragon like him. he'll watch your eyes light up as you approach him with stars in your eyes. zhongli will watch you ask him questions rapidly. does he have horns? what kind of dragon is he? can he fly? these are all questions he'll happily answer. just keep your attention on him, there's only room for one dragon, and who else would it be than zhongli, of course!
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aruhappy ¡ 2 years
I like to imagine some of the yanderes that are possessive, like Diluc, overhearing their darling say stuff like “you’re so cute” or “let me kiss you” and rushing over to where their darling is only to see their darling fawning over a stray cat that wandered by. I especially feel like someone like Diluc would try to play it off like he didn’t just get jealous of a cat by saying that he came to tell you he needs to go out for a bit
Tries to play it cool: Diluc, Scaramouche
Diluc is so embarrassed. Though he's mostly able to stay composed, coming up with a somewhat believable lie, his bright red face gives him away. Hopefully you're too caught up petting the cutie to notice.
Scaramouche storms over, demanding to know what the hell you think you're doing, when he stops in his tracks. Oh. You were talking to an animal. Look, he wasn't jealous okay? He was just, um, whatever! It's none of your business, just get back inside.
Neither confirms nor denies: Albedo, Kaeya
Albedo calms down tremendously after seeing the animal. If you're paying attention, you might even see him visibly relax. Should you question why he came over, he'll say he came to check on things. If you connect the dots and press further, asking if he was jealous, his silence will tell you everything you need to know.
Kaeya is, admittedly, a little embarrassed at the misunderstanding. Still, animal or not, he isn't pleased you're giving affection to someone other than him. He'll sling an arm around your shoulders, muttering something about how it's time to go. Any raised questions will simply be deflected or brushed aside.
Shamelessly admits to being jealous: Childe. Kazuha
Childe both does and doesn't care what you think. He wants you to think highly of him, of course, but your opinion doesn't change anything. Not when he's so much stronger than you. At the end of the day, he does what he wants, but at least he's honest about it.
Kazuha doesn't see the problem with being jealous. To him, jealousy is just a testament to how much he adores you. The amount of jealousy, who or what it's directed at, doesn't matter. It's perfectly normal, so there's no issue, right?
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aruhappy ¡ 2 years
knb and a vending maching
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aruhappy ¡ 2 years
man, i miss my seido boys :)
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aruhappy ¡ 2 years
✨Sleeping with them (in the literal sense)✨
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Characters: Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Itto
Content: sfw, fluff, roasting Itto a little (lovingly)
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• The problem with Albedo is that he tends to pull all nighters and then gets up super early - Often times he goes to bed when you’re already asleep and is out before you
• However, he would do anything for you, so when you come up and ask him to come to bed already… Well, how could he refuse?
• He likes sleeping on his side, arms wrapped around you with your face nuzzled into his head/ chest
• Beware of the messy hair tickling your face
• The only time he doesn’t get up early is when you’re so tangled up together that he couldn’t slip out without waking you - He would never want to disturb you. Those days he just silently watches you with a soft gaze
• Often times Klee sneaks into your room some time during the night as well, so you end up with her cuddled up between the two of you
• 100% would actually read you a bedtime story if you asked
• Often he also falls asleep on his desk… On those nights, you sometimes bring a blanket with you, pull a chair over and lean onto him, sleeping there instead… It’s not the best for avoiding neck pains, but it’s worth it
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• Another case of “He stays out until late at night so you’re usually asleep before him”
• But he makes it up to you by waiting for you to wake up in the morning
• Sometimes he orders Adelinde to bring you breakfast so you can just enjoy a quiet morning together
• Not the cuddliest of people, but he’s willing to endure it for you
• Probably a pretty light sleeper, gets annoyed at your for moving around too much
• It’s like you’re sleeping right next to a heater when he’s around - Lovely during winter, less ideal for summers
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• Is definitely the type of person to sleep naked/ just in underwear
• Which you don’t really mind, who wouldn’t appreciate waking up to their gorgeous boyfriend like that?
• Big soft chest = Perfect place to rest your head. Literally, you don’t even need a pillow
• You tend to sleep on him, which he actually really likes… He likes wrapping his arms around you
• Takes the eyepatch off when he sleeps, but somehow always manages to put it back on before you wake up/ turn away without you seeing anything
• Definitely the type to wake up next to you, give you a crooked grin and say something cheeky like “Morning, sunshine!”
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• You get to have a freshly made bed and fluffed-up pillows every night because Thoma is just perfect like that
• You don’t just get “breakfast in bed” - You get a whole brunch event with Thoma. Coffee, pancakes, fruit… Whatever you want, he’s gonna whip it up for you in no time
• Probably moves around quite a lot in his sleep
• Always ends up lying draped over you
• He definitely likes to cuddle you to sleep
• Also wakes you up with kisses peppered all over your face
• He’s usually pretty exhausted cuz he’s on his feet all day, so he’s out like a light the moment his head hits the pillow
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• Venti is the absolute worst blanket thief you’ve ever seen
• Like, he’ll wrap himself up in the blanket so tight that you have no chance of getting it back from him
• Moves around like crazy while he sleeps too
• Actually a pretty deep sleeper, nothing can wake him up
• Likes it when you put your arms around him and hold him until he falls asleep
• He’d totally sing you lullabies every night.
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• Xiao pretty much cages you up in his arms, he’s super protective of you
• Super light sleeper, he wakes up at the smallest sound
• Probably has a tendency to wake up from pretty bad nightmares, sitting up straight in a cold sweat
• Whenever that happens, you hug him until he has calmed down, stroking his back, maybe even humming a song to him
• When you go back to sleep after that, it’s usually Xiao lying in your arms and you stroking his hair until he falls asleep
• Surprisingly enough, your presence soothes him quite a bit and he’s had considerably less nightmares ever since you began sleeping next to him
• The kind of guy who wakes you up WAY TOO EARLY but makes up for it by taking you to a really neat spot to watch the sunrise together.
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• He takes up SO MUCH SPACE in the bed, it’s insane
• You have no other choice but to sleep ontop of him
• So sorry, but he definitely snores like crazy
• He REALLY likes holding you while he sleeps, there’s no way you get out of bed before him because he just won’t let go
• Since he usually doesn’t have to work that means he tends to sleep in super late
• He sleeps like a rock, the shogunate could storm the house with an arrest warrant and he’d still sleep through that (not saying that happened before but… It probably totally happened before)
• You know those people at sleepovers who are just super chatty and will talk your ear off while you’re trying to fall asleep? Yeah, you get to have that. Every. Night.
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Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Reblogs/Comments are always appreciated, but don't feel obligated to ^^
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aruhappy ¡ 2 years
‘oops, wrong person’ text as a joke
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inc. thoma, zhongli, kaeya, kazuha
notes. guess who remembered social dummy partially exists!! thats right ME idk i always think posts like these r so cute so i wanted to try
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aruhappy ¡ 2 years
Omg for the hurt/comfort suggestions… how about a genshin boy whos hesitant to support their s/o who wants to go on a dangerous expedition but the s/o goes anyways and arrives back injured :’)
when you come back hurt from an expedition
feat. Xiao, Kazuha, Zhongli
note: hurt/comfort
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You made your way to the front desk of the Wangshu Inn as quietly as possible. Verr stood behind her desk, her eyes wide seeing the state you were in.
“Is... he here?” you ask quietly, not wanting to speak his name.
The inn owner shakes her head, “No, he hasn’t been here for a couple nights now. Y/n do you need anything or-” you quickly interrupt her.
“I’m good, but thank you. I’m just gonna head to my room and sleep- I’m pretty beat. Literally” you lightly chuckle. Walking to your room was a struggle- even with all of the medicine and healing that you received after your expedition was over, you still found yourself wincing with each step. But you finally made it to your door, and as you pull out your key to unlock it, it opens before you.
And who else would be standing before you other than Xiao. He looks at you up and down, his eyes seeming to linger at the areas where you were bandaged up. He silently steps aside, allowing for you to walk in.
You’re honestly expecting some sort of lecture from him- some sort of “I told you so” moment where he talks about how he just knew going on their expedition was a bad idea or how he should have been there with you. Shortly before you even left on your expedition, the two of you had a lengthy discussion regarding your safety.
It turned into a bad argument in which you had accused him of seeing you as some sort of weakling- someone unable to protect themselves. Just because your boyfriend was an incredibly strong adeptus didn’t mean you weren’t capable in your own way.
Well, considering what had happened, maybe that was the case.
But to your surprise, Xiao sits down on your bed, patting the spot next to him for you. You take a seat next to him, and as you fiddle with your hands you feel his head rest on your shoulder.
“How are you feeling?” he asks, taking one of his free hands to trace small shapes on your legs.
“I’m fine, I’m fine. Fortunately, I was found pretty soon so some of my worst injuries were healed quickly. I’m just a bit sore now,” you tell him.
Xiao stills for a brief moment. He lifts his head up to face you directly.
“Look, I don’t think you’re weak in any way. And I certainly don’t want to say you can’t go on whatever expedition you want. But I was also told what happened and how you were found and......” his voice trails off and you see his eyes glance away from you.
It was hard for him to communicate his feelings with you. For someone who’s spent so many years devoid of human interactions- entering a relationship with you and experiencing these things was a new experience for him. You’ve grown to be the most important person in his life when he previously had none.
“I know,” you whisper, and his eyes find his way back to you, “I’m the one to blame here for thinking I could take on a dangerous expedition alone. I’ll be more careful in the future.”
Xiao leans forward, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead- one of the few places where you weren’t scratched up.
“You should rest now, I’ll prepare some food and medicine for when you wake up” Xiao says, but as he starts to stand up, you pull him back to the bed.
“Stay with me” you mumble, and he silently nods at your request. The two of you cozy up in bed, with you laying on top of his chest, hugging him close to you. As you doze off, Xiao is rubbing circles into your arm, staring up at the ceiling.
It was nice having you in his arms like this. You were safe like this, and nothing could go wrong if you were by his side. He could go off and let his thoughts run wild and be filled with endless worrying about you and the possibility that one day you won’t be next to him. But since meeting you, he’s learned to quell these negative thoughts and anxieties.
For now, he just enjoys being with you in the present.
Kazuha really didn’t want you going on this expedition- but the fact that it lined up with the time he would be away with the Crux was too perfect for you. Naturally you promised your boyfriend you would be careful and that you and your adventuring party would be well prepared for any dangers you may face.
That was two weeks ago.
Today, Kazuha and the rest of the Crux returned to Liyue Harbor, and his first action when getting off the ship was to find you.
Kazuha scanned the docks for you- your expedition had ended a couple days before his return and you had assured him that you would be waiting for him on the docks. He maneuvered between people, his head scanning around before spotting you near the start of the dock. However, his eyebrows furrow at the sight of Baizhu and Qiqi standing close by. Why would two employees of the pharmacy be there with-
And then Kazuha noticed some bandages peeking out from under your sleeve. As he approached closer, he could clearly faded scars from scratches on your face. Before he knew it, he was sprinting to you, and with every step forward he identified more injuries littered across your body.
When he finally approached you, you look up at Baizhu. Once getting a nod of approval, you wrap your arms around Kazuha, trying your best not to wince. Kazuha paused before lifting his own arms and gently wrapping them around you.
He releases his hold on you, taking a step back to examine your features once more.
“Who did this” he asks in a low voice, his hand finding the handle of his sword.
“Kazuha please it’s not anything serious-” you try to reason with him to no avail.
“Then tell me why Baizhu and Qiqi have to accompany you to the docks Y/n. Why didn’t you just come alone?” he raises an eyebrow at you before glancing back at the pharmacist.
Baizhu sighs, “Y/n’s been taking a new type of medicine for their wounds, we’re just here to make sure there aren’t any side effects”
“Treasure hoarders near Qingce Village did this” Qiqi adds in, earning looks from you, Kazuha, and Baizhu. As Baizhu drags Qiqi away, you slowly remove Kazuha’s hand from his sword before cupping his face.
“I assure you I’m alright. Just a few scratches you know” you gently smile at him, but his face remains somber. Kazuha sighs, lifting his own hands up to touch yours.
“Y/n, I- I didn’t know what was going on for two weeks. I think I spent the entire time wondering if you were okay. You can even ask Beidou. She’s probably sick of hearing your name” he half-heartedly chuckles, letting his small smile fall as he continues speaking.
“I think you’re a good adventurer, I never worry.. but this one I was so hesitant. It just seemed too dangerous. I don’t know what I would have done if I had come back to Liyue only to find out something worse had happened to you. I can’t even risk losing you” he whispers, his gaze dropping to the floor.
You knew Kazuha wasn’t new to loss in his life. He couldn’t help but worry given that he’s had someone close to him lose their own life from a dangerous decision.
“I know. But I’m okay now. And rest assured after that whole ordeal I won’t be taking on any more dangerous expeditions” you reassure him.
Kazuha nods, slowly removing your hands from his cheeks to kiss the back of one of them.
“I love you” he whispers ever so faintly. But even amongst the bustling harbor, his words seemed to ring loudly in your ears. You relay the words back to him, and the two of you make your way back to the boats so you could greet the rest of the crew.
And of course, Kazuha had to mention these treasure hoarders to Beidou.
Zhongli didn’t really understand why you felt compelled to go out on an expedition in the first place. For him, he found enjoyment in exploring the rich history of Liyue, taking long strolls, and drinking plenty of tea. But he could never hold you back- so he was completely supportive of you heading out on an expedition for the Adventurers’ Guild.
It was two days before you were supposed to come back, and Zhongli was at the funeral parlor as per usual. Hu Tao was out on a business trip- on the look out for future customers as she told him.
Zhongli sat at the reception, his attention on a new book he had been reading about the history of Liyue- although some details were definitely wrong. He kept flipping through the pages when he heard the front doors to the parlor open.
With his eyes, still glued to the book, he began his greeting, “Welcome to the Wan-”
“Mr. Zhongli!” Hu Tao’s frantic voice caught his attention, and when he glances up his eyes widen in fright. Hu Tao was supporting someone, their arm slung across her shoulder as she tried to prevent them from collapsing. Their clothes were absolutely tattered, cuts and bruises adorned their nearly limp body.
It didn’t take long for your boyfriend to recognize you.
Zhongli rushed to you in an instant, lifting you into his arms to set you down on a soft surface and instructing Hu Tao to go get Baizhu. He watches over you- and for a brief moment he sees how still you are.
And his heart drops.
"Y/n?” he asks, his voice now shaky and full of fear. Your eyes slowly flutter open, taking a brief moment to look around and take in your surroundings.
"Oh man, am I the next customer here?” you chuckle to yourself, watching as Zhongli sighs out of relief.
“Please, Y/n” he says. It looks like he’s about to say more, but he’s at a loss for words.
It isn’t long before Baizhu and Hu Tao come back, the former coming to help with your wounds, the latter to tell Zhongli what had happened. Hu Tao happened across you on the outskirts of Liyue Harbor, attempting to return from your expedition. The fact that you had gotten that far in your condition was a miracle, and Hu Tao quickly helped you before you collapsed.
“I’m not sure what Y/n’s been through....but I think they were really lucky I stumbled into them” Hu Tao murmurs.
Baizhu was able to do a significant amount of healing on you, instructing bedrest and regular medicine application for the next couple of weeks. Once you were well enough to sit up, Zhongli scooped you up, intent on carrying you home.
“You don’t have to tell me what happened” he said, his gaze only looking forward. Your boyfriend was already tall, but suddenly you felt even smaller in his arms.
“I’m sorry... I know you didn’t want me to go and-”
“Y/n, you don’t need to apologize to me. I’m never going to stop you from doing what you want or tell you what you can or can’t do,” he says, his strong voice starting to sound weak.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen such fear in Hu Tao’s eyes than the moment she brought you to the parlor. I didn’t even know what to think myself” Zhongli so desperately wants to hug you tight- to not let you go. But with the state you’re in, he holds back. He wants to tell you how scared he was to see you so limp and nearly lifeless. How he’s suddenly unlocked a new fear of seeing you in such a state. But everytime he thinks about just how close he was to losing you- the words are stuck in his throat and he’s unable to say it.
“I love you Y/n” he murmurs instead, his gaze finally meeting yours. You bring one hand to his cheek, smiling softly at him.
“I love you too Zhongli”
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aruhappy ¡ 2 years
sfw. ft. ayato, childe, kaeya, diluc.
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AYATO. he pretends like nothing happened. he acts so naturally when you just sit down on his lap, just puts his arm around your waist, very casually. doesn’t break the conversation, but knows damn well that you are flustered. it makes him feel a bit of satisfaction that your plan backfired, and he flustered you, instead of the opposite <3 
CHILDE. he loves it. it doesn’t surprise him at all, almost teases you about it. he just holds you by your hips, and makes you face him, with your legs on either side of his hips. even though it was you who initiated it, it’s him who took control of the situation. he doesn’t let you stand up from there, it’s just way too comfortable for him.
KAEYA. he won’t mind at all. similar to ayato, pays almost no mind to it. oh, but he has to mention that his lap must be your favorite place to sit. his teasing and cheesy way of flirting can never miss out, so you totally expected that reaction from him. you get a neck kiss in return for his lame jokes.
DILUC. he gets flustered. not too much or visible, but his heart definitely starts to beat faster, and his face starts to feel hot. not that you haven’t sat on his lap before, he just… didn’t expect it. especially not where people can see. he tries to act natural, sliding an arm around your waist, but you can feel his slight nervousness. 
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