ask-atheon · 1 year
Do you blink ?
Are you capable of blinking ?
Why would you blink you’re a robot you shouldn’t blink you should feel bad about blinking shame on you blinking robot robots don’t blink
what? ("oh, he seems so confused he actually translated it himself! odd.. your ghost comments.)
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ask-atheon · 1 year
Do you have a favorite animal that is easy to steal and smuggle into venus?
Asking for a friend
("EVERY CREATURE BROUGHT TO VENUS MUST AND WILL BE ASSIMILATED" your ghost reads out, then replying; "oh, that doesn't sound too good.")
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ask-atheon · 1 year
Okay Alexa
Play baby shark
NO- NOO- NO 4ãŽ4ãŽ4ãŽ
(static-y baby shark begins to play from Atheon's speakers.)
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ask-atheon · 1 year
I have cookies. Would you like some? They are snickerdoodles.
("I think that's a yes!" your ghost exclaimed)
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ask-atheon · 1 year
Is the vault of glass comfy
("the aesthetics of my vault are quite comforting to us vex, I am glad you share this kinship with us." he spoke softly, taking a great appreciation into the enjoyment this guardian found in his lair.)
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ask-atheon · 1 year
Hey just wanted to let you know that the vex look very out of place in their network
(various beeps came out of its speakers.)
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ask-atheon · 1 year
Have you gone offline or where is the inactivity coming from ?
0ÅPГ ã
("MALFUNCTION" the vex called out)
/ooc, I am sorry! my computer has had some technical troubles and I had to do some maintenance.
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ask-atheon · 1 year
Can you be repurposed as a coffee maker ?
Or can you already make coffee without having to be repurposed ?
бEDЗ Ђ5ѓ“DR<@€"�0У“�#…A �!И4BDE‚8QDbЖ�РТ`е8в
("I CAN BREW COFFEE THE SAME AS ANY OTHER SPECIES. I AM NOT A COFFEE MACHINE. I BREW COFFEE WITH MY HANDS YOU FOOL." your ghost reads out loud. "I~... don't think he wants to be a coffee machine.." )
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ask-atheon · 1 year
Hey. I am very short and want to see what it feels like to be tall. Just for a little. Can I sit on your shoulder, please? :(
(Atheon eagerly picked the figure up, placing them atop his head [he has shoulder pads! its not safe on his shoulders.]he gave them a little 'pat pat')
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ask-atheon · 1 year
soup or salad?
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ask-atheon · 1 year
Tumblr media
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ask-atheon · 1 year
Tumblr media
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ask-atheon · 1 year
How much ram you got
D Ðê53ÿ9DL8
(your ghost appears to not want to repeat this back to you.)
"r- ramming into your mom.." (your ghost is finally able to finish its sentence.)
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ask-atheon · 1 year
can I have a hug, please? :)
(Atheon got down on his knees. [he's quite large you know] he held his arms wide, giving them a hug. he seems happy.)
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ask-atheon · 1 year
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//Welcome to the blog! feel free to interact in any way and ask anything!
all binary has an actual translation, and I will not be responding to everything in binary! so please keep this in mind!\\
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ask-atheon · 1 year
What is your obsession with the Sanctified mind?
(Atheon paid no mind, something was quietly playing from a tiny speaker on their body... It sounded like, [The Sanctified Mind].. as the oracle part began playing, Atheon became exceedingly happier in appearance.)
(The vex spoke. "FLATTERY...")
0 notes
ask-atheon · 1 year
You hold the cat like this. *the human takes the cat and gently allows it to lay upon their arms in a position similar to a sphinx in a desert* You make sure all four paws are supported comfortably and your sharp metal bits aren't pinching anything. If they are pleased, they will rumble. (:
(Atheon was processing it all, uploading what he could to the rest of the Vex hive mind and producing some robot chittering noises all at the same time. he seemed quite happy. perhaps Atheon wasn't too far from a cat himself?)
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