ask-wendydarling · 2 days
kinda yeah! anyway i think you would like movies :) they have sound too and music and stuff too
Oh that does sound nice! I wish I could participate in one.
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ask-wendydarling · 2 days
btw you like reading right? do you have any books on neverland?
There have been a few journals, but none that I’ve been allowed to read. Since they’re, personal and stuff
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ask-wendydarling · 3 days
do you know what a movie is and would you believe me if i told you that there is a movie where you’re friends with pan and the others (just tinkerbell doesn’t like you there but she’s like 10cm tall there so who cares)
That’s… a lot. Uh, I think movies are like pictures but they can capture movement too, right? It sounds like a fun time :)
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ask-wendydarling · 3 days
what would you if you were to wake up in an alternate universe where pan is not a villain and instead you’re like friends with him and the lost boys?
Oh I would enjoy that very much! I could find a way to have fun in that world. It would be such a relief
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ask-wendydarling · 5 days
also hypothetical situation: if you switched bodies with pan over night suddenly and you two are the only ones who know, what would you do? like you’d also have his magic and control over the shadow
You know what, I have no idea. There’s not much I think I would feel okay doing. The Boys have nowhere to go just like me, where would I even put them if they got free? Our families are gone for the most part, and so many of us have been here so long we’d never know how to work on the mainland. Maybe I’d take everyone and we could figure it out as a group! I think that could work out.
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ask-wendydarling · 5 days
has pan ever hurt you? do you want revenge?
Um… I’ll just skip this one!
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ask-wendydarling · 5 days
you deserve so much better :(
Thank you my friend :)
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ask-wendydarling · 5 days
when you get off neverland again, what's the very first thing you're doing? even if you don't believe you'll ever get off btw, indulge me :3
I… honestly don’t know. I don’t know where I’ll go or who will be with me, or even what the world will look like. Scramble until I figure it out I guess?
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ask-wendydarling · 5 days
are you scared of pan?
They say fear is the father of respect.
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ask-wendydarling · 6 days
why are you not a lost girl?
I don’t want to be here and I don’t believe in Peter Pan. How could I be?
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ask-wendydarling · 6 days
Are you lonely?
Oh… yes, I suppose I am.
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ask-wendydarling · 7 days
what would you do if another girl ended up on neverland? would you try to befriend her? even if she was hypothetically one of the lost ones?
I try to befriend all of the Lost Ones on the island. Having another girl would be wonderful and yes, I would reach out to her too. I doubt she’d want anything from me if she was one of the Boys though. Not many of them waste time with me; they know it’ll just bother Pan.
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ask-wendydarling · 7 days
Would you like to learn to fly?
Not with Pixie Dust, if that’s what you mean. I don’t need any more complications than I have as is.
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ask-wendydarling · 7 days
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Oh gosh that’s such a hard question! Um, perhaps a salad? As a category? I think you could get quite creative with it at the very least.
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ask-wendydarling · 7 days
do you ever miss bae?
All the time. He meant so much to me.
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ask-wendydarling · 7 days
like 50% of the things pan says and does in general seem kinda flirty so i get what you mean shjshsjshjdh
he's so pretty
I wouldn’t say 50% - it depends on the person. But I get what you mean. And yeah, he is pretty, isn’t he?
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ask-wendydarling · 7 days
wait you knew already???? girlypop how tf
I don’t know any specifics, but I have heard ‘my boy’ spoken of before, and it wasn’t any of the Lost Ones. He said it differently. All I really know is, if it is true, we shouldn’t talk about it. Okay?
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