assetinfinityposts · 2 years
Asset monitoring is also known as asset tracking. Asset monitoring is helpful in keeping track of the location and status of every asset belonging to the organization.
You can get crucial information such as a certain name asset type, when the last maintenance is given, maintenance scheduling information, and so on.
For effective asset tracking, asset tracking software is utilized as they are helpful in providing the accurate location. Moreover, automated software sends alerts and notifications when assets leave the organization's premises.
Furthermore, this software helps in avoiding asset theft and asset misplacement, which is a huge issue in all industries. Furthermore, it is helpful in finding & eliminating all ghost assets.
Ghost assets are assets mentioned in the account books, but physically they are not available. Ghost asset occurs when asset theft or asset misplacement occurs. Asset theft is a huge issue in all industries.
One of the most important assets monitoring practices is to utilize asset tags. These asset tags are helpful in asset tracking, monitoring & capturing crucial information. With this data, organizations can take informative and strategic business decisions.
Asset monitoring can be used for depreciation tracking. Organizations can leverage depreciation organizations do not pay attention to the depreciation tracking. Depreciation tracking can be helpful in minimizing tax savings.
There is no doubt that asset tracking can enhance efficiency & save an organization’s unnecessary expenses by saving assets from theft & misplacement.
Explore More: Industrial Asset Monitoring
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
Assuming you are searching for a method for further developing communication and productivity inside your association. Then, you might be looking for a mobile helpdesk solution.
A mobile helpdesk solution is also referred to by different names such as ticket management software, Complaint management software, Breakdown management software & incident management software.
All types of tickets come into the ticket management software. Some tickets are more important than others, otherwise, they can be lethal for business
The software is helpful in prioritizing tickets according to the nature of the ticket. It is helpful to the technicians as they deliver more efficient & productive work.
Key features of Asset Infinity’s mobile helpdesk solution are given below:
1. Complaints can be created by end-users or helpdesk users
2. Implications are sent by SMS and mobile notifications to the ticket management group.
3. The manager relegates the ticket to the available technician.
4. Ticket-related pictures, recordings, and documents can be attached for better understanding.
5. Tickets can be put on hold if they are reliant upon any outer explanation.
6. Ticket accelerations are done based on SLAs (System-level agreements).
7. Record inventory consumed and maintenance cost etc.
The mobile helpdesk solution automates the process of ticket management and provides a proactive approach to managing tickets.
With mobile, it gives you the flexibility to work from anywhere without work hindrance. Whenever any ticket updates occur in any ticket. The system alerts and notifies all users kept in the loop.
Explore More: Mobile Helpdesk Solution
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
An equipment monitoring system is helpful in keeping track of assets and provides continuous monitoring of pieces of equipment located in distinct locations. The equipment monitoring system provides a systematic approach to maintaining assets and pieces of equipment.
It assists the organization in providing maintenance on time and avoids asset failure. A sudden asset failure can lead to increased maintenance expenses. However, you can easily avoid it with an equipment monitoring system.
With continuous asset condition monitoring, asset failure chances are minimized. As assets get maintenance on time and regularly. When sudden asset failure increases maintenance expenses also increase. However, with this software, you can easily avoid that, on top of that maintenance cost also decreases in the long run.
In simple terms asset performance is maximized, and productivity of employees and production work increase as well.
Flawed machines and broken parts lead to the organization’s maintenance team doing lots of maintenance work. When the equipment does not work. efficiently then production work also halts. However, organizations can easily avoid it with condition monitoring of pieces of equipment.
Predictive maintenance specializes in monitoring and inspecting assets. For this purpose, asset tracking techniques, artificial intelligence, and data are utilized. So that maintenance is delivered on time & assets are utilized to their full potential.
Undoubtedly, predictive maintenance is one of the best maintenance types.
There is no doubt that an equipment monitoring system is one of the effective asset management software systems that can help the organization in enhancing asset performance.
Explore More: Asset Condition Monitoring
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
Asset tracking provides real-time information and the accurate location of each asset. It keeps track of the fixed asset movement with that you can get other information as well. What is the status of the asset? How frequently it is utilized, where it is located, and so on.
For asset tracking, there are several asset tracking methods available in the market such as barcode QR code (Quick Response code), RFID (Radio-frequency identification), GPS (Global Positioning System), BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), IoT (Internet of Things), NFC (near field communication).
All these technologies are utilized in asset tracking. Some of the methods are used inside premises and some are used outside premises of the organization. Especially when they send Products to the other organization.
The benefits of asset tracking for an organization are highlighted below:
1. Accurate asset location anytime
2. Better depreciation management
3. Informed decision making
4. Helpful in maintaining compliance
5. Fast & effective asset auditing
6. Eliminates manual process
7. Spreadsheet utilization
As we said earlier, in the market, there are several types of asset tracking techniques available. All these techniques have their own advantages & disadvantages as well. However, which technique fits into your business that you need to figure out.
For instance, a construction-based organization will have different requirements compared to a retail-based organization. Therefore, choosing the right asset management technology is a crucial part of asset management strategy.
Your business can take leverage of analytics. It can gather important bits of knowledge to improve functional efficiencies. The possibility of conveying the asset tracking solution through the cloud has brought down the costs.
With the ascent of 5G innovation, the performance and reliability of asset king have increased as well. These different aspects make asset tracking exceptionally available and alluring.
Explore More: Asset Tracking Strategies
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
Fixed asset movement tracking is helpful in asset maintenance. It enables organizations to access data of assets and schedule maintenance. When you keep track of asset movement, then you know how frequently an asset is utilized. Post which you can schedule asset maintenance.
For example, the construction industry has huge assets that need maintenance at regular intervals. Maintaining them and tracking them both are equally important. Asset movement tracking can be helpful in both aspects.
Asset movement tracking allows organizations to know precise asset location. However, several organizations do not know precise asset location. For this purpose, they can use asset movement tracking features.
For asset auditing, lots of time is wasted as organizations do not know the exact location of their assets. As a result, auditing time increases as an organization must summon all assets in one place. However, this problem can be easily resolved with asset movement tracking.
Asset tracking software can be used along with asset tags, which is helpful in asset movement tracking. This software is built for asset movement tracking and asset tags boost the software capabilities by providing more accurate asset information along with that it provides other valuable information as well.
If you want to enhance the efficiency of movement tracking, then investing in asset tracking software is significant.
The software centralizes information, from a single view, you can know the exact location of each asset located in different locations.
Undoubtedly, asset tracking software enhances asset performance and plays a crucial role in boosting the efficiency of all pieces of equipment. Furthermore, it is very fruitful for the organization as well & it is essential in effective asset management.
Explore More: Fixed Asset Movement
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
Helpdesk software provides a systematic approach in an automated way to resolve the problem at the earliest. For this purpose end user raises a ticket and the helpdesk support agent provides assistance to the end-user to resolve the problem.
It centralizes information that helps organizations in ticket allotting to specific team members. Ticket queries can either be raised by the internal or external team of the organization.
An automated ticket software helps the organization in setting the priority of each ticket. Helpdesk software is also known by other names such as ticket management system and incident management system.
 Investing in help desk management software can be a game-changer for your business.
Especially when you are in the services sector, this software will give you detailed reports and analytics that will be accurate & will let you know the pitfalls, and with date assistance, you can overcome them as well. There are lots of advantages and features of helpdesk software that are helpful in business growth.
Filter tickets based on the assignee, user groups, priority, dates, and status of tickets (open, assigned, on hold, and closed). It enables the user to export all tickets with history at any time.
If you are a business related to the service sector, then helpdesk software can be beneficial for your organization. It has a lot of potentials to improve customer experience and when customers are happy business efficiency will increase automatically.
Explore More: Helpdesk software best practices
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
In predictive maintenance, condition predictive monitoring of each equipment is done frequently so that. Maintenance can be provided to equipment before asset failure can occur.
To avoid sudden failure, asset maintenance managers keep track of data and predict when asset failure can occur.
Predictive maintenance is implemented when you have a lot of asset data & information. It is helpful in detecting asset anomalies and helps in boosting asset performance.
Predictive Maintenance Software features are helpful in business. That is one of the main reasons why the predictive maintenance market size is growing.
Below we have discussed various methods for increasing productivity with predictive maintenance software:
Boosting asset performance can be extremely helpful to businesses as it can increase productivity. Asset performance can be optimized when you provide maintenance on time and with calibration adjustments.
When asset performance is optimized obviously it will be long last than usual and will be to perform for long hours it will lead to better productivity.
Increasing productivity leads to business growth. Therefore, it is important to keep improving asset performance by increasing efficiency. When sudden asset breakdown occurs only leads to operation hindrance & employee productivity also suffers.
Nowadays, a lot of organizations are investing. In predictive maintenance software, the market size of predictive maintenance is growing at a great speed.
With predictive maintenance software, you can ensure that the maintenance is done before asset failure can occur. When asset failure occurs business operations slow, and productivity suffers.
Explore More: Predictive Maintenance Solutions
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
Imagine while the maintenance team working on some work order and they require a specific type of equipment, but they do not find it. Now the work is halted, and everyone has started looking for this required equipment. But they do not find it. These types of scenarios are quite common in all sectors. Now either asset theft occurred, or someone placed an asset in the wrong place. From the construction industry to the education sector, from manufacturing units to the oil & gas industry, asset theft is quite common.
Asset theft is a huge problem in all industries. Organizations must address it otherwise they will lose lots of assets along with that crucial information as well.
Asset theft and misplacement can be avoided with asset tagging and asset tracking software. When you combine these two methods you can easily avoid asset theft.
An asset tag is an effective solution as it provides an accurate location of the asset. When you utilize it with asset tracking software you do not only avoid asset theft, but you can also retrieve crucial information.
Each asset tag has a unique identification number that provides the accurate location of each asset. When you utilize asset tracking software, you can gather more vital information and boost asset productivity as well.
Asset theft is not a small issue, and it has been a problem for a long time. Therefore, actions must be taken to eliminate device, asset theft, and asset misplacement issues. That is why investing in asset management software is essential for business.
It can help you from saving assets from theft and provide security to the asset. Furthermore, it provides several other benefits as well to your business that will give an extra edge to your business that will help you in growing your business.
Explore More: Consequences of Asset theft
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
Equipment management software provides a systematic and automated approach for better equipment handling. Equipment management software helps the organization in maintaining them & ensuring that each asset gets maintenance regularly.
It monitors asset performance and helps in improving asset performance. For this purpose, equipment tracking is done frequently.
Overall, equipment management software decreases downtime & minimizes the chances of equipment failure. This software also assists in creating a safe environment for employees by scheduling maintenance of each piece of equipment on a regular basis.
You will notice that in the long-term maintenance expenses have also decreased.
Tagging every piece of equipment is an integral part of equipment management. When you tag every piece of equipment, it can be helpful in equipment tracking & provides you with the accurate location of each piece of equipment.
Furthermore, you can gather essential information from asset tags. Tagging can be crucial in several aspects, such as maintenance, equipment tracking via location, and effective equipment management.  
Check-in and check-out are very effective and essential features of asset tracking software that can be helpful to organizations that send their pieces of equipment from one location to another location.
Equipment management software can be very helpful in automating the process of maintenance & equipment management. As it automatically schedules asset maintenance for each piece of equipment. This software also helps in boosting enterprise asset performance by providing maintenance on time.
Equipment management software can be very fruitful for your business, it can give your business an extra edge that will save your organization a lot of expenses. Furthermore, it will provide several other benefits as well.
Explore More: Equipment Management Best Practices
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
Asset tracking provides accurate location of assets, it is helpful for business. Asset tracking enables organizations to keep track of the movement of all assets belonging to an organization inside and outside the premises of the organization.
Asset tracking eliminates chances of asset theft and asset misplacement. As we all know, asset theft has become a huge problem all over the world. As assets are costly and when they are lost it not only leads to unnecessary expenses and organizations & employees productivity suffers.
Employees use assets from one place and put them in another place. As a result, do not find the asset when it is required. It impacts the productivity of the organization and hinders daily operation as well.
As tracking eliminates those issues and it also helps in eliminating ghost assets as well.
One of the best asset tracking practices for effective asset tracking is tagging every asset. When you tag every asset, it provides an accurate location of each asset. You can collect several other types of information as well. Moreover, it also provides data that help in making informed decisions.
For effective asset tracking and keeping track of every asset, it is important to invest in automated software such as asset management software. It is extremely helpful to the organization in keeping track of assets in an automated way.
When you invest in automated software. Your efficiency and productivity increase. As this software alerts you on a regular basis. Moreover, you will get accurate asset information with asset reports and customized reports as per your requirement. Asset tracking software can be very useful in asset maintenance.
So these were the main practices of asset tracking. There is no doubt that asset tracking is essential for businesses as it can save assets from theft and provide security for the assets. However, in order to boost efficiency organizations must utilize asset management software in order to grow business more effectively.
This software will be helpful in inventory management, maintenance management, asset auditing process, maintaining compliance, and so on.
Explore More: Asset Tracking Best Practices
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
Inventory management is a strategic approach that assists organizations in managing inventory in the right way. It means how much stock you will require in a specific period of time so that you can do it successfully with effective inventory management.
Inventory intensive organizations suffer from mismanagement of inventory as they have a lot of inventory, and one cannot do it alone and manually. That is why inventory management software is required to automate the process and keep track of inventory located in single or multiple places from the manufacturer to your warehouse to point of sale.
Fashion and trends of working or utilization of assets and inventory keep on changing as per the industry basis. It is an important factor in identifying trends and this technique is an important and effective inventory forecasting method in terms of inventory optimization. However, it is significant that you have enough data to reach a decision.
Ensure you pay special attention to such patterns in your interest information and change your stock conjectures according to the industry. If you do not pay enough attention to inventory trends, then you might lose potential business.
Inventory forecasting can give you a business and an extra edge that will take your business to another level. It can save your organization from investing in unnecessary resources. It will provide more control over inventory, which is essential in business, specifically when it is inventory intensive.
Explore More: Inventory Forecasting Methods
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
One of the main objectives of predictive maintenance is to eliminate all potential issues so that future asset failure chances are reduced. In predictive maintenance, the maintenance frequency is minimized without letting assets fail so that maintenance cost is decreased.
Predictive maintenance utilizes asset maintenance data & history to detect in advance when asset failure can occur, and maintenance is provided before failure. Moreover, real-time information and asset conditions are checked regularly.
In simple terms, predictive maintenance is proactive maintenance that ensures assets do not fail and provides maintenance on time before asset failure. So that asset maintenance expenses are decreased, and asset uptime & performance is increased. It makes assets more reliable & decreases downtime.
Predictive maintenance is an essential part of maintenance management software. It helps organizations in several ways, specifically in maintenance management. If you want to utilize predictive maintenance, then investing in asset management software is important.
Explore More: Predictive Maintenance Challenges
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
Customized asset management software is an effective solution than traditional asset management because it is designed and developed according to the client’s specific requirements. Customized software serves a specific objective.
One of the most basic and crucial factors for customized asset management is enhancing and optimizing asset life. To improve asset life, they must be given maintenance on time, and it should be properly taken care of. So that asset potential can be maximized.
For effective asset management, several activities are performed regularly. Asset management software precisely helps organizations in achieving that objective.
When assets get maintenance on time it adds more value to the organization by doing more work. It is beneficial when there are assets in abundance, it enables you to schedule maintenance for each asset.It makes you more efficient and helps in avoiding sudden asset failure.
When assets get maintenance regularly asset performance is improved it increases uptime and decreases downtime. In the long term, asset maintenance expenses are decreased.
Customized asset management software will make you more competitive, productive, and efficient. Nowadays lots of organizations are using customized software and there is no doubt that it will be fruitful for your business.
Explore More: customized asset management software
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
CMMS (Computerized maintenance management system) software is very helpful to organizations in maintaining assets to their full capacity. It automates the maintenance process and eliminates the manual process. CMMS software mainly focuses on asset maintenance, so that asset life is prolonged and maintenance expenses are decreased.
It makes assets more reliable and minimizes sudden asset failure chances. When sudden asset failure chances are decreased then asset maintenance expenses are decreased in the long term. It makes asset more reliable. And when assets are reliable, they work for long hours and maximize production.
So, it increases the productivity of the organization and Employees as well. Most importantly, it automates the maintenance work & maintenance scheduling process. It alerts the team for each upcoming asset maintenance work.
For hospitals, there are assets that can be equipment, devices but patients are also counted as assets. To take care of the health of patients, asset tracking techniques such as Barcode and RFID wristbands are used.
Through which patients are monitored with real-time information. Doctors can schedule medicine for patients so that nurses know which patient needs medication.
Explore More: cmms for healthcare facility
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
In huge organizations, purchase orders are created after the purchase requisition process is complete. Once purchase requisition is approved then purchase is created. Purchase requisition approval is mandatory in order to create a purchase order.
An organization’s lot of time is consumed or wasted when purchase order creation process were manual. This software saves time by allowing them to work in an automated way & also by centralizing information. So, it ensures that work is done quickly.
When purchase requisition is approved it automatically converts them into purchase order & within a few clicks purchase order can be sent to the vendor. Furthermore, automated workflow decreases human error chances and increases accuracy.
We know that each employee’s requirement must be fulfilled so that they can deliver more effective work. However, when an organization is not equipped with a purchase order system then it becomes hectic and that is why it is important.
It provides several advantages that make the organization more efficient. To make you more productive we have mentioned some major purchase order system benefits above. Unquestionably this software will be helpful and optimize your business procedure workflow in the long run.
Explore More: Purchase Order Tracking Software
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
Maintenance tracking software automates the maintenance process and most importantly, it keeps track of maintenance as well. When you have maintenance tracking software you can easily schedule maintenance for each asset individually.
When you keep track of asset maintenance, you can easily boost asset performance by providing Maintenance on time. It also helps in decreasing downtime, maintenance expenses and enhances asset life, uptime and makes assets more reliable.
The most used maintenance tracking software is CMMS software.
When a work order is created it specifically alerts the technician about the maintenance. When no actions are taken in an asset maintenance work order it reminds the technician.  
You can enhance repair and inspection processes and save on maintenance expenses. It will optimize asset life as well. You will save time and resources by scheduling maintenance proactively.
This software centralizes information and that will help in increasing productivity for the employees and the organization as well. If you want to grow your business, then investing in asset management software is the need of the hour.
Explore more: Maintenance Tracking Software features
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assetinfinityposts · 2 years
Asset labeling can provide valuable information related to each asset when it is synchronized with asset labeling software. It can help in maintenance, enhancing asset life cycle. Most importantly you can decrease maintenance expenses and optimize asset performance that will help in increasing production work.
Asset labeling helps businesses in several ways:
1. Asset labeling provides accurate asset location.
2. It can automatically record the entry and exit of asset.
3. Helpful in the asset auditing process.
4. Provide crucial asset analytics for asset optimization.
5. Better regulatory compliance.
6. It is a time-saving process.
7. Scanning asset tracking labels quickly fetches asset data in real-time.
Unquestionably asset labeling is essential for business especially when you have a lot of assets. To make the most of your assets investing in asset management software is essential.
Asset Infinity’s asset management software will enable you to scan multiple asset tags at once & access all information in the offline mode as well. For better understanding, you can add images, videos, and descriptions as well. You can learn asset movement history as well.
Explore More: Asset Labels
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