It's been forever
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Find a man who's gonna go inside Sephora with you & help you find a lip color that looks good on you rather than a man who stands outside.
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Had it up to here with fascist white-boy apologia in the Star Wars fandom
Kylo is like if the son of an iconic feminist joined the alt right, then shot up his uncle’s place of worship and after years of running wild in the underground neo-Nazi scene emerged to murder his father. Just because some ugly dude on telepathic Force-chan introduced him to the tenents of fascist philosophy and edgelorddom while he was living with his clergyman uncle doesn’t mean he was brainwashed.
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You have many of the abilities of a Disney princess. You can talk to animals, people burst into song around you, and it seems every other day a “Prince Charming” type falls madly in love with you. As one of the most feared mafia enforcers in New York, it’s tough, but you make it work.
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Since this is Wonder Woman’s 75th anniversary I just wanted to remind ya’ll this happened. This shit is canon
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1. DEMAND condom use 2. Hold your partners accountable for what happens in the bedroom. None of this ��baby I can’t control myself around you” or “I just wanted you so bad” bullshit. 3. Coercion is real and it’s very scary and hard to identify in the moment. Establish a dialogue with your partner. Be clear on what you both want. Be clear on what you don’t want. Your boundaries should ALWAYS be respected. 4. Sex can be really emotionally and physically over-stimulating the first few times; don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask your partner to slow down, take a break, or even stop. 5. Focus less on pleasing your partner and more on exploring your partner. Everyone’s body is different and there are no “tricks” to better sex. Chances are, if you psych yourself out worrying over how well you’re “performing” then nobody’s going to have a good time. 6. Ask questions, offer suggestions. Despite what porn has probably taught you, talking during sex isn’t weird or taboo. Your partner isn’t a mind reader. They don’t know what feels good to you. [Pro-tip, a looot of people without clitorises aren’t fully aware of just HOW sensitive a clitoris is. They can be a little rough with them. Tell them to chill!!!!] 7. Your sex life is YOUR business. Don’t ever feel ashamed of how many or how few sexual partners/experiences you’re having. Do what you want, touch the people who want to touch you back, forget the rest. 8. DON’T FAKE YOUR ORGASMS!! Don’t fake your orgasms!! DON’TFAKEYOURORGAMS!! If your partner isn’t getting you there, let them know! Tell them how!! 9. There is more to sex than orgasms. Sex is a really cool way to establish intimacy and trust, to have a fun time, to relieve stress, to explore a person’s body and bring them pleasure. Don’t get me wrong, orgasms are really cool and good, but your sex life is going to be a lot better if it doesn’t revolve around them. 10. LEARN ABOUT YOUR BODY!! This goes for everyone, but ESPECIALLY if you are a person in possession of a vulva, you have been discouraged and even actively kept from vital knowledge about your anatomy! Do some google searches, buy a human sexuality textbook, masturbate. 11. Virginity is a useless concept. It’s completely okay if your virginity is something important to you and I’m not trying to belittle that idea. Just, for the record, in the grand scheme of things it’s not a big deal. Literally nothing about you changes just because you bumped uglies with someone else.
This has been a public service announcement from your friendly internet poet.
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when u scratch a cat’s chin and they lift their head up reblog if u agree
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A Real Hero
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Shoutout To Dark Skin Black Girls
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tsukishima stopping hinata from pulling stupid embarrassing shit is my new favorite thing
and also yamaguchi trying to assign the blame like no. i see you. you were about to do it don’t you lie
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hinata & kageyama: *exist* tsukishima: *takes glasses off* yamaguchi: why, tsukki? tsukishima: i’m tired of seeing stupid things
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My tsukihina feel are getting s TRONGE R Silly comic #10: tol
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ya feel?
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tbh i ship hinata with everyone. no exceptions. but tsukihina is kind of special for me, maybe because tsukki is my favourite character? ~
lmao when i realized how stiff tsukki looks i decided to add a little extra:
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I am the Queen!
Jk but I did manage to get most of this outfit together! I plan on wearing it to the final weekend of the Maryland Renaissance Festival :D
The base dress is by Majestic Velvets again. I embellished it with gold lace and pearls in the roundlets!
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