aubregirl · 2 months
here's a guide on what to know before letting your child/teen get into gacha community
the first hit game made by luni was in 2017 and it is basically a kids dress-up app with mini games and a studio mode to display charaters this game is called gacha studio and this sparked the very first gacha vidoes and despite the lack of options for poses and placement these videos were used to make what are called gacha mini movies or gacha music videos. the next game released from luni was gacha verse which had a slightly more cheapy vibe to it there was more options for making characters and similarly to gacha studio people would make mini movies and music videos with it and with this app started there very first away overused trends. then in 2018 gacha life was released and this is when the gacha community skyrocketed with animated memes, singing battles, glmbs, live music videos, glms gacha life mini movies. probably my favorite creation from this time was the wildly overused the hated child that became the hybrid princess glmm there were hundreds of these videos made with this title and as far as I know people still make them today it's a classic almost like cinderella type of video where there are two twins born but the mom favors one over the other and makes the hated child the maid or neglected child the father is always there at the beginnging buts seems to go get the milk around the middle of it then in high school with her bratty favorite sister they find out that she's actually a princess and goes to a castle and the mother and sister usually ends up as maids or die. moving on to the most current gacha game is gacha club which was released in 2020 and quickly gained popularity and brought the gacha community to a new level it had quit a lot more options for pretty much everything after the app came out however luni went quit for a while but has been a little more active and has been talking about a new game called wonder end. now the gacha tubers there's fandom gachatubers, commetary gachatubers, gacha-heaters, gacha heat police, gacha renters, venters, gacha animators, GLMV/GLMM gachatubers, gacha v-tubers, troll channels, mod reviewers, miscellaneous gachatubers, original gachatubers
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