audiodramanonsense · 5 years
Man I hate to break our no nonsense streak.... (especially since everyone knows the cool thing to do is twitter discourse now!)
But fuck.
I saw this the other day, sorta ignored it as just coincidence- and a friend shared it today and I actually read it.
That’s a mother of a coincidence, that I’m not entirely sure possible . .
What do y’all think?
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audiodramanonsense · 5 years
Miss your page! Good thing there hasn't been too much AD nonsense though :)))
It is a mixed bag, isn’t it? But agreed.
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audiodramanonsense · 5 years
hey - do you have any idea what happened to the fatecrafters podcasting network? a lot of shows i used to listen to (university killed my free time) all hd a little 'proud members of the fatecrafters network' annonce in the credits but more recently none of them mention the network? and all official -as far as i can tell- social media accounts seem to be inactive since ~late july/early august, and i was wondering, what happened to them?
Huh. I don’t!
Lemme do some googling? I swear I heard someone talking about that network the other day?
If anyone who follows us knows, let me know!
Edit : I couldn’t really find anything.:/ I’m sorry!
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audiodramanonsense · 5 years
So this is a thing.
Welp. Guess that $50K wasn’t as much of a necessity as they said it was.
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audiodramanonsense · 5 years
Late, but.
Wasn’t going to share at first, no one submitted it, and since nothing happened to me/it didn’t involve me, didn’t feel my place. But it’s a hot damn mess, and it feels important to make sure people are aware.
Linking an article is also far easier than all the well thought out twitter threads.
That being said, if you’re on AD Twitter, I can almost guarantee you’ve heard of this.
Sp many shows, individuals, and critics were posting about this whole ordeal.
Theres a LOT in Parsec’s mentions if you want to /need to know more. (God did they fuck up, IMO.)
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audiodramanonsense · 5 years
there's a lot wrong with the new Limetown stuff but right now, I'm especially bothered by the use of transcripts as a plot device in the prequel novel when the podcast itself isn't accessible
(I still plan on buying the novel- but full disclosure I haven’t read it. Just have talked with people about it. )
What the hell? That doesn’t make a ton of sense. Why would you make them a plot point if you don’t provide them?
And it’s..... not like they lack the budget to do so?! Ugh.
I have lots of feelings on podcasts and transcripts. I don’t use them too often myself, but.... ugh. Lots of people need to/are super helped by it.
As far as accessibility goes, I know I heard some people were upset at the lack of content/trigger warnings. But this is news to me.🙄 good job, Limetown.
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audiodramanonsense · 5 years
Ooh boy.
So season 2 was a thing. As was the book.
Im feeling particularly salty and let down by the last few eps. Writing, consistency, suicide as a highly overused plot device.... etc.
And twitter is prevailingly positive about it—- I’m not about to be the only one seeming to shit all over everything.:(
Per usual, anon is on , if anyone feels like chiming in.
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audiodramanonsense · 5 years
hey i was curious about why you dislike bubble? I dont listen to it but I know about it and a couple folks have pretty much told me it's the next Adventure Zone but I've also come to mad respect your opinions and thoughts about podcasts... off anon so you can answer privately if you'd prefer that!!
so like, I’m not even going to go into the quality of the humor of the show (which I just generally strongly dislike. it’s patronizing and annoying and I don’t like it) – what I will do is address the fact that Bubble is not a good audio drama. It’s not. It was incredibly unsurprising when Jesse Thorn made those obnoxious tweets about how the BEST thing about HIS SHOW was that it made HIM, a SMART PERSON who knows that audio drama is BAD, actually like an audio drama! It was unsurprising when, in his pathetic attempt to walk this back, he named several of his “favorite pieces of audio fiction” and some of them weren’t even audio fiction! Because he clearly doesn’t know what audio fiction is. He doesn’t know how it works. And so he can’t write it.
This is pretty clear in Bubble’s origin story: it was the first script he did in The Dead Pilots Society, meaning he meant it as a TV script. Nobody bought it (because it sucks). But he’s convinced it’s brilliant, so he’s made it as a podcast because he can’t get it made as a TV show, and that’s a really bad idea. Because he doesn’t think of it as audio, and he doesn’t know how to script audio because he apparently thinks it’s an inferior medium and beneath him, so the whole fucking thing has an annoying-ass, pointless narrator essentially reading script directions, because he doesn’t know how to show things without telling in audio. (There’s even a “joke” where the narrator comments that “I’m gonna be quiet here because there’s nothing for me to narrate.” Why would you write that how can you write that and not know that the narrator is not something that should be there.) And that’s only the most obvious of the problems with his ability to write audio drama. It’s repetitive and unclear, and has none of the sense of action or the surroundings within a scene that well-written, well-put-together audio drama does. He doesn’t respect the medium he’s working in, he’s just using it as a cheap way to get what he wants, so he hasn’t put any thought into how to make his show sound good or how he should be writing to make audio entertaining, so the show isn’t entertaining. It’s either hard to follow or hammering its concepts into your face like you’re three years old and it’s painfully unfunny the whole time –
listen it’s just bad. And because it’s a widely-promoted audio drama by a major network, it’s one of the roughly three pieces of audio fiction that mainstream media outlets and clueless media awards talk about as One Of The Big Groundbreaking Audio Dramas to prove that they listen to A Variety of Shows and Know What’s Up With Audio Drama. Which they inevitably do not. (And that just really steams my fuckin clams, you know? Like, it’s bad enough that it’s a badly-made show written by an arrogant, ableist asshole, but to think that it’s presented to people who know nothing about audio fiction as the best of the medium I love is infuriating.)
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audiodramanonsense · 6 years
I’ve just kinda watched this unfold.... and boy howdy is it a mess.
How are some of our fandoms such a mess? Especially since so many of us are in multiple podcast fandoms and they all overlap— but not all of them get this bad?
We can do better, guys.
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So what can we do to make this end? 1 — a rule or whatever this is that the server is supposed to be private is just silly an obviously unenforceable but I mean, how it could it not be? A Discord server like this is not private, and no amount of insisting that it should be will make it so. If you say things on there that you’re upset that get back to me or another cast member (and it has, on all fronts) I don’t want to hear anymore about how it’s just oh, I’m sorry, you weren’t supposed to see that or we have this rule and it’s the person who shared it’s fault. No, you said it. It really stops there. You post something online, you posted it, they are your words and your thoughts. If you’d be upset if I saw it then maybe don’t say it in the first place? That’s not a hard principle to govern your online conduct by and then everyone doesn’t have to run to flood my inboxes telling me about it.
2 — that said, you’re not hurting my feelings. You’re seriously not. One billion percent not. I’m a little more emotionally healthy than a few of you seem to think I am. But I’m mightily annoyed about how I have to almost everyday sort through tons of messages about this server to get to things that are actually important.
3 — kicking people out unless you have actual evidence that this rule was violated doesn’t sit well with me either, like … really? Like how many people has this happened to? It just makes it worse because then they appeal to me to fix it. And here’s the thing— I can tell you 100 percent for a fact that it is many, many different people sending me all kinds of screenshots and asks with quotes from this thing and it’s been going on for a long, long, long time. Trying in vain to police things this way seems to make it worse. On me.
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audiodramanonsense · 6 years
Oh, wow.
Somehow I missed all of this.
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audiodramanonsense · 6 years
So this is a thing that happened, and we love it. ❤️
Salt is awesome, and we always encourage being critical and aware of the things you consume... but it’s absolutely not healthy to solely be salty /negative. ❤️
Go check them out!
I thought it might be nice to have a place where we can share stuff we like about podcasts and their fandoms. So if you want to give a shout out to a podcast or a fan whose art/fic/meta etc you enjoy, you can send it via an ask or submission and I’ll slap it on a template like so:
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[You are the bee’s knees!]
and post it here. Please let me know the fandom and also who to tag clearly to make sure that they will see it!
Photo credit: Matthieu A on Unsplash
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audiodramanonsense · 6 years
i listened to the original murderous mask today and then started relistening to the updated version and i just gotta ask: how annoyed am i allowed to be that a big chunk of their “improved sound design” just involved making it significantly more difficult for me to hear literally anything peter says?
like, whats the over/under on 80%? bc thats how annoyed i am at all times that they still dont have complete transcripts up
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audiodramanonsense · 6 years
Good god. I hope this dude is being sarcastic /just trying to piss people off, but either way, this is some bullshit.
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audiodramanonsense · 6 years
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@scullystorm Trust me, right there with you. That's part of why the descent of quality and disaster of s3 so far hits so hard. It was essentially my first podcast. Definitely the first I explored fandom for.
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audiodramanonsense · 6 years
So uh
Looks like The Black Tapes is coming back?
Too little, too late for me. Season three killed any enjoyment or any faith I had in it.
What do you all think? Will you listen?
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audiodramanonsense · 6 years
In the The Last Movie teaser, Alex does have a line in the middle with some exposition for it, so maybe the VA is vaguely involved in the same way she was with TANIS?
That’s what I think is most likely going to happen, Anon. Using Alex and Strand’s VAs as bait for everyone still burned by the TBTP finale. 
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audiodramanonsense · 6 years
Hey Eos 10 fans: STOP
I feel like I shouldn’t need to be saying this
Justin McLachlan doesn’t owe us anything. He doesn’t owe us his time, he doesn’t owe us his jokes, he doesn’t owe use gay characters, he doesn’t owe us his show. Need I remind you he’s given us this show for free?
A couple times, when I’ve had a thought to give the guy who makes a show I enjoy, I’ve sent it to his tumblr, something like- “Hey man, I really like this show! I especially love (…)! Keep up the great work!” I might have sent a request for more at some point, which I’m not particularly proud of, cuz I know he gets a lot of those, but I can’t remember. I know for a fact I reviewed it on iTunes, because guess what? It’s a heckin good show, and I want it to succeed.
Now for the purpose of this post. Two days ago, Justin made a post that has me kind of concerned. Y’all are hacking him? Stealing his stuff? You’re messing with the people in his life? On g-d, I’m seeing red.
I don’t know why you guys are doing this. I know there are good people in this fandom. I know there are people who listen to this show who legitimately respect Justin and aren’t f**king with him and respect his boundaries. I wish those people were the face of this fandom, but they aren’t.
If you’re not one of those people? Look at your life. Look at your choices. Reevaluate what you’re doing because honestly? This is way too common and it’s unacceptable. Justin shouldn’t have to ask for respect from his “fans”- that should be a given. Stop harassing content creators.
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