autoisolamento 2 days
Ultimamente dormo e basta, come se cercassi di far passare le giornate per fuggire da me stesso e dalla vita
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autoisolamento 2 days
Questo post 猫 basato da un dialogo avuto con una ragazza che mi ha dato lo spunto per riflettere. Il dialogo 猫 alla base di ogni popolo civile e il rispetto per le idee altrui 猫 fondamentale per vivere in armonia. Sempre. Detto ci貌 ecco la mia riflessione:
Capisco chi parlando delle idee della destra possa dire "Mi sembra davvero superfluo dover ancora spiegare alle persone cosa siano i diritti altrui", e anche io condivido l'idea che la Meloni abbia idee sbagliate e, per me, aberranti sui diritti.
Tuttavia, per come la vedo io, i diritti stessi non sono altro che l'idea che noi abbiamo oggi di cosa ogni persona dovrebbe avere e dovrebbe poter fare, idea che magari domani potrebbe cambiare individuando nuovi diritti necessari e diritti che non dovrebbero esistere in quanto ledono qualcuno.
Tuttavia non si puo dire che la nostra idea sia giusta in senso assoluto, in quanto idea mutabile nel tempo (l'idea dei diritti umani 猫 un concetto che si evolve dall'alba dei tempi andando avanti ed indietro tra destra e sinistra), come gi脿 avvenuto in passato, cosa che ha permesso di dare a persone considerate meno importanti in passato i diritti che gli spettavano.
La legge stessa sostiene che i miei diritti finiscono dove iniziano quelli di un'altra persona, per tale ragione la legge limita spesso la libert脿 del singolo per dar spazio alle libert脿 altrui. Il problema della politica 猫 che spesso si deve decidere, tramite le elezioni e la conseguente legislatura, dove mettere il confine tra la mia libert脿 e quella altrui e tutti vogliamo spostarla in modo da allargare le nostre libert脿 il pi霉 possibile e ridurre lo spazio di chi ci insulta e ci toglie diritti.
Riflettendoci, per quanto risulti sbagliato ai nostri occhi, loro vedono noi sbagliati esattamente come noi vediamo loro sbagliati e loro vogliono toglierci la possibiliita di dire quello che vogliamo esattamente come noi vorremmo che persone con le loro idee non debbano avere voce e, forse, 猫 per questo che sotto ogni articolo sia di destra che di sinistra l'unica cosa che si possa vedere siano frasi su quei ratti dall'altra parte del muro.
Forse sarebbe meglio respirare e aprirsi al dialogo piuttosto che farsi la guerra su chi possa o non possa dire la sua su tematiche che, per quanto ci sembri una cazzata, vengono discusse dall'alba dei tempi e verranno discusse fino alla nostra morte
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autoisolamento 2 days
Certe volte vorrei solo che qualcuno mi desiderasse nella sua vita al punto da combattere per avermi
414 notes View notes
autoisolamento 2 days
Mi sento come se la gente mi dicesse che sono intelligente solo per tirarmi su di morale nonostante io sia un idiota
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autoisolamento 2 days
Come mi sento ultimamente
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autoisolamento 2 days
Rieccomi qui a cercare consolazione in una app perch茅 sono incapace di trovarla nelle persone
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autoisolamento 4 months
Io: Mi sveglio alle 6 per studiare
Sempre io alle 7 e mezza: Che bello questo post su tumblr, ma guarda anche insta. Uh mi ha scritto Giuseppina
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autoisolamento 4 months
Guardo il fondo del bicchiere seduto al bancone, la morte me ne serve un altro. Lo butto gi霉 sperando lavi via ogni male, ma lava via solo la mia anima. Sorrido amaramente "Ogni volta torno qui, sembra quasi che tu sia la mia sola amica" le dico, lei mi guarda e risponde "In realt脿 hai tante persone vicine ma preferisci venir qui a buttar gi霉 veleno piuttosto che rischiare di farti giudicare da loro"
La guardo e allungo il bicchiere: "Beviamoci su"
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autoisolamento 4 months
non spegnete l'entusiasmo alla gente che vi racconta qualcosa con euforia, non privateli di quei pochi momenti felici che si riescono ad ottenere dalla vita
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autoisolamento 4 months
69 e 84 馃槒
A parte che mi sono appena accorto delle domande del questionario ahahahaha. Tolto ci貌
69)Per quanto riguarda il BDSM penso che il mio limite varierebbe in base alla persona con cui ho quel tipo di rapporto
84)No, non sono un amante del dirty talk
0 notes
autoisolamento 4 months
116 Questions
Have you ever slept naked?
What's your bra size, or dick length?
Where was or would you want your first time to be and why?
Have you ever shown anyone your body parts and asked advice?
Have you ever seen any of your relatives naked?
Do you prefer doing it in the dark or in the light?
What's your greatest fantasy?
Would you suck on anyone's toes?
Where do you think would be the weirdest place to have sex?
Would you have sex there?
What and who turns you on?
What celebrity would you have sex with?
Whose the sexiest male you know?
Whose the sexiest female you know?
How many people would you have sex with at once?
Have you ever put on a strip show?
Have you ever seen a strip show?
Have you ever seen any of your friends naked?
Have you ever had a fantasy about a teacher?
Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
If you could be a spice what would it be?
Have you ever worn your underwear two days in a row?
Have you ever compared your body parts to someone else's while you were both naked?
Have you ever took a piss standing up or squatting in the woods?
What was the weirdest place you have ever done something with someone?
Have you parents ever caught you doing anything?
Have you ever caught them?
Would you ever have sex in the ocean?
Have you ever gotten sand up you?
Have you ever run or walked around your house nude?
What do you wear to bed?
Have you ever done anything with someone in your parents bed?
Would you ever consider rubbing hot oil or cream all over your guy or girl?
Have you ever used lubricant?
Have you ever taken off your bra or underwear on a main road?
Would you ever do anything on a Ferris wheel?
Have you ever tasted cum or female juice?
How old were you when you got your first real kiss?
Have you ever done anything with anyone in a pool, hot tub, or bath tub?
Have you ever tied up or hand cuffed anybody?
Were you a witness to someone having sex?
Would you ever have phone sex?
Would you ever do anyone in a tree?
Would you ever have sex with your best friend?
Would you have sex withsomeone you don't even know?
Do you find physical pain like spanking an element of good sex?
Do you find older women attractive?
Do you find older men attractive?
Would you rather have sex with or without a condom?
Who was the person you kissed that was the best?
What excuse would you give your parents if they caught you having sex?
What color is your pubic hair?
Does your hair color match the color of your pubic hair?
Have you ever opened your eyes while making out?
How many people have you slept with?
Have you ever had anal sex?
Where on your body is your favourite place to be touched?
When was the last time you had a dirty dream?
If you could have sex anywhere in the world, where would it be?
What鈥檚 the best sex you鈥檝e ever had?
What鈥檚 your favourite position?
Name a sex position you鈥檇 like to try
What was your best orgasm ever?
Have you ever sent nudes of yourself?
Are you loud or quiet during sex?
Have you ever tried using food during foreplay?
Have you ever made a sex tape?
What鈥檚 the first thing that sexually attracts you to someone?
When it comes to BDSM, how far have you gone/would go?
Do you ever read erotic fiction?
What鈥檚 your favourite toy?
Have you joined the mile high club?
Would you say you鈥檙e kinky?
Do you enjoy shower sex?
Where鈥檚 the weirdest place you鈥檝e ever masturbated?
Do you like to be spanked?
What was your most embarrassing sexual experience?
Have you ever fantasised about someone else during sex?
Have you ever cried or fallen asleep during sex?
Do you prefer eye contact or not during sex?
Do you like to kiss during sex?
Do you get tired after sex?
What鈥檚 a surefire way to turn you on?
Do you like dirty talk?
Have you had sex in a car?
Do you like sexting?
What鈥檚 the shortest and longest time it鈥檚 ever taken for you to have an orgasm?
Have you ever masturbated in front of your partner?
Have you ever been choked during sex?
Have you ever had a friend with benefits?
Have you ever worn lingerie?
Have you ever had sex outdoors?
Have you ever watched porn with someone?
Have you ever kissed multiple people in one night?
Have you ever had sex in a bathroom stall?
Have you ever tasted yourself?
Have you ever worn a butt plug?
Have you ever used a sex swing?
Have you ever had sex in a classroom or office?
Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
Have you ever been pinned down?
Have you ever had sex while drunk?
Have you ever had sex while high?
Have you ever orgasmed five times in one day?
Have you ever had morning sex?
Have you ever eaten food off of your lover鈥檚 naked body?
Have you ever used hot wax?
Have you ever worn crotchless underwear?
Have you ever had sex on the floor?
Have you ever had sex in front of a mirror?
What is your favorite porn category?
Do you like to have sex outdoors?
How long do you like foreplay to last?
Do you prefer being the dominant one or the submissive one?
Do you prefer rough or gentle sex?
Do you make noises during sex?
38K notes View notes
autoisolamento 4 months
I'm back bitches
1 note View note
autoisolamento 8 months
E niente, la prof aveva sbagliato il mio numero di matricola e in realt脿 ero stato ammesso allo scritto
Esito esame: Bocciato
Fanculo a me
5 notes View notes
autoisolamento 8 months
Esito esame: Bocciato
Fanculo a me
5 notes View notes
autoisolamento 8 months
Tumblr media
628 notes View notes
autoisolamento 8 months
"Penso spesso a quanto sarei stato fortunato se ti avessi avuta nella mia vita"
12 notes View notes
autoisolamento 8 months
Molto spesso siamo talmente presi dal notare che nessuno nota i nostri piccoli gesti da dimenticarci dei piccoli gesti che altri fanno per noi
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