aycias · 2 months
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dior gal.
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aycias · 2 months
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alycia debnam-carey via instagram.
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aycias · 2 months
i'll have to invite you over sometime and you can check them out for yourself. you can take me out anytime you'd like. all you have to do is ask.
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Not a chance, I am winning this one. Exciting locations? Well, this sounds like it could be fun to explore. Careful, otherwise I am just going to have to take you out if you keep talking like that. @aycias
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aycias · 2 months
i feel the same way. you are easily one of my best friends. hell, at this point i think you might be an honorary debnam-carey. my entire family loves you, and that goes for me as well. having you in my life all of these years has meant so much to me. we had such a wonderful time. i forgot just how much i missed her until there was a solid length of time since the last time we were together. i am at the wedding! i want to know all about this date you are bringing. you have me very intrigued about who it is. save me a dance though? i hate going to these things solo. reminds me just how empty my life is.
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our friendship has always meant so much to me, especially since you know my home life wasn't the greatest then. being able to come over and forget everything was a blessing and i've never forgotten that. awe, i'm so glad you've gotten to go home. did you and maia have a good time? are you still in Oz? i've been so busy with my solo work lately that i haven't gotten to travel much, but i will be in mexico this weekend for josie's wedding. you think you'll be able to make it? i'm taking a date to the ceremony, so that's my big update right now. kinda crazy about my date too, haven't been this happy in a long time.
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aycias · 2 months
i suppose dua is the reason for the ghosting so i can't be mad about it. we love her in this household, and she can do no wrong. you mean the aliens come and got you but they forgot about me? rude. i'm no longer a believer. i'm cashing in my alien believer card now. just going to insert myself right between you both until you are sick of me. i have been staying out of trouble. kind of easy to do when my life is so boring.
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personal?! no way am i ghosting you purposely because i'd be the biggest dick in the world doing so. maybe the aliens finally got to me? abduction stories seem to be flourishing all over the place these days, you know. please do, come smoosh both of our faces because we've been meaning to take time for our favorite lady. have you been staying out of trouble? i can't make any promises for myself.
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aycias · 2 months
suppose that means there is some truth to it then. i'm teasing. no one can fault you for putting yourself into a little bubble with your husband. after all, quality time with the one you love is the most important. how has married life been treating you? well, i hope. i was working for a little while back home in australia, but now i'm stateside until further notice. just trying to catch up with friends, have a little fun. i'm not used to lengthy breaks like these.
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you're the second person to say this to me this week so yikes. my social game is shit lately. i've been in paris, living the good life, ignoring the fact that i have friends outside of my husband. where have you been? still working your ass off or are you enjoying a break now??
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aycias · 2 months
i'm not saying i don't root for the villain from time to time, but this is neither the time or the place for that. it's very clear that the green's are more than just villain's so. none of that will be tolerated in this household. we could even go as far as creating a dish and drink of choice to go with the vibe of that week's episode. promise? even if i beg you to spoil it for me, don't let it happen. i feel like if i had a dragon i would want it to be more on the fearless side, but then a small part of me would want snuggles from it too. me too. really should reach out to her one of these days. i need more aussie's in my contact list.
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Yeah, those folks on team green are operating on a whole different wavelength. They've formed their own little club of questionable choices and questionable characters. I'm all for it if it! A weekly watch party sounds like the perfect excuse to indulge in tasty treats, whip up some creative drinks, and dive into a show of this caliber! I promise not to spoil anything, but I'll be watching your reactions. I'm right there too, would it be fierce and untamed, or perhaps more playful and mischievous? Taming such a majestic creature would undoubtedly be a challenge, but then again the bond forged between dragon and rider would be worth every fiery moment. Oh she does have the world at her feet for sure, I'm stoked to see how far her career goes.
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aycias · 2 months
i think now is a perfect time to shoot your shot, because i'm also tired of mediocre men. i've had my fill and i'm over it. i could always use a friend, or someone to tell me i'm hot on a regular basis. i could also use a hot blonde to sit on my face, so if you know a gal let me know. i'm one hundred percent down. just name the time and place.
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Think it's officially time to shoot my shot. Mediocre men are out in the world doing this shit daily, so I figure I'd have at least a solid 50% chance here. Whatever you're looking for: friends, someone to remind you you're hot as hell, and everything else people can be, I say we go out for a drink. Please tell me you're in. @aycias
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aycias · 2 months
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aycias · 2 months
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♡ alycia debnam - carey for vogue beauty secrets ( alyciajasmin )
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aycias · 2 months
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The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart — Season 1 Episode 4 (4/4)
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aycias · 2 months
i think i have the better end of the deal here. i do own a mirror, quite a few actually, some in a few exciting locations. speak for yourself, miss thing. a true goddess i'm unworthy to know. @reneerxpp
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Poor her, but I for sure get the better end of that deal. Think? Do you own a mirror? You're fucking stunning, an angel sent down to grace us. @aycias
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aycias · 2 months
everything is fine for the most part. my career is booming and i'm doing some amazing things, but i'm also surrounding myself with people who really don't deserve to be around me and it's blowing up in my face on a constant basis. enough about me though, how are you? are you excited to get married? i'm so happy for you both. @cariielise
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a dumpster fire? that doesn't sound good. hope everything is okay with you, babes. right? like dude, where's your conscience? i've never been one to turn down a drink and i'm not about to start now. whenever we're hanging out next, we'll have to go for a shot of tequila to celebrate.
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aycias · 2 months
yes please. could even do a fun little girls trip. i've had quite a few of those here recently, but none of them involved you and i'm not on board with that. do you pinky promise? i plan to insert myself into your life as much as i can moving forward. we have some time to make up for. oh, one hundred percent. i feel like that's the worst possible ending for a character you devoted so much time to. luckily we aren't in that category, so we don't have to worry about that. our girls can be put to rest with their endings, and it's one that we can be proud of. oh please, now you are just trying to flatter me. my face gets all blotchy and red. it's the worst. have i mentioned how much i love you lately? because i do, very much. i mean it when i say i'd be lost without you. @maiamitchel
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It'll be great to have some quality time together. Let's plan something fun soon, whether it is to grab coffee, go for a hike, or stay in. I couldn't agree more and truthfully? I could never be sick of you, just so you know, so don't hesitate to stay around for as long as you want 'cause there's nothing I would love more. Yeah, seeing our girls find their endings is like the ultimate satisfaction. Closure is key, and it's awesome to see them finally get it. I don't know how it would've felt if the shows had ended earlier than their departures — leaving everything hanging. Hey, there's absolutely no shame in the ugly cry department, plus I'm pretty sure the "ugly cry" term doesn't exist when it comes to you. I'm honored to have been a source of inspiration for you, like I couldn't be happier that I gave you a little nudge to become the star that you are. It's incredible to see you embrace risks and pursue your dreams with such courage and determination. You know that I'll always be here cheering you on every step of the way. You've got the world in your pocket, superstar. Come and give me the biggest hug I beg of you.
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aycias · 2 months
it's the only explanation that makes sense as to why anyone would be on the side of team green. terrible people tend to find each other and stick with each other, so it makes perfect sense. don't give me that sort of power. you may never get a moment's break from me. i'll do you one solid, we should have a watch party every week. we can order delicious food, make a ton of drinks and create a tradition out of it. i often wonder what mine would look like. how it would act, and if it would be difficult to tame. she really does, and the sky will definitely be the limit for her as she gets older and navigates her career. @mattrcbert
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You've hit the nail on the head with that observation, and I don't think I could've worded it any better. We're definitely on the same page here when it comes to this. Feel free to blow up my phone anytime. I'll be right there with you, eagerly speculating about what's to come in the next episode. I'm all in for discussing every twist and turn as it unfolds. Definitely, you've stumbled upon the ultimate perk of being a Targaryen: your very own dragon! Of course, every Targaryen worth their salt comes with a fire-breathing companion. She did! I admire her for doing so well being so young and I wish her nothing but great things, she has a lot of potential.
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aycias · 2 months
i'll be sure to pass along that message. she might be a little jealous that i have your full attention, but i'm sure she'll get over it. so you think i'm hot huh? @reneerxpp
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When you look as hot as you? Nothing. Tell your friend that my attention is all on you and they are going to have to wait. @aycias
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aycias · 2 months
what does a girl gotta do to get your attention? asking for a friend. @reneerxpp
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