azelfire · 4 years
Arthur wiped his face on his sleeve, but didn’t look back up to meet his father’s eyes. Though his hair had been rendered a mess by the little spat he was now getting into trouble for, Azelle could surely see the shame turning his face a hot shade of red. He always forgot that the worst part of starting a fight was explaining it afterwards until… it got to be afterwards.
“…He started it,” was the excuse that finally managed to work its way out of his mouth. The usual one. Arthur always meant it, because his dad had raised him well, and good kids didn’t throw punches for no reason. He didn’t like disappointing his father either, but if it came between that and letting someone slander his parents?
Well, Arthur had maybe thrown the first punch.
He risked a look up to Azelle’s face. Would he actually be mad? Arthur could only get away with this so many times, he thought.
                 Azelle sighs.  Once the boy Arthur was quarreling with scrambles away, likely seeking the same sort of parental comfort or guidance that Arthur is now dreading.  He stares at Arthur.  He doesn’t mean to make his poor son squirm, he doesn’t even believe he has much of a disapproving glare on his face.  He’d hate it if he ever gave his son the impression that his brother gave him growing up, so he forces a half-hearted smile.
                 ❝ And I finished it, ❞ he replies, half-joking, half-not.  He already knows the reason any child would have started something Arthur feels the need to fight for.  This isn’t the first time it’s happened, but he at least has pride in the fact that Arthur doesn’t act out like this just for any reason.  Maybe he’s raising his son right, after all.  ❝ Did you get hurt?? ❞
                That’s more important right now.  The scolding can come after.
                                                                                                           〔 🔥 〕
Arthur wiped his face on his sleeve, but didn't look back up to meet his father's eyes. Though his hair had been rendered a mess by the little spat he was now getting into trouble for, Azelle could surely see the shame turning his face a hot shade of red. He always forgot that the worst part of starting a fight was explaining it afterwards until... it got to be afterwards.
"...He started it," was the excuse that finally managed to work its way out of his mouth. The usual one. Arthur always meant it, because his dad had raised him well, and good kids didn't throw punches for no reason. He didn't like disappointing his father either, but if it came between that and letting someone slander his parents?
Well, Arthur had maybe thrown the first punch.
He risked a look up to Azelle's face. Would he actually be mad? Arthur could only get away with this so many times, he thought.
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azelfire · 4 years
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azelfire · 4 years
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bruised knuckles.    bloody noses.    eye-rolling.    empty bottles.  messy hair.  sarcasm.    lip biting.    unwashed jeans.   coffee breath.   loud music.   broken neon signs.    chipped nail polish.   leather jackets.   always wearing headphones.   swearing.   sneaking out at 3am.    dark lipstick.  frown creases.    burning cigarettes.    plaid shirts.   under-eye circles.   dark colors.
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honey tea.    flower crowns.    giggling.    blowing kisses.    dancing without worries.    white lace.    soft textures.   fluffy throw pillows.  using too many heart emojis.   empathy.   constant daydreaming.   handwritten letters.    fairy lights.    bullet journals.   designated driver.   warm hugs.  garden picnics.   quiet.   smile lines.    optimism.    flowy clothes.    pastel colors.
TAGGED BY. @folsety​
TAGGING: this ends here!!!  ...unless you want to steal it and try it
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azelfire · 4 years
 STARTER CALL || @azelfire​
⊰ ♖ ⊱
                   The summer solstice was already nearly upon them, and there was still so much to do. Under normal circumstances Arvis was too bogged down juggling his workloads from both Velthomer and Belhalla to free up enough time to do much of anything else, but late into spring each and every year he simply had no choice but to pile his plate higher, to take on more, to double up and double down in the hopes of sparing himself some time later on into the month. It was all largely a waste of time in his opinion, but it always delighted Kurth and the King, at least.
                                              He had … Party planning to do.
                   Other holidays ruled other parts of the continent, he was certain, but none came as close to captivating the public of Velthomer as Midsommar. The summer solstice was monumental, after all; the longest day of the year was meant to welcome in a season of fertility and light and abundance, and it marked a full week full of merriment and celebration within the duchy most associated with the sun. Valflame as a spell framed itself with the corona of the sun when cast — much of Velthomer, right down to the familial crest ( the Fire Emblem — what a fitting name ), took up plenty of imagery revolving around the corona and its light. The shape of the very necklace sitting heavy on his chest was meant to hark back to rays of light emanating outward from the sun, since as the current duke, as a carrier of major Fjalar blood and as Valflame’s current wielder he was symbolically made out to be some solar keeper. It wasn’t as though he could actually do a thing to the sun if he really wanted to beyond appearing to blot it out whenever he wanted to cast his holy tome’s magic down onto an enemy, but tradition never cared much for logic; Velthomer’s public spread plenty of talk about the festival each year, claiming that the lengthened sunshine would bolster the power of their fire magic, would grant them love and merriment and that Salamand himself would bestow upon them blessings of fecundity and a good harvest later into the summer if they all did their parts to please the gods.
Arvis thought it was one big waste of time that wouldn’t do much of anything either way, but that the public could certainly use whatever excuses they could force whenever it came to finding something to celebrate. He stood within the courtyard in the main town surrounding Castle Velthomer dressed in an ornamental robe that he had decided five minutes into the afternoon was far too stuffy for their desert climate, huffing and guiding a band of mages in setting up maypoles and planning out the space for the upcoming festivities. How that alone could stir up so much arguing and in fighting, he would never understand.
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                   "I feel as though I’m going cross-eyed from looking at this mess for so long. Azelle!! Tell me you’ve at least finished dealing with what I asked you to do.”
                 Midsommar is always a bittersweet time for Azelle.  Normally, such a celebration and array of festivities would delight the younger Velthomer.  He loves people and being around them, he loves seeing all the baubles merchants from Miletos have brought to sell, he loves tasting all the foods people have brought with them to share.  It’s one of the few times a year Azelle can easily obtain Isaachian cuisine and that alone should be enough to delight him.
                 But Azelle has a large heart, with room for too much sympathy, and guilt pangs at his chest each year, knowing Arvis will be stuck doing something he hates, and knowing even better that perhaps only he knows the extent of that dislike, barring Arvis himself.  Each year he swears he’ll spend some time with Arvis watching the pyre, or bring him the little honey candies Arvis prefers or even some of the charred meats Azelle looks forward to at events like this, and every year he always chickens out.
                 Arvis is hard to be around when he’s in a good mood.  Azelle swears he judges his every move, down to the way he breathes or the angle he allows his cloak to fall from his shoulders.  He especially doesn’t want to be around him if he’s already grumpy...
                 Being the second son of Velthomer means he has enough authority to act on behalf of Arvis during the planning phases.  Today, his task had been sorting out the stalls and allocating area for each vendor or merchant who planned on selling their wares in Velthomer’s most major city during the solstice.  It wasn’t a difficult task ( it couldn’t be, for Arvis to trust it to Azelle ), and Azelle had finished with it rather quickly, as every skeptical look on being bossed around by some one else had been quickly stamped out with a flash of his family crest.
                 ❝ Y-yes!! ❞Azelle answers.  He has no real reason to stutter -- Arvis isn’t mad at him, even if he’s already upset, but he’s inclined to it anyway.  ❝ Every one’s squared away and setting up their stands.  Was there... anything else you needed help with??  ...Do you need some water?? ❞   
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                                                                                                           〔 🔥 〕
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azelfire · 4 years
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hi i’m who and this is my rp blog for seliph from fire emblem: genealogy of the holy war.  i’m going to be making icons but please give this a lil like or reblog if you’d be interested in writing with me!
i am oc and multifandom/verse friendly so please don’t be shy… i am just here to have a good time and vibe a little
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azelfire · 5 years
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i would not be aegis if i didn’t fall off the face of tumblr for 2 months and then come back without warning
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azelfire · 5 years
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hey, it’s aegis (again) jumping on the 3H blog train with my son and star: Linhardt von Hevring!  feel free to give this a like or reblog if you’re interested in interacting with the sleepiest mage in the officer’s academy.
( spoilers tagged as “#3H spoilers / /”, pre-time skip until 11/7 )
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azelfire · 5 years
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                 ❝ Whoa!!  This is really good!!  You’re super talented!! ❞ 
                                                                                                           〔 🔥 〕
@jasperlion || wall
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azelfire · 5 years
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                 ❝ S-Saias!!  Y-you’ll... ❞  Ugh.  He’s sniffling.  
                 ❝ I love you too!! ❞
                                                                                              〔 🔥 〕
@nonpareiltactician​ || wall
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azelfire · 5 years
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                 ❝ I’d be honored, Lady Rinea!!  I enjoyed dancing with you as well!!  Whenever you have the time!! ❞ 
                                                                                                           〔 🔥 〕
@devotedrigelianflower || wall
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azelfire · 5 years
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azelle has a wall now
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azelfire · 5 years
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azelfire · 5 years
Xane gave Azelle’s hand a good shake before releasing it, and a wink to mirror his own. “Thanks, kid! I owe ya one. Arvis ain’t gonna catch me today, heh.”
That man was so much fun to impersonate – Xane would’ve lost a great source of entertainment if Azelle had been a little more stingy about it. That, and he might have come across some bodily harm if Arvis heard about it… but Arvis would have to catch him first.
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“Don’t think I woulda pegged you as that guy’s brother if you hadn’t said somethin’. ‘Course, I never was good at tellin’ humans apart,” Xane added, with a shrug that would likely come across as unapologetic. “But hey, you’re already doin’ better than him – he still don’t think I’m a dragon! What sorta nerve, huh?”
Well, maybe if Arvis gave him a little more respect Xane wouldn’t have gotten so comfortable at toying with him. It was the duke’s own fault!
                 ❝ I don’t think the problem is with that -- most people can tell we’re brothers because we both have the...  Well, we look alike. ❞  Even if they’re both mixed in different ways, with different mothers, the fiery eyes and bright red hair is a distinct mark of a Fjalar-blood.  Azelle knows; it was once his saving grace at parties.
                 He didn’t know Xane was a dragon either, before he said anything, but it makes enough sense.  Dragons could shapeshift to look human, so why not change into any human they like??  But...  Does that mean??
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                 ❝ Uhm.  Sorry if this is rude, but --  Well, where I’m from, dragons are kind of our gods...  H-have I been disrespectful?? ❞ 
                                                                                                           〔 🔥 〕
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azelfire · 5 years
“…I wish I had that kind of certainty in my mind. That the mistakes of my family members was due to someone else poisoning them instead of their own greed and envy.” Kamea said quietly. She turned away from the courtyard, not quite able to look down at her heroes training considering the sheer weight of the memories and the conversation the two were sharing with each other. 
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“I said my uncle Santiago was manipulated, just as Arvis seems to have been…but my cousin wasn’t.” She let out a hard sigh, her eyes opening again as her fingers tightened on her slate. “All of these years later and I still can’t believe that I failed to read her true intentions and feelings so badly. Victoria always hated me.”
It still hurt to admit that. 
“I need a drink. You probably do too.” She said flatly, turning her slate off and sliding it inside her cloak. “What’s the drinking age where you’re from? I’ll pay.”
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                 ❝ A-a drink?? ❞
                 No one’s ever offered him one.  It isn’t necessarily that he’s too young, either -- committing to memory Velthomer’s drinking age had never been a priority, because he’d never have any reason to drink.  The Lady Summoner’s tone makes it clear how deeply those events effected her, and Azelle would like to help in any way he can.
                 But he would not like to drink.
                 ❝ I appreciate it, Lady Kamea, but honestly I’d rather not have any at all... ❞  She already divulged so much of her trauma...  He feels a little guilty, so he’s inclined to do the same.
                 ❝ I...  I’m so confident about Arvis because he’s basically my only living family.  And...  Neither of us really drink -- he doesn’t even drink more socially at parties.  Our father was a really terrible man, who drank a lot so...  You could say it always leaves a bitter taste?? ❞
                 A poor attempt at humor, but he smiles to show he recognizes the joke as one.
                 ❝ I don’t mind keeping you company, though!! ❞ 
                                                                                                           〔 🔥 〕
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azelfire · 5 years
"This might sound out of the blue, but hear me out! Of all the spells you know— yes, all of them— which would you rank as, uh... most useful outside of fights? It's for a good reason, I promise!"
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                 ❝ It sounds more suspicious when you try to justify it like that, you know!!  I don’t know about where you’re from, but in Velthomer we certainly use magic for more than just fighting.  Not even just fire – my brother has used wind magic to open doors for people, literally, or pull out chairs to look polite. 
                 ❝ I…  Don’t really think about it enough to say individual spells like that…  I write a lot of letters by fire-light, though.  You can just kind of make them float in the air and…  Well, it feels homey to me.  Except I don’t think every one can do that…  But it’s definitely useful!!  I’d probably say that.  I use fire more than anything else for day-to-day use.  One time I even straightened Tailtiu’s hair with my hands, haha!! ❞ 
                                                                                                           〔 🔥 〕
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azelfire · 5 years
                 Azelle has a lot on his mind.  As Prince-Consort, one may assume his duties are little more than keeping his wife company, and appearing when it’s required of him.  He takes care of their little son more than she does, for sure, but in Begnion, you can’t just be Prince-Consort and avoid political disturbances unless you’re six feet under.
                 It doesn’t mean he intends to leave everything behind entirely, but it does mean his days are riddled with anxiety, and his nights see him struggle to finally sleep.
                 As much as he’d prefer to keep his head down, it’s impossible, so he may as well do something about it.  Several incidents over the past few years, too coincidental to be unrelated, have now been labeled insurgency by the Empress, and she really has enough on her plate without it.  Azelle’s plan is to stamp it out without her even asking ( currently, it would take more time than she can devote to it to even learn more about it ), and at the very least present the leader’s identity ( or identities ) to her as an anniversary gift.
                 Last year, he merely bought her a couture necklace, and she wore it exactly twice.  She’d appreciate this far more.
                 Their first appearance after Sanaki revealed the Altina line since its namesake had all been branded is too easy to assign cause to their disturbances, and surely Annath would like help with her cause of stamping out prejudice.  Two birds - Annath becomes a peace-bringing hero, and Sanaki gets one less problem out of her hair.
                 So is the pretense with which Azelle began assisting Annath, at least, though he’s always had a bigger heart than those around him.  She’s still only fifteen, and putting herself in so much danger, even just emotionally, outside of the events currently surrounding her family...  It has to be hard.  At the very least, Azelle would want to be there as an ear to vent to.
                 ❝ Oh, sorry, ❞ he says.  He doesn’t exactly like the comparison she gives him, but...   ❝ No, it’s nothing like that. ❞  He hasn’t forgotten anything.
                 ❝ It seems like you’re still struggling to locate that village. ❞  The map has nothing but marks notating where it isn’t.  ❝ ...I probably don’t have to tell you that they’d be keeping their heads down these days. ❞  Azelle knows he is.
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                 He isn’t as under-handed as his wife.  No tricking Annath into wanting what he wants.  He offers a suggestion, his help if she says yes, and if she says no, he’d work on it himself.  Alone.  And she’d still probably get the credit.  ❝ I just wanted to ask you...  Well, I’m looking into those rebels.  They popped up only when Sanaki --  You know.  So they’re likely the largest ‘anti-branded’ boogeyman we can find, currently...  Would you like to help me quiet them all down?? ❞   
                                                                                                           〔 🔥 〕
@azelfire plotted out a starter!
“Big brother…?”
Some might think it weird for Annath to address the Prince-Consort in such a way, but then again Annath’s entire family unit was bizarre. It was Sanaki’s insistence that any of Tanith’s children be seen as her siblings, anyway…the idea that such a motion made her publicly an heir in the eyes of many was uncomfortable. Both to Annath for the pressure (she’d breathed a sigh of relief when the infant Florian had finally be born), and the public. 
Making a branded officially in the line to the throne? An outrage. Revealing that all of the Empresses dating back to just after Altina herself had been branded? A disaster. 
Annath had grown up watching her brave and indestructible Big Sister fight a war against an enemy she couldn’t even see, with almost none of the allies she’d grown to rely on. Annath only knew Ike from children’s stories that her mother had read (With her own embellishments, of course), but even so…he’d be useful these days. 
Azelle had been a blessing, even if the marriage had been a trick that Sanaki had been forced to play in her much younger years. They seemed…happy enough together, as far as the young branded could tell. There seemed to be something vaguely tragic about the way Azelle looked at her, and the way her ‘sister’…just didn’t. 
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“Is something wrong?” She looked up at him from the map she was trying to read, an eyebrow raising slowly. Still no progress on finding Stefan’s village that she’d been told about…not that the secret Branded community would want to emerge in the current climate, she guessed. “You look…well, like Father does when he realizes he’s forgotten something important and Mother knows it. You know, like you’ve been hit with an ax in the back of the head and you’re trying to hide it?”
She’d been trying to work on her sense of humor recently. Like with her mother, it didn’t really work.
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azelfire · 5 years
draft blitz
i am very depressed but i’m gonna do my best to do EVERY DRAFT TODAY.  NO QUEUE.  NO HESITATION.  JUST AEGIS POSTING.  ALL DAY.  because i’ll be gone tomorrow for indefinitely.
anyway.  yeah.
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