azizahni · 6 years
Bulan tak pernah membenci matahari, walaupun matahari sinarnya lebih terang. Karena bulan tahu, mereka bersinar di zona waktunya masing-masing.
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azizahni · 6 years
Allah, saya percaya bila sesuatu itu menjadi rezeki saya, Engkau pasti akan mentakdirkan dia jatuh ke tangan saya. Namun izinkan hamba yang dhaif ini menabung sebaik-baik amal dalam rangka menjemput rezeki ini.
…dalam jeda antara hari ini dan masa turunnya rezeki, kita mungkin sesak karena merindu dan harap-harap cemas atau bahkan sedih dan marah. Satu hal yang perlu kita sadari bahwa dalam jeda itu adalah ruang ikhtiar untuk menabung amal, memupuk kedewasaan dan banyak hikmah-hikmah lainnya.
maka kuatkan hati dalam jeda, jaga tawakkal kita….
Apabila telah datang pertolongan Allah dan kemenangan. Dan kamu lihat manusia masuk agama Allah dengan berbondong-bondong, Maka bertasbihlah dengan memuji Tuhanmu dan mohonlah ampun kepada-Nya. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Penerima taubat.
QS An Nashr: 1-3
Hal yang menjadi pertanyaan adalah kenapa dalam surat An Nashr disebutkan bahwa kita harus memohon ampun ketika pertolongan itu datang?
karena bisa jadi di setiap ikhtiar, ada keraguan dalam diri kita sehingga kita terus mempertanyakan:
maataa nashrullah, kapan datangnya pertolongan Allah?
kita diminta bertaubat atas itu. Janji Allah itu benar adanya, pertolongan Allah pasti datang. Jeda ini hanya perkara ruang yang menumbuhkan rasa tawakkal dan sabar.
hatta yaquula ar rosuulu wal ladziina aamanuu ma’ahuu maataa nashrullah, alaa inna nashrullaahi qariib…sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu dekat.
habis ngebahas mustholah hadits bareng adek-adek dan nemu hadits tentang ikhtiar dan tawakkal. Kepengen berbagi tapi ini masih otw ngajar. Moga ada waktu ya :D
udah lama posting ga serius. Habis ini kita kembali ke khittah ~XD
(via deamahfudz)
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azizahni · 6 years
God, please tell me the reason why did You choose my mom and dad as my parents? God, can You explain me the way You chose me to be their belonging? God, how can You believe that I will be their future, their source of happiness, their pain reliever? God, Thank you. For being so kind to me. I never ask for more. And for my parents, I do grateful for having a supportive parents like you. If I got one more chance to decide my parents. I definitely will answer you. Yes you, mum and dad.
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azizahni · 6 years
Rasanya kayak lagi tenggelam, mau naik ke permukaan susah tapi mati tenggelam juga gak mau.
A, lagi lupa cara berenang
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azizahni · 6 years
Maybe they deserve it, but you deserve better
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azizahni · 6 years
Time Zone
"You are unique, don't compare yourself to others. Someone graduated at the age of 22, yet waited 5 years before securing a good job; and there is another who graduated at 27 and secured employment immediately! Someone became CEO at 25 and died at 50 while another became a CEO at 50 and lived to 90 years. Everyone works based on their 'Time Zone'. People can have things worked out only according to their pace. Work in your “time zone”. Your Colleagues, friends, younger ones might "seem" to go ahead of you. May be some might "seem" behind you. Everyone is in this world running their own race on their own lane in their own time. God has a different plan for everybody. Time is the difference. Obama retires at 55, Trump resumes at 70. Don't envy them or mock them, it's their 'Time Zone.' You are in yours!" Source: https://m.mensxp.com/special-features/today/34993-if-you-think-you-are-going-nowhere-in-life-take-a-deep-breath-and-read-this.html
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azizahni · 7 years
Love Story #3
Well, I will say he was my first love. Monkey love? Maybe. Call him B. The first boy who made a scar on my heart *so disgusting* I met him on my 5th grade. I didn't love him on the first sight. It took time to feel the love. He was my classmate for 2 years. I knew he was my best friend crush and I didn't want to betray my friend so I decided to only know him. No more. But by the time, I couldn't reject my feeling that I have something on my heart. Something which made a butterfly on my tummy woke up. I realized that I feel the love since my class had farewell party on the 1st semester then he showed his attention to me. Time goes by, I got a news that he was in a relationship. Call her F. But I didn't get up. I still tried to get his love. So obsessive hahaha. Many ways I did. From became F's friend, F's good listener (even tough I really know her stories were not realistic at all), became B's best friend, B's listener, B's adviser and so on. Then, there was one time that they would broke their relationship cause the boy wanted to be single. That was my chance! I supported his choice so hard. But the girl didn't want to end up her relationship. So annoying haha. On the same time, I was too brave to confess that I love him so much. What a fool wkwk. That was so awkward. And after all, I decided not to love him anymore since I was embarrassed myself in front of him. The love is over. But, the friendship didn't last, at least it kept until junior high. So tragic.
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azizahni · 7 years
Love Story #2
Heiho. My number 2. I probably can say it was my first crush. And literally my first crush. I love him because he was so fabulous and I was so amazed with him, till now hahahaha. Call him R. I knew him since I was on my 3rd year in elementary. He was my classmate but actually he is younger than me. I felt that he was a prince charming like what I have been read on my barbie story, in a real life. He is tall, kind, handsome, smart, so charming o em ji. I have never been met the one like him before. Sooooo charming *ok it's too much*. I chose to be a secret admire since there were so many girls who like him too, include my best friend. I became his classmate for 2 years. During that time, I never knew who was actually his crush. So I was so confident that he noticed me and he knew that he likes me too. Eventough there was no sign of that hahahaha. On my 5th grade, we were not in the same class anymore. Then, I heard that he got his new girlfriend. I just like huh okay. Never mind. Tragic.
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azizahni · 7 years
Love Story #1
So I decide to post this kind of my-not-so-love story here. Since I saw my friends share hers on her twitter but I'm not that confident to do the same so I choose to write it on my tumblr *cz I know it still quiet here and no one literally knows about my tumblr acc*. Ok, lets get started! So, actually I can't directly say that it was my first love cause it happened on my 2nd grade in elementary school and I didn't really love him. It just because of my friend had a crush and she got curious about whom I crushed to. So I decided to tell her the one who passed on my mind. Just passed, not sure the reason why I chose him. Then, after that conversation with my friend, I somehow wanted to know him more and because I was poisoned by opera soap on my telivision *I'm 90's and poisoned by tersanjung series* *how disgusting my childhood*, I wanted to get closer with him. But sadly, I couldn't. Tragic.
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azizahni · 7 years
Sometimes, I think that Indonesian, most of all, or maybe whom I know, always interest to know the bad thing about someone rather than the good one. For example when you want to be better by improving yourself on what you want to learn, they always tell you the mistake that you did and they blame us like 'please don't do it again, you are bad on it'. I was like what? How can they judge like they are the one who is the best and the others can't be like him. Indonesian is lack of appreciation, I guess.
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azizahni · 7 years
I am on my jobseeking phase now. Trying to look for the job is what I am doing. That is stressed me out actually but in the other hand, I am so happy because there are people that try to make me like I am not the one who have that burden. In this millenial era, there are so many social media or chat app to keep contacting our friends eventhough we are in miles distance. And I use 'line' as my daily chat app because it is so funny to give random sticker that we couldn't find it in another chat app. Beside, there is a new thing on 'line' that was made by someone called bot. Bot is a computerized system that will answer all of our question or they provide the games that can be played with our friends in a group. Bot(s) that I used to know are Ica-ica, kerang ajaib and manusia serigala. I have played them all, but the most funny one is werewolf. I was playing it with papatria, my new group chat. Papatria was made because of we were travel in kulonprogo on that time and then we want to share the photos so we decided to create the group chat. The game is so easy. You just need to invite werewolf bot on your group then you write /create so the game will be able to be played. Then if you want to join the game, you need to click the 'join' button. But don't forget to add the bot first so that werewolf allows you to play it. Then if the players are ready, then write /mulai so that the game start. You will get the private message from werewolf that inform you the role you have played on the game. There are some role(s) and it depends on how many players on this game. There are a werewolf, a villager, a child (anak malang), a magician (penerawang i mean but i forget the english of that), and so on. And the have their own specialty when they play the game. If you are interest to the game, kindly check that bot on 'line'.
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azizahni · 7 years
From this post. I would like to tell you all that I want to improve my english since I knew that my english was so baaad. So that, I will post anything in English. If there is grammatical error or there is mistake, kindly to comment or tell me because I will learn a lot from your comment. Even I am pretty sure that I don't really have reader that interest on what I wrote 😂😂 Azizah Nur Istiadzah
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azizahni · 7 years
Lagi dan lagi. Rasanya lelaki harus belajar menghayati perasaannya. Agar mereka sadar, perasaan itu tidak seremeh temeh kelihatannya.
Pengalaman teman
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azizahni · 7 years
Tampaknya yang lebih melelahkan dari berpura-pura bahagia adalah berpura-pura tidak tahu atas kepura-puraan bahagiamu.
(via sundarirespati)
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azizahni · 7 years
Nol itu merupakan sebuah angka. Dimana nol, sering disimbolkan sebagai kosong. Mulai dari nol ya, kalau kata petugas spbu. Nol-nol ya, yang sering diucapkan saat saling memaafkan. Nol besar, sebagai ungkapan bahwa apa yang diusahakan tiada hasil. Tetapi, nol juga merupakan angka yang netral. Dimana dia memisahkan antara yang positif dan negatif. Yang tidak pernah berpihak. Yang tidak pernah iri walaupun hanya sebagai pengikut angka di depannya. Jadi, titik nol, bagaimana agar aku bisa menjadi sepertimu?
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azizahni · 7 years
Tumblr media
Kamu itu udah kayak kakiku. Jadi jangan pergi karena aku gak akan bisa lari buat ngejar kamu.
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azizahni · 7 years
Lay your love to God, He knows where your heart will be laid on.
Ijah, barusan kena serangan tjintja.
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