      Hey girl, how you doing? We missed you in class last week. It was dull you definitely make class interesting. A breath of fresh air and yeah I get mad too when fools don’t go full throttle during a game, I personally cannot play basketball because I suck big time. But you know we can go a few rounds at boxing. To this date the heaviest punch I received pound for pound was a woman. I was a little intimidated when I was told to be her punch bag one because I hit back and punch to injure and I am slow so I take hits she was faster than me but she hit hard as a meat sack you are not supposed to hit back. To bad I never got her number she could have been my knight in shining armor a woman to fight my battles for me. FYI I am very lazy. Anyway your writing is very entertaining and so are you. Just watch out for spelling mistakes and smooth flow of expression.  
Blog 9
Last week we discussed gender, identity and representation. Personally being a female and one of color I can tell you that women and men are not equal. Don’t get me wrong times have changed. Women got the same right as do men, but honestly is the problem only with the law? When congress pass the law for women to vote it was in June 4, 1919 . When the 19th Amendment was ratified it wasn’t till a year later in August 18 1920. Go head do the math. It’s only been 96 years since women got the write to vote. How crazy is that. Maybe in another 96 years we might have a female president or not due to how women are treated still. Since getting the right to vote women had came along way. There are women doing jobs that some would assume are “men jobs”. With that being said women still looked down on by some. I had some experience with this issue many of times. I play basketball and went I go to the park is usually men. Now my father always wanted me to play with guys because they can be more aggressive then females and I would have to work harder. This can be debatable but I did learn a lot playing with men. Let’s get real when I step on the court don’t no one wants to play a little girl. I can just see it on there faces (This little girl need to go home before she gets hurt). Now this piss me off the most. Some men are different the would say things like “ I don’t care who she is you better play defense on her.” But the other guys would judge me before they would see me play. Usually once the game start no one would play defense because don’t want me to get hurt. Now when they do this I just get the ball and score until they start playing defense, I have to get them to play some how. This showed me how women aren’t equal due to appearance, although there are many other reasons. The comics we talked about in class were quite interesting. It made me think of all of the movies with two women in that didn’t talk about men. At first I struggled in doing so. Then I started to think of movies I thought were big and really good but there was always some sort of love triangle. For some reason I always love movies with a powerful female role. Movie like Hunger games, The Blind Side, and Chicago were all fun and interesting to me even though there all completely different. My father on the other hand watches more of a male lead. I’m not saying my pops don’t think of women as equals ( he have four daughters hr has no choice) but he may feel as if he has more a connection ago males in movies. In the comic The Rule maybe those women wanted to try to connect with the lead role with out having to be such a “girl” who paint her nails and talk about boys. Maybe they wanted to connect with more of the independents of a female.
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        Dude or dudette, your writing sounds like the intro to a romantic comedy, it sound a lot like the opening narration that Morgan Freeman would get hire to do so people get that feeling that it won’t be so bad. Other than that annoying voice over in my head I find nothing really wrong with it. You have good grammar flow and is a decent read. I would give you advice but I can’t come up with one all my little pearls of wisdom don’t really apply to you. Like mama always said life is like a box of chocolates, you don’t always know what you are going to get but its chocolate so be happy.   
Blog #11 Reflection
Looking back over the blogs I did I think that blogging has become easier. At first I hated blogging mostly because I didn’t want to spend my time writing in a blog, and I didn’t really care for putting personal stories online for anyone to see. I’ve never been a person to use a lot of social media or even thought about using it. I enjoy experiencing moments, and telling stories in person rather than typing it into a blog, so I was a hater at first. I think that this has made me better as a writer by not caring as much what people think about my writing because blogs are what you want them to be and they don’t always have to be so formal. Writing a blog has had me questioning my decisions against having social media. I never really thought of social media as being a place for self expression because I’ve always expressed myself in person to the people that care enough to listen. But with blogs, I can just speak for myself without worrying about impressing anyone. I could always check and see what my peers are writing about, making it easier so I can relate to their stories and understand what the topic is really asking. I think being a part of a collective community of writers really allowed me to enhance my writing skills.  At the beginning of the semester I was curious to know how blogs even worked because I have never had one, so my blog work has changed a lot over the course of eleven blogs. I’ve always been insecure with my writings with grammar, structure, and how I should approach topics. I’m really glad that writing a blog was a part of this class because it has only done good things for my writing. I think that blogging has changed my writing for the better by making me more confident, letting my thoughts, and feelings free. Usually when I write I think too much about what to write instead of just pouring my thoughts onto a page and fixing the errors later, I would spend too much time pondering. My writing needs more work, but I will take what I have learned from blogging and bring it into my future assignments. I’m going to continue working on the fluency of my writing because I think writing should still become easier than what it is.    
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       Hello dear blue her comes your friendly neighborhood commentator. From what I read in you blog is that you are either an introvert, this basically means a shy person, but from your blog I can tell you are a decently gifted writer most introverts are, they are not so good expressing emotions to the public but they can show it rather well in other media. My advice to you is to gain more confidence you don’t have to speak everyday but let your voice be heard by someone you can debate and argue with on topics. This will allow you to gain better control of expressing yourself when doing a presentation and it will help you become more vocal about voicing things out. Now if you are not a person I described its fine to ignore everything I said I doubt I ever had a conversation with you so I don’t really know you. Take care.
Blog #11
I feel as though blogging has helped me grow as a writer. Prior to this year I was never a confident writer by any means. I found myself struggling to figure out how I should even start a paper. When we first started the semester and got our syllabus I didn’t really know what to expect when it came to blogging. I have never been the type of person to blog or just sit down and write for fun. I was actually quite nervous to start blogging for class this semester. I didn’t know if I would enjoy blogging but now that I’ve been blogging all semester I feel way more comfortable with it. Its not such a struggle to get my thoughts onto paper now, I just think about the topic for a few minutes and everything flows from there.
Blogging the past few months has really changed my point of view on writing. I feel like whenever I have to write for school it has to be a certain way with specific things that need to be in it. With blogging we are given a topic and told to write 400 words on whatever the given topic is. This has allowed me to write on my own terms and gives me the capability to give more of my opinions opposed to purely facts and research. Even though I feel like blogging has made me a more confident writer, I still feel as though there are things that I need to work on. Sometimes I feel like my sentences don’t flow as well as I intend them to. In my head it sounds perfectly fine, but once I put it onto paper it just doesn’t seem to sound right.
Now that I’m comfortable with blogging I feel as though I will get progressively more comfortable with writing longer and more involved papers. I have also really liked the blog topics that have been given. A couple of them involved us each responding to fellow classmates blogs, which I really liked. It was a way for me to get to know my classmates on a more personal level. Another topic I liked was when we had to pick what topics we wanted to talk about in class. It made the classes more interesting because our discussions were based on what we wanted to talk about not something that we were forced to talk about.
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        Well my man as we are in our final blog week I am here to harass your writing, because that is what we are supposed to do for this week. I actually plan to compliment your writing. For the most part it is easy to read and it has a nice flow when reading it quite easy to follow. My advice would be to not crack open a dictionary, rather read a newspaper. The best would be the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times the reason I chose this and not the buffalo post or even the New York post is because this news outlets don’t cater to the masses rather to the intellectual few. The advantages are two fold because it has advanced use of the written word and the correct use of the word so you can learn how to apply the new word in your lexicon. The biggest advice for a conclusion on a writing assignment would be to sum up everything you wrote in 3 main points. The last point would include your own take on the subject. But if you’re ever writing a lab report a conclusion should be the findings of the research and that is it science has no use of public opinion just the cold hard data.
Blog 11
As I look back on this semester and analyze my blogging I feel like I improved a lot. I feel like I improved a lot because I actually started to try and get my grades back on track. I feel like If I would’ve carried on with my way I was in the beginning of the semester I would be failing miserably. I feel like my blogging got better because I had more events to talk about like march madness, and more of things that I like to talk about. If I know more about something then I’m gonna want to write more about it, and try more. I mostly talked about sports and events that interest me. I’d say my strengths as a writer is I’m good at supporting my ideas in my body paragraphs. My weaknesses in writing would be my conclusions. I just don’t know how to finish my conclusion, I can never have a good conclusion for some reason. I feel like blogging helped my writing because it made me write every week and so I got used to writing and it helped me improve my writing. To keep improving my writing I want to expand my vocabulary and work on conclusions. I feel like if I were to do those things my writing will be improved tremendously. I need to learn how to take what I’m thinking then improve it and make it longer and put more major points in my writing. I feel like I leave out a lot of important and sometimes small details that make the paper or blog better. Another strength I would have would be knowing more about the subject, so like if its a subject I know a lot about obviously i’m going to write more about it then. But if its a subject that I don’t like or is boring to me and I don’t know much about then most likely it won’t be that good of an assignment. I need to keep learning and reading about current events so I know more about subjects when they pop up so I can have learn about that subject and its not all new to me. Overall I feel like this year and blogging went by so fast, can’t wait to turn in that last portfolio and finally go home after a long year and a long semester of being in CWP haha. 
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blog week #11
      As the term has progressed I now find myself in the home stretch of this weekly blog homework. I am supposed to discuss how my writing has evolved. What I need to work on so on and so forth. I personally think my writing has not improved but it has not degraded my level of expression was never too high to begin with sadly enough. But since I was last in school I believe I have started involving my opinion a lot more than it really should have ever been in anything but a rant.      For the sake of not sounding like an ignoramus I have tried to expand my word bank of course that would include how to use them, disappointingly enough though rarely get to use my overly complicated vocabulary because I find that the mind that is using them is not adept enough to use this knowledge. I think my writing needs to be more persuasive because I set out to discuss interesting topics or topics I thought were of importance. I truly don’t know how to improve it or make it more palatable to my fellows so they would get interested in such things I purposefully chose crude topics that I believe would create conflict with people, a clash of opinions or so to speak. So yeah I need to work on being persuasive. The next thing I believe I should work on organizational flow in my writing unfortunately I have a bad tendency to jump around a refer to earlier statements to support my opinion I believe this injures the flow of conversation between me and the reader because I believe that all human are inherently lazy and will not bother to refer to earlier statements and I am afraid I am not interesting enough to submerge the reader deep enough for them to retain what they are reading.      Lastly my final inherent flaw is my tendency to go off in a rant. Nobody likes to read a rant, I figure this is so because every so often I get a reminder by a noble reader that my blog sounded like a rant. I seriously don’t know how to correct this problem since to me everything sounds like a rant. Now for the brighter side of things my strength lay in my ability to decide on a topic and write about it and keep writing about it. It makes sense I think that I also use good expressions, anecdotes, and life experiences in my life to make things lively and relatable so everyone may enjoy it I guess that’s it
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Blog 10 which presentation blew me away
Maybe I am uninterested in the world, maybe I would like to see it all go down in flames that most presentations could not really catch my attention and the ones I thought would spark my curiosity ended up really being a wet blanket. But if I had to pick the one that was most well defended and thought out with proposed solutions would be the delightful miss Jessica, stand on the issue of the use of the lavatory for trans people. The reason I chose her presentation was because she actually debated her stance on the subject. She provided probable solutions even when discussing those probable solutions she understood there short comings. When she suggested having a transgender only bathroom she knew that this would make them a target for transphobic aggressors. She openly discussed her process on deciding her project she even discussed and based parts of her argument on the bases her opposition would take which I feel few others did most of the other presentations just brought awareness to topics everyone else knew about. Correct me if I am wrong but when shedding light on a specific subject or matter of interest you are supposed to discuss solutions too take into account every possible aspect. I feel she actually gave it a semi serious crack at that. On the subject of a serious crack I have to give the trump wall try an honorable mention he tried to morally debate the idea of a wall by giving examples on how it would theatrically work but instead of comparing it to the border wall of Israel he should have thought of the counter example of the Great Wall of China unfortunately it did not really protect them from the Huns according to mulan. I can also point out that he did not really look into legal immigration laws of both the past and now. But having been an immigrant i know that becoming a full legal resident is in fact not easy at all whatsoever. Back to the main topic I think she should have looked into what other modern countries have done on their part to accommodate this new (cultural group?) seriously I think the T in the LGBTQ community still has a long and harsh road ahead of them the evolving social order is on their side but the evolving social order of the world is still not the ruling social order I think it's still the so called boomers world until they are fully expunged from all forms of political and social economical seats of power. We would still have racism and general filth of human morals around but they would not be the majority. I actually believe she came up with very accommodating solution and the correct in fact she just failed to think 3 steps ahead and then she probably would have hit the nail on the head with a long term solution. I think that with the introduction of the gender neutral bathroom she should have changed it to the family bathroom. By introducing it as a family bathroom not only would it seem more friendly to the general populace it might get people to stop thinking about people giggly parts. Also this may seem a little inappropriate at the moment but by getting kids expose to different gender preferences and associations they will normalize this differences in their life's and treat it more with more acceptance than people that have been introduced to this ideas later on in their life's. Now I would love input and debating opinions on my blog but I doubt people will actually get this far. Anyway I wonder if anyone knows who I am. Any guesses?
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blog week 9
    In all seriousness thought my life I have always thought about how life is not fair and how much it sucks to be part of the worst era. For me being part of the worst era is from 1900 to probably 2100. The reason it last for 200 hundred years is because that’s when the world started to rapidly change, I am not just talking about technology and standards of living I am referring how us humans see ourselves and how we interact with our environment. We stop caring about the big picture and stopped becoming narrow sighted. Everything was about the future generations now its about our generation. We care about shit we should not. Like how a specific genders are represented in the media or how a certain group of people are viewed in general. Point in fact is that homosexuality until recently was considered a crime against humanity, but people forget the ancient roman and Greeks were all about sexual freedom. And crap like that. Anyway I haven’t seen television in like 5 solid years so I have no idea how women are represented now a days nor how men are, all I know is that “Liberals” think “Republicans” are dumbasses. Conservatives think that Liberals are snowflakes and that they are easily triggered. Personally I think they are both right. Conservatives are too easily swayed by the hearsay and have absolutely no idea what is good for them, and liberals are too easily triggered because they get offended easily. I believe people have forgotten the different meaning of tolerance. Personally I think its not the united states job to police the world. Each country should do what they can to police themselves if they are in the middle of a civil war so be it all is fair in love and war as long as they don’t attack United States soil let them gas their own citizens guess what at some point the citizens will get smart and gas them back or develop their own warfare tactics. We all know our government is just looking for an excuse to start the Middle East shit again. FYI president Trump officially declared war against Syria by launching a missile strike against Syria, and most of all I am sure he did it without congressional approval so technically he broke the law and can be brought up on impeachment charges because declaring war is a congressional power not executive. Anyway to finish of my rant I think everyone should lighten the fuck up, and not let the little shit get to them.  
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blog week 8
Now for blog week 8 we were supposed to comment on 3 week seven blogs discuss them then choose one we should discuss in April. I will say they were all well written and they all have merits of class discussion. Chocolatequeen021 blogged about goals and what we do to accomplish them the loosing track/sight of them. All personal goals are important especially during our college years since they help shape our futures. Mr. Steph blogged about doing more hands on work and group projects I figure that he is more of a tactile learner so am I especially now that I am getting older. I gave my honest opinion on the pros and cons of group work but his idea of a group project would be good for the beginning of the term when everyone is actually trying their hardest. The final Blog I was forced to comment on was the charismatic Iamteescott. She blogged about the difficulties of name discrimination and growing up with them in a modern society. As for a blog we should discuss in class I have to pick iamteescot blog for a few simple reasons that is one we can link modern naming trends with past trends, we can discuss the hardship of people mispronouncing our names and modern attitudes to such out laddish names. I swear I had more to say but my brain farted so I will end my blog post now. 
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I agree with you on the premise of judgmental factor in today’s societal hiring trends social political advancement. It is not easy, we can even surmise a simple hypothesis that is the honorable mister Barack Obama was Christopher or Stephan Obama he would have been probably be heckled a lot less while he was in the presidency. But I am truly glad he wasn’t given a generic name I think we have 44 presidents with such names it is kinda sickening. I am personally proud of my name it is unique and I don’t care if people cannot pronounce it correctly as long as they do not make fun of it I am fine with it. Besides by honoring our names is how I believe we honor our parents. Now believe parents can be too original with their naming practices that just set up their kids for failure like LA_sha, lemonjello. Keep up the good work I enjoyed reading it. 
The Name Game: Blog 7
     Thinking about what I should write about for this blog post I was a little clueless. I began to really think about what gets me going and what topics truly make me want to change how things are. Of all the topics that I could think of at moment, I think that the workplace and how people are employed plays a huge role in society. It makes an impact on how we think of society as a sum. When thinking about what it takes to be employed one would think that being qualified would be enough. We all grow up on the idea that going to school and getting good grades, being involved with the school and community, having a positive attitude, and excelling in college would make you a shoe in for any job that is out there. Right? Wrong. As I have learned while growing up, people are always judged. People will judge you no matter what and that’s something that needs to be accepted. Judgment is instilled in everyone. On the other hand, there is a line that must be drawn.      Of course, in the workplace there is supposed to be a level of judgement being used when hiring people. As an employer one would want to see who is truly qualified and what does a person need to have as a quality to bring something new to the working environment. Unfortunately, that’s not how things are being done. When employers are looking for their employees there is a great deal of them who have taken it upon themselves to judge the people that applied for the job by their name. It is said that the people who apply for jobs may be able to get the job or not because of their name. For example, my name is original and not too many people have if my resume were to come up there is a possibility that employers could make the inference that I could be another nationality than white. But if “Amanda Richards” were to come up it may be even looked at as a candidate to work for that employer. Since her name is more generic and common it must indicate that she could possibly be white. Is this fair? Is there really some truth behind what is being done in the workplace? We need to be way more aware of situations and of people who think that doing what they did was correct. If you benefited from being employed based off your name or not how would you feel? All those years of believing that being a positive factor of society, and doing well in school would really get you to the place you want to be in life. Turns out all you need is your name to get a head start in the workplace.
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    Steph I think you have a really solid Idea on the group project for the class assignments, but I do not think you thought of some of the issues that may occur while doing the group projects. The first issue I see happening is a topic everyone in a group that they can rally behind now this one is easily over come if the professor gives us a degree of freedom on the topic just look at my assignments they are far from ordinary. The second and third problems are based on personal character and they go hand in hand that is if you get a person that cares little about their academic career and doesn’t do their fair share of work. If the person you know bucks up and does the work that’s awesome no problems but if they don’t do the work everyone comes out hurting and if everyone else picks up the slack the slacker gets rewarded. This is especially true of hands on projects but this kind of group activity is great in debate setting since everyone is freely putting in their 10 cents.
Stephan Diaz 03/26/17
Buffalo State Blog 7
    Some new topics that I feel that we should talk about in class would be more topics that would interest the class. To be honest the assignments that we do are not really interesting i feel like if we do more assignments that will interest no one will miss any assignment. Some new topics that we should work on in class should be reading readings then talking about them explaining the meaning of them. Some other topics we should work on in class should be some physical projects that we could do hands on still focused on CWP though. One last topic that would be good to work on would be group projects where you work with a team on a real project and everyone is responsible for their part.
     If we read articles and books and stuff like that, that will enhance our reading, that would be good because we would have to read these articles and books then have to write essays about them. So it’s basically like the work that we been getting but we’re just adding on the reading to make things more interesting. Some people love reading and some people hate reading but as long as we’re reading something that the whole class would be comfortable with there should be no reason why anyone misses an assignment. Reading is always good for the brain just have to make sure you understand what you are reading.
    Working on physical projects i feel like that will help people that like hands on things. Some people don’t like writing they rather work with there hands. For example like the project that we was working on which is project 2 is a good project to work on because it has a hands on part where you have to define a word you never used before in five ways so that the class understands the meaning of the word when you put your project on display. Hands on projects can be very fun if you like hands on stuff and it helps you learn how to be creative.
    One last topic that would be good to work on would be group projects. I say group projects would be good to work on because you and your group could learn teamwork and everybody has their part to be taken care of so that the project is good as a whole. When you do a group project you learn different things because everyone has their part that needs to be taken care of also you can learn different things by reading each person’s part. In my eyes group projects is a good way to learn teamwork when it comes to school work.
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Miss Chocolatequeen021,
               I really enjoyed the spin you put on the assignment on topics of discussion we have not talked about in the classroom. I give man props in just not outright saying the topic you wanted to discuss, you actually let the reader figure it out. That is very adult of you I on the other hand just went straight to the reader and told them the topics and gave my reasoning that was all I did. You gave a personal story and account that is something I try to avoid like the plague. Because you gave a personal story, I believe it created a suction force that drew in the reader and it made the reader have an easier time relating and drawing a similar conclusion as you did. Kudos keep up the great work.    
Blog 7
Today’s blog I had a lot of trouble trying to figure out what we haven’t spoken about in class. We are a very open group but I notice we haven’t discussed on our goals in life and how we want to achieve them. I know that college is extremely is hard and sometimes is stops some of us from moving forward, but must not forget how important our goals are.
For example as for me, when I was in high school I was extremely unorganized and my mind was everywhere else instead of what I wanted to do. Once I got to my sophomore year I realize that I was headed to the real world and I couldn’t be playing around anymore. That’s when I decided to set goals for myself and every year I should check off every goal I have achieved and make new ones. Ever since then I managed to get my own job, my own apartment made it to school, and soon to have my own car. Everything was very smooth throughout high school with this plan until I got to college.
Once I enrolled into college, I wasn’t prepared for how difficult and stressful everyone said it would be. My first semester in college I made my regular goals before I started but throughout the semester I slowly forget them. I also started to forget the reason why I even wanted to be in college for, I started to slack around not do my homework, not go to class, going out and hanging with people that weren’t so concerned with school. Once my finals came around, I realize I was going all the wrong things. I was wasting all this money to just to mess around when I should have been in my books.  
I got myself together just in time I had to take all my finals and I thank God I realized ahead of time, because who knows what would have happened to my education. I managed to pass everything but my GPA wasn’t high enough so I am in an academic warning for this semester, but that is the outcome of me not remembering the goals I had set for myself before school started. Now I am in my second semester going better and remembering what is my main goal for college before leaving the house. I hope no one forgets their life goal and continues forward like I am doing.
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Blog #7 things we should
Since we started class we have talked about modern morality, gender roles, the president and the writing system. We also briefly discussed the tweetering and chief. Since we have covered a wide range of materials I and probably some other students would like to discuss the taxation system. The reason I am mentioning this because the school system degraded so much that they stoped the home economics classes all together. I believe this class should come back because it showed the younger generation how to properly file their taxes. Now this may not seem like a big deal now but nobody wants to go to prison for not properly filing there taxes. Another art for that has gone almost extinct is cooking almost no one can cook a 5 course meal, and those that can cook probably can only make bland food. Another topic of discussion we can have in the classroom, would be on running for local offices everyone talks about making a change, but no one really realizes that the best way of making a change is to take office of course not the presidency or congress but just local mayor or district EPA. This i believe is the true way to make a change in my opinion, and probably other people too. I guess we can also talk about modern fashion, I am by no means an expert when it comes to fashion, just look at me I look like a hobo/ hooligan. I believe in dressing comfortably, I mean why is it that I can only find jeans that fit my legs after doing a web search of stores that have pants for the average man, and why is it that fashion designers and clothing brands think that all men like skinny jeans those things should be considered a torture tool it's right up there with a mega wedgie and kidney stones. Yes I am exaggerating with the kidney stone example but I think I hit the nail on the head when I compared it to the mega wedgie. Evolution designed the scrotum to dangle for a reason and that's because it is harmful to the male body to have the testicles mashed up against the thigh or the area between the crack and scrotum. You will go sterile eventually by the way why why is sagging stile a thing? And sagging with skinny jeans is even more ridiculous I have seen em way low like by knee height. It's like the fool bought the jeans and could not pull um up higher than his mid thighs but they were so expensive the fool can bear to part with that piece of trash article and could not get his money back because he lost the receipt. Any I doubt most of the numbnutz realize by advertising the crack of the ass by sagging means they are willing to get rod shoved up where the sun don't shine. It's prison culture look it up that shit ain't cute nor is it funny. We can definitely try talking about what woman want in a man and vice versa. I am not referring to the usual crap like dependable and crap like that I am talking about like the morals and the likes. We can talk about what we look for in a partner. This will not include freakiness and looks probably like the deeper stuff that's all. Seriously I hope hit the four hundred word minimum because I am doing this on a tablet and Tumblr has no word count.
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Blog #6 History repeats itself
You know the old sayings “History repeats itself” or “if we don’t learn from history we are doomed to repeat it”. If you have not then read a history book, or watch Naruto Shippuden. I recognize that this week’s blog is going to be based on my political opinion but I shall strive to keep the facts pouring in and draw parallels to proof that I am not just bullshitting people.   
  As we all know our current president has made his cabinet appointments and as of now most of them have assumed their bottoms on the seats of power. The republican party have a choke hold on our legislative process. Our president is very staunched in protecting our borders per say. It also looks like our government highest office are in an opportune moment that is ripe for corruption and for the betrayal of the general populous. Granted many if not all presidents had plutocratic cabinets picks, now a day’s people would expect it to be so. In fact all our celebrated presidents and leaders had huge financial powers backing them Theodore Roosevelt had JP Morgan, a modern day Bill Gates. But for arguments sake I want to use Wilson’s war cabinet as the parallel and maybe Ulysses S. Grant. Wilsons Cabinet was Called the “Dollar A Year Men” this men were so rich that they did not need to work at all to survive, the dollar a year title came from the fact they could not work for the government without receiving pay. Its an actual law. Most of trumps cabinet have actually declared publicly that they will receive a buck a year, like the secretary of education. That is parallel number one, parallel number 2 will be the market it was in a similar situation as it is now a day it was recovering and growing. But those are the minor details. Both Wilson and Trump share a messianic view of themselves completely inflated, very Narcissistic, they could do no wrong and were quick to snap if they drew criticism from any one. Examples of Wilson Messianic (Narcissistic) view of himself was the fact he wanted to spread and democracy and order across the world. For this I will refer to WW1 as an example, he sided with the British, over the Germans when it was the British that were committing war crimes left and right with their hunger blockade of Germany, when the senate pointed out his flaw in logic he would snap. Sound Familiar? Anyway open up a history text and ignore all the praise and use your head to see if the choices he made are morally correct. When America entered the war Wilson was reelected just before, his cabinet were captains of industry the so called Dollar a year men. The United States went into a war time economy this is when the government takes command over manufacturing and sales. His cabinet passed laws that got rid of free economic opportunity and competing businesses. I feel that if we go into war again this current cabinet will do just that. Besides I feel that Trump may have some form of dementia like Wilson is now thought to have after he suffered that stroke in his first term as president.
     I just hope Trump becomes more FDR like than Woodrow Wilson like nobody needs a 3rd world war. My sources are the Senate hearings for the cabinet and http://www.nationalreview.com/article/443111/donald-trump-wealthy-cabinet-historical-lessons . a long with My History notes and class discussions.
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Dear Miss Déjàvu, your Blog so far is the most interesting blog I have had to comment on. I have absolutely no arguments against the information provided about the responsibility of the adult sexual practices. I do have some constructive criticism on the structure of your writing. I feel like you jotted down all the important points that you wanted to make which is good. But you could have stated them in an order of importance or something along the lines. My biggest piece of advice to you is to reread your work to see if you can spot any grammatical errors or not easy to understand thoughts.
Blog #2 Condoms 🙃
In this article author S. Jordan states 10 reason why we all should use condoms. By saying all it means women and men. The author express the importance how women and men have the same responsibility for the use of condoms. The reason for this article is not to make you wear condoms but to make sure you are protecting yourself. Im not saying condoms are going to protect you in a fist fight but it can help you in many other ways. S. Jordan mentions how condoms can help prevent STDs, which most of us know (if you don’t know this then sex isn’t for you). Another reason to wear condoms is to prevent unwanted pregnancies although they are not 100% affective to prevent a pregnancy. Condoms help minimize the chances. Her third reason is that it shows maturity and that you can take responsibility and action for yourself. Fourth reason is the fact you may not be married meaning that’s you partner may have other sex partners and can have more risk. The fact that condoms are cool brings us to her fifth reason to wear condoms. By saying they are cool the author means that the condoms come in all different kinds of shapes, sizes and colors. If you need bulk you purchase them online. Reason six is the fact that it can help cause less stress. Although condoms may give a sense of security knowing that the chances of getting pregnant or having an STD are more slim it’s not 100 percent. Those who are having sex should get tested regularly to make sure your being safe. Seven, by preventing STDs your saving your life. Diseases such as AIDS that is caused by HIV can be preventable by wearing a condom and it can stop the spread of this disease. S. Jordan also says that’s having multiple sex partners is another reason why to wear a condom. Due to the fact not everyone I monogamous. Reason nine is if you and your sex partner haven’t been tested not knowing if one another is STD free can put your life in risk. Last but not least were at our finial reason number ten. You can’t tell by looking at someone whether or not they are disease-free. Anyone can have a disease then with your brain and not what’s in between those legs. The author also informs us that’s condoms are everywhere. You can buy them from gas stations, drug store and convenient stores. She also tells us that’s there are no excuses unless you’re trying to get pregnant, are monogamous and tested. To ensure that people are wearing condoms for their own benefits S. Jordan adds an video on how to correctly put on a male and female condoms.
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Dear brentlamica, your writing is very good and fluent but it would help to at least include the like to the article. It would have been a good Idea as the writer to include the reason why opioids are so bad for the human body and how the drug affects the human thought process. This would indeed help your point of inducing fear and hate of the drug group. But I also believe it shouldn’t be demonized. Since Opioids have been around for a very long time and the purposeful medical uses the have. Since most opioids are used by doctors as pain relievers and surgeries, such as Novocaine. You should make and argument using facts from both sides if not you are really going to be hurting lots of folks and the world of medicine also.  
Blog week #2
From coast to coast America is facing an opioid epidemic effecting the lives of many. Each year thousands of people die due to opioids. In 2015, more than 33,000 people died because of the epidemic. When you live in a country where there are more deaths because of opioid overdoses and car accidents than there are from gun homicides, action needs to be taken. 
The news article, Inside a Killer Drug Epidemic, provides us with the stories of multiple people who have gone through the hardships of being an opioid addict. Many opioid addicts are also hooked on heroin. Heroin is the worst drug to recover from. For most people, the only way to recover is to take another opioid called suboxone not only to wean themselves off of heroin but to take away the feeling of nausea and DIMCOMFRT from the withdrawal symptoms. The process of recovery is a long road and could take years to be opioid free but users often resort back to heroin. 
In all of the stories given by the article, it shows that opioids have made them all make unethical decisions in their lives. When heroin is used, many go to the extreme extents to ensure they will get their next fix, even if it means taking on criminal records. Women may resort to prostitution or anything that will pay for their opioids. In one case, there was a man who spent $20,000 of inheritance money in a month on what he thought was the best heroin in the city. 
The news article is meant to show how the opioid epidemic effects so many lives in America. This addiction not only harms the users suffering from the addiction but the families and friends that have to watch and, too, find themselves victims to the addiction. It’s hard for a parent or a sibling to watch their family member go through such a hard time. There is so much more to an addiction than just the person who is addicted to the drug; the family is always worried about losing that person or people to the addiction. It takes the strength, faith, and will from everyone involved because nobody is going through this alone. 
With the epidemic raging across America the article is giving proof of how much of a threat opioids are to us today. Something has to be done whether it’s putting more rehabilitation centers all around America or protecting our borders better from drug smuggling the opioid problem, America must be taken care of.
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Your article on why humans love pets is good but I believe you should have cross reference the information with another study done by social sciences. Probably using a psychological study and a study of social interactions like you mentioned only half of the human cultures view their pets as partners. The reason I mentioned psychological study is because I am equating the word partner with how crazy cat ladies equate their cats as their babies. As for the social interaction journals I would have searched for information on cultures that view pets as partners with stronger ties to hunting and agriculture like you happen to mention before. Sorry for the inconvenience I am sure you only wanted to get the blog out the way like I do as well.
Blog week #2
Why do we love our pets?
           This article written by Sarah Kaplan is based on the topic of why we as humans have such compassion when it comes to our pets. Clive Wynne, director of the Canine Science collaborator at Arizona State University has basically devoted his whole career to studying the behavior of animals and the evolutionary relationship between humans and their pets. In this article Kaplan does a good job of really analyzing Wynne’s work and grabbing your attention with the history of dogs and how they came to be a domesticated animal.
           She informs us that dogs are our most ancient animal companions, starting between 13,000 to 30,000 years ago. This is proved due to excavations at mammoth kill cites, where people uncovered dog bones among the remains showing that dogs and humans would hunt together. About a year ago scientists also discovered an ancient cemetery near Lake Baikal, in Siberia, where 5,000 to 8.000 year old dogs were buried alongside their humans. Although, it is believed that humans began to develop a love for dogs about 10,000 years ago when dogs began to show up in our artwork and burial grounds. The article goes on to point out how dogs were the companions to human hunters and cats slowly started to become farmers’ pets because they were useful when it came to catching rodents. There are many different theories suggesting that people own pets purely as a social factor opposed to being biological. There was a survey in 2015 proving that out of 52 countries, less than half of those countries considered pets to be a companion.
Wynne suspects that dogs started out as wolves that would approach humans in pursuit to get food and those wolves that were willing to get a little closer to humans, in order to get more food, were evolving into a more tamed animal. Over time dogs became more comfortable around humans, which lead to people opening up their homes to these animals as recruiting them for hunting. Although everyone has their own beliefs on dogs and how they became domesticated, but I believe Kaplan did a good job of interpreting Wynne’s point of view. She did so by providing great logic, backing up Wynne’s assumptions with known facts, and does a good job of convincing the audience to agree with all of Wynne’s ideas as to why dogs have evolved into such wonderful companions.
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It’s cool you came to Buffalo State to continue your football career. I am sure you had more colleges to choose from so I am sure buffalo state is glad to have you. I am also sure everyone wants to know a bit more about you. Have you considered an area to move into I am also in the process to get out of the dorms next term. By the way if you want to pass the course shouldn’t you try to do the assignments? Unless you dropped the class then I am sorry for annoying I am just trying to pass the course as well take care.
Why I'm here.
There’s really only one big reason I came to Buffalo state. That reason is football. I’ve been playing the game of football since I was 5 years old, so 14 years of my life has been football. So when I got the chance to sit down with coaches and see where I would go to college and play football, Buffalo state popped up. I went on a visit and fell in love with the campus. When I sat down with the team and had lunch it seemed so perfect. Me and my Mom went to the visit and she loved it too, so I made my decision that day that I would attend Buffalo state. I mean I’m also here for school but football is the main reason why I came to Buffalo and in the long run I ended up making great friends that I’ll be moving in with next year and we are getting a house off campus. Coming to Buffalo has taught me a lot from football, to how school is a little bit more complicated. So that’s my story, and hopefully I pass this class.
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