bacasleah · 1 year
way back in 2016 after I graduated from Elementary, I was thinking about what was waiting for me when I went to High School. I felt different emotions mixed with excitement and nervousness of course, I also overthought that I might not be able to cope with the subjects and that it might be more difficult than I thought, I was thinking that maybe when I do a report or recitation I won't be able to answer because I'm embarrassed, I feel like I'm being laughed at because I'm not very knowledgeable about what I'm doing. But as time passed, I became more open to everyone, I started socializing with other students, I made friends for a while, and I became more active at school when an intramural was held at our school; this is what really motivated me to learn because I wanted to play a sport at school, but I had to pass the subjects we were studying; after that, I thought it would be fun to be in high school as time passed. Little by little, I got to know our school as well as the other places that our school visits, and now that I'm here in senior high, I look at myself before and I've overcome those challenges and I've learned a lot so now even though I'm afraid I'm still talking in the middle, I'm still doing my best because it's also the work of former High School Leah Jane. I will continue to learn from them and appreciate what I have done since I was in junior high school, thank you very much.
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