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Kylo and Rey are so uncivilized.
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Natasha: For self-defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely.
Carol, Wanda, & Y/N: Okay.
Natasha: If you don't want to die, give me all your money.
Y/N: Bold of you to assume I have money.
Wanda: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die.
Carol: Bold of you to assume I can die.
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so uh i might have cried into my pint of ice cream at an entire squad of past elphabas and glindas singing For Good together for the Wicked 15th anniversary concert
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Y/n enthusiastically: so Wanda I have an awesome idea!!
Wanda: absolutely not
Y/n: you didn’t even hear it yet…
Wanda slightly traumatized : last time you had an “awesome idea” I ended up in a Mexican prison next to a goat named Kyle…Kyle was a biter, I still have the scars
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Sebastian in The Suicide Squad (2021) dir. James Gunn
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The L Word: Generation Q | 2x03 Luck Be a Lady
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I was walking through the toy aisle at Target when I found this thing and had a VIOLENT AND IMMEDIATE FLASHBACK to when JP first came out and they had a bunch of REALLY COOL T Rex toys that I would have sold one of my scrawny small-child limbs for but my mother wouldn’t get me one because they were “too violent and also ate people” :(
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I'd care if the person I reblogged this from committed suicide.
Reblog this from anybody. literally. ANYBODY. even if you dont like them or even know them that well. YOU COULD SAVE THEIR LIFE.
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WandaVision | “The Series Finale”
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Wanda Maximoff + nose scrunches
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some fluff please? nat or wanda. thanks!
Of course, darling! The fics below are pure fluff. Enjoy!
Natasha Romanoff - Fluff
Written by: @aphrodite-made-me-write-it
Take My Breath Away
Written by: @aquamarinescarlet
You were Blue
Written by: @crackedoutwalnut
Written by: @empyreanwritings
Chubby Bunny
Written by: @mcuwritin
Written by: @yourmcu
Body Pillow
Wanda Maximoff - Fluff
Written by: @aaron-despair
Sweet Dreams
Three Words
Written by: @abimess
A memorable camping night
When secrets are revealed
The bitter, sweet taste of coffee
Cuddles are the best stress relievers
The clothes thief
Written by: @alwaysmarveling
Rock Band
Written by: @buckymorelikefuckme (deactivated)
Farmer’s Market
Written by: @c-is-writing
I do adore
Written by: @desparadowrites
Monopoly With Shots!
Written by: @missmonsters2
Songs For You
Close to You
Written by: @randomshyperson
Touch is my love language
You are my main interest
Written by: @sapphicshots
i’m glad you texted me: part 1 - part 2
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love how this
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can turn into this
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127 notes · View notes
How about a cute fluffy one where reader gets hit in the head during a mission and she becomes delirious, pretty much like shes drunk lol, and keeps flirting with Wanda and thats how she finds out about the readers feelings
Delirious Confessions
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: a few cuss words
A/N: hi! thank you for the cute request! this turned out being longer than i expected, so i hope you enjoy <3
Summary: Y/N L/N just needed a little… push… to tell Wanda Maximoff how she truly felt for her.
Word Count: 2.3K | masterlist
(gif is not mine)
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You were a former assassin, just like Natasha. You guys had been in the Red Room together and soon escaped together. You both lived a life of murder before Clint had taken you both into S.H.I.E.L.D. Luckily for the two of you, Fury saw potential in you and Nat, recruiting you as agents.
Now, you saved the world constantly with the team you’ve began to see as family. They were like brothers and sisters to you, all except one member; Wanda Maximoff.
You had met Wanda during the battle against Ultron. Her, and her brother Pietro, were on the opposing side before they switched teams. Unfortunately, Wanda’s brother died in battle and Sokovia was destroyed to dust.
The team made a mutual agreement to take the Sokovian woman in. You and Natasha had trained Wanda in hand-to-hand combat and assisted her with controlling her powers.
During these sessions, you took the opportunity to stare and basically drool as you took in Wanda’s body. The way her sweat would fall across her face as she breathed heavily, her chest rising and falling beautifully. She would move away stray strands of her brunette hair that agitated her.
Her black tank top that hugged her body tightly and short gym shorts left little to the imagination. The way her arms flexed whenever she moved them, showing off her firm muscles. You were always in a trance as you observed Wanda. Although the brunette never noticed your drooling, Natasha sure did.
You’d receive constant teasing remarks from the redhead. You loved her a lot, she was basically your sister, but you wanted to beat her ass the ground.
“You know you got the right idea, Y/N/N. If you stare just a little bit harder at her, maybe she’ll go out with you.” Natasha made her way towards you after she ended her session with Wanda. The redhead didn’t have a single bead of sweat on her body, which didn’t surprise you.
Your eyes followed the brunette who made her way to the other side of the training room and grabbed her bag before walking out.
“Shut the fuck up, Romanoff.” You grumbled out at your friend as you stood up from the place on the ground that you’d been sitting on.
“Make me, Y/L/N. Maybe I should call Maximoff back in here and get her to shut you up instead. I could think of a few ways she could do that.” Natasha wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at you.
You rolled your eyes as you grabbed your own bag and lightly shoved Natasha’s shoulder as you walked past her. You needed to hide the blush fighting to make its way to your cheeks.
As you put your hand on the handle of the door, you turned around at the sound of Natasha’s laughter.
“You going to find your little lover?” You flipped Natasha off as you left the room with a huff. The sound of Nat’s laughter could be heard as you walked off toward your room. God, she was a pain in the ass sometimes.
5 months later
Over time, you and Wanda had grown exceptionally close. You both quickly realized you had many shared passions like cooking and sitcoms. Wanda would teach you how to create traditional Sokovian dishes, while you taught her how to make Russian ones. You loved that you and Wanda could bond while providing knowledge and insight to one another.
Most of the time, the kitchen would end up in complete chaos after you guys had a cooking session, but the food was great. And besides, with Wanda’s powers, the kitchen was cleaned in no time.
You both would then settle down on the couch in the communal living room, plates in hand, as you debated on which sitcom to watch.
“BeWitched or Modern Family?” You asked as you toggled between the two shows. Wanda furrowed her eyebrows in thought before deciding.
“BeWitched. We can watch Modern Family next week.” Yeah, this little routine was a weekly occurrence. In all honesty, this night, here with Wanda, was the motivation that got you through every week of hard work and exhaustion.
“Got it.” You said with a smile before you clicked play and chose a random episode. As the intro screen played, you and Wanda dug into your food.
Eventually, the longer you both got into your little sitcom marathons, Wanda would grow sleepy and place her head on your shoulder. You’d tense up before trying to relax, not wanting to provide any discomfort to the witch.
Wanda would fall asleep on your shoulder as you stared down at her. God, she was so beautiful. Her lips were so full, you just wanted to kiss her and never stop.
You quickly shook your thoughts away and looked in another direction, you were being a creep when you stared at her like that. You delicately pulled the blanket that covered Wanda, further up her body. Once you knew she was comfortable and warm, you’d place your head atop hers and allow yourself to get some well-deserved rest.
This happened every week, cooking with Wanda then falling asleep on one another. As amazing as this was, being close with the woman you had fallen for, you craved more. You wanted to fall asleep and wake up to the brunette beside you every night, in your bed. It would be far more comfortable than sleeping awkwardly on the couch.
However, you were terrified and didn’t want to risk destroying the good relationship the two of you already had. Wanda never even expressed any sort of romantic interest in you, that you were aware of at least. You didn’t want to get your hopes up, so any lingering stares or prolonged physical contact that happened between the pair of you, you ignored. You shook it off as Wanda being a good friend, regardless of how much you wanted it to mean more.
You decided to keep quiet and just appreciate the time you already had with Wanda. But you knew you would grow tired eventually and break. This friendly dynamic wouldn’t be enough forever.
3 months later
You were currently on a mission with Nat. It was a really simple one that you guys could do in your sleep. You were both assigned to go into a HYDRA base, extract information from their database, then destroy the info.
In hindsight, it was an easy mission. You both were stood in front of the mainframe as the date finally uploaded to the USB. You quickly did a complete reset, effectively wiping the date from HYDRA’s servers.
However, you and Nat were a bit distracted and failed to notice the five Hydra agents enter the room. At the sound of a gun clicking, you turned your head around and were met with a barrel pointed between your eyebrows.
“Get on the ground and no one gets hurt.” The cocky agent spoke. Little did he know who they were dealing with. You quickly knocked the gun out of the man’s hand and punched him straight in the face. He was out cold. Nat fought off two men while you fought off the other remaining two.
You quickly wrapped your legs around one’s head and squeeze a pressure point you learned about, knocking the man out as you kicked the other agent in the face.
As the man you were on top of fell to the floor, you got up, but not fast enough. The agent charged at you unexpectedly and tackled you. You slammed your head onto the desk that you had been standing in front of only a few minutes prior. Your vision got blurry, all you could make out was red hair hovering above you as the world faded to black.
2 hours later
You slowly fluttered your eyes open, but immediately closed them with a groan as you were met with a bright light. Through your closed eyelids, you noticed the shift in lighting and cautiously attempted to open your eyes once more. This time, you were able to fully open them.
You took in your surroundings and noticed you were in the medical wing of the compound. Nat must’ve gotten you back here after you passed out.
You turned your head to the side groggily and your face lit up at the other person in the room. Wanda. You smiled brightly at the worried looking woman.
“What’s cooking, good looking?” You spoke before you could control yourself. What the fuck? What’s happening?
Wanda let out a laugh as she scooted her chair closer to your bedside and gripped your hand firmly in hers.
“Well hello to you too. Helen wasn’t kidding when she said you’d be a little loopy.” She stroked the back of your hand with her thumb lightly as she stared down at you.
“Loopy? No! I feel amazing! You look amazing. Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are? Because wow, you’re hot as fuck. So fine.. and for what?” At this point, you couldn’t stop your stupid words even if you tried. Wanda blushed as she looked down to your conjoined hands shyly.
“You’re the gorgeous one here, detka (baby).” Wanda nervously spoke and looked up at you. It was your turn to flush red at the pet name. She just called you baby, oh my god.
“How are you feeling though? From what Nat told the team, you hit your head pretty hard.” Wanda let concern shine through her emerald eyes. They were so fucking green. Like an enchanted forest… or Shrek.
Wanda laughed suddenly and you looked at her confused. Why was she laughing? You hadn’t even said anything yet. Suddenly, another voice that didn’t belong to you spoke in your head.
“Your thoughts are loud, Y/N/N. My eyes remind you of an Ogre? Really?” You looked at Wanda wide-eyed as she laughed even harder. You forgot she could read minds sometimes. You decided to save yourself from your embarrassment and finally responded to her verbal question.
“I’m doing fine, I’m even better now that you’re here though. I missed you.” You slurred out as you looked up at Wanda’s recovering form. She was laughing so hard and the sound was infectious. It could bring a smile to the most cold-hearted person’s face… so Natasha’s face.
You giggled at yourself as Wanda rolled her eyes at both your words and your thoughts. “You were only gone a few hours, but I missed you more. I was so worried about you.” Wanda’s playful demeanor turned into one of seriousness. You observed as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.
You moved your hand that wasn’t linked with hers up to her face and gently caressed her porcelain cheek. “Well, you don’t need to worry anymore. I’m okay, I’m right here with you, like I always will be.” Wanda let a tear escape her eyes as you quickly wiped it away with the pad of your thumb.
“I love you Wanda, and not in a platonic way. I’ve had feelings for you since the day we met in that hellhole of a Hydra base in Sokovia.” Your loopy state seemingly disappeared as you took in the woman in front of you.
“I know… and I love you too.” You smiled before you realized what she said. “Wait… you knew?” Wanda gave you a sheepish smile as she brought your hand up to her lips and placed a gentle kiss onto the back of it.
“Yes, I knew. Your thoughts aren’t exactly quiet when it comes to me, I guess. I just wanted to actually hear it from you, so I could do this.” As soon as Wanda finished, she leaned down and placed her lips onto yours.
Your thoughts were immediately gone as her plump lips collided with yours in the best kiss you’ve ever had. She was so delicate and placed all of her love and passion for you into it. It was mind-blowing. The fact that she could make you speechless with a simple kiss had you dumbfounded and wanting more.
Wanda pulled away before you lazily mumbled a “no, need more,” and grabbed her by the neck to give her a few more kisses. You giggled into Wanda’s mouth as she smiled, breaking the kiss fest.
Your cute moment was interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing. You turned your head slowly to the door, to make sure you didn’t make yourself dizzy. Wanda turned her head as well, her hand still firmly planted on your cheek.
“Wow. I can’t believe it took a literal blow to the head for Y/N to finally confess her undying love for you, Maximoff.” You turned tomato red at your best friend’s words. Of course, it had to be her that walked in at the wrong, but perfect time.
Natasha crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe with a smirk as she took in your blushing forms.
“If you ever hurt Y/N, I’ll make sure to cause you pain in ways you couldn’t even imagine.” Natasha put on her “protective sister” voice as she sent an intimidating glare at the Sokovian.
Wanda’s eyes widened as she furiously shook her head. “Yes, I mean no! I would never hurt her, I promise.” Wanda’s voice came out shakily, a sign that Natasha’s intimidation worked.
You rolled your eyes as you took in the satisfied smirk that was plastered across the assassin’s face.
“Stop being an ass and leave us alone, Romanoff.” Nat laughed as she spared one last glance between you and Wanda’s awkward stances before walking out of the medical room.
You breathed out a sigh of relief, so did Wanda. As your eyes returned to one another once more, you both suddenly burst out into a fit of laughter. Wanda shoved her face into your neck in embarrassment. You could feel the warmth radiating from her cheeks, causing you to laugh even harder.
You may have gotten hit in the head pretty fucking hard, but nothing could hit you harder than the overwhelming feeling of love you had for Wanda Maximoff.
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ok i Loved what you did with my prompt!! i'd like to request wanda forcing r to take a break after watching r burn themselves out from working too hard? -rust anon
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Warnings: swearing, violence, exhaustion, horny thoughts, manipulation
Wanda knows how to force you into taking a break.
“Fucking stay down.” You punctuate your words with another swing of the metal pipe in your grip and growl in frustration at the stupid robot that continues to advance. You widen your stance and then swing the pipe like a baseball bat and knock the head of the robot clean off.
“Thank you.” You say to no one but you can hear your team laughing over the com line and you roll your eyes, dropping the stupid pole.
“Rendez-vous in ten on the quinjet , rig this place to blow.” You call out to your team and get various affirmative replies.
When you all pile back into the quinjet you find Hill waiting there and you collapse into your chair and groan loudly.
“If you’re not here to tell me that we’ve earned a week off then I don’t want to hear it.” You accept a bottle of water from a team mate and you sigh when Hill only laughs, placing a file in your hand.
“I need your team in Kosovo. We’ve got a threat on the ground and we need evac and clean up. The Avengers are finishing up now.” You groaned even louder, echoed by your team. Clean up missions involved much too much liaison with civilians and paperwork.
“We haven’t even debriefed on this mission and you’re sending us in to clean up?” You asked and Maria shrugged. “I’m so sick of this job. Wouldn’t it be nice to be just something else for a change? Like work retail or something?”
“If you worked retail you’d murder civilians.” Hill laughed as you opened the file, reading up on all the disasters the Avengers had caused again.
“You’re right but you didn’t have to say it.” You sighed, tilting your head back before breathing in deeply.
“Okay Alpha Team. We’ve got a clean up job to do along with evac of the remaining citizens. Agent Jones and Agent Morris are going to be on evac to the Pejë city limits. I want Robbins and Suarez with me on media coverage and medic triage. Lopez and Green are on relocation for the displaced.”
“Aye aye Captain.” Lopez cheered and you raised your middle finger at him, passing on the brief.
“We’re running a long clean up but on the bright side Agent Hill has just promised me that the Alpha Team are out of commission for six whole days after the quinjet lands back at Avengers Tower.” The whole team cheered while Hill looked as if she’d swallowed a lemon.
“Gonna be nice to get a break.” Robbins sighed, eyes dropping slowly. “This back to back shit is tough.”
Your team was exhausted. There had barely been a day in the last month that there wasn’t a mission and it just seemed to be never ending. This has to be the worst so far, usually you got home and a few hours sleep.
You missed Wanda and you were hoping the Avengers would still be there by the time you cleared out but it wasn’t likely and you knew as much. You hadn’t had some time off with her in so long.
When you arrived on the scene it was chaos. Local police were trying to organize the displaced but people were scared and confused. No wonder, the city was in ruins. Your team spread out professionally to do their job.
Despite the fact you were all bloody and dirty from the fight before no one gave you a second glance. You all fit right in.
It takes well over twelve hours as your team works. It puts you all on well over thirty six hours in the field and each of you were fit to drop. Suarez and Robbins had fallen asleep in the corner the second the last of the injured had been triaged and the last camera stopped rolling.
Jones and Morris were leaning against each other to stay standing, having only just finished with the evacuees. Every time they blinked their eyes stayed closed longer and you were sure they were actually taking minute long naps between blinks.
Lopez and Green were still working hard arranging shelter for each registered evacuee and you had joined them when you’d finished with the media storm of what had happened.
Wanda had exploded a building. No one got hurt, the building was empty and it all would’ve been inconsequential had the building not been a monument older than Steve and Bucky combined.
She’d already sent you a text apologizing for the paper work involved. You’d read it and smiled and then frowned when you realized she had been debriefed and was probably in bed if she had gotten time to text. You were jealous.
“Good news, Hill has gotten our paperwork covered. Pile it on here, get back on the jet.” You instructed and your team began to wake slowly, dropping you the paperwork. You assured Lopez and Green that you had the last of the relocation covered and sent them off.
When your team had left base you continued to work, getting through the last of the displaced in four hours which was less than you thought it would be. In the mean time the quinjet had returned and you boarded with the mountain of paper work you had taken on for your exhausted team members.
You greeted the pilot and took a seat, opening the first of many files and beginning to fill them out. When you landed you barely glanced up from the files, heading straight to your office.
The sun was beginning to rise in New York and you made yourself a coffee quietly so as not to wake Wanda who would probably be out for several more hours. She had used a lot of energy on the mission.
You set yourself up in the office and opened the next file, your eyes blinking tiredly in an attempt to focus. You began writing again, filling in the mission reports, head nodding against your hand.
“Baby, you should come be in bed.” Wanda sighed, her hands resting on your shoulders. You jerked awake, sniffing and rubbing your eyes.
“No. I uh, ‘m fine. If I get this done now I have six days off and so does my team.” You told her and she sighed, wrapping her arms around you, her clasped hands resting over your heart.
“Why’ve you got so much?” She asked quietly, watching as you scribbled your signature six times in quick succession. Your handwriting deteriorated rapidly with each flourish of the pen.
“I took everyone else’s so they could get some rest.” You told her honestly. “We had back to back missions. I though Lopez was asleep standing up at one point.”
“The paperwork can wait.” She assured you, pressing a kiss under your ear. “You’re exhausted. You need sleep.”
“I’m okay. I just have a few more to get through.” You told her earnestly and she looked at the stack of files before shaking her head at you.
“If I wake up and you aren’t in the bed then I’m going to be mad.” She promised, kissing your cheek before straightening up. “You have an hour.”
“I’ll be there. I love you.” You called to her back as she retreated.
“I love you too.”
Wanda couldn’t help but shake her head when she found you an hour later. Your pen was still in your hand and you sat in the office chair fast asleep.
Your head was tilted back, your mouth wide open and you were snoring so loud she had no idea how you hadn’t woken yourself. She chuckled to herself, taking the pen from your hand and closing the file.
There was two files yet unopened and she pushed them aside, maneuvering herself between the chair and the desk. “Time to wake up.”
She shook your shoulder with her hand and you jerked awake, eyes flying open. You almost choked on your sharp intake of breath and she gave you a minute to calm down.
“Are you trying to kill me?” You asked in shock, your hand over your thundering heart. You wiped your eyes and she cupped your cheek in her hand.
“You’re doing that to yourself baby. It’s time to come to bed.” She sighed, stroking your cheek with her thumb. “Come sleep.”
“I’m almost done.” You groan and she rolled her eyes, moving so she’s straddling your lap in the office chair.
“I’m so lonely in bed by myself.” She whispered quietly in your ear. Almost automatically your hands cupped her ass, pulling her against you as she whined. “Had to take care of myself while you were gone. Missed you.”
“Wanda.” You groaned as she kissed your neck, whining in your ear. She bucked against you and whined again, as needy as she was acting you were worse. All those lonely nights she had spent You had been surrounded by your team with no way of taking care of yourself.
“Take me to bed.” She begged in your ear. “Make me yours again.”
Who were you to deny a request like that? She clambered off your lap, pulling you by the hand to the bedroom. When you got as far as the bed she pushed you down and you grinned up at her.
“Go to sleep.” She whispered and your jaw dropped.
“You’re going to work me up like that and just let me down?” You asked in shock.
“You haven’t got the energy. I think you’ll actually pass out from trying.” She laughed, climbing in next to you in her usual spot.
“But I-“ You tried but she only shushed you.
“Sleep, I’ll still be here in the morning.” She promised.
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The person I stayed alive for, my grandmother, just passed away about a week ago. I dont have a reason to live anymore....
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