bass-pro-ship · 2 days
"READ MY DNI" no. use your block button like an adult. i'm not scrolling through the many-paragraphs-long pinned posts of every blog i reblog something from. if you insist certain types of people aren't welcome in the notes of your posts then it's your responsibility to curate that. or choose a closed social media platform like facebook or instagram. or go and live in a barn away from humanity if you really don't like sharing the world with people who are different from you
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bass-pro-ship · 2 days
"anti-kink" is so funny to me. ohhh you're scared of sexy make-believe? ok. lol
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bass-pro-ship · 2 days
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bass-pro-ship · 2 days
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siken saw his words being twisted and he’s having none of it god bless
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bass-pro-ship · 3 days
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bass-pro-ship · 5 days
people are such dicks to us furries. who cares if its a sex thing? kink is morally neutral. i dont care if you think firestars hot, hes not real. attraction doesn't cause harm, the intent to harm does. fiction is a wonderful way to handle any paraphilia, and it doesn't matter how "degenerate" someone is, because degeneracy is a fascist concept.
yes, i am saying feral porn is fine. yes, i am saying it doesn't actually matter if someone actually does experience zoophilic attraction, because an internal experience says nothing about a person's actions and morals. all this hate against furries is about something that is not actually bad.
its just puritan nonsense over something that usually is a non sexual interest. if you hate other furries for being too horny over fiction, you are going to be the target of people who don't care that you are not them. because you look like them to bigots.
furry subculture is heavily tied to queerness. it has the same issues.
if vanilla gays hate on kinky gays, they will lose their rights when they oppress those like them they personally disapprove of.
bigots dont care if you are not horny, because you are still deviant, and deviancy is seen as inherently sexual. sex is demonized, so viewing queerness and furries as automatically sexual makes them easy to control.
queerness is seen as kink, so anything viewed as kink must be queer. bigots associate furries with queerness.
dont forget.
first they came for the sexual deviants, because they were destroying society. next they came for queers because they were sexual deviants. next they came for non conformists, because they were queer. next they came for furries, because they were non conformists.
they will come for you, because there will be no one left.
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bass-pro-ship · 5 days
Strange ask I know but it got me thinking- a sort of “thing” with autism is that autistic people take stuff at face value and oftentimes detach emotion from things and are more logical- that’s kinda a pillar of being proship? Like being logical and emphasizing the face value-ness of it all being fiction?
if you have self-diagnosed, just answer as if you had a medical diagnosis
reblog for sample size, la dee da
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bass-pro-ship · 5 days
I'm getting so tired of callouts like "(X person) got caught with zoo porn!" And then you're thinking, wtf, that's awful. And then it turns out being about TWO FUCKING CARTOON ANIMALS. I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK. YOU CANNOT PAY ME TO GIVE A FUCK ABOUT SOMEONE DRAWING CARTOONS FUCKING. Like god fucking dammit, get some real problems.
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bass-pro-ship · 5 days
Not to be all “social media is evil” and “kids are awful these days” cus social media is a wonderful and most kids are great and all have the potential to be great
But teens on social media are a metric fuck ton more abusive than my generation ever was and it really fucking worries me. They are also way less accountable than we were. If we wanted to be this fucking cruel to people, we had to do it to their face, and there were consequences. Now y’all just run around behaving like brats and going “but i’m a miiiiiiinor” when anyone yells at you. Ya pathetic. Grow a fucking backbone and learn how to behave towards other people.
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bass-pro-ship · 7 days
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tell me you have never been on ao3 or fujoshi tumblr without telling me you've never been on ao3 or fujoshi tumblr
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bass-pro-ship · 8 days
It pains me to say this but proshippers should stop boosting posts of chuds who use mental illnesses as unfunny insults (for example, one such individual has called the person who doxxed nemlei a ‘schizo’)
I’m angry they were chased off too, I’m angry that way too many people are okay with sending hate or committing crimes like this without there being consequences to their actions, but it is possible to criticize people without being ableist
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bass-pro-ship · 9 days
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bass-pro-ship · 9 days
I wonder why artists with hard DNI criteria about proshippers dont list their ethical positions in their booths at cons so they ensure they're only getting supported financially by ppl they agree with
Oh wait it's money
okay but can you imagine. an artist sells at a con and has a "PROSHIP DNI" sign on their booth. an older 50 something nerd ask what their sign means and the realization sinks in for the artist that this is all so cringe, actually
I actually had an idea if people literally wore badges like that and went around then if a customer with a proship DNI badge came up to me, i'd have an excuse to be like "No I can't help you, I don't pass your DNI criteria" LMAO
This is the funniest thing to imagine honestly (though I fucking dare someone to try and walk around a con trying to avoid everyone who "believes in bi lesbians")
The original tweet, tons of the replies and qrts are hilarious: https://twitter.com/lokasennya/status/1743975677463044204
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bass-pro-ship · 10 days
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Wait until this person finds out that most adult tv shows have shit in them that would get ppl sent to prison if it was real. Family Guy. BoJack Horsemen. FUCKING BIG MOUTH. All of that's ok cuz its "humor" but the minutes its not in a humorous sense its suddenly disgusting. Like come tf on...
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bass-pro-ship · 10 days
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bass-pro-ship · 12 days
In my experience as a furry, the furry fandom has a pretty similar dynamic to fandom in general with the additional complication that general society doesn't just think we're weird or lame, they think we fuck dogs. Lots of furries just shrug their shoulders and say "haters gonna hate" but there's a massive contingent of the fandom that responds to the hatred by saying "I'm one of the *normal* furries, not one of those *freaks* who likes feral porn/animal genitalia on anthros/murrsuits/furry porn in general/whatever the problematic kink du jour is."
It also doesn't help that every once in a while there is a genuine animal molester in the furry community. They don't last long typically, but generally YouTube Drama Videos focus on the existence of the animal molester and not the community swiftly exiling them. This reaffirms the normies' conviction that all furries are zoophiles, and reaffirms many furries' need to ensure people know they're one of the good ones.
These furs think that throwing other furries under the bus will grant them conditional acceptance, not realizing that to an average person, there are no "good" ones. The average person's understanding of furries comes from a CSI episode, two Keemstar videos, and r/yiffinhell and that's all they need to know about us. They see Lion King feral porn or a fursuit with a dick or whatever and see it as proof of their prior conviction that we're all dog fuckers. This subset of furries sees that the normies don't approve of this or that, and because they need to be acceptable, they drop it, and they join the normies in shitting on the furs that still enjoy it unabashedly.
TLDR: No furry will ever be normal enough for the anti-furs, but some furries try to be and it is a real nuisance.
sorry for writing half an essay that was not my intention
hi! different anon but
i think that original anon was pointing out that some furries actually act as if theyre superior to those who are into certain 'problematic kinks' when the furry community is already (wrongly) stigmatized for being 'full of zoophiles' (while many furries dont even have any interest in the nsfw aspect of the community or are zoophiles themselves). furries are already treated like freaks by a lot of misinformed people because they ~apparently have~ 'problematic kinks' (which isnt even the case for everyone and tbh souldnt be that huge of an issue if no one is offending a living being) aaand some of them think theyre superior by calling other people freaks because theyre actually in 'problematic kinks'. im saying this while being a furry myself but apparently me being also proship is crossing a line ig
yep yep
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bass-pro-ship · 13 days
You know, lately I find little joy in reading media discourse. I love media analysis, I studied it, I taught it, but lately I just don’t enjoy reading people’s thoughts like I once did.
It’s not just that media literacy and reading comprehension are in decline, that’s been going on for a while. It’s that so much of media discourse feels like a phantom war, a proxy for something else. It’s not even about the media anymore.
People find one flaw and judge it an irredeemable one so they can dismiss something they were always going to dismiss because of the theme, the subject matter, the person behind it etc. People dismiss a piece of art that is about x for not being about y (people wanting every story to indirectly be about them etc.) People dismiss pieces of art for not condemning their own characters for not being morally virtuous, not condemning their own themes for being limited, not condemning their own creation for being insufficiently radical or revolutionary.
It’s like so many people will just say stuff completely disconnected from the reality of creation under capitalism, completely indifferent to authorial & historical & geographical context, genre, subtext, logistics etc.
It’s not enough to say that a work has flaws and explain why and what that reveals. The flaws must be irredeemable blemishes that besmirch the moral character of the creators and audience. It is not treated as expression. It is treated as a calculated move in the battle of ideas and must be lambasted or praised not on the basis of artistic merit or analytical potential, but on its position within the discourse.
Media & art themselves are seen as allies or enemies to social and political causes and their evaluation is a strategic manoeuvre to gain clout for or against certain causes or ideas.
I just think it’s a shame. All art is political. All analysis is political. But the way interpretation is taking a back seat to propagation is troubling. It decentralises the art and forefronts the viewer, deprioritises questions of meaning over questions political usefulness and salience. Ultimately, it diminishes actual analytical and argumentative skills and massively proliferates bad faith arguments, confirmation bias, rhetorical tricks and propaganda tools.
I think this kind of approach will not work out well, will only lead to more alienation and polarisation, and will ultimately exacerbate the devaluation of any art and any analysis that it is deemed irrelevant to mainstream identity groupings or insignificant to mainstream social and political causes. This will not end well.
If we cannot value art that is not of use to us or about us then we cannot appreciate most of artistic history. If we do not value stories because they ostensibly don’t relate to our own, how can we ever learn to see past difference and choose empathy over antipathy?
This will not end well.
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