becomenew · 7 years
I could last for 3 entire days! WOW it’s hard to believe that actually I could do something for 3 days straight :o
I guess I can now die happily.
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becomenew · 7 years
Day 3:
Age: 21 Gender: M Religion: Atheist World view: World needs to be destroyed. I was born to the wrong place. I don't want to live on this planet anymore. Favorite thing: Eating Life advice: Hang yourself.
Name: J.T. Sexkik
Comments: 1. It's the 3rd day of me watching random videos. So...this video just shows how many immature/uneducated people are out there in the world, on the internet. Nothing new. It was still a funny compilation though. 2. I'm afraid of commenting because of the grammar nazis.
Music genre: Name: Celtic music Links:
Recipe: Name: Kugel Link: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/25228/kugel/?internalSource=recipe%20hub&referringId=16110&referringContentType=recipe%20hub&clickId=cardslot%2028
Random sentence: I'm not random enough to write random sentences so instead I write a long sentence which will make me and the other readers tired...maybe theywon't even finish  reading it or they won't even start reading because of the tl;dr rule...then I'll just end it here.
IT: Name: Windows 10 S and crippleware Links: http://www.computerworld.com/article/3197446/microsoft-windows/windows-10-s-is-crippleware.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crippleware
Life is short So is my poem The words are so distort ed, that I have to cut 'em.
Summary: No comments because of the same reason as yesterday.
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becomenew · 7 years
Day 2:
Age: 18 Gender: M Religion: Atheist World view: Politics are too bad nowadays; Trump is a joke; Climate changes will kill us Favorite thing: Technology Life advice: Try to make yourself more free time by better time scheduling and enjoy that free time fully.
Name: Facts Verse
Comments: 1. So it is the second day of me watching random videos...I'm quite digusted by these facts :/ Curiosity sometimes brings people to do strange things...And the person who collected these facts was too curious in my opinion. -.- 2. This video is mostly useless, but interesting collection of information. More than 23 million people wasted 5 minutes listening to useless information...if we count that, it will top at almost 80 000 days of video if we count this: video length*view counts(if we state that everyone is watching the whole video). It's an interesting but useless fact too and you just wasted 10-15 seconds to read this comment and also more if you started thinking about it or count it after me. If you even commented, then you would have wasted probably more than a minute to my comment. Thanks for wasting your time ^^
Music genre: Name: Swing Links:
Recipe: Name: Banana bread Link: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/20144/banana-banana-bread/?internalSource=popular&referringContentType=home%20page&clickId=cardslot%209
Random sentence: I got an A grade on an exam today, it is pretty cool but the feeling that I could have had better performance always gets me.
IT: Name: Java date and time functions Link: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/java_date_time.htm
I had an idea, But I discarded it. It didn't have rhymes Wasn't very lit.
Summary: No summary, because it is past midnight and I'm tired. :/
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becomenew · 7 years
Day 1
Age: 18 Gender: F Religion: Catholic, but believes in more than one gods, also deist World view: This world is not perfect, there are things that could be improved, but livable. Favorite thing: music Life advice: Enjoy life, don't worry about the hardships
Name: mikashindate
Comments: 1. This is the day 1 of me watching random youtubers. ... What a start! I just experienced 9 minutes of...waving hair? Hmm...I'm not sure if I'll ever make use of this in my life :/ 2. I don't really get what is going on in the vid but the part when she poked her eyes was scary D: I'd never do something like that to my eyes. It's scary how far women go when it comes to beauty care :/
Music genre: Name: Acapella Links:
Recipe: Name: Flour tortillas Link: http://www.homesicktexan.com/2007/03/and-end-to-my-quest-flour-tortillas.html
Random sentence: The milk carton always has some weird smell, I don't know why.
IT: Name: WannaCry virus Link: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-39926855
Enjoy life Every minute The clouds will go away So keep up your spirit.
Summary: So...it turns out that completing every task on the list can take more than 2 hours...huh. I didn't expect this. Whatever. So, my experiences for today: - I learned how to wave hair...though I'm a male... - Got almost mo useful information from the person I talked with... - I read about acapella and listened to a bunch of good songs(and some bad too) - Read about making tortillas which made me hungry-the only bad thing is I can't bake... - Read about the WannaCry virus...learned nothing new. Yay. I can't say I didn't discover anything useful today, but I think most of the information I got is useless for me...Maybe tomorrow I'll find something better. I still don't know how to end these.
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becomenew · 7 years
Starting line
So the thing is, in the past few years I became really tired of life.
I went to university 2 years ago and I was pretty disappointed of the education system there. Also because I’m introvert, I didn’t really go to parties either so college life is almost non-existent for me. (But it’s bearable.) At first I thought teaching would become better with time...but it just got worse and so did my grades.
I started becoming lazier and more sarcastic of the world than I already was. I was questioning why was I born, why did I go to uni or for how long do I have to continue my life like this. I got to the point where I can say: I’m bored of life.
Then yesterday my roommate told me that at this rate I really will have a boring and unfullfilling life. He gave me some advices on how could I make more out of my life:
socialize, get to know more people
be up-to-date with news, politics, technology, etc.
learn something every day
discover new things in Music, Recipes, Literature, Sport etc.
I started thinking about what he said and realized that if I convert some of these advices to a lazy and introvert friendly alternative, It would become a pretty fun thing. So I made a list of rules which I want to follow every day or so.
I’ll meet 1 new person on an online site. I’ll ask them about their age, gender, hobbies, religion, world view, favorite things and also what would the advise for life. Then may or may not continue speaking with them(probably not).
I’ll look up some random youtuber and watch the 2 most watched videos from them. I’ll also leave my opinions in the comments.
I’ll read about a music genre.
I’ll read a new recipe.
Because I’m learning to become a programmer, I’ll look up and read some about some techniques, algorythms or something IT related things.
I’ll make up some random sentence that may or may not make sense.
I’ll also make a 4-line poem(I’m not a poet, these are only for maintaining/developing my vocabulary).
I’ll write a daily blog summarizing the things I’ve done.
These are only little tasks to do every day, I don’t think it would take more than 1-1.5 hours every day to complete all the things on the list. It looks pretty manageable.
I don’t really know how would this help me in any way with my boredness or tiredness but I guess it can be at least fun to discover new things every day.
I don’t expect anybody to find this blog but if you are currently reading this and have questions...hmmm...I have questions unanswered too, look for answers somewhere else XD Ok it was just a joke, you can ask questions and I may answer them too. May. Not certainly, just maybe.
Just some things about me:
21M, currently in uni(if you couldn’t read the introduction)
English is not my main language as you can see it from the lack of grammar and vocabulary used in this “stuff“(yes, I don’t even know what to write here)
Not in relationship but who cares
I like anime, instrumental music, Touhou and some other games...and some other things that doesn’t come to my mind now
Who knows, maybe I give up after a week, a month, maybe it will last for several months. I’m pretty bad when it comes to motivation so don’t expect anything from myself except getting tired of this too.
Also I don’t know how to end long texts so I’ll just cut this here.
fun fact: There are 207+2(title) ‘i‘ letters in the text...mostly because I referenced myself too much. Hmm...
fun fact 2: It looks like internet doesn’t want me to start this blog either. When I was about to click ‘Post‘, I lost my internet connection. It must be a sign.
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