benarilawgroup · 3 years
Sex Crimes Lawyer Facts: Types of Sex Offenses
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Sex crimes are a bunch of offenses that arise on a forced or violent sexual act. The lack of consent from one party or if the other party is legally incapable of consenting just like a child are all taken into consideration as a sex crime. Sex offenders often face serious consequences and sometimes the heaviest punishments that are available on the legal system. However, there are cases when a defendant is innocent or certain circumstances arise during the act. In this case, working with an experienced sex crimes lawyer would be the best option.
People who are found guilty of a sex crime have life-changing burdens and repercussions they have to carry. Not only do sex crimes require prison time, most often sex crime convicts are required to officially register as a sex offender. Being branded in the legal system as a sex offender and a record to back It up will have a major impact on the person’s housing, job, and other social opportunities which will continue for the rest of a sex crime convict’s life.
What is a sex offender?
A sex offender may also be referred to as a sexual abuser. The term defines a person who committed and was found guilty of a sex crime. Sex crime may vary from different cultures and jurisdictions. Most of the convicted sex offenders have previous sex crime convictions. In the most basic terms, the person is found guilty of a sex crime by the court. In some cases, a sex offender may have simply violated or breached a law covered by a sexual category.
Some other crimes that may result in a sex-offender classification include receiving or sending obscene content in a form of text messages which may be considered as unwanted advances by another person. Other crimes resulting in a mandatory sex offender registration are second prostitution conviction, relationship to minors, and sexual contact to a minor which is considered child molestation. Other serious sex crime offenses are statutory rape, sexual assault, incest, bestiality, rape, sexual imposition, and child sexual abuse.
Types of Sex Crimes
Lack of Consent and Violence
A lot of sex crimes came from situations where a sexual act has been done in a way that can be offensive to the other party. The most common cause is sexual assault. Sexual assault occurs if the offender performed an unwanted sexual act on a victim without consent. Often times the sexual act is done through force.
Sexual assault involves battery, threats, and other violent behaviors that may occur during indecent sexual contact. Unwanted sexual contact may include penetration, sexual touching, kissing, and groping.
If the victim is forced or threatened to get into sexual intercourse, this act falls under rape. Rape crimes would mean that the victim did not consent to sexual intercourse. The prosecutions in rape would rely on whether the perpetrator can be reasonably believed that the victim consented to the act. Nonetheless, even if the other party consented to sex but is too young or considered a minor, the charge will fall under statutory rape.
It must be noted that there have been cases where the supposed victim lied about rape. In some cases, an innocent man was sent to jail due to false accusations. Cases of false accusations would need a dependable sex crimes lawyer who can help his or her client. It is advisable to work with a reliable specialized lawyer who is experienced in criminal defense cases. An example is a law firm called Benari Law Group where they specialize in criminal defense cases.
Sex Offenses Which Involves Children
Even if a child consented to sexual intercourse yet the person has not passed the age of maturity or legal age, any act of sexual advances is considered a crime. Not only do sexual acts to minors reprehensible in the court of law, but it is also morally derogatory and wrong.
The investigation or prosecution of sex crimes that involve children is challenging as sex crimes involving children need sensitive and factual investigation. Some cases of childhood trauma may lead to false reports. Adults that face child molestation charges often involve inappropriately touching or committing sexual acts to a child. It is also illegal for adults to possess any type of child pornography.
Sex Crimes Committed in the Public
Sex acts committed in public spaces are also under sex crimes. When people expose themselves and act indecently in public spaces, they can fall under a public indecency charge. Sexual misconduct applies to people who committed sexual acts that often offend members of the public or innocent bystanders. The legal system prohibits soliciting sex for money as it is considered prostitution.
A sex crime is one of the offenses that warrant some of the harshest penalties and punishments. Defendants facing charges involving sex crimes are dealing with a sensitive trial. A sex crimes lawyer can help the defendant to navigate the legal system, prepare the defense, and facilitate plea deals.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
How Does a DWI or DUI Lawyer Helps A Defendant?
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DUI stands for Drunk Under Influence, and practicing this specialized field of law is quite important in countries where it's quite difficult to impose a limit on drinking alcohol. The sole method for defense forces to stay order imposed within the cities is to catch the people that are drinking and driving and prepare a case against them considering how they were potentially harmful to the whole society around them. A DUI lawyer is a private who will assist you out if you were charged guilty in such a case because even if you were drunk it doesn't mean you ought to haven't any representation. the subsequent responsibilities are what a DUI lawyer commits to if you hire one. Driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving under influence (DUI) are both illegal and anyone who is under the influence of any substance is committing a criminal offense. When a person’s blood alcohol content exceeds the legal level between 0.05% and 0.08%, which depends on the jurisdiction, an individual is often convicted. The aggravated category of the DUI offense exists especially in jurisdictions that have a lower alcohol content threshold. A DUI lawyer is also a criminal defense lawyer with a specialization in handling DUI/DWI cases. Often, a majority of a public defender’s workload involves DUI cases. A DUI lawyer is an expert within the specific DUI laws concerning the state during which he practices. His primary role is to elucidate the fees to his client, recommend the best course of action to take for the client, and represent his client in court. He also handles all other important details involved. A client can plead guilty to the fees but often a talented DUI lawyer will plan to get many of those charges dropped or lessened early within the process. These negotiations occur during the pre-trial conference. A DUI lawyer may recommend getting into a plea bargaining or sentence bargain. The lawyer will file a motion that may overthrow the statements made by the client when arrested. Additionally, he can schedule an evidentiary hearing for the aim of uncovering the evidence the persecution holds against his client. During the trial, the lawyer assists within the jury selection. A DUI defense lawyer works in gathering investigators and witnesses for the client’s behalf. The lawyer will also work on looking for any discrepancies within the charges or police procedures that may alleviate the charges. A DUI lawyer must have a deep understanding of his state’s DUI laws. He must have strong communication skills to help him in negotiating with prosecution and informing his clients of their rights and options. Additionally, he must be highly organized as there are many evidentiary details to sort and have capable critical thinking skills to enable him to best assess all options on his client’s behalf. Defense lawyers can work wonders on defendants facing DUI, as well as other crimes. There's never an exact way to ensure victory in any given DUI case, however, having an attorney represent you'll help to make sure you've got the best defense possible. Without an attorney, you'll have no idea about the arguments to form to disprove the prosecution’s case. Any individuals who have faced DUI charges, and who have contacted attorneys immediately, are prepared to put their DUI charges behind them, either by dismissal, by a negotiated outcome, or by an acquittal at trial. More often than not, negotiation between an attorney and the charging prosecutor will cause results that fit the conduct in question, especially if the prosecution does have evidence that would be strong enough to convict the defendant on a DUI charge. Further, an attorney can assist you to help overturn a DUI conviction or negotiate a better result, like the potential harm to your record, or the potential suspension or revocation of your driver’s license. By having an attorney, you'll have options for limiting the negative consequences the maximum amount as possible that you might not be able to do if you represent yourself. A reliable and qualified DUI defense lawyer looks out for a person’s interests and rights, as well as educates the defendant on the brevity of DUI convictions. Without an attorney, you'll not fully understand the severity of the criminal charges, and the effects on both the criminal and civil consequences. Many drivers don't have a support network, and an attorney can fulfill that role of advocacy. Your attorney ensures your constitutional rights are protected and can poke holes within the prosecution’s case so that you've got the best chance possible of fighting the DUI charge. Legal representation should be sought as soon as possible after you've got been arrested. This is often the timeframe when your constitutional rights are most in danger. This is often the time when police officers attempt to get you to speak, and make incriminating statements. Having an attorney with you following your arrest is putting you on the proper path to resolving the criminal matter within the most reasonable way possible.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
The Responsibilities Of A Drug Defense Attorney
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A drug defense attorney is required if an individual or defendant is handling a prosecution on either a civil case or criminal case. They're responsible for protecting their clients. When certain people or corporations are summoned by the court, there is a very high risk of them getting a negative judgment. It is the attorney’s job to be the one representing the civil or criminal defendants in court.
Defense attorneys also develop relationships with their clients as they provide them with advice about the case they're facing. They assist them in understanding other legal options and represent them for his or her legal needs in court.
What skills should an attorney have?
There are some skills that defense lawyers need for them to effectively defend their clients. These skills include:
• They should be able to adapt to certain cases and even be able to consider small details of the case. • They should even have great speaking skills and research skills they should have excellent verbal communication skills including written skills. • They should be able to have the facility to work by themselves or with a team of lawyers to develop different case strategies. • Lastly, they need to have excellent problem-solving skills including decision-making skills.
What are the varied responsibilities and roles of a defense lawyer?
These are the list of the responsibilities and thus the roles of a defense lawyer:
• The defense lawyers are those that represent their clients not just in court, but also within the various hearings also in arraignments. • They interpret the laws for his or her clients to help them to know the different legal options that they're going to use. • It is the role of the defense lawyer to resolve the case quickly and with a favorable outcome if possible • They are the ones who made the drafts and prepared the legal documents. It includes appeals and legal briefs. A legal brief is a kind of legal instrument that's utilized in several legal systems which can be presented in court. The brief argues why one party should be the one to prevail therein a specific case. • It is their responsibility to conduct sets of research regarding the case at hand. • They need to also analyze the case for them to figure out a possible outcome while thinking of an efficient strategy to be able to defend their clients in court. • They also negotiate the punishments, the plea deals, and therefore the possible settlements. • It is also their responsibility to look for evidence regarding the case to present it to the judge and also to the jury inside the court.
Creation of Defense Strategy
One of the simplest defense strategies happens when the defense lawyer and therefore the client presents a story to the judge that mostly supports the evidence. The goal of the lawyer is to show the defendant in the best light possible. Presenting this type of story to the judge will help the defense lawyer to concoct a plea bargain, the defendant being convicted on a lesser charge, or getting a “not guilty” sentence from the judge.
In terms of creating a story, the drug defense attorney and therefore the prosecutor can both use the evidence and the facts related to the case but come up with two different types of scenarios. It's up to the defendant and the lawyer to come up with a possible scenario for the defendant’s case.
These are some of the characteristics that a defense story should have:
• It should be supported by a truthful foundation that was taken from the evidence including the facts that were presented within the case. • It should even have the facility to understand the sympathy of the jury and therefore the judge. If possible, include within the story that the defendant tried to quit the crime before it had been committed. • The defense lawyer should prove and explain why the scenarios that happened within the defendant’s story were a specific event.
Coming up with a sort of defense strategy isn't as simple as telling the precise truth where it shows that the defendant is innocent or has the legal violations being lessened. The drug defense attorney should also determine the interaction between the police and therefore the defendant during the arrest. All of this might be taken into consideration while making the “theory of the case” which can support the defendant’s story including the evidence and therefore the facts found while researching the case.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
Types of Domestic Abuse That Requires That The Aid of A PFA Lawyer
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Domestic violence occurs in a pattern of events and actions that would involve some type of control, coercion, threats, violence, degradation, and sexual abuse. Within the majority of the cases, the violent act is often done by either a current or an ex-partner. The violent act can also be by a close relative, family member, or loved one.
In more complex cases, the violent perpetrator would threaten the victim with physical harm if he or she tries to break up. This is often why in some cases, a victim would need protection from abuse orders. The victim is recommended to file for a restraining order and work with a PFA lawyer who can lay down appropriate measures to lay down the legal groundwork to safeguard the victim.
The term domestic abuse is coined due to the very fact that the abuse occurring in the case is done in a domestic setting. Oftentimes, the victim and perpetrator are engaged in a relationship, but can also be a family member or a relative. Domestic violence occurs when one partner exhibits power over the victim through the use of violence. The abuse that is committed against a partner may be done in many ways than just physical abuse.
Different Kinds of Domestic Abuse
Physical Abuse
This is the foremost recognized kind of domestic violence. It involves inflicting a type of physical and bodily harm. Cases, where the victim is not yet physically but threatened with bodily harm, is also considered as physical abuse. all behaviors against other people to maintain control of their victims.
Social Abuse
Social abuse involves an individual insulting or humiliating a partner in front of other people. Social abuse also involves having the perpetrator control the victim’s whereabouts while isolating his or her partner from their family or friends.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is a sinister type of abuse as it would often go undetected and difficult to acknowledge. If left unchecked, it can have a destructive factor in a person’s psychological state. A perpetrator that abuses his or her victim emotionally may destroy an individual’s person’s independence, self-worth, and confidence.
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse refers to behaviors related to sexual assault. Sexual assault cases involve rape and unwanted sexual advances.
Financial Abuse
Financial abuse involves the use and access to cash. If a perpetrator tries to control a victim’s use and access to money, it is still considered as an abuse. In financial abuse cases, the perpetrator would control the victim’s finances to ensure that the victim will not gain financial independence and maintain control over the life of their victim.
Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual abuse refers to another form of domestic violence. It occurs when a perpetrator controls his or her partner’s spiritual beliefs, religion, and values. This is a manipulative type of abuse where it can leave the victim feeling powerless. Any person who prevents an individual from practicing his or her beliefs can fall into spiritual abuse.
Getting A Protection From Abuse Order
There are instances where the victim got away from the perpetrator. The perpetrator would not stop and go after the victim. Other cases would have a perpetrator contacting the victim to threaten them with bodily harm. These types of cases need the assistance of a PFA lawyer. The PFA attorney focuses on cases related to protection from abuse.
A protection from abuse order is legally ordered by the court telling the perpetrator to stop the offenses. If the abuser does not stop despite the PFA order, he or she will face serious legal charges. A PFA order can be provided to both men and women.
Filing of the PFA
The victim can file a protection from abuse order through the Court of Common Pleas Family Division. Those family divisions have a particular system that permits the victim to file a “pro se” where the victim can file the PFA without a lawyer. However, having a PFA lawyer can greatly help the victim in navigating the system.
A specialized PFA lawyer can aid in court abuse filings. The lawyer can guide the victim in identifying appropriate courses of action against the perpetrator. A legal adviser can also help the victim know which charges are often filed if the abuser doesn't stop the offenses. The lawyer can also for additional protection if any threat to life happens.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
Benefits Of Working With A Criminal Defense Lawyer
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Even if you realize that your best chance of getting out of criminal charges is to hire an attorney, it is still very confusing when trying to look for a good criminal defense lawyer. Criminal charges like drug possession and drug crimes vary from state to state. Depending on your offense, paying for a defense attorney is often expensive. Here is a list of some of the benefits and tips when looking for a good defense lawyer.
They Help Explain Everything To You
From how you’ll be questioned by the police to how your hearings will happen, you will know exactly how the method will move forward within the system. Their guidance will help remove any confusion which will exist regarding the method and can help put your mind to ease.
Handle all of Your Paperwork
Everyone knows handling the paperwork for any legal process is often daunting. The forms and documents are often time-consuming and difficult to understand. Once you hire a defense lawyer, they’re going to know exactly the way to fill out everything for you.
Your criminal defense will handle all the specified paperwork for you and can ensure no deadlines are missed and that everything is completed correctly.
Will Help You Consider All Options
In many cases, you will be offered options on how your case will move forward. From negotiations associated with the kinds of charges which will be filed to potential options for plea deals, an expert criminal defense lawyer can assist you to weigh these choices to work out what’s the simplest decision for you.
They can also negotiate other potential outcomes including the reduction of charges and penalties or maybe the possible dismissal of your case.
Some belongings you may have to think about are whether your case should attend the trial or if you should accept a deal offered by the prosecution. Your attorney will re-evaluate all of the results of any decision and what sort of sentence you’ll face if convicted at an attempt. Additionally, your attorney will review all the outcomes of a guilty plea.
You Can Get Legal Advice From Your Criminal Defense Attorney
All criminal defense attorneys will have knowledge after years of practicing law. They also know how to handle the fees in your case. They spent years studying the system and are always updated on all of the changes to the law.
Your legal team will also know the boundaries that exist to guard your rights from enforcement and the prosecution. They’re going to be ready to review your case in-depth and can find any evidence which can be obtained properly.
A review of your case could lead to having evidence suppressed or having your criminal charges dismissed. A criminal defense attorney has spent years defending similar cases and is in a position to spot areas of weaknesses that will exist in your case.
Will Handle Discussions with Prosecution
Your criminal defense attorney will be your spokesperson and they are the ones who handle all of the discussions with the jury and the prosecution.
These discussions can often get heated, but your attorney will remain calm and can work to neutralize things.
Having a good rapport ensures that negotiations are often handled in a professional manner for your case. They are also conversant in local judges and know the simplest tactics to use depending on who they are going to be facing in a case.
They Will Have Your Back
When you’re charged with a criminal offense it can be said that most people are against you. Because of this, you might not feel comfortable sharing the small print of your case with people that you are close to. Your attorney will have your back and can be there to support you throughout the method.
Will Fight To Guard Your Future
Depending on the criminal charges you’re facing in a criminal case, your life and future might be on the line. From spending years in prison to paying high fees and penalties, if convicted your life might dramatically change.
An expert criminal defense lawyer can help your record stay clean. Every case is different, but in some circumstances, your attorney could also be ready to have a case dismissed or could also be ready to help to get a conviction put aside or removed from your record.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
Benefits of Familial Legal Help and Cases Where A Family Attorney Is Required
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Family law is one of the legal branches of practicing the law that focuses on cases that are associated with any familial relationship. These cases involve child custody and divorce. A family lawyer that practices family law serves as a representative of his or her clients in court procedures and other relevant proceedings. Other cases where a family attorney may work on are property agreements, legal documents, and other domestic relations court.
Some family lawyers concentrate on matters involving paternity, emancipation, and various family cases that aren’t always connected to divorce. Many states and jurisdictions have the power in determining the amicable formal requirements which will be used for any marriage proceedings. The mandate may include the age limit of the couple applying for marriage. Various states also provide the mandate on the rules and procedures related to divorce or other family matters.
Benefits of Hiring A Family Lawyer
It’s vital to use a family attorney who is reputable and dependable once you consider divorce or face any other family legal issues as a lawyer can assist you. Attorneys can aid you with any domestic-related issues. If representation isn’t required, it can still help to hire a family lawyer.
A qualified family lawyer will have an unconditional and full understanding of what the law entails. An attorney can assist you with all the legal aspects during the legal procedures and may serve as a lookout of any technicalities that may arise. A seasoned lawyer has an innate talent in becoming a legal adviser for their client. If you plan on seeking the services of an attorney, ensure that the person has the abilities, experience, expertise, and knowledge to give you consistent legal aid when you need them.
Divorce attorneys are able to offer additional services than simply providing legal advice. They work to protect the interest of their clients while ensuring that every proceeding goes smoothly. Certain family attorneys are also providing their clientele fees rather than billing their pay on the hourly rate.
Divorce or separation is always a stressful time for many people. This procedure is emotionally draining and challenging. If you hire an experienced attorney, you’ll be able to get the essential support that you greatly need. Your lawyer can provide support in both legal and emotional aspects. Your attorney can consult other specialists when you need additional support in other areas.
Cases Where A Family Lawyer Is Needed
Cases About Child Custody and Support Payment
Settlement agreements, court orders involving support and custody of children, are managed by a family lawyer. Child custody is usually tackled when a divorce case is opened and where the living conditions of the child may change. Support payments for the children are often changed when there is any alteration that occurs within the financial situation of the non-custodial parents.
Each partner who is involved in a divorce case will be hiring his or her own attorney to aid them in devising an agreement or settlement plan to avoid the divorce going to court. The divorce attorneys must work on properly dividing the marital properties of the separating couple. They will also work on calculating spousal support, create a proposal on child custody, create a proposal for child custody, work on the child’s visitation agreements, and resolve other marital arrangements.
Most of the paternity cases are filed by the mother. The mother files for paternity to secure the child’s rights and support payments coming from the absentee father. There are also some biological fathers who can file for paternity cases so that they will be given the right to have a relationship with their child. Paternity is usually identified with a DNA test.
The courts in every state have their own specialized family law court. These courts typically operate autonomously in a jurisdiction. Family law courts would have civil cases related to delinquency, child maltreatment, child custody, adoption legal guardianship, separation, and many more. Family law usually intersects in other legal branches. An example is cases where there is violence involved. In this case, the legality will cross over to involve some criminal investigations. This might end in arrests, charges, trials, and convictions. When cases involve criminal activity, family courts have the task to work out the ways in ensuring that the victim is secured and protected while the investigation for the alleged crime is ongoing.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
How Does A Domestic Violence Lawyer Help A Defendant?
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A domestic violence lawyer aims to ensure that the defendant will have a proper chance in court.
Domestic violence is a type of violence that happens if the victim and the perpetrator are in a domestic relationship. It is the type of violence that occurs in a household. It may involve a partner, child, or child-abusing parents. It can be used to also define the violence that happens between siblings in a home. It has to be noted that not every accused individual is automatically guilty as there were instances that a person might be innocent. This is why a domestic violence lawyer is needed to sort out the charges for the defendant.
Domestic violence is recognized by the government and organizations as a social problem. Domestic violence carries misdemeanor crimes and felony. Many domestic violence cases are related to abuse done by a current or former intimate partner of a victim. The case can be between a perpetrator and a victim that has a child together or couples that are in a cohabitation setting. The perpetrator in domestic violence cases is mostly the spouse of the victim. Another situation is when a person commits violence to a minor who resides within the home. Many jurisdictions treat these situations like domestic violence crimes.
The victimization of domestic violence crimes is not limited by sexual orientation or gender. However, many women are often victims of domestic violence crimes while likely suffering injuries compared to men. Still, men are also subjected to domestic violence in huge numbers. Even female partners can be violent and cause physical harm to the male partner. Members of the LGBT community also face violence from their partners. Other economically and socially disadvantaged groups across the United States are facing high rates of violence compared to other groups. An example is Native American women have a rate of 60 percent who were physically assaulted by their spouses.
There has been much research and studies delving deeper into the problem. Research showed that domestic violence is a result of gaining control and oppression in intimate relationships. Violence can take physical or non-physical forms of abuse. Non-physical violence includes asserting power, control, and emotional abuse to the victim. In this case, the perpetrator instills control over the victim. Many non-profit organizations are working to fight the stigma that many people face when they decide to report these problems.
Domestic violence includes emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, and economic abuse. Many forms of domestic abuse aim to gain and maintain authority over the victims. The abusers may utilize various ways to exert their control over their partner. It can be done through isolation, threats, blame, denial, intimidation, and humiliation.
Any person who is accused of domestic violence against his or her partner needs a reliable domestic violence lawyer to assist the defendant. Domestic violence is a serious offense that can have harsh convictions.
Benefits of Having A Domestic Violence Lawyer:
A Lawyer Will Stop The Defendant From Incrimination
Once the person is arrested, there is a possibility that he or she might say anything that can be used against the defendant in court. The person might think that talking will help oneself with the case but it may also lead to the police filing charges against the defendant. A domestic violence attorney can help in guiding their client when it comes to interrogations.
Work To Have The Charges Dropped
A defense attorney will work for the benefit of the client. The first main goal of a defense attorney is to have the charges dropped. If the prosecutors would continue the charges, a defense lawyer can work on having those charges dismissed due to a lack of any evidence or due to violation of the defendant’s rights.
Develop A Defense Strategy
If the prosecutor is successful in pushing the charges, a defense attorney will orient the client about the situation and the options available. It may involve a plea agreement or proceed with a trial defense. The lawyer will also discuss to the client the possible outcomes of the trial, as well as the possible outcomes of a conviction.
Defend The Client Against Any Restraining Order
A restraining order can force the defendant out of his or her home which makes it hard to live an ordinary life. The worst part is if the person who filed the restraining order lives near you. An attorney works to avoid this order from being implemented.
A domestic violence lawyer aims to ensure that the defendant will have a proper chance in court. Whether the person is guilty or not, the equal treatment of law is provided to ensure that justice is properly served.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
Various Types of Abuse Where A Domestic Violence Lawyer Is Highly Needed
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Domestic violence is a very sensitive topic that many people deal with. It is a complex case with many related mandates within the system. It’s a kind of behavior that has the aim to utilize power and control over a spouse, a partner, a spouse, or an intimate loved one. The abuse of a partner isn’t just caused by drugs, alcohol, anger, mental problems, or other common excuses. Domestic abuse is usually a learned behavior. Anyone accused of this crime or any victim of this crime should work with a domestic violence lawyer to assist the individual in navigating the justice system.
Domestic violence is a criminal act that happens during a domestic situation. The act is often committed against a loved one or a family member. Domestic abuse is often prevalent in a marriage or cohabitation setting. Nevertheless, violence may also be committed on minors, parents, and the elderly as it takes many forms.
Domestic abuse is not isolated to acts of physical abuse and physical violence. It involves abuse of the emotional and verbal psyche of the victim, as well as sexual assault. Domestic abuse can range from subtle coercion to violent physical attacks. Physical abuse involves the act of chocking, beating, and genital mutilation which are crimes that are frequently done against female victims.
Types of Domestic Violence
When people hear the word violence, they would often link it with any form of physical harm that causes visible injuries to the victim. The reality of the situation is that physical abuse is simply one type of violence. There are various types of abusive behavior. Every type of abuse has its destructive repercussions and consequences that the victim will suffer.
Although there are various types of abuse, physical violence is the one with the potential of becoming fatal as it places the victim’s life in danger. Nevertheless, other types of abuse have long-term destructive effects on the victims which can’t be minimized by the absence of any lethal danger. All the types of abuses that are committed under each category should be monitored. A domestic violence lawyer can aid victims who are undergoing any form of abuse from their family members or partners.
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is any type of aggressive behavior that is physically done by the perpetrator. It may also involve the threat of physical abuse while withholding a victim’s physical needs. The actions of physical violence involve the action biting, beating, hitting, slapping, drowning, choking, kicking, threatening with a weapon, threatening the victim with physical assault, punching, shooting, hair pulling, stabbing, and other physically hurtful attacks,
Physical abuse also involves the perpetrator withholding the victim’s needs which has a physical effect on health. Some examples of these needs are sleep deprivation and meal interruption. Another form of physical abuse is when the perpetrator restrains or forces a victim against his or her own free will, even if the victim isn’t injured. Other behaviors that might be considered as physical abuse is destroying any property such as throwing objects or kicking walls.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse might not be fatal and might nor exhibit any form of physical harm but it brings devastating effects to the victim’s psychological state. It involves manipulation, degradation, and intimidation. Another form of emotional abuse is by brainwashing the victim. This is often detrimental to the victim’s welfare since her mental state is being controlled by the manipulation of the perpetrator.
A perpetrator also perpetuates emotional abuse by undermining the partner’s self-confidence through humiliation. There were also cases where the perpetrator made the victim think that he or she is crazy. An example of this manipulation tactic is hiding the victim’s belongings and proceeds to insult the victim for losing their things.
Verbal Abuse
Verbal abuse is the act of using words to attack the victim. The behaviors of a verbal abuser are mostly focused on utilizing words to threaten, humiliate, or degrade the victim. A verbal abuser would engage in name-calling, cursing, and insulting the victim. It may also be considered as a verbal abuse when the perpetrator threatens to harm the victim’s reputation or family members. Screaming or terrorizing the victim to illicit. Terrorizing and screaming at the victim to inspire fear may also be considered as a form of verbal abuse.
Domestic violence cases have increased in recent years. It is mostly aimed at women but some men suffer domestic violence who are afraid to seek help. It is highly recommended for anyone entangled in a domestic violence case, whether a victim or an accused abuser, must work with a reliable and experienced domestic violence lawyer.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
Types of Sexual Cases That A Sex Crimes Lawyer Works On
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Sex crimes are the types of charges which are punished severely by the justice system. It is essential that any person accused of sex crimes understand what they are going up against legally. They need to prepare a proper defense against these types of charges. This is only possible with the help of a sex crimes lawyer.
The penalties and sentences for any sex crime-related convictions can be harsh which may also involve the individual to register as a sex offender. Other penalties include fines and jail time which can be up to a lifetime, depending on the type of crime committed. Moreover, anyone convicted of a sex crime will have a life forever altered. Even he or she is able to receive a lighter sentence and keep the past records clean, it will be hard to recover a person’s reputation after a sex crime conviction. This is why the defendant along with a sex crimes lawyer must create a strong defense from the very beginning. It is necessary to understand the charges involved to have a better chance of avoiding such penalties.
There are various types of sex crimes. Each sex crime has its own nature, protocols, mandates, and penalties. Some crimes may overlap depending on the nature of the case. The defense team needs to understand the different types of sex crimes before going on a trial.
Types of Sex Crimes
Indecency With A Child
This type of sex crime happens when an individual engages in any form of sexual contact with a minor who is younger than 17 years old. Whether or not the individual intended for any contact to happen, the case may move forward with the surrounding circumstances. Indecency with a child charges has two types. The first one is indecency by contact, while the other is indecency by exposure.
Indecency by contact allows a person to be charged with a second-degree felony charge if the individual had any sexual contact with a child or leads a child to engage in any form of sexual contact. Sexual contact can refer to the touching of a child’s genitals, breast or anus, even with any clothing on. This offense is also referred to as child molestation.
Indecency by exposure is a third-degree felony charge where the person has the intention of gratifying his or her sexual arousal by exposing any genitals to a child that is present. The case can also involve the person causing a child to expose any genital or anus to the perpetrator.
Indecent Exposure
Just like indecency by exposure to a child, any person who exposes his or her genitalia to the public can be charged with indecent exposure. It might not carry a harsh sentence but it is still a nasty record.
Prostitution is the practice or business of engaging in any form of sexual activity in exchange for monetary payment. Clients of prostitution are mostly men, although there are also women who solicit services from a prostitute.
Rape is a sex crime that carries heavy punishments and penalties. It is a type of sexual assault where the perpetrator had sexual intercourse or penetration against the will of the victim. The crime can be committed through the use of coercion, physical force, abuse of authority, or the victim is incapable of giving the perpetrator any valid consent. Some examples of the victim being incapable of giving valid consent include having an intellectual disability, below the legal age of consent, incapacitated, or unconscious.
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is an act where the individual intentionally touches another person in a sexual way without the victim’s consent such as groping. It can also be involved in physically forcing or coercing a person to do a sexual act against his or her own will. It is a type of sexual violence, which may include rape, such as oral or vaginal penetration. In other cases, it can be a drug-facilitated sexual assault.
Statutory Rape
Statutory rape is a non-forcible type of sexual activity where one of the individuals involved is under the age of consent. It also refers to any adults who engaged in any sexual contact with a minor.
There are other forms of sexual crimes that could land anyone in jail. Particularly, these crimes include possession of child pornography or sexual battery. Even if the defendant gets a light sentence having a sex crime on record is not pleasant and can affect future prospects. It is important to work with an experienced sex crimes lawyer to be able to navigate and prepare legal defense effectively.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
Criminal Defense Lawyer Facts: Criminal Punishment and Investigation Process Related To Rape Cases
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Rape is one of the heinous cases that could land an accused in jail for his entire life. Although it is a crime that is prevalent, there are times when the accused is innocent. The balance of justice relies on facts and pieces of evidence. For the victim, a good prosecution lawyer would be a great factor in the case. For the accused, who may or may not be guilty, needs a criminal defense lawyer to ensure that he will have a better chance of getting the charges dropped or have a lenient conviction if proven guilty.
Rape is a crime that has heavy implications and harshest penalties. If the accused is guilty and gets convicted, then the victim rightfully earned justice. However, in some cases where the defendant is wrongfully accused, there is a real need for a reliable criminal defense lawyer to take charge and ensure that the client will not suffer for a crime he did not commit.
In the United States, the Department of Justice defines rape as penetration of the anus or vagina, using any object, body part, or oral penetration with a sex organ no matter how slight it is, as long as it is without the consent of the victim. The terminology and definition might vary in every jurisdiction within the United States. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has removed a requirement for rape crime where it needs to have the element of force.
In 2013, a study found out that rape cases might be under-reported in the United States. In 2014, the study suggested that some police departments might remove or undercount rape cases on official records as part of creating the illusion about the success of fighting violent crimes. The year 2013 has an annual prevalence rate regarding all sexual assaults around 0.1 percent. The rate does not represent the number of assaults since the number of the same victims might report more than once in a reporting period.
Criminal Punishment
Each of the 50 states and the federal jurisdiction in the United States has its own criminal code. Rape is one of the crimes that all jurisdictions will persecute. The terminologies may vary such as a sexual battery, sexual misconduct, or sexual assault. Some states recognize penetrative sex without force but the victim has not consented as a form of crime. Other states do not recognize the prior instance as a crime. According to their laws, the perpetrator used some form of coercion, force, or threats against the victim in order for the non-consensual penetration to have occurred.
Jurisdiction Where The Crime Occurred
The principle called dual sovereignty in the United States applies to rape cases and other crimes. If the rape crime occurred within a state’s borders, the state will have jurisdiction over that case. If the rape victim is a consul, foreign official, ambassador, or federal official who is under US protection, the federal government will have jurisdiction over the case. If the crime happened in a place crossing state borders or federal property, the federal government has jurisdiction over the case.
Investigation of the Crime
The assigned medical personnel will collect the evidence which is called rape kits. The injury of the victim is part of the investigation. The victim’s fossa navicularis, posterior fourchette, labia majora, and thighs are examined. The next step is for the selection of jury members where they have to be aware and knowledgeable about the stigmas that surround rape victims. It is essential that the jury members should not be clouded with any pre-conceived ideas regarding what a typical rape perpetrator and rape victim look like.
Rape is a serious crime that should not be taken lightheartedly. It is a prevalent crime where many victims suffer for a long time with physical, emotional, and mental trauma. Justice is needed but it has to be served by looking at the evidence and facts present. However, defendants who are facing rape charges but believe they are wrongfully accused must work with an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Getting convicted with a sexual assault crime will be a hard record to remove which can affect the person’s future opportunities in life. The defense lawyer will determine ways, witnesses, and pieces of evidence that can prove the innocence of his or her client.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
Responsibilities and Tasks That A Criminal Defense Lawyer Has To Perform For The Defendant
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In life, we are bound to make mistakes. It’s not that you deliberately break the law, sometimes it’s just unavoidable based on some circumstances. There are times when you don’t even realize it unless charges are pressed against you. What are the ways you can do to have a better chance of overturning the legal battle in your favor? First and foremost, you would be required to appear in court. As a person, if you attend the “battle” without preparation, you will not have favorable outcomes in front of a judge. You cannot go to court unprepared. What you need is to have a reliable and experienced criminal defense lawyer beside you. If possible, you would like an honest army of lawyers to assist you in getting out of your mess.
As a defendant, you would want to work with an honest, hardworking criminal defense lawyer. You need someone who understands your case, and you would like an attorney that will guide you through the process. A lawyer must be able to get the facts straight and use legal ways to ensure that the outcome will be favorable to the defendant. Any conviction or criminal history on your record can turn your life the wrong way. This is why it’s important for a defendant or client to act fast and acquire control of the situation before it’s too late.
The worst part of getting charged with a crime is if you are being accused of a criminal offense that you did not even commit. In many cases, criminal charges are warranted and the defendant needs to be convicted of wrongdoing. However, there are also instances when a defendant is wrongly accused of a crime he or she did not commit. A criminal defense attorney has the responsibility of providing representation to the accused. Legally speaking, the defense lawyer doesn’t have the responsibility of proving innocence or helping the guilty to be let loose. Nonetheless, the defense lawyer still aims to ensure that the results of the case will be favorable to the client. A good defense lawyer should have your best interests in mind.
Criminal Defense Lawyer Tasks
A criminal defense attorney focuses on getting a case dismissed. Your lawyer can prevent you from being taken into custody without proper paperwork. A criminal defense lawyer also has the power to help you against further incrimination by instructing you what to mention in interviews or interrogations. Your lawyer is additionally ready to speak on your behalf and defend you against the prosecution’s case. Your defense team will do this by questioning witnesses within the defense’s case and cross-examining the prosecution’s witnesses.
Your defense attorney should be a barrister or someone who has passed the bar examinations. Defense lawyers mostly work for both corporations and people who are charged with any criminal activity. Some defense lawyers keep their practice privately retained, while others work with some jurisdiction waiting for case appointments from the criminal courts and work with indigent persons. Defense lawyers working with state jurisdictions are referred to as public defenders. The term is not precise since every jurisdiction may have a different practice on different levels as placed by federal or state law. Some locations place a rotating system on the appointments with the judges appointing a personal practice firm or attorney for every case.
A criminal defense attorney defends each case specifically and consistent with the unique facts. The lawyer uses the law which is associated with the case in hand. Attorneys would relentlessly argue on behalf of their clients within the courtroom. The aim is to win the vote of the jury. Every defendant remains innocent until they are proven guilty.
Criminal defense attorneys have the ability to look through substantive problems with the crimes charges to their clients. Defense lawyers can also help their clients before charges are filed by a prosecuting attorney. This is often done when someone believes an individual believes that he or she is being investigated.
The criminal defense lawyers can also look into the circumstances of the defendant’s arrest, the criminal investigation, charges, sentencing, appeals, and other post-trial issues. Oftentimes, an attorney will concentrate on a distinct segment within criminal defense, like drug defense or DUI defense. A lawyer with specialization would have a more in-depth understanding of the case which will be useful in a defendant’s case.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
DUI Lawyer Facts: Blood Alcohol Level Limit and DUI Consequences
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Drunk driving is an offense that many people get tangled with due to not knowing the alcohol limit in certain jurisdictions. Driving under the influence or DUI is an act of driving a motor vehicle where the driver’s ability is impaired due to alcohol consumption. Their blood alcohol level might have exceeded the legal limit mandated by state laws. Drivers who are below 21 years old have a lower legal limit. State limits range from 0.00 to 0.02. People facing charges can work with a DUI lawyer to help them navigate the process.
Drunk driving can be referred to as driving while intoxicated or impaired (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI). Other terms for the criminal offense could be operating while impaired (OWI) or vehicle under the influence of alcohol (OVI).
The Bureau of Justice Statistics stated that there are an estimated 1.5 million drunk driving arrests that were made in the United States in 1996. It is a prevalent case running across all states for many decades. 29.1 million have admitted to having driven under the influence of alcohol in 2012. 1997 estimates showed that there were 513,200 offenders of the DUI crime and were placed under correctional supervision.
DUI Consequences
People who were arrested for drinking and going out to drive while under the influence of alcohol have committed a serious crime and need a DUI lawyer to represent them. Driving a vehicle with some alcohol in a person’s systems has its own designations depending on the state that a person is in. Any offense related to drunk driving is treated as a serious crime and should not be taken lightly.
It must be noted that DUI-type offenses apply to any motorized vehicle and even non-motorized bicycles. It includes mopeds, lawnmowers, and motorized watercraft. Individuals who use skateboards or rollerblades will not be charged with a DUI if they were stopped and were intoxicated. However, they can still be charged with public intoxication, which can depend on the jurisdiction where the incident occurred.
The determination on whether a person is within the legal alcohol limits cannot be simply indicated through field sobriety tests. Nevertheless, the person’s blood alcohol concentration or BAC can be measured through a breathalyzer, urine or blood analysis. These measures are used to clearly determine if a person is able to meet the standard level of legal intoxication.
In the US, the universally accepted BAC would be at 0.08 based on the federal standards that can determine the legal intoxication. Some jurisdictions may have their own variations. Individuals with a BAC starting from 0.08 or more have very little defense when going into the court and defending their sobriety. They might have a chance if they work with an experienced DUI lawyer who can question the method in which the BAC was measured. A person’s BAC is a definitive standard that can determine an individual’s intoxication. If a person passes all field sobriety tests but fails the BAC, they will still be subjected to arrest.
There are jurisdictions where a person tested lower than the limit of their BAC level yet they can still be charged with DUI offenses on their behavior. The manner of driving or being involved in an accident with a certain alcohol level in their BAC is at risk of being arrested for DUI. This measure is done due to some state officials and judges who consider that any alcohol level within a person’s system has the potential to impair their judgment and ultimately, their driving ability.
State BAC’s Differences
An individual who is within a state or simply visiting a jurisdiction must know the legal BACs. According to Benari Law, Pennsylvania has a three-tier Blood Alcohol Content system. Tier 1 is called the general impairment which is at 0.08. Tier 2 is at 0.10 while Tier 3 is at 0.13. This three-tier system is used in all states. The 0.08 level is used on all tier 1 systems for the entire United States. The differences of the state would be on tier 2 and tier 3 with some small .01 differences in BAC levels.
DUI offenses are not limited to alcohol use. People operating vehicles or motor-run units who are under the influence of drugs, both controlled and over-the-counter types of drugs can be arrested within the same offense.
Why would a DUI defendant need a lawyer?
As previously mentioned, DUI is a serious offense. If arrested, an individual will spend time in jail. The arresting officers have the authority to remove a person from the road. This would mean that the individual will be brought to the police station, go through the booking process, and place the person in jail until a bond has been posted. A DUI lawyer is needed to look into the method of BAC testing and help the client use legal grounds for his or her defense.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
Legal Cases Where a Family Attorney is Required
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Family law is part of a legal practice that focuses on situations that are associated with family relationships. These situations may include child custody and divorce among many others. A family attorney that specializes and focuses on family law would represent the clients in court proceedings and other relevant legal discussions. Other cases where a family lawyer can work on include property agreements, legal documentations, and domestic relations court petitions.
Some family law attorneys concentrate on emancipation or paternity cases as long as it is not related to divorce cases. Many states and jurisdictions have the proper power in identifying the reasonable legal requirements which will be used for marriage procedures. The requirements imposed include the age of the partners applying for marriage. Various states also provided the mandate on the laws and procedures of family law cases, including divorce.
Cases Where a Family Attorney Is Needed
When going through a divorce, people involved in the case will need to hire his or her attorney which will help them work on a settlement plan or agreement which will avoid the case from going to court. Divorce attorneys use their skills to properly divide marital property, develop a child custody agreement, calculate possible spousal support, create visitation agreements, and prepare legal documents on other marital arrangements.
Adoption is a legal procedure that has complicated laws where the legality may differ for each state. In adoption cases, the type of adoption is additionally considered, including the child’s origin, the state laws, and other factors that can affect the adoption process. The complexity of adoption cases would require the services of a family attorney. Foster parents have the ability to legally adopt their foster children which is why they would need the expertise of a family lawyer. Nonetheless, the foster process doesn’t require an attorney to get the process started.
Child Custody and Support Payments
Settlement agreements, child custody, and child-support are cases where it can get nasty. In some cases, the court gets involved. In this case, a judge can order the decision regarding child-support and child-custody. Child custody is usually discussed alongside a divorce case where conditions may change. Support payment cases are often adjusted if there is any alteration regarding the financial situation of a child’s non-custodial parents.
Most paternity cases are filed by the mother to help her secure her child-support payments from an absentee father. Biological fathers can also file for paternity cases to have visitation rights with the child or prove that he is not the child’s father. A DNA test would often determine the end-result of the case.
Termination of Parental Rights
There are cases when the court deems a parent not suitable to have his or her child with her. If there are serious legal reasons as to why a parent should not have a parental relationship with his or her kid, the domestic relations court may terminate the parent’s rights. Some reasons may be abuse, neglect, or abandonment. If somebody else wants to become the child’s legal parent, the domestic relations court can grant an adoption process where the parent-child relationship is legally bound.
Juvenile Matters
The domestic relations court oversees all legal matters when there are allegations of child maltreatment, abuse, or when the minors are accused of being involved in illegal activities. These matters are handled by the Juvenile Division of the District Attorney’s office. The domestic relations court can approve work permits for minors under the age of 14.
The court in each jurisdiction features a specified family law court. However, they typically operate autonomously in either country and city. Family law courts run various civil cases about divorce, marriage dissolution, legal separation, child custody, delinquency, child maltreatment, and adoption. Parental competence, legal guardianship, spousal or child support, as well as emancipation of a minor, are also handled in family law courts.
Family law often comes in contact with other legal practices. An example of how family law can become entangled in other cases is when abuse or violence is involved. Family cases where violence is involved would involve criminal investigations in the process. This might end in arrests, charges, trials, and sentencing with a probability of prison time. In cases with potential criminal activity, family courts have the task to work out a way to protect the victim and make sure that people involved with the case will have a secure environment.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
Importance of Hiring A Divorce Attorney: What Are The Most Common Reasons For Divorce?
Divorce or dissolution of marriage is a very emotional procedure. It is the process of terminating the marital union of a couple. Divorce is reorganizing or canceling the legal agreement involved in the marriage, thus separating the bonds of matrimony under the rule of law. The divorce procedure is required to be sanctioned by the court in a legal process. The process involves determining and resolving issues child custody, distribution of property, spousal support, child support, parenting time, child visitation access, and even division of debt. This is a long arduous process that would need a reliable divorce attorney that will help the client every step of the way.
Different Types of Couple Separation Terms
The breakup of couples who are in a common-law relationship is called separation, rather than a divorce. Annulment is different from divorce. An annulment declares that the marriage of two individuals is null and void. Legal separation also referred to as de jure separation is a legal process wherein a married couple formalizes a de facto separation while maintaining the legality of their marriage. Couples can also have a de facto separation where the two people decided to informally stop their cohabitation. There are various reasons for divorce ore separation. It can be caused by personality clash, sexual incompatibility, and many more.
Most Common Reasons for Divorce
A spouse who experiences cheating would feel hurt and pain. Infidelity is one of the most common reasons why some marriages end up in divorce. Cheating on one’s partner is a violation of the couple’s contract that was made legal by the marriage which includes sexual and emotional exclusivity.
A marital relationship has exclusivity expectations that are broken when a spouse commits the unfaithful act. When these exclusive expectations are not met by one partner, research shows that the betrayal can cause psychological damage to the other partner. The betrayal leads to the feeling of rage and anger. The events leading to the divorce can be too emotional which is why the legal process can be difficult in discussing other factors. This is why a divorce attorney is important to help the client ease into the process without having to personally face his or her cheating spouse.
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is cited as a major reason for divorce, and rightly so. Physical and emotional abuse is mentioned as a major contributor to divorce. Some people have stated that the abuse was not persistent at the beginning of the marriage but developed over time. Physical abuse can be obvious and leave marks on the body but emotional abuse leave emotional scars. The emotional trauma can push a spouse to file for divorce.
Just like infidelity, domestic violence is emotional and can lead to unproductive meetings between the parties involved. The help of divorce lawyers from each side is needed to negotiate the legal terms that are needed to be resolved. It must be noted that if a spouse becomes violent in any way, the partner must work to get help not only legally but emotionally. Other legal cases can be involved due to the domestic violence that took place which is a crime committed by the partner.
Lack of Intimacy
Over time, some marriages lose physical contact but the transition in a more spiritual and deeper kind of love. Sex is still part of many marriages but the intimacy of a husband and wife can be more than just the physical contact. Some couples remain strong even without sex in their life. However, some marriages crumble without it.
Still, intimacy is more than just love-making. It involves paying attention to the partner and making him or her feel special. A little act of kisses, hugs, holding hands, back rubs, and even saying the words, “I love you” are important parts of a relationship. Some couples choose divorce when intimacy is lost and they felt like they drifted far from each other.
Lack of Compatibility
Getting married for couples is a very exciting time where they thought everything clicked together and that they are made for each other. The differences between the two are easy to ignore at the beginning of the relationship. Unfortunately, for some couples, time changes things and some of the differences never worked out. In some cases, a partner would change their political views that come in contrast with his or her partner.
The differences can become too great that it would often dominate the marriage. Some things and events could impact each of the spouses differently. They would grow tired of all the irreconcilable differences leading to the divorce.
Addiction is a complex and progressive brain disease that manifests itself through compulsive use of illicit substances, despite the dangerous repercussions. People experiencing addiction or severe dependency on a substance would have an intense focus on it. The substance can be either alcohol or drugs. In some cases, the addiction is too severe that it takes over their relationship and their entire life.
Addiction can take a toll on a marriage. Since it is a progressive disease, it gradually weakens the marital union and relationship of a couple. It can undermine the commitment that the partners have made to each other. The damage that alcohol and drug abuse can build up might come to a point where the marriage is hard to salvage. Addiction or substance abuse is one of the main reasons cited that leads to a divorce. Studies showed that alcoholism or drug dependency is the third most common cause of divorce in a marriage.
Importance of Hiring A Divorce Attorney
Hiring a divorce lawyer is important as the attorney can help give expert advice, reduce stress, and negotiate for his or her client. It is best to hire lawyers with a specialty in divorce and family law just like the Benari Law firm. In divorce cases where there is animosity between the husband and the wife, it is too difficult to negotiate the terms of the divorce. There is a probability of a shouting match regarding the division of properties, child support, alimony, and many more. It is an emotional and sensitive time for both parties which is why a divorce lawyer can calmly negotiate on the client’s behalf.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
Internet Crimes Defense Lawyer Facts: What Are Some of The Most Common Types of Cybercrimes?
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Internet crimes, also called cybercrimes, are offenses that are computer-oriented which involve the network, internet, and the computer. The computer might have been utilized to the commission in an offense or it could have been a target through hacking methods. Internet crimes are referred to as, “crimes that are committed on people or individuals with the motive to intentionally harm the victim’s reputation or cause mental and physical harm to the victim through the use of telecommunication networks. In a case where a person is accused of a cybercrime, the defendant would need the help of an internet crimes defense lawyer to help him or her in dealing with the justice system.
Cybercrime not only affects individuals or a group of individuals but can also threaten the nation’s security and financial status. Issues related to these crimes are high-profile, especially cases that are related to copyright infringement, hacking, extortion, unwarranted mass-surveillance, child-grooming, and child pornography.
Cybercrime also deals with privacy concerns when certain confidential information is either disclosed or intercepted. Non-state and probable government “online spies” engage in internet crimes such as financial theft, espionage, and cross-border crimes. Cybercrimes that cross international boundaries, that involve the actions of a nation are referred to as cyberwarfare.
McAfee’s 2014 report estimated that the yearly damage cost of cybercrimes to the global economy reached up to $445 billion. In 2012, around $1.2 billion was stolen through debit and credit card fraud in the United States. The 2018 study of McAfee in partnership with the Center for Strategic and International Studies of CSIS concluded that nearly $600 billion is lost to cybercrimes each year
Some of the Most Common Cyber Crimes
Internet crimes rarely make it to the headlines of the news. Most people know that downloading movies, images, or music without the right consent of the owner is illegal. However, multiple online activities can land an individual behind bars. Defendants in these cases must work with an internet crime defense lawyer that is knowledgeable in the cybercrime field. People across the globe can use the internet to carry out multiple crimes. Below is the list of the most common cybercrimes and the penalties that come with each deed.
Illegally Accessing Electronic Communications’ Facility
The nature of the crime involves having the intent of accessing a system that provides a service for electronic communication. An example of this crime is hacking someone’s email address. Hacking an email account due to malicious intent, to take advantage and other fraudulent crimes that may carry up to five years in jail even for first-time offenders. Hacking an email address alone has a maximum of up to one year in jail.
Spoofing and Phishing
This crime involves illegally accessing a computer network and sending emails intended to deceive recipients. It can also mean falsifying the header information of any email messages. An example of this crime is a spam email that has the intent of deceiving the receiver. If the practice is done for commercial gain, the case can lead to a five-year jail sentence. In other related cases, spammers can face up to three years in prison.
Extortion and Blackmail
Blackmailing or extorting an individual or group of individuals is a crime in itself. It becomes a cybercrime if the perpetrator uses the worldwide web to threaten someone, with the intent of extorting a person from money or anything that has value. An example of this crime is a hacker threatening the victim with the exposure of embarrassing information, photos or, videos if he or she does not pay. The penalty can lead up to five years. This can be prevented by using anti-virus software and avoiding any weird or unfamiliar link online.
Copyright Infringement
This crime is about intentionally infringing copyright for monetary gain. It can also be involved in distributing someone else’s work on the internet. An example of this crime is illegally downloading a movie, distributing it, and selling it. The punishment for copyright infringement is not only jail time but the perpetrator is crossing the threshold of possible federal criminal liability. Sharing copies with a minimum of $2500 retail value can trigger a sentence of up to five years. Leaking information or distributing a work that is being prepared for a commercial distribution carries a sentence of three years which will double if the perpetrator is a repeat offender.
Cybercrimes are complicated and some people may already have been committing offenses without knowing it. If any troubles arise, it is best to work with an internet crime defense lawyer, such as one of the services offered by a firm called Benari Law. Work with a specialist in criminal defense to have a better chance in the legal procedures.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
How Can A Marijuana Lawyer Help A Defendant? Reasons Why Cannabis Is Difficult to Legalize
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Marijuana or cannabis is one of the most controversial types of drug types in the United States. There is a huge movement backing up marijuana to be fully legalized but their efforts are thwarted by many reasons. A marijuana lawyer that specializes in criminal defense could provide great legal advice to anyone tangled with a cannabis case. Working with a lawyer can help in avoiding any further run-ins with the law.
The movement of cannabis legalization has started in the late 20th century. California made the headlines when it has become the first state to pass a decree allowing the decriminalization of cannabis for medical use. Medical marijuana was later accepted and legalized in some states. In 2012, both Colorado and Washington allowed ballot initiatives for the legalization of marijuana. However, cannabis is still an illegal drug in certain states that can spell trouble for individuals not familiar with the law.
In 2019, more states allowed the use of cannabis but it is still not legalized at the federal level. This uncertainty in cannabis led to confusion, causing people to get in trouble with the law. The question remains as to why marijuana was ever deemed illegal in the first place.
It has almost been a century since the clash between making cannabis an outlaw and making it legal started. Cannabis advocates worked very hard to decriminalize the substance and succeeded in multiple ways. However, it is not a complete victory for the advocates as the federal law remains intact with the prohibition of cannabis.
Here Are Some Reasons Why Cannabis Is Hard To Fully Legalize:
Implausible Cause
Advocates promoting the legalization of cannabis does not make a convincing plea for their case. Some supporters of cannabis claim that the substance can cure all diseases, promoting open-mindedness, creativity, a closer relationship to God or cosmos, and moral progression. These reasons are unconvincing, unrealistic, and might look too delusional for the people who do not use the substance. These reasons do not help the prevailing stigma, image, and reputation of a cannabis user. Most cannabis users are seen by the public as a burnout who risks the possibility of imprisonment and arrest for the sake of a quick endorphin release.
Perception of the Drug
The 1970 Controlled Substances Act has classified cannabis under Schedule 1 which lists the most dangerous, addictive, and highest potential for abuse types of drugs compared to other substances. There is an outlook that people who use marijuana get addicted and abuse the usage of the drug. While it is true that some people get addicted to cannabis, several other people do not get dependent on it, much like how legal alcohol works.
Insufficient Medical Use
Cannabis has seen many claims of considerable medical advantages to many Americans with various ailments. The illnesses include cancer and glaucoma. However, these beneficial effects are not accepted on a national level. The medical use of cannabis remains to be up for debate and continues to stir controversy. There are many skeptics about the claims related to the medical benefits brought by cannabis. Advocates fighting for the legalization of cannabis highlight the impact brought by the drug to people who utilized it for medical uses. The medical use of cannabis is a sensitive issue which is why it is best to consult a marijuana lawyer who specializes in the field just like the firm called Benari Law, to get a better understanding of the jurisdictions and federal laws.
Stigma on Cannabis Users
Cannabis is often associated with “stoners”, people who are drug addicts and are not doing anything with their lives. It is a stigma and a stereotype that makes it hard to build enthusiasm, as well as support for the legalization of the drug. Cannabis users have various lifestyles but it is often stigmatized with “lowlifes”.
Historical Racist Background
The anti-marijuana movement gained momentum in 1930 and was linked to the time when prejudice against “Chicanos” rose in heights. The term marijuana originated from Spanish and was often associated with Mexican-Americans, just like how the Chinese were stigmatized as opium addicts and African-Americans were connected to crack cocaine addiction. In the 1960-1970s, cannabis became popular among white Americans which made the drug no longer tied to an ethnic group or race.
Associated With Heavy Narcotics
The early anti-drug legislation was written to regulate narcotics like opium and heroin. Marijuana is not a narcotic. However, the association of cannabis to narcotics like heroin affected the vast consciousness about the substance. Normal and recreational drugs were nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol. Meanwhile, the “abnormal” and illegal drugs are cracks, methamphetamine, and heroin. Cannabis is linked to the latter classification which makes it harder to be accepted as a legal drug.
Cannabis has a long way to go when it comes to legalization. As of now, the drug is legalized in some states, depending on the usage while other jurisdictions are more lenient with recreational use. Some states are still against it. Still, the federal law is not legalizing the drug. Anyone who might be entangled in a case related to cannabis must work with a specialized marijuana lawyer who can aid the client in dealing with the legality of his or her cannabis usage.
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benarilawgroup · 3 years
PFA Lawyer Facts: Types of Abuse and Protection From Abuse Order
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Domestic abuse is a pattern of events and actions that involve control, threats, coercion, degradation, violent behavior, and sexual assault. In the majority of the cases, the act is done by either a current or ex-partner. The act can also be done by a family member. In more sinister cases, the perpetrator would send a threat of harm if the victim tries to get away. This is why in some cases, a victim needs a restraining or protection from abuse order. The victim is highly advised to work with a protection from abuse or PFA lawyer who can properly set down the legal groundwork to defend the victim.
The term domestic violence is created due to the fact that the violence in this case is being done within a domestic situation where the victim and the perpetrator are in a relationship, either as a family or partner. Domestic abuse has one person who has a relationship with the victim and exhibits power and control over the other. Abuse or control can manifest in various ways.
Types of Domestic Abuse
Sexual Abuse
The term sexual abuse refers to any sexual assault and indecent behaviors. Sexual abuse cases include indecent assault, rape, and other unwanted sexual advances. The unwanted sexual behaviors are used by the offenders to have control over their victims.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is a type of abuse that is often undetected and hard to recognize. However, it can have a devastating mental health effect on victims. Someone that is emotionally abusive towards the victim can tear down his or her confidence, independence, and self-worth. 
Financial Abuse
This type of abuse involves the victim’s access and use of money. If a person tries to control the access to money and all the finances of the victim, it can be considered abuse. In this case, the perpetrator will try to keep their partner or family member financially dependent on them so that they will have control over their victim.
Social Abuse
Social abuse involves a person humiliating or insulting a partner or loved one in front of other people. Other forms of social abuse include having the person controlling the victim’s whereabouts and isolates him or her from friends or family members.
Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual abuse is also a type of domestic violence. Spiritual violence prevents a person from having his or her own opinions about their own beliefs, values, and religion. It also involves the perpetrator to make the victim doubt his or her spiritual beliefs. This manipulation is done to make the victim feel powerless. Someone preventing a person from practicing his or her beliefs can fall under spiritual abuse.
Physical Abuse
This is the most recognized form of domestic abuse. It involves physical and bodily harm. Other cases where the victim is threatened with bodily harm also falls under physical abuse. This case involves hitting, choking, threats of bodily harm, slapping, punching, throwing objects, and many more.
Protection From Abuse Order
Even if the victim got away, there are instances where the perpetrator would chase the victim. There are times where the perpetrator would threaten infliction of harm if the victim does not return. These situations would need the help of a PFA lawyer. A PFA attorney specializes in protection from abuse cases. Specialist lawyers in these types of cases can be found in law firms such as Benari Law.
A protection from abuse order or PFA is a legal document signed by a judge that orders the abuser to stop his or her offenses which could lead to serious legal repercussions. A PFA offers legal protection to both male and female victims.
How to file a PFA?
The victim can file a PFA via the Court of Common Pleas Family Division. Most of the family divisions have a certain system that allows the victim to file “pro se” where the victim can file the PFA on his or her own. However, having a specialized PFA lawyer can help the victim navigate the system.
If the judge believes that the PFA petitioner needs court protection, the judge will issue the temporary protection order even without the abuser present. If the court is closed during weekends, holidays or nights, the court can consent to emergency protection which the Magisterial District Justice grants to the petitioner.
A specialized lawyer in protection for abuse filings can help the victim in determining the right course of action. A legal adviser will also help the victim determine which charges can be filed if the abuser does not stop the attacks, as well as help in gathering a support system for the victim.
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