bensonhurstbullet · 6 months
Also I've had Rosaria as an OC for so long now that I don't even actually like using Marisa as FC for her anymore because she doesn't match exactly how I envision her features. FCs do not define a OC.
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bensonhurstbullet · 6 months
Hi Sandra, I'm aware this isn't the first time you posted about me “stealing from Jessica” and because I no longer consider myself to be an active roleplayer, I thought I would confront this narrative head-on. Yes, I did use Marisa Abela for my OC Rosaria and no, that is not theft. Marisa is not from a super rare or old show. Industry was streaming on HBOMax the same time that Euphoria was.
Did you ever think that maybe I saw the program, considered using that FC for a new OC, but hesitated from bringing them to the roleplay community? Furthermore, Marisa is not the only FC you use for Jessica. If I recall right, when we were mutuals you used...
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Melanie Scrofano
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Olivia Cooke
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Annie Murphy
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Sydney Sweeney
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Marisa Abela
You even entertained using Juliette Lewis for Jessica.
And let me be frank when I say none of these women look like the same person. Which is why I felt that using Marisa would ultimately NOT diminish your portrayal of Jessica. I largely wanted to use Marisa Abela because Rosaria Scozzari is the sister to Salvatore Scozzari, since their FCs looked alike through their similar eyes and noses. I was already using him for Sal at the time of my "theft."
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Now, FCs aside, your belief that I copied you is honestly a shallow, surface-level examination of Rosaria Scozzari. Let’s go over the similarities of Rosaria and Jessica.
They both have office jobs. 
I’m inclined to portray Rosaria doing more average/low-paying office work. In the recent writing I’ve been doing, I depict her as a secretary. In the RPC, I depicted her as working at a bratva-owned insurance company that isn’t glamorous at all. But, this work is ultimately temporary for Rosaria, as she becomes a lawyer by the time she’s in her forties. In contrast, Jessica works on Wall Street which frankly, seems significantly better and higher paying.
They’re both Italian-American.
Jessica is a quiet girl who lives at home with her conservative family. Rosaria is extroverted, neurotic, and lives alone because she doesn't want to live with her rambunctious family. Jessica is the older sister to her younger brother. Rosaria is the younger sister to Salvatore and Sonia.  Since leaving the RPC I've been exploring the paternal side of Sal and Rosaria's family, which is composed of Italian-Brazilians. Which is interesting because I heard you had a OC who was Italian with roots from Argentine...
You act as though I stole the fundamental family headcanons of Jessica. Which I would consider the headcanons about the family-run candy store, the abundance of cousins, the cousin in an abusive relationship, or an office romance.
But let me say another thing: your depiction of Jessica on Wall Street isn’t original whatsoever. When I capped icons from that show for Rosaria I saw how many elements you actually stole from Yasmin, the character Marisa plays.
I recall you posting that this variation of Jessica spoke with a posh accent when at work. That’s an odd coincidence, considering the FC is an upper-class British woman.
The secret horny side for her co-worker. That’s an odd coincidence, considering you use the same character as a NPC that Jessica crushes on.
In fact, all the NPCs in Jessica’s life are from Industry.
So, all you did was portray Yasmin as an Italian-American woman. There’s nothing original or unique to your portrayal. If I used a new FC for Rosaria, you would not be claiming I stole from you. They would just both be white women who worked at an office, but MUCH different offices. In fact? They would probably be meeting at a bar getting drinks together and talking about the things that piss them off.
If Marisa was the sole FC you used for Jessica and I used her? That would be fucked up. But she was just one face in a collection of women who looked absolutely nothing alike.
// The reason why I left my Je/ssica Jo/nes blog was because I came back to the rpc after a short break and found that someone (long since gone from the rpc) had stolen my FC (extremely rare) and my headcanons for their own OC. The fact that this person was a friend of mine only added acid into the already gaping wound. I tried everything I could to keep that blog going, but the hurt was too much and I eventually abandoned it for Kendall.
Obvious theft like this is such an awful thing when it happens to us since we spend hours writing up verses, selecting FCs, iconing, and doing other things for our blogs. Please, for the love of everything that’s wonderful in this world, don’t steal things that don’t belong to you and pass them off as your own.* Be respectful of others and don’t touch their stuff if you don’t want them to touch yours.
*Headcanons that are coincidental are not something that I consider stealing. Since two people are working from the same source material, they are likely to come up with the same thing. The same thing for icons that are taken from the same source (insanejournal, tumblr) and are credited to the same person. That isn’t stealing either.  
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bensonhurstbullet · 2 years
okay so this post was days in the making but i’ve moved blogs. kind of. sal’s gonna be on my multimuse @streetsofsecrets from now on because i’m starting college again in 2022. probably taking a mixture of online and in-person classes. SO, i might as well put all my ocs in one area right?
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bensonhurstbullet · 2 years
okay so this post was days in the making but i’ve moved blogs. kind of. sal’s gonna be on my multimuse @streetsofsecrets from now on because i’m starting college again in 2022. probably taking a mixture of online and in-person classes. SO, i might as well put all my ocs in one area right?
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bensonhurstbullet · 2 years
😣 just realized that on spotify sal has 53 songs in his playlist!
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bensonhurstbullet · 2 years
Sal regularly roughhoused with Bianca and Louis when they were children. Examples consist of him lifting up either of his kids and dropping them somewhere [soft], chasing them throughout the house, and letting them think they had the upper-hand when it came to their hiding. After this, he would usually sit down and catch his breath. 
However, there was a time when Louis (still energized) burst out from his hiding spot and tackled his dad from behind. The little boy’s impact was so strong that Sal had back pain for a week.
All and all, Sal knew he wanted no more kids. ‘Cause he’s 52! He isn’t as strong as he use to be in his 20s! And if he had anymore sons like Louis, they’d probably end up hospitalizing him!
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bensonhurstbullet · 3 years
-- @artcfpeerpressure​ ! 
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            “Alright T! You know and I KNOW you were hangin’ around my livestream a few months ago with ya nosy ass! And I just feel like if ya wanna stalk me, y’oughta help me out with a - uh - online business I’m settin’ up!”
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bensonhurstbullet · 3 years
Send 👌 & tell me what you think about my writing...
…and I can only respond in emojis! 🥰 🤔 🥴
Because we all need feedback from time to time. 
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bensonhurstbullet · 3 years
𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔
using the tms from pokémon red, blue, green, and yellow, here are some character development questions! content warning for: violence
mega punch — has your muse ever punched something/someone? did they break anything (ie a wall, a nose) or just hurt their hand?
razor wind — are there any types of weather that your muse is afraid of/dislikes?
swords dance — has your muse ever practiced any kind of swordsmanship? are they any good at it?
whirlwind — what’s one thing that makes your muse really confused?
mega kick — is your muse a good dancer? what kind of dances are they particularly good at or enjoy?
toxic — does your muse have any unhealthy coping mechanisms? what are they? do they know that they’re unhealthy or not?
horn drill — are there any personality traits that would stop your muse from pursuing a relationship with someone?
body slam — is your muse prone to getting into physical fights? what are the usual outcomes of these fights?
take down — is your muse competitive? is this competitive nature specific to one activity (ie sports) or to everything they do?
double-edge — does your muse have any personality traits that are a double-edged sword?
bubble beam — what’s a fond memory your muse has from their childhood?
water gun — does your muse know how to swim? are they good at it?
ice beam — is your muse usually cold to others? if so, what does it take for them to warm up? if not, what could make them turn cold?
blizzard — does your muse enjoy cold or warm weather?
hyper beam — does your muse have any paralyzing fears?
pay day — if your muse had unlimited funds, what’s the first thing that they would buy?
submission — are there situations where your muse is more passive than others (ie talking to strangers, with their boss, etc)?
counter — is your muse capable of coming up with quick comebacks in an argument?
seismic toss — has your muse ever learned something that turned their world upside down?
rage — what’s one thing that makes your muse inconsolably angry?
mega drain — what wears your muse out the most (ie work, socialization, etc)?
solar beam — does your muse have any plants that they care for? do they have a green thumb or are they prone to killing plants?
dragon rage — does your muse believe in any myths?
thunderbolt — are there things that your muse would find shocking (ie a random factoid, that someone liked them, etc)?
thunder — describe your muse’s voice: is it soft, loud, grating, soothing, etc?
earthquake — does your muse know any secrets that could ruin someone’s life?
fissure — does your muse have any relationships that they’d like to fix?
dig — when your muse makes a mistake, are they quick to own up to it or will they ignore that they’ve done any wrong?
psychic — does your muse have any intrusive thoughts? if so, what are they?
teleport — if your muse could go to one place right now, where would it be?
mimic — what are some mannerisms that your muse has picked up from others? do they recognize that this is the case or not?
double team — does your muse act differently when they’re around people vs when they’re around others? is this intentional or subconscious?
reflect — is your muse able to self-reflect? do they use this reflection to improve or not?
bide — is your muse more patient with some things than others?
metronome — what kind of music does your muse listen to? does it change depending on their mood or what they’re doing?
self-destruct — what does your muse look like when they’re angry? do they explode, are they quiet, do they bottle it up, etc?
egg bomb — what kind of foods would your muse never be caught dead eating?
fire blast — is your muse a good cook? what would they consider their “specialty”?
swift — is there something your muse will never miss (ie an ex friend, a place, etc)?
skull bash — what does your muse do to focus?
soft-boiled — does your muse have a soft spot for anything? if so, is there a reason?
dream eater — does your muse have any recurring dreams/nightmares?
sky attack — is there something your muse finds attractive about themselves? does this extend to other people?
rest — how much sleep does your muse get?
thunder wave — does your muse like to take things slowly, or do they tend to rush?
psywave — is there an important memory your muse has that they wouldn’t like to forget?
explosion — has your muse ever been in an accident? were they injured?
rock slide —  does your muse prefer outdoor or indoor activities?
tri attack — does your muse work well in groups, or do they prefer to work alone? does this change depending on who they’re working with?
substitute — if your muse could be someone else, who would they be?
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bensonhurstbullet · 3 years
It never fails, I watch a 90s cartoon? I think, ‘Sal enjoys this.’
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bensonhurstbullet · 3 years
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( ft. @writinghannibal, @la-mangouste, @pistolslinger, @youareawarrior, @brighterrors, @klarsynt, @denieddeath, @baugenius, @bauresurrected, @bulletsoverbensonhurst, @snipesaw, @moisovrenyi, @caestillo, @deceptivemorals​ ) mutuals may reblog.
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bensonhurstbullet · 3 years
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THE MUN. // My name is Xia. I am 21+ years old, black, and a leo if that means anything to anybody. THE ACTIVITY. // Medium on a good day, low when life kicks in. THE REBLOGGING. // If you see a cool meme or aesthetic or musing that I’ve reblogged and you wish to do so – please reblog it from the source so I can keep my notifications clean. Also, to reblog aesthetics or memes on this blog IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW ME results in an instant hard block. THE THEMES. // I will only interact with muses who are supernatural/sci-fi centric if they are written by close friends. Otherwise, I prefer to write in the slice of life/crime genre. If your muse is supernatural, you can still follow me! Just have a modern verse and be aware that I would prefer to write in that. CONTACT. // Tumblr Instant Messaging is best. Discord is given out to close mutuals only.
                                    ABOUT. // VERSES. // GOOGLE DOC. (coming soon!)
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bensonhurstbullet · 3 years
𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔
using the tms from pokémon red, blue, green, and yellow, here are some character development questions! content warning for: violence
mega punch — has your muse ever punched something/someone? did they break anything (ie a wall, a nose) or just hurt their hand?
razor wind — are there any types of weather that your muse is afraid of/dislikes?
swords dance — has your muse ever practiced any kind of swordsmanship? are they any good at it?
whirlwind — what’s one thing that makes your muse really confused?
mega kick — is your muse a good dancer? what kind of dances are they particularly good at or enjoy?
toxic — does your muse have any unhealthy coping mechanisms? what are they? do they know that they’re unhealthy or not?
horn drill — are there any personality traits that would stop your muse from pursuing a relationship with someone?
body slam — is your muse prone to getting into physical fights? what are the usual outcomes of these fights?
take down — is your muse competitive? is this competitive nature specific to one activity (ie sports) or to everything they do?
double-edge — does your muse have any personality traits that are a double-edged sword?
bubble beam — what’s a fond memory your muse has from their childhood?
water gun — does your muse know how to swim? are they good at it?
ice beam — is your muse usually cold to others? if so, what does it take for them to warm up? if not, what could make them turn cold?
blizzard — does your muse enjoy cold or warm weather?
hyper beam — does your muse have any paralyzing fears?
pay day — if your muse had unlimited funds, what’s the first thing that they would buy?
submission — are there situations where your muse is more passive than others (ie talking to strangers, with their boss, etc)?
counter — is your muse capable of coming up with quick comebacks in an argument?
seismic toss — has your muse ever learned something that turned their world upside down?
rage — what’s one thing that makes your muse inconsolably angry?
mega drain — what wears your muse out the most (ie work, socialization, etc)?
solar beam — does your muse have any plants that they care for? do they have a green thumb or are they prone to killing plants?
dragon rage — does your muse believe in any myths?
thunderbolt — are there things that your muse would find shocking (ie a random factoid, that someone liked them, etc)?
thunder — describe your muse’s voice: is it soft, loud, grating, soothing, etc?
earthquake — does your muse know any secrets that could ruin someone’s life?
fissure — does your muse have any relationships that they’d like to fix?
dig — when your muse makes a mistake, are they quick to own up to it or will they ignore that they’ve done any wrong?
psychic — does your muse have any intrusive thoughts? if so, what are they?
teleport — if your muse could go to one place right now, where would it be?
mimic — what are some mannerisms that your muse has picked up from others? do they recognize that this is the case or not?
double team — does your muse act differently when they’re around people vs when they’re around others? is this intentional or subconscious?
reflect — is your muse able to self-reflect? do they use this reflection to improve or not?
bide — is your muse more patient with some things than others?
metronome — what kind of music does your muse listen to? does it change depending on their mood or what they’re doing?
self-destruct — what does your muse look like when they’re angry? do they explode, are they quiet, do they bottle it up, etc?
egg bomb — what kind of foods would your muse never be caught dead eating?
fire blast — is your muse a good cook? what would they consider their “specialty”?
swift — is there something your muse will never miss (ie an ex friend, a place, etc)?
skull bash — what does your muse do to focus?
soft-boiled — does your muse have a soft spot for anything? if so, is there a reason?
dream eater — does your muse have any recurring dreams/nightmares?
sky attack — is there something your muse finds attractive about themselves? does this extend to other people?
rest — how much sleep does your muse get?
thunder wave — does your muse like to take things slowly, or do they tend to rush?
psywave — is there an important memory your muse has that they wouldn’t like to forget?
explosion — has your muse ever been in an accident? were they injured?
rock slide —  does your muse prefer outdoor or indoor activities?
tri attack — does your muse work well in groups, or do they prefer to work alone? does this change depending on who they’re working with?
substitute — if your muse could be someone else, who would they be?
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bensonhurstbullet · 3 years
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bensonhurstbullet · 3 years
new url because i’m going to start making banners
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bensonhurstbullet · 3 years
my dad got mad at me when i disrespected the iliad by homer and said that it was his favorite book, so it is now my headcanon that it’s sals favorite book. 🤐
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bensonhurstbullet · 3 years
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❝    YES.     OUR  MEETINGS.    ❞      yara repeats,   her voice not as impatient as one would expect from her in this situation.     she drinks a sip of her wine,   gives armani a lazy scratch on the top of the head.      ❝    i told her it wasn’t my call,   that she’d have to bring it up to you before any decision was made.     but she seemed very determined.    ❞
this is possible to work around,   even if it brings  more work  onto their backs.     now they’ll have to come up with fake projects and launch meetings for it,   as well as a whole system to contact each other and meet privately.     still,   it’s not the worst case scenario.     yara would much rather have this woman think she’s having an affair with her husband than for her to have any suspicions about what they’re  actually  up to.
❝    i suppose we can make something up,   as a front.     nothing exciting;   i don’t want her to be actually interested in it.    ❞      yara taps her nails on top of her knee for a brief moment.      ❝    she talked about other things too.     like  undeniable chemistry  between us.     a potential underlying attraction.     she strongly implied we might be  involved  with each other.    ❞
“I can’t believe I’m up caught in this shit.” Sal grumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose. Some time ago, he and Eve had a talk about a subject along these lines. There was a woman who worked at The Trinity, employed specifically as a server. She was young - a twenty-something - always made eyes at him whenever he was in sight. 
Sal wasn’t going to lie and say the waitress wasn’t attractive, but she was no Eve. And when it came to Eve acknowledging this - which was followed by Sal asserting that he would never, ever sleep with her, Eve responded by saying she knew he wouldn’t. She trusted him not to. 
At that moment in time, Sal felt Eve would always have faith in his loyalty. Yet, in this moment - Sal recognizes that Eve is actually insecure. He hates to say it, but he deems her possessiveness to be endearing in all kinds of ways. Makes him feel valuable, in a broad-like way.
He opens his mouth to speak, only to witness the doorknob rattle. “Hang on, Yara.” He says before directing his attention to the door. “Who’s there?” 
“It’s me!” He can hear Louis reply, “I gotta use it!”
Well, Sal thinks this could have been way worse. “It’s just my kid,” so he firmly whispers this to Yara as he moves to let Louis in. ( Who is now trying to rush his father out, exclaiming hurrryyy! ) “Hang on, hang on. Don’t hang up.” He wasn’t trying to have this phone call tomorrow.
Clad in his green Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pajamas, his son looks up at him. “Who you talkin’ to...?” Louis bluntly asks. And with that, Sal supposes Louis has forgotten all about pissing. The kid isn’t wiggling, isn’t looking desperate to get to the toilet. His eyes are all on the phone by his ear. 
“Uh-” Sal places the entirety of his palm atop Louis’s curls, “Uncle Chazz.”
“I wanna talk to Uncle Chazz.” Louis says, as much as a sleepy kid can exclaim.
“You needta go pee.” Sal sternly replies, trying to gently push the child into the bathroom. 
“But tell Uncle Chazz I said hi!” 
Sal’s brow furrows and he speaks to Yara, directly, “Louie says hi.”
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