betsywestsycuck · 2 years
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Since mommy’s lil man was naughty 😈 while I was out of town. He got a plug and a diapee change in the airport ✈️ parking garage. #abdl #bdsm #naughtybabyboy #stillcutestdiaperbutt #mommyslilman
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
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You sobbed. It wasn’t like you didn’t expect that to happen. Wearing your shortest dress and your thickest diapers for your presentation was risky, but your mistress didn’t care. She just assured you that nobody would notice. Unfortunately, when you were crawling underneath the console to fix some cables for your presentation, one of your super duper extra funny classmates decided to yank up your dress, leaving your diapered butt exposed for everyone to see. By the time you managed to crawl out from beneath the desk and fix your dress, the whole class was already screaming with laughter. Now, 6 hours later, you were still crying. But you knew exactly that now that your little secret made its way around campus, there was no reason to stop for your mistress. No, you asked for diaper humiliation, and you’d get it. It was only going to get worse.
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
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Are you ready to grow up? (NSFW 18+)
***DISCLAIMER*** The people referenced in this work at consenting adults over the age of 18. If you are not 18 or older please click away now. 
Image credit: missbernadette.com/the-ritual-chamber
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Good morning, beansprout! Did you sleep ok? *laughs* You have a little bed head going on there, here, let me smooth that out. There we go. Ok, baby, let me check your diapy. Oh gosh, wet again, huh? Remember when you could go a whole night without making your diapers all squishy? 
Ok. Are you ready to be a grown up today? Are you ready to prove you aren’t just a little baby that needs someone to dress you, and feed you, and make sure you don’t have any wittle accidents? Yeah? Alright. You know the rules. Lay back and spread your legs. *coos* Aww, aren’t you just the sweetest little nugget? Here, you can hold onto your stuffy while we play, maybe it’ll help you win. 
Ok, little one, I’m going to start rubbing now. Remember, if you can resist having an orgasm in your squishy diapers for the whole 10 minutes then you win. I’ll give you your adult clothes back for the whole day! You can dress like a grown up and do all the other things grown ups get to do! For a whole day! Plus, you even get to sleep with me in a real bed for the night! *chuckle* Don’t worry. I bought some plastic sheets in case you make a mess. 
Ok, here we go. *starts rubbing* If you lose though, its another day of onesies and diapers. Another day of waddling around the house and being all blushy and red when we go out for errands. Maybe I could take you to the park and you can show me how high you can swing! We’ll have to get you out of this icky diaper first though. I don’t want my little beansprout getting a rash. 
*crinkling and whimpers* Mmm looks like that’s starting to feel good. Does it feel good when I rub it just like that? Yeah? Don’t feel too good now, you still have 9 more minutes to go. Now where was I? Oh right. After the park we can come back home and have a nice bubble bath. I’m sure you’ll be all messy when we get back. 
Speaking of messy, I almost forgot about your morning potty time. If you last another 8 and a half minutes you’ll get to sit on Mr. Ducky without the diaper on. That means no stinky bottom today! Won’t that be nice? What do you mean grown ups don’t use potties? Grown ups use toilets to do their business. I hardly think it matters if the toilet is made of plastic and shaped like a duck. Well of course I can’t use Mr. Ducky. I bought him for you for when you grow up, and I just couldn’t bear to take my little one’s potty away from them. No, I’ll just stick with my plain old white one and let you use the neat animal one. 
*groan* Ohh, come on, baby. You can do it. Only 7 more minutes. *rubbing gets faster* *moaning* Uh oh. Looks like I win again. I guess you don’t want to grow up today after all. That’s ok. I love seeing your padded butt running around the house. Ok, sweetheart. Here,  suck on this bottle and snuggle your stuffy while I go get Mr. Duck. After that I’ll put you in your new diapers for the day and we can go to the park. I think three should be enough today. If you’re really good for me we can go out for ice cream afterwards. *grin* I thought you would like that. You know, now that I think about it, you haven’t won in months… I’m starting to think you don’t want to grow up at all… Oh well, I guess we’ll find out again tomorrow, be right back!
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
We can do without the ageism, also rude of you to assume everyone has access to or has the ability to use google. It seems your privilege is showing? Also clearly from their page you can see that he does not identify as binary nor cis. He was simply asking a question... But I’m glad you think it’s a good idea to show your blatant ageism and discrimination.
Do i look like Google to you??? 😡
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UUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH every day i hate binary/cis men a little more 🤬
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
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“Oh, look who’s awake! Bet you didn’t expect to find me here in your hotel room, now, did you? Hah, I don’t even think you know my name - though that really doesn’t matter. I’m just that cute stewardess you were desperately trying to flirt with yesterday…yeah, I see you remember now. Oh, don’t worry - you’re not going anywhere. And neither am I, fortunately! I’ve got a three-day stopover here, and I intend to make full use of it. A girl’s gotta, you know…enjoy herself when she can, right?
“Oh, stop it with the compliments! At least, that’s what I’m assuming those garbled little moans and squeals are… It’s really difficult to tell when you can’t even enunciate clearly. Guess you aren’t used to having such a lovely big gag filling your mouth, are you? Anyway, no matter. I don’t need your compliments to know that I’m hella sexy. And still less do I need your creepy looks and winks when I’m just trying to do my job. What did you think you were even doing yesterday, big guy? Did you really think I was going to drop everything I was doing? Maybe flush and giggle and give you my number - or my panties? Oh, you guys are so pathetic, thinking you’re entitled to the affections of every random woman you meet…
“That said, of course, I do think you and I can definitely have some fun together. I mean, it might not be your idea of fun, but you can bet it sure is mine. And just as you didn’t seem to care about what I wanted when you started leering at me in the plane, so I think it’s only fitting that I pay no attention whatsoever to what you want… Oh, you don’t even have to tell me what you wanted! I bet your dirty mind was filled with images of riding me, spanking me, forcing me down on my knees to give you blow jobs… Yeah, such typical shit. The sort of shit I’m so completely over…
“But you know, I have fantasies too, baby - and I have just as much a right to them as you do. Take, for example, the one I began to dream up after seeing you constantly get up for the toilet mid-flight. Oh, I noticed, all right; and though I bet you were just going in there to jerk off, I’ve also been thinking that I ought to give you the benefit of the doubt… Even you must admit that, judging by appearances, you must have the bladder of a three-year-old! And so, well, you can’t really blame me for fantasizing about taking the same sort of precautions any responsible mommy would with a three-year-old on a long flight, now, would you? Aww, are you just now noticing your fresh new diaper? Oh my God, you’re so adorable, squirming there like a little kid who thinks he deserves big boy pants, but so clearly doesn’t…
“Oh, I’m going to have so much fun with you, baby. I’m going to make sure you learn just who’s in control this weekend…and here’s a hint: it’s not you! No, not a chance. You’re going to show me just how pathetic and submissive you are, while I use you and turn you into my helpless, captive little diaper baby. Yep, that’s right! That diaper’s going to see a lot of use, honey. I’ve read that big boys like you need to drink a lot after traveling, so guess what? You’re going to get a lovely big dose of fluid every hour: in a cute bottle like this one if you’re a good boy, or fed right through that beautiful feeding gag in your mouth if you’re naughty. It’s all meant to keep you hydrated and to make sure you’re soaking your diaper for me… Just so you know, my personal goal is to work you up to three gallons of fluid every day, baby. Just imagine, honey - drinking the equivalent of an entire venti frappucchino every single hour, round the clock! With all that juice and water and coffee and milk inside you, you’re going to end up peeing constantly, dribbling more and more like a pathetic, helpless baby: a leaky little human faucet who pisses himself uncontrollably and desperately needs his Mommy to change his ever-swelling diapers…
“Hmm, but should I? I know I’m supposed to, of course, but it just seems like so much work… Maybe I’ll just put another diaper over top every time you leak - how’s that? That way you’ll get to stew in your own juices and feel just how dirty, pathetic, and helpless you really are. Better yet, I might even invite over a couple of my friends to watch you; oh, they would love seeing such a sight!
“And just think: this is all at the hands of a single woman you thought you could seduce with your boorish, leering ways… Hah! Guess this should teach you to try to harass a stewardess, now, won’t it?”
Image Credit: PennyBarber.com
Please don’t remove my caption - thanks!
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
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the most random of outtakes
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
Yeah... So weak and horny..
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betsywestsycuck · 2 years
Bimbo Sissy Slut Tina Tinyclitty’s Admission
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