bikini-kill-pilled · 7 hours
“Listen - I’m a lesbian who looks like a man, and that’s on purpose. So it’s not like I’m trying to look some other way and I’m messing up. This is it. This is actually the way I want to look…and the whole “OH MY GOD you look like a dude! I know how you could be pretty!” - guess what? I don’t want to.”
— Rachel Maddow on “Watch what happens: live!” [May 1, 2013]
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bikini-kill-pilled · 7 hours
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bikini-kill-pilled · 7 hours
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the prospect for female class solidarity is dire, my dear friends
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bikini-kill-pilled · 9 hours
the greatest skill a woman can learn for herself is self reliance
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bikini-kill-pilled · 9 hours
hey there, i'm currently working on a feminist website and i'm looking for the help of other women to give their feedback, their opinions, and advice/expertise. the site is not published yet but it is in the development stage, and i would really like as much help as i can get as i have big plans for it and what it sets out to accomplish.
this is a website that aims to promote activism, raise class consciousness, support women of all backgrounds, organize events, share resources, and build community. there is a serious lack of infrastructure in feminist spaces and having us all shouting into the void on social media is antithetical to true feminist action. this website aims to act as a hub for ALL the wonderful resources the women on here post on their blogs, for ease-of-access and the sake of decentralization. this website also seeks to mitigate the amount of discourse and in-fighting within the community in favor of encouraging direct action, change, and connection.
please interact with this post or send me a message if you:
are tired of social media interfaces and would be interested in meeting with other feminists, online and in-person
create feminist art, zines, music, media, graphics, etc.
would be interested in participating in or conducting a workshop for feminist consciousness raising or skill building
know back-end coding
would be interested in contributing whatever you can to a project like this
do not hesitate to ask questions about the project, and reblogs for visibility are very much appreciated.
thanks for reading!
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bikini-kill-pilled · 10 hours
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@the-home-kvetch kindly giving me an excuse to show some wonderful women who support radical feminism
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you should also look into 4B movement in south korea
4B (or "Four No's") is a radical feminist movement originating in South Korea in 2019.
also i just felt like showing off one of my personal favourite radical feminists,
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Laetitia Ky, who happens to be African
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bikini-kill-pilled · 10 hours
I wish we would talk more about the "dropping Otaku culture" aspect of 6B4T. Anime has gone off the fucking rails in terms of its sexist portrayal of women. I struggle tremendously to find shows that aren't sexist garbage. I watched an episode of lycoris recoil with my gf and we were both so offended by it. The female characters (adult and children both) all have same face and ridiculous snouts, meanwhile the male characters actually look like men and have varied faces. Not to mention the ridiculous fucking baby voices the characters have. It's true for so much anime it is literally such garbage. The female characters are all knock kneed adult babies and act like fucking idiots. Or if they don't act like idiots they're still grossly sexualized. I'm so serious I can't take it anymore. The way women are portrayed in most modern anime is soooooo fucking offensive it makes naruto look feminist in comparison. I'm so over the ridiculous boob physics, "lewd jokes", and ridiculous female anatomy. It genuinely kills me to see other women, especially feminists, consume this content with no regard for how these depictions of women inform how women see themselves. It's not ALL anime but it's like 99% of the modern shows I swear to god. I can't take this shit anymore!!!! also beyond the sexism so many of the commercialized garbage being produced now is fucking SOULLESS. you can tell theyre just trying to generate profit and dont give af about writing meaningful characters or stories anymore. same is true of western media in that regard, but at least adult animation is less popular here so creators are at least limited by REALITY in their portrayals of women.
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bikini-kill-pilled · 10 hours
Not feminist as in "women should be included in the draft" but feminist as in "being drafted is a violation of bodily autonomy for any gender".
The draft should not exist. Drafting people into the military is a violation of human rights. You should not be able to force someone to risk their life. If you can't find enough people who care about a conflict to keep it going then it simply shouldn't keep going. You can't even force someone to donate a kidney using government power, why the fuck can you force them to donate their whole body and life to a cause they don't agree with or don't care about?
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bikini-kill-pilled · 12 hours
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bikini-kill-pilled · 19 hours
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bikini-kill-pilled · 19 hours
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“Nguyen Thi Hien, 19, head of the militia squad in Yen Vuc in Thanh Hoa Province, survived more than 800 airstrikes and was buried alive four times in B‑52 bomber attacks. 1966. Mai Nam/Patrick Chauvel Foundation” (x)
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bikini-kill-pilled · 20 hours
please stop reblogging sylvia plath poetry 
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bikini-kill-pilled · 20 hours
for the anon with heavy periods, here are some changes you can make to manage it
increase your intake of these nutrients:
iron: obviously necessary to replenish blood loss, but if you’re anemic before your period, your flow will be heavier as well. sources: red meats, chicken, oysters, beans, dark leafy greens, tofu, pumpkin seeds, an iron fish.
vitamin C: for absorption of iron and to strengthen capillaries, reducing bleeding. sources: rosehips (you can buy a bag of organic dried rosehips to put in tea, it’s florally and kinda fruity,) yellow bell peppers, cantaloupe, citrus, strawberries, and dark leafy greens
vitamin K: when it comes to blood clotting, vitamin k is essential. supplementing it has been shown to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding in women who otherwise have no known blood clotting disorders sources: spinach, kale, collard/mustard greens, broccoli
omega 3s: anti-inflammatory and helps produce prostaglandins that regulate the menstrual cycle and flow. sources: mackerel, salmon, sardines, oysters, brussel sprouts, tofu, navy beans, and fish oil supplements
vitamin B6: b6 helps regulate production of serotonin and dopamine and regulates production of PgE1, a prostaglandin that’s been proven to affect menstrual cycle regularity and flow. sources: avocado, spinach, banana, sunflower seeds. this is one i recommend supplementing (along with b12) if your general health is poor.
other stuff:
blood clotting medications: tranexamic acid is the most common one, also called Lysteda, and it isn’t as scary as it sounds. it’s a blood clotting medication for adults only, used after childbirth frequently, and they even give it to people with chronic nosebleeds. there’s also Desmopressin nasal spray which has a different mechanism but the same effect. talk with your dr about side effects, but please do your own research! physicians unfortunately rarely have our best interest at heart and will often fail to inform you of side effects or drug interactions.
ginger: an anti-inflammatory, can ease pain. inhibits the enzymes prostaglandin synthetase and cyclooxygenase, both of which can create a prostaglandin imbalance that causes heavy menstrual bleeding and irregularity
raspberry leaf tea: contains fragarine, an alkaloid thought to help pelvic floor muscle cramps, reduce pain, and shorten period length. don’t drink more than 2 servings if you’re extremely sensitive to estrogen. some women swear this is their holy grail for PMS
cruciferous veggies like broccoli and brussel sprouts help your body eliminate extra estrogen which can reduce bleeding and shorten period length.
i’ll include more about all of the above stuff and other helpful nutrients for PMS like potassium, magnesium, etc in my next post about diet based on your cycle, this was just a quick post for supplements specifically to reduce a heavy flow.
lastly, stay hydrated and rest as much as possible during your period, easier said than done
menorrhagia is defined as abnormal blood loss during menstruation. this means heavy flow lasting for over a week and/or totaling greater than 80 ml (~1/4 cup) per month. if your symptoms are having an impact on your quality of life, consider seeing your gyno to find an underlying cause.
(disclaimer: i’m a dropout whose only medical training is as a lab tech and phlebotomist. i am in no way a health professional. none of this should be taken as expert medical advice)
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bikini-kill-pilled · 20 hours
🧎🏻<- (she thought she was finally financially stable)
i know most of you know what's been going on with me, so i won't ramble for too long. the manager at that last job didn't think i was capable of doing it. i am, with accommodations for my disability, but i couldn't change her mind. now i'm between jobs again. i'm getting paid for the two weeks, so i should (hopefully) be okay through may. there's never any obligation with things like this, but for those of you who have asked how you can help, i have venmo (@anniecasper4), cashapp ($lunamoth4), and an amazon wishlist. thank you so much to everyone who's been there for me and helped me make ends meet throughout all of this. i love you gyns so much and i'll always be grateful for you 🫂❤️
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bikini-kill-pilled · 20 hours
Hey man you kinda suck, you should try to better yourself, thanks.
ok but consider: you are sending anonymous hate mail on tumblr to someone you don't even know. lol. lmao even.
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why do so many people ignore the entire process of labor when discussing abortion, unwanted pregnancies, and women’s right to bodily autonomy. labor is no trivial matter! it kills! it has killed! for the majority of human history it was the leading cause of death of women! to me there’s something about trivializing adoption by saying “just give [the child] up” and completely ignoring the tremendous amount of physical pain and irreversible bodily damage women go through giving birth that’s even more disgusting than not supporting abortion to begin with!
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Can we all band together and hold hands and smite all the weirdo catholic orbiters that keep trying to call themselves feminists
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