birthwatchlove · 2 years
7 cm dilated.
what happens at 7 cm? 
contractions really, really hurt. you don’t have a lot of rest between your contractions anymore, if at all. you can’t push either, only wait. you have nothing you can do to speed things along.
you can continue to moan and thrash, trying to get through each contraction, helplessly waiting to dilate. you can try changing positions until you’re too exhausted to move any more. or you can ask to be checked, and then after you scream through having fingers jammed up your vagina, they tell you to keep waiting.
the pain is already unimaginable and yet you know it will have to hurt a lot more before you can push. you just want it to be over and you might still have hours of this ahead of you.
do you regret going natural? do you beg for the epidural? or do you keep at it?
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birthwatchlove · 2 years
Maya, part 31
Dr. Anderson supports the head of Maya's baby, still the only part that Maya has successfully birthed so far. She has eased on the tugging and twisting for now, though Maya still wails and shouts in pain. What a spectacular fall from her original bravado and fervor, from determined stoicism to fierce resistance to utter, helpless defeat.
Not that she hasn't tried. What an exceptionally courageous woman Maya is. Even after breaking and finally asking for the epidural, only for it to seemingly have no effect, she's somehow found hidden reserves of strength to push with such tenacity that she surely would be done by now if not for her baby's difficult position, and as Dr. Anderson is slowly discovering, large size.
How will Maya get through this final step, then? Are more drastic measures warranted? Dr. Anderson wants Maya to be able to power through with as little hastening as possible but at this point it might be prudent to have them ready.
Maya howls as her stuck baby keeps her vagina pulled agonizingly taut, still unable to proceed further. She can't hear Dr. Anderson clearly over her own cries but picks out the words "assisted", "help", "exhaustion", and most ominously, "cut". She's still thrashing and struggling too much to try and look, and she wouldn't be able to see around her large belly anyway, but even the agony she's in right now still leaves room for fear to take her.
Dr. Anderson remains planted between her legs. The pain in her vagina seems to intensify in anticipation of what Maya imagines could be happening. She whimpers as she desperately tries to push again. The pain flares and she lets out a sob, lying back again. She cranes her neck and again sees nothing but her belly and is again left to imagine what Dr. Anderson might be about to do.
She now hears metal clattering menacingly. She groans and tries another push. She manages it for just a second longer before she falls back again, whimpering and moaning.
"Maya, episiotomies aren't even done anymore."
"That's not true, they're rare but sometimes they still need to be done."
"Maya, don't you think you should take a break reading about these? You're even making ME nervous. If it DOES come to assisted delivery it'll be out of our hands anyway."
Maya sighs, conceding the point. But she can't shake off the part of her that fantasizes about how much more impressive her achievement will be if it needs painful, rough medical interventions. She doesn't voice this to Paul; she's fully aware of how ridiculous it is to even fantasize about this, especially considering the problems that would have to arise for it to come to it. But on a purely practical level, at least she knows the possibilities. Better than not knowing until it happens, or knowing and living in fear of it. Of course, she can also be content with the idea of being fierce and strong enough to birth naturally without requiring outside help.
"I'll do my best to push hard so it doesn't have to come to that."
Paul chuckles. He also knows his wife well enough to know that she means every word of that.
"Maya, we're having a little trouble with your baby's shoulders. Take your legs and pull them back farther; sometimes that helps. Otherwise we might have to think about giving him some help coming out."
Maya whimpers in despair. She has no illusions left of wanting some extra gloss on her achievement. All she can imagine is the bite of cold steel at her vagina. She obliges, grabbing her legs. She pulls them back and digs her fingernails into her thighs. She pushes, clenching hard on her legs. Pain tears through her vagina and she clenches her fists harder, digging into her legs. But she holds the push.
Maya lets out a guttural yell as she releases the push, and then launches back into another. She yells again, but again she holds. Her hands shake with exertion as they clench.
Would it be over quicker if she submitted to medical assistance? Possibly. But fear still grips her at the very thought. And regardless of being motivated by fear or by pride, her nature is unchanged. She wants to do this herself, without help. She'd succumbed to begging for the epidural, but with that not helping her in any way, she's left to realize her fantasy in its original glory after all.
Finally she feels something give way, and sharp, burning pain ravages her tortured vagina, more intense than ever. She loses her grip on her legs but the nurses push them back for her She screeches and shrieks, feeling as if she's being torn apart.
A nurse is tugging her gown aside, and suddenly something warm and wet is being on her bare chest. All the pain is suddenly fading and Maya realizes that she's done it. Her baby boy screams and squirms on her chest. Exhausted and panting, she lies back. She's done it.
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birthwatchlove · 2 years
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birthwatchlove · 2 years
Squatting, grunting, alone?
(Done as a short warm up while I try to get myself back into the saddle- thank you, Anon!)
Gripping hard onto the scarf tied to his bedframe, Hector let himself slowly lower into a deep squat as he felt another contraction roll through his hips and belly. His husband was supposed to be home, to help hold him, to help catch their baby. He wasn't supposed to be stuck in an airport who knows how many miles from home while his husband labored alone in their bedroom.
He had done the best he could with preparations when he felt the first crampy contractions squeezing his midsection. He laid down pillows and towels, tied the scarf into a knot firmly on the bedframe, used his phone to keep track of contractions...but things were moving way, way quicker than he thought, and it was all he could do to listen to his body's signals.
He heard himself grunting, deep in his chest, as he squatted, rolling his hips forward. Felt himself opening, felt the ground underneath him steady and firm as he trembled with effort.
Hector grunted, scrunching his eyes shut tightly, and pushed.
No matter the circumstances, good or bad, he had to bring their baby into the world. And she would be welcomed with love.
(I've been wanting to write more male birthers, so take this small offering! I will tolerate no negativity on this post or any in the future, so if you have any shit thoughts about male birthers, you are asked to unfollow and take things elsewhere.)
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birthwatchlove · 2 years
tell me how you would want to watch me give birth
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birthwatchlove · 2 years
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For the month of March, here at Immortal Wanderers the light once again shines on him, as we will be celebrating the master of Siji Manor and leader / founder of Tian Chuang himself, Zhou Zishu!
This means that throughout the duration of the month, we will be focusing our spotlight on any new content which centres around him. 
Your content can be made in any format - be it gifsets or graphics, fanfictions or drabbles, fanart, meta, fan videos - the choice is entirely yours! As long is it is of your own creation, we will share your work either here or through our twitter account. Content can also be inspired by any format or adaption: be it in the novels Qi Ye or Faraway Wanderers, or rather from the drama Word of Honor.
The choice is up to you, so don’t be afraid to get involved and share your creativity!
If you’d like to take part in celebrating this theme, please tag any creations you make throughout the month with #immortalwanderersevent. Content within the tag from March 1st onwards will be shared. Alternatively If you’d rather take part over on twitter, simply quote tweet your entry to us at @immorwanderers. All content will be retweeted there directly also.
This event is open to everyone, so do feel free to join in if you’re interested!
If you’re not a creator, but would still like to celebrate, you’re more than welcome to do so! Here are a few ways in which you can:
Sharing this post so more people can find it.
Reblogging or retweeting any creations you like, so the content creators involved can feel the love of the work they’ve so kindly shared with the community here on tumblr.
You can share your recommendations with us! Click here to submit a link to any works you’ve enjoyed featuring this character, perhaps with a small comment on what you loved about it, and we will share it in a recommendations post. Just be sure that any links lead directly to the original creator, just so they can receive the credit and love that they so deserve.
Join in on celebrating our monthly spotlight with other members of the community through our discord (see below for details).
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Our Feburary event for the Chinese New Year remains open up until the end of the month, so if you’d still like to take part you still have a few days to do so! If you’d like to check out what people have been up to with our current and past spotlight events, please do browse this tag to see their creations!
Have fun!
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birthwatchlove · 2 years
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birthwatchlove · 2 years
I came across this and ... Wow!
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They really look awesome!!
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birthwatchlove · 2 years
MDZS Spiderman AU .
Lan Zhan has always prided himself for his self restraint but a cerain someone tests him to no end. Lan Zhan thinks back to all those times Wei Ying had teased him and it frustrates him to no end because it is supposed to make him hate Wei Ying. Instead his heart palpitations increase and adrenaline courses through his blood like fire. It makes him want to push Wei Ying down the nearest flat surface and bite his stupid, incessantly chattering, beautiful, plush mouth.
Lan Zhan also has always prided himself in maintaining a relatively very drama free life with a single minded determination and even that is put to a test because of Yiling Laozu, the notorious web shooting spiderman abhorred by his uncle and his department. Because somehow he is always there to save him, everytime those people try an attack or ambush. And he is so damn strong because he single handedly incapacitates a dozen of men. His tall, lithe frame moving through those men with quick precision while he manipulates the surroundings with his telekinetic powers and his web shooters to fight them makes Lan Zhan's heart skip many beats. The way he always speaks to Lan Zhan in a soft, mellow voice asking him is he is hurt and the way he always gives him space after an attack, never questioning him or trying to invade his personal bubble. Lan Zhan wants to yank his mask off and kiss him soft and slow until he melts into a puddle of goo.
Lan Zhan is frustrated because out of all the flaws he has he did not think that would also included frolicking affection towards multiple men. Lan Zhan hates it.
Or the Au where all three yunmeng siblings are injected with the spider venom their parents procured in an altercation which changes their life forever. With Wei Changze and Jiang Fengmian dead, Yu Ziyuan and Zhangse Sanren flee the city with their three infected children.
Coming back to the city after a decade of muted life makes things difficult for the whole family, what with all three siblings getting involved in fighting against the crimes in the state, starting college ofcourse and having potential love interests. But their past horrors are stirring again after years of peace.
"........Yiling Laozu along with his accomplices Sandu Shengshou and Youdu Zhizhu have successfully immobilised the group of men holding the children in the middle school building hostage. The parents are overjoyed to see their children returning to safety. The public opinion about the group of spidermen is tipping towards the positive as the group keeps surprising the citizens with their good deeds......."
A/N : Youdu Zhizhu translates Venomous Spider bec Jiang Yanli has venomous blood that can act as tranquilizer as well as a poison. While Jiang Cheng can weild electricity and Wei Ying has telekinetic powers!! Also I will be changing Zhangse Sanren's name bec it is a title when I do end up writing the ao3 version of this. If you have any questions about the plot let me know in the comments!
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birthwatchlove · 2 years
Only today on twitter arena: stupid-ass ZZH’s antis trying to pick a fight with NEIL GAIMAN 🤭🤭🤭
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birthwatchlove · 2 years
Zhou Ye and Ma Wenyuan for Cadillac | Reincarnation AU
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birthwatchlove · 2 years
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birthwatchlove · 2 years
It’s been a long time huh?
Here we go, you all wanted a lesbian couple so enjoy!😈
Thank you for all of your support and patience!
Happy pushing
Comment for part two
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birthwatchlove · 2 years
You asked, so you get 🤰
This is when baby comes out, a continuation from part one - If you’re seeing this first, go back and watch part one before this one 😁
Thinking of making a new audio from a mom pushing’s pov.. I performed in a show once as a birthing mom, it was in a hospital and people going past kept saying “oh bless her, she sounds like she’s going through a rough one”. Comment some prompts for me to look at 🤷‍♀️
Happy pushing
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birthwatchlove · 2 years
Perverts in the Birthing Fetish Community
LONG POST BELOW, will have a TL:DR
Went to Furaffinity for birth content after Tumblr banned a lot of porn. Not huge into anthros, but a lot of the birthing art there is very nice and sexy! So, I thought Inkbunny would have similar content.
I was on that site in the ‘birth’ search tag for less than an hour and I deleted my account. I cannot trust the birth-fetish community there, because it is full of disgusting people.
The biggest artist who was majorly popular seemed to have amazing birth art. Very nice and realistic drawings of women pushing out babies and all that good stuff. No, I’m not giving out this artist’s name b/c I don’t want you to see the vile shit that’s hidden there.
I went into the artist’s profile, I realized that his attraction to the birthing process wasn’t….um, wasn’t only focused on finding the pregnant women/person sexy. I found drawn cp involving young boys molesting a newborn. Several realistic drawings of naked newborn girls with titles like “Slimy Dream Girl”.
I feel. physically. SICK right now! I have never seen anything so nauseating in my 23 years.
TL:DR: This fetish is about finding pregnant women, and women in labor sexy. This fetish has nothing to do with being attracted to BABIES! Being attracted to BABIES is not a fetish. If you are here b/c you wanna fuck newborns, kindly cut off your dick/clit.
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birthwatchlove · 5 years
wonder if there’s a vid?
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birthwatchlove · 8 years
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