blog-jei6x · 3 years
firstly thank you that reposted my anti LO post in lore olympus tag, it s so kind. (sarcasm)
why do you want so much to argue with me? I posted in anti lo, so definitely i find this story bad for many reasons, and I think you didn't understand about what this post was about. This is not about how Minthe is good or bad, this about that webtoon is visual media and we doesn't see that Persephone visually suffers on any way from Minthe's acts, she was happy in underworld with Hades, in another side Minthe suffered all time without any happy moment. And after this visual storytelling we should forgive Persephone for mini genocide and don't forgive Minthe for hitting Hades, which btw is terrible and unpleasant person too.
and if you want my attention so much i will answer on your comment too. LO became only more and more absurd, and Persephone wont get any real punishment anyway, so trial just doesn't matter, I think my English is too lame and you just don't understand me, but i would try to say from myself I cant empathize to such flat and cruel characters as Hades and Persephone, their crimes don't feel as justice or something that they didn't have other choice, it feels like two rich bastards just do what they want with persons which were weaker. If you can - okay, great for you, just don't try to change my opinion and we both will be happy.
comparison between Persephone's "their lives in tatters" and Minthe's "normal" life
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Thank guys from anti LO discord for advises and added pictures for this meme!
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
sadly i can't open your old post, but as I left discord too now, I stopped to write there after I have asked not to mention race of Rachel and moderates agreed with it, but some time later one person said that story is so bad because Rachel is white, and i am pretty sure if i continued to argue i would become racist in their eyes and would been banned. I find it offensive, so after you gone, i prefered to leave it too. I liked critique of bad writing and art, not race of author.
I'm done with the antis, one last post and I'm gone. But time to talk about the server and I'm pulling out (almost all) stops.
[I still don't wanna violate anyone privacy]
So I don't have the screenshot because I didn't expect to be done dirty like this and didn't documente everything— I have your out of context once and let me tell you a story about them, if people belive me or not that's their choice. I wanted to leave amicably. So we don't have issues and you can handle the community I worked on with care even if I don't agree with your methods but you decide to be like this, let's go.
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Reducive about Transphobia? Where? I said I didn't wanna censor the Chris chan conversation in the NSFW chat— that all I did. I fought for it too. Yes I defended it because I wanted people to have an avenue to be upset, to talk about their upset. I wanted to work around the pronoun thing with all of you, find a way around it, but I didn't want to censor it. Non of you wanted another way so I put it to a vote after a long fight. Also that statement implies the people that argued chris chans gender were transphobic, don't you think? Unlike some of you I also call Chris a her, as she prefers that. Weather their lying or not idk, I just get told one uses a pronoun and use it. I myself am gender neutral!
Reducive with Racism? Let see, let's see is it about me not wanting to ban fae? Put labels on them without question? Alright, fair. I wanted to be more careful about banning them, I thought what they did was poor wording and with the right ones it would be nothing more then an opinion one could correct or debate with arguments but no you didn't want that. I know a lot of people didn't like her but damn, I was trying be more level headed as you all weren't. Rightfully so, depending who you ask but you were worked up nonetheless.
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Like here, yes recial issues happen in Europe. Of course they do! But not in the same way as they do in America and I live in a rural area. That screenshots happened when everybody but me was strongly upset, I wasn't apathetic— I was the "most apathetic" in the situation which wasn't saying much as everyone was losing their heads. We are leaders, admin, we should handle things calmly. Was I sometimes to calm? Maybe, but every situation can be solved and it can be solved better with a level head. Not everything can be done when we're in the flur of emotions.
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This came from a conversation where it ended with me promising to improve myself and I tried. When E*** idea came up about giving people a trail (3 days for them to introduce themselves or ban) later that week I brought it up several times but no one cared much so I gave up. I tried to tackle everything as it came my way— was I not passionate enough? Maybe, possibly and I'm sorry for that but you frame me as some dictator moster. You send a screenshot that confirms I was new at this, complain you couldn't even do stickers but forgot this:
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I didn't know you couldn't! And even if me why did you never go to Gaia huh? She had as much power as I did! I literally had no limits for her! I admit I had some stupid rules at the start, like REALLY stupid and reductive but I was new and scared..... this, this would happen and it did. Next time I'll approach things better.
And to finish this off I could show the the "pro life" screenshots but I don't want them to spread any further and my answer to them is simple:
I am pro choice, to an extent—
I believe the government should pay for one voluntary abortion (when it's an accident or you don't wanna) and for any necessary r*** or health based abortions. What I do believe in thought is hearing everyone out, having debates and conversations. That's what I made my server based on. I want to talk, disagree, fight, change people views but I won’t ever ostracize someone because of a view that comes from a good place (so obvious not recism, sexism and so one) but pro lifers though I don't agree with them come from a good place in peoples heart for the most part. Maybe I have more faith in people, maybe I'm just calmer which is why when you inevitably shit on me more in the server I build. I won't respond because this part of my story is over. I am more conservative (centrist right) but I support whom I can and do the best I can to talk and debate and learn— but that's not good enough for you.
I won't retell all the times you were awful about our server members when I watched, tried to subtitle stop you or agreed because I felt pressure or— sometimes genuinely agreed but these two screenshot after the Hamilton incident will at least show my claims aren't baseless:
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[To be fair the person in second screenshot apologized When I called them out!!!!]
Did I agree about what the anonymous person said which was: "I think Hamilton race based casting is dumb" no and yes, I didn't care. It was a minute issue that you spend an hour on. It may have rightfully upset you but they weren't breaking rules or being outright recist, it wasn't something admins have to deal with. You can deal with it as a person but not an admin— you know debate? In the end I told you to speak to her but the DM someone sent us and that one statement wasn't enough to ban or even ground her. Which you said I was right about so I said I wish you luck with the talk! I admit I also complained about this person sometimes and I sometimes went to far but I can say I always tried my best to give everyone a chance, can you?
This is the end, I could tackle everything. I could say how you broke my heart because despite not sharing identical sensibilities I respected your opinion only to have you take out of context, dig everything I may have said or worded wrong up to bury me but I'm tried. The people that believed you without coming to me, the once that now hate me— they were never gonna be my friend, this community of debate I made doesn't want me because I'm not always the way they want me to be. Be it because of my depression caused apathy or my more centrist view. It's alright, not everyone fit for evey community. This one just outgrew me. Still despite all I hope you're time and leaders and admins will go well becouse I would hate to see that place crumble because even if I'm not good enough for it, even if people in it now hate me I care for all of y'all. I did what I could, it just wasn't good enough. And let me be clear YOU DON'T HAVE TO BELIEVE ME, I don't have proof because I don't have access to the server anymore and I did say something I no longer agree with but if you think I'm trustworthy enough, do believe me but that's your choice. I know I'm not a snake or bad, I hope you do too.
Sorry for spelling mistakes, I just want this to be over. My therapist can only take that much /j. I'm tired and I hope it's not gonna be dragged on. I didn't make this post to be mean or start a war, I send that message (the one though my gf) and wanted to end it calmly, had over the touch but they decided to do this and it hurts me. I needed an outlet but I had non other place to speak. I know I will be shat one more and maybe this time they will shit one me correctly because I know I have views not everyone agrees with but don't make me out to be a snake because I'm not one, never was.
I will delete this account, all my account related to lo because I never wanna hear from these people again. I wish you all good luck and no matter what, love the server and everyone I met in it 😉. These aren't bad people but what they did hurt me and made me seem evil, which I'm not. I felt ambushed, scared, guilty but as I thought about it I decided I may be partly at fault but I'm by no means what they make me out to be.
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
Whoever thought it was a good idea to name drop the lore olympus critical blogs on the reddit for people to harass, you are a child. You are not a good person. You legit let people get attacked for saying a opinion and made everyone panic that they weren't in a safe community to express themselves.
Fuck you. You can harass me but others is fucking pathetic.
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
RS must be using whatever anatomy book this is 💀
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
I don't think she skinnyphobic too, and it s fine to have preferences, i have it too, but it s weird that, that in LO was only one skinny woman with small chest and she is one of the worst person in story, and mens preffered her to curvy women (Persephone, Daphne) like okay she likes curvy women, why she didn't design every character so? why one character with this body type, and this character had to suffer all time, maybe it was unconscious choice, but i don't understand it anyway.
And I don't know how it in other countries, but my one still not very tolerant and progressive. men, women too btw, like to shame skinny people, that it s not feminine, ugly, we even have proverbs about it (man is not dog and doesn't like bones for example), as you can understand i am skinny person, and for me it s weird that in much more progressive country woman write story with similar message.
I think Rachel is skinnyphobic. I was looking at her old posts and they confirmed my theory. She also made Minthe a skinny woman, who is Persephone’s rival. Persephone is who Rachel wants to be. Lmao I wouldn’t be surprised if some ugly ass man dumped her ass for a skinny woman, that’s probably why she’s so mad.
RS did say she likes to draw more curvy women but I wouldn't call her skinnyphobic. She definitely does have a preference though.
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
Incest is creepy as shit only someone who is addicted to porn and beats his limp meat for hours to see a another man abuse a woman would be interested in exploring this idea.
Seriously they would keep it for the sake of AcCuraCy but then ignore other accurate stuff which was sadly not attractive.
Greek mythology was made by atistocratic men who had too much free time, that's why atleast I dgaf if it gets butchered, greek myth is already a parody of itself and religiously irrelevant (as in there are no people in greece that continued believing in their original gods, don't start me with that "70s panganism is now trendy" movement")
This ask must be a joke..... a very unfunny joke.
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
by very cringe flirting
Hades and Persephone can only communicate by flirting and having ted-talks
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
I think it's bad writing. all her plotline she felt bad, she didn't have any support, she was shamed for her body by her best friend, Hades emotionally cheated her with another girl, which he knew few days, his family hated and shamed her, she was alone with bunch of problems, nobody wanted to help her, she tried to save her life in the way, which she only knew and understand, and what did she get? she get punished by rich new perfect girlfriend, which even don't have real reason to be angry. it is disgusting without BPD, with that, it is disgusting x2
People with bpd can be abusive when they aren't medicated tho and several readers with bpd said they relate to Minthe's problems, so I don't think it's right to call it bad writing?
The problem I have is how RS coded a character as something in order to make her MC look better.
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
comparison between Persephone's "their lives in tatters" and Minthe's "normal" life
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Thank guys from anti LO discord for advises and added pictures for this meme!
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
Mostly about character's flaws in LO
I want to talk this time about protagonist`s purpose, action and flaws in LO.
Let’s start that usually protagonist has some goal and protagonist does something for implementation this purpose, and has flaws which hinder to take this purpose. Few examples from some of my favorite stories (you can make parallel with yours and see that it s fair for them too).
Kaiman from Dorohedoro, his purpose is to understand who he is and what happened with him, he catches mages for this, we literally see it from first panels of manga. And this goal goes with him to the end, it main intrigue of plot. On my opinion his main flaw is self-rejection, to find yourself is his purpose and his main problem and it works with each other very interesting.
Furiosa from Mad Max, her purpose is fight for freedom and independence for her and other girls, we understand it very fast and it literally movie plot, yes, her acting changes but purpose still same. it s difficult to notice her flaws, but I think her main problem that she is very separate and doesn't trust others.
Over the Garden Wall, Wirt wants to return to home, his adventure is way to home and his purpose, and his flaws are arrogance and cowardice, after he coped with it, he found the way.
The Tatami Galaxy, protagonist wanted to find love of «raven-haired maiden» and for this he joined different campus clubs, he said about his purpose so many times that it was understandable and it was leitmotif of all story. Oh this dude has a bunch of flaws, he is cowardly, diffident, contemptuous, and I like him, his flaws don’t make him terrible person, they make him human, none of us is perfect. btw it s not very popular anime but rly cool and heartwarming , so check it.
So it s very different stories, but they all have few general features: protagonists have purpose (it is said or understand visually), push their story by actions and cope with own flaws. It s very important moment: not story pushes protagonist, protagonist pushes story. (you can make parallel with yours favorites and see that it s fair for them too).
Sometimes it can be unfair for nasty passive protagonist which has bad finale in the end or protagonist, which trouble is inaction and such person changes in finale, but it s specific stories.
Part about flaws is fair for Hades and Persephone, Hades actually has bunch of flaws, but they make him displeasing person, not more live. It s sounds hypocritically, isnt it? But flaws makes someone likeable, if this person pay for own flaws, in Tatami Galaxy protagonist can't move forward because of it, he sinks in own mistakes. Hades pay nothing for own flaws.
Let's see on his flaw - anger and how he works with it.
My favorite example of Hades anger: it is when he tortured guy and stolen his eye.
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Look at those bastards, they are casual talking above tied guy, they clearly do such thing not in first time. I think would be great if Hades would have to pay for it, for example his reputation would sufferer and Persephone would start to fear or became angry him, he would take apologize of this guy, would sincerely repented and would became a better person and after it Persephone would start to became closer with him, but no he, only became closer with her, he doesn't need became better and to work with uncontrolled anger.
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yeah, he returned Alex's eye, but Hades still terrible person, he didn't think that to hurt someone is wrong. He did not change at all.
so at least Hades has goal, he want to find true love, and he think it's Persephone and do some action for it, he wanted to step up to Persephone on party, he saved her from different accidents (tower 4, riot on Styx) he found her when she hidden and he is protecting her from Zeus.
Hades still poor written protagonist, but he has purpose.
With Persephone everything is much worse. She doesn't have purpose, she doesn't push own plot, she doesn't work with own flaws. She is just there as beautiful lifeless manikin which goes with the flow.
Let’s see on it more detailed.
First scene where me met Persephone it s scene where another person chosen dress for her, so in first scene we saw how passive she is, she event can’t wear what she chosen, and she did not want to go on this party and Artemis forced her.
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From this dialogue we can think that her flaws should be inaction and uncertainty, but again she never had trouble because of It, everyone think that it s cute and attractive.
Just watch on plot further, because she is inexperienced, Eros gotten drunk her, (don't drink with strangers irl, it's actually dangerous) and he and Aphrodite put her in Hades car and everything were fine after as you know. yeah she had some trouble with TGOEM but it s more not because of her flaws because Hestia is mean.
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And it's going in all story, she is pushed by plot, or other characters, if you wish. She is in TGOEM because Demeter, she lived on Olympus because Artemis, she started to work in Underworld because Hera, she has salary because Hades likes her, she said Hades to return eye because her classmates, she gone in Tower 4 because Minthe, she became uncontrolled angry because Minthe and evil villagers, and it is mostly her action, she did something because someone pushed her.
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She almost didn't do something which was her real decisions, or someone pressed her or she just uncontrolled yourself. And we can't say that it's her flaws because flaws mean to have trouble because of wrong actions.
But for sure she has flaws, again on my opinion uncontrolled anger is flaw, and she has this. Does she have trouble of it? - Not really. Does she try to work with it? - Definitely no. Does she feel guilty? - In very weird and selectively way.
I want to touch two episodes village's incident and Minthe's transformation.
All first season she didn't care what she have done with this people and doesn't show any sorrow about dead nymphs. She said to Hades that she tired from them, no trauma, no sadness. you know if you lose someone which you love you never will say something this way.
But when the truth was revealed she started to show how sad she is, it s very conveniently, show feelings when they are useful. I think it s not normal behavior, usually people can't control yourself so good (she lost her friends few weeks ago and can talk about them so). So looks like her feelings are insincere.
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About people she doesn't care too, she never thought about them, never tried to learn how control yourself or get rid of this power, she just continue to live, she doesn't need to work with this trauma, it s so repulsive, I just can’t empathize such person and she doesn’t need it because she already fine.
So she doesn't pay for it emotionally, maybe does she pay for it in another way? - Indirectly, Zeus wants to punish her but everyone condemns him for this, and Hades protects her, she just became closer with Hades and he loves her more because of it.
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Almost the same about Minthe transformation, Persephone tried to uncurse her, and shown some kind of remorse, but she danced in next episode and doesn't care, others don't care. Hades was a bit sad few hours I think.
And that s all, no guilty, no remorse, no changes: she just goes forward and lives.
In LO nothing does effect on protagonists, they always the same, they don't need to meet own flaws and defeat them, because everything will be fine anyway it s pretty boring and even nasty in some way, because usually they torture someone weaker and they don't have trouble because they have money and power, it's not enough for making characters interesting.
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
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Edits of my oc Helianthus. She is one of Helios’ daughters (I still want to headcanon that he is still able to have children despite his…current predicament, he manages to get away with it from time to time lol). 
Her mother is a sunflower nymph and she’s also one but tbh her father’s godly blood runs stronger in her but she ended up looking more like a nymph and identifies as one to avoid confusion. I like to think that sunflower nymphs can withstand Helios’ heat better which is why she and her mother could handle it, Helianthus can handle his heat like its nothing tho.
She’s 13-14 years old atm and just has like a shared custody thing with her siblings after her mother’s death but she currently resides with her older sister Circe at Olympus. She’s a real daddy’s girl and always looks forward to any opportunity she can get to spend time with him. 
I don’t own lore olympus and the panels I used to edit these belong to Rachel Smythe.
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
True, I mostly hate that it shows as something ok and fun, and protagonist are in the same way, racism touches LO humans too.
First post
If you read my profile then its exactly what you expect. I don’t like the fantasy racism towards nymphs in lore olympus and they alongside other deities and characters deserve better V_V
I’ve took up the hobby of editing LO panels and its pretty fun actually so that’ll be the main thing that I’ll post.
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
Can we stop saying:
"Don't like, don't read."
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So this is quite a general issue that pops up A LOT in the Lore Olympus circles that I move around in and for ice cream sunday sake is it frustrating!
♡ ♡ ♡ "Well if you hate it why did you keep reading it???" ♡ ♡ ♡
Well there's several reasons:
~ We enjoy critiquing stuff.
~ Making fun of bad writing is fun, anti twilight craze anyone?
~ Same reason people critique movies and shows, if you pick apart something for— in this case, it's meny meny flaws— it may help the next person do better (though this is a minor reason) or just kill some free time.
~ We see potential in the story that the author just doesn't have the skill/willingness to execute.
~ We enjoy some aspects of the property but dislike the majority of it.
~ It's like watching a train wrack tbh, you can't look away
~ Reading and making fun of things as a collective is fun!
~ It helps us improve out critical thinking.
~ The comic bloody hunts whomever is into mythology or/and a pegan to the point meny people really don't have a choice but to say something or leave Tumblr/pintrest/Twitter/— you get my point.
~ Just watch this tbh:
Now, do you want to know why so meny antis exist?
Well, lore olympus fans.... it's mostly your fault. Tagging Lore Olympus as greek mythology and then telling greek mythology fans to ignore it even though you put and push it ~♡everywhere♡~, be it Tumblr or other mythology webtoon comment sections. The fact your servers and chats are so heavily moderated people get ban, muted or dismissed for any sort of critique even if they like the comic overall! and in some cases just comparing lore olympus to something else because it's taking away attention from Smythe! How do you not realize this? You're your own worse enemy. How people that like Minthe despite it all or agree with Zeus are butchered by you. Most the people in the anti server are former FANS! Fans YOU scared away, you censored! Not me! Not any other anti blog! YOU! How about how some of you bullied SA survivors become they didn't like how bad the trigger warning were or how badly it was portrayed in their opinion? Do you not notice this?
⚠️This is of course not aimed at all the fans as no statement is universal but I think you get what I am trying to get across⚠️. Either way, these people were silenced to the point they went into groups that were focused on critique LO and realized more flaws they wouldn't have on their own. You do this mostly to yourself.
I enjoy critiquing stuff personally and I found out about lore olympus though.... a very cruel classmate that told me "Apollo was so great and accurate in it" (he wasn't, he really wasn't!) And I continued reading it out of curiosity. People research and read a lot of FUCKED UP stuff out of curiosity, why would we not read something for that reason too? Why do you say "you're allowed to not like it" but basically tell us to shut up in the same breath? We like what we do, you may not understand it but we do— the discussion, the discourse, all of it. Would you tell someone that was critiqued the movie "cuties" or "the room" to "Don't like, don't watch" because it does have its fans? Is this where we are going as people? To a society where nothing negative can be said?
Also may I ask, why the hypocrisy? An anti lo account owner told me about how they get a lot of people complaining about their existence (the account, not the parson themselves) in their asks so I will just say "Don't like, BLOCK!" don't complain about it publicly, EVER! We put a lot of work into what we do so your criticism is just mean and bullying/s.... See how your locig is flimsy in the long run? How it can be turned around so easily? And no, my blog is not 100% of my life, it's no ones. It's just a hobby. We don't go around mad and stressed about lore olympus, you really overestimate the level of our dislike for it.
And before I finish I will yet again say, just because we don't like a peice of media aimed at woman doesn't make us pick me girl 😒. That argument is as annoying as this one. Why? Because all it does is dismiss us for dumb reasons. Here's more on that—
Now thank you for reading! I'm also sorry if I come off as a bit aggressive but I despise these counterproductive arguments and have dealt with them for a while — even before this blog so I wanted to get my point across.
P.s most of us don't do find some entertainment in it, the same way one finds entertainment in twilight, 50 shades of gray or schlock horror movies.
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
Idk if it’s been said on this blog before but I’m gonna say it anyways.
Lore Olympus is the Greek mythology equivalent of 50 shades of grey, change my mind.
No seriously I see so many similarities between the two it’s not even funny.
I mean, you aren't wrong lmao
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
Hello! I've decided to make a little analysis of the whole "Persephone situation" we have going on in LO. And I have a feeling this is going to be long, so I went ahead and made my own account since I don't want to flood peoples asks, lol.
I want to iterate now, I haven't read *that* chapter in a very long time. I'm currently going off of memory, feel free to RB and add on! So without further ado...
[ tw for r*pe, subjects alluding to it, etc. ]
I've noticed in the recent few months that the whole "Apollo nonsense" has seemingly just...faded out. And honestly I'm a little glad. The sooner we can forget that scummy plot, the better it will be for the rest of us victims.
Now, r*pe plots in of themselves aren't bad things. But there's a time and place for them. You have instances where it flows into the stories nicely, and it makes sense for said chatacter to endure it. Then you have instances where it's used for plot movement.
In media, creators like to use the trauma of women to get two chatacters together. Chatacter A gets assaulted, character B "helps them out of it." Character A is almost always a woman, and Character B is almost always a man. Creators like to use this plot to fuel something we call the male savior complex.
This isn't an exception in LO. You have Persephone, the victim, an innocent young girl who gets pressured into sex by an overpowering, dominant male figure. And after that you have Hades, her "savior" of sorts. He swoops in and saves the day, and "fixes it all".
A lot of times, as I said before, these plots are just used to push the two love interests together. And its an awful thing to do. You see this in LO, with how Persephone immediately gets closer with Hades after the incident. Let me be clear, I have no issue with these plots, if they're done right. But ones that are used solely for plot and shock value piss me off.
I can't quite articulate my thoughts well, so please excuse my hopping about and tangents (i also have adhd, so thats why i get sidetracked lol) but one of my biggest issues is how Hades was in Persephones bed, the scene of it all, days after it happened. You see Persephone asking him to stay with her, they sleep together!
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In the bed, where she was r*ped. By a man of Hades same size and stature. I understand that she finds comfort in him, but you have to understand, the wound would still be fresh. After an incident like that you feel absolutely disgusting. You do not want to be around anybody, especially men. I myself would have been horrified to sleep in my own bed, and with a man, at that.
Its unrealistic. They glamorize Persephone summoning him and asking him to stay. It's like its insinuating that Hades is her savior. Which I find gross. They've known one another for what, a week? Two weeks? Why would she be confiding in a man who she's barely known? Cuddling up to him? A more realistic thing to do would have been to make it be Artemis, at the very least. Her "best friend". This is in chapter 113.
A second issue of mine is within chapter 70, where Eros finds out about Persephones assault. The whole scene is just so...glamorous. It's supposed to be upsetting and melancholy, but the whole mood just seems off to me. The tone, the colors, the shifting. But ESPECIALLY Eros' whole line before he finds out.
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Really??? What? Whats so different from virgins and non virgins that you can't control them? Aphrodite is the goddess of sex, and Eros is the god of love. Here we see this pedestal, yet again, for the virginity. It's like this sort of protection. Purity culture is horrendous, and this comic isn't any better with it. This line just insinuates that virgins are these pure "uwu" little beans. But also...why is he tapping into Persephone in the first place? Isn't that a little odd?
Now, let me move on to mood and lighting. Within a scene, you can tell what we're supposed to be feelings due to how the scene presents itself. Lighting and angles play a key factor. In the confession scene, its very bright and soft. This is conflicting, due to how heavy it is. Just...Look at how it looks before vs after Eros finds out. The whole sequence is so glowy and glamorized, and the lighting has little to no change afterward. Its romanticizing the discovery, plain and simple. Especially the whole "Eros crying" panel.
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Other issues I have with how this is handled is Persephones attitude. She doesn't have the mindset of someone whos been recently traumatized. I would be okay with her demeanor if she hadn't been flat out told she was r*ped, due to many victims not comprehending it until years later. But she knows.
She lets herself continuously be around Apollo. She lets herself be cornered with him, when people are around. It isn't particularly bad or odd, I know within myself that I'm not one to stand up when men are acting this way with me, but there's always other people around. She can subtly seek refuge with them.
The only time she shows her trauma is for plot convenience. This can be seen in the later episodes before and after the finale, her finally "snapping" due to it. Other than that, theres no signs. Trauma fluctuates, yes. Things blur in and out, memories shift and fade. Old feelings push out for new ones. But that thing that happened to you, it's always going to be there. You're always going to be weary.
I get angry with this plot because of the glamorization. With the "we have to save her, oh the bean!" Complex. Hades is her savior. He's the one that pulls her out of her stasis. The positions shes in, the way the panels look, this is clearly meant to show that Hades can make it all better. These panels show that savior complex and the glamorization. The position Persephones in, the way she clings to him, the way hes the first thing in the frame. Hes her savior.
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A man. No therapy, no family, no friends, a man shes known for a little over two weeks. Persephones trauma makes her "unstable". This insinuates that people with trauma have no control, that they're always going to lash out. This...Isn't the case. Most of that trauma, especially regarding r*pe, is hidden away under a lock and key.
Don't even get me started on the pregnancy scare plot. I won't talk about that right now, because I'm not comfortable enough with it. But its horrendous.
Within the comic, we see Persephone infantilized and sexualized over and over after the assault. And it's just...a thing that happens. No question. With some dude she barely knows. Now, I'm Asexual, so I can't particularly speak much on this, but I know that I would NEVER be back on my two feet regarding sex and attraction after that. I'm still not fully recovered in terms of thoughts and feelings surrounding that.
You just feel gross, when you're sexual after that. Or when you see yourself naked. That comfort of having your body to yourself is gone. Yet we see constant panels of Persephone comfortable in a bra and panties, a bathing suit, short dresses, all of that. Theres no signs of discomfort of her body. No self loathing and disgust upon seeing herself.
It's just handled poorly. Its unrealistic, and she doesn't show signs of trauma aside from her two outbursts after seeing Apollo. I have more to say, my brains just fried, so I apologize!
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
agree, but anyway in LO also a big trouble with sources of lighting, i just cant understand what type of lighting it is and where is it? and shadows looks very mess, at least she could change tone of character skin in dark room/night and in sunny day.
Look an Invader Zim very stylized series, and his green skin has different tone in different lighting environment, even shadows change. and we always can understand where source of light.
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compare to LO, there is very difficult to understand where source of light, like floor always glowing and light drop from random places, and environment doesn't change skin tone.
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if she at least would change character skin tone it would be better.
That post brings up a good point. I think in sunny daylight scenes it's fine to not add shadows, those are where I think highlights would do better, but so much of LO takes place in dark areas and nighttime and yet shadows and highlights are rarely used, and if they are is just makes them look over-rendered/sloppy. The OP is right in pointing out how it looks like it was sliced together over the actually feeling a part of the scene and surroundings. The bright colors can only distract so far.
I agree
For example, Persephone is in the underworld and yet she's still a vibrant pink. I'd make more sense to add shading/shadows or have her glow. Either way, without any shadows, she sticks out like a sore thumb.
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The darker version still makes her stand out but also looks more pleasant on the eyes.
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blog-jei6x · 3 years
Light and Shadow in LO art
I long period didn't want to talk about art in Lore Olympus, because I am artist too and i think it will look like I am just jealous, and I mostly don't like it because of bad plot and poor storytelling, but anyway i will try to talk about artwork, because usually in defense LO saying about how beautiful it is.
If be honest i have started to read it because I thought it looks pretty stylish and unique, I actually can forgive bad plot because art looks great, but it's not this incident.
i want to start from color and lightening solutions. (I don’t know mb I will do another parts, if I will have inspiration).
I rly like first episodes additional colors scheme (two contrast colors, my favorite btw) and monochrome colors look very beautiful there.
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But even in this episode she did not work with light correct, I made example with one panels but It works with mostly other panels too, shadows dependent from environment, if room is blue shadow should be blue, if room would be red, shadow would be red.
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But let think that Persephone just glowing, at least it looks good.
I have started to notice it in episode 13, where Eros looks like he is in day, where environment is dark blue night, few examples from this episode,  even if he is gloving, but Psyche and Pig don’t glowing (it s very rough, but hope understandable):
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Other examples from random episodes:
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You can say: "you don't understand, it is style!” if it looks beautiful it can be style, but it just looks lazy and unfinished (at least for me)
Objects or characters should to fit in environment, look natural, usually in LO they look unnatural, like they were cutted from another picture and put on this background.
But you can say that it is homage on Magritte "The empire of light" XD
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