blognimaria · 2 months
A learning model introduced by Edgar Dale.
Hi, hello, hola, everyone! Welcome to blog ni maria. In this blog, I will share some activities on Dale's Cone of Experiences. The Dale's Cone of Experience are the following:
Verbal Symbols, Visual Symbols, Still pictures/Recordings/Radio, Television & Motion Pictures, Exhibits, Study Trips, Demonstrations, Dramatized Experiences, Contrived Experiences, and Direct Purposeful Experience.
ACTIVITIES Grade 6 (4TH Quarter) MELCS:  Compare the planets of the solar system. Topic: Solar System
1.Verbal Symbols
Activity: Guess the Planetary Symbol!
The learners will form a big circle in the center of the classroom. The teacher will give them an object related to the solar system and that is the thing they will pass. While the music is playing, students should pass the object around the class. When the music stops, the student with that object must guess the symbol flash on the screen.
2.Visual Symbols (representations of direct reality)
Activity: Planetary Chart
The learners will make a chart that represents the planets in the solar system. They will draw the planets in an illustration board in order. The learners will put label to the planets. At the back of the illustration board, they will put a short description about the solar system and the comparison of the planets from one another.
3. Still pictures, Recordings, Radio (visual and auditory devices)
Activity: Planet Sound Analysis
The learners will be grouped into three. The teacher will flash on screen the still pictures and the sound of the planets in the solar system. Every group will hear the sounds of the planets and they will compare it from one another.  After hearing the sounds of the planets, they will share it into the class.
4. Television and Motion Pictures (viewing, hearing, and seeing experience)
Activity: Planetary Film Making
The learners will be grouped into two. They will make a short realistic film showing the planets in the solar system. In the film, the motion of the planets must be seen. In the class, they will have a short discussion about the film they made to further explain the characteristics and comparison of the planets.
5. Exhibits (display to be seen by spectators)
Activity: Mini Planetary Exhibit
The class will be making a mini exhibit of planets in the solar system inside the classroom. The model of planets will be displayed in the classroom. The learners will put a label on it, they will also write the details and facts about that planet. After making the mini exhibit, the learners will compare each of the planet being displayed and they will make a short report about it.       
6. Study Trips (excursions and visits)
Activity: Planetarium Study Analysis
Since it is not possible for the learners to visit a National Planetarium, they will have a study trip inside the classroom on a visually.   The learners will write their own analysis about their observation about the video. The learners will also write a reflection about their experiences. If it is not possible to take the learners on a planetarium trip, then I as a teacher will bring that place inside the classroom with the help of visuals and technology.
7. Demonstrations (visualized explanation)
Activity: Celestial Film Making
The learners will make a short film of planets in the solar system. In the class, they are going to show how the planets rotate and revolve around the sun. The learners will also demonstrate how the planets move/rotate and be able to compare their movements from each other.
8. Dramatized Experiences (role playing or dramatization)
Activity: Mini Solar System Skit
The learners will have a short role play about the solar system consisting the Sun and the eight planets. In this play, a learner will act as the sun and the planets. The scenario of this role play is like the planets are fighting with each one another to prove which among them is the best planet. So, the sun asked them to tell their qualities which make them the best.
9. Contrived Experiences (representations are used)
Activity: Planetary Model Making
The learners will be grouped into 2 groups. Each group will make their own model of the eight planets using eco friendly materials. After making the model, they will show it in the class and tell something about the model. They will compare the planets from one another and what qualities the planet have.
10. Direct Purposeful Experiences (First-hand experiences)
Activity: Edible Solar System Making
The learners will gather colorful fruits and candies to represent each planet in the solar system. They will make a model of the eight planets using fruits and candies in the class. The learners will Use fruits and candies to represent the planets, and they will arrange them in their correct order from the Sun. In this way, the learners will be able to learn in a creative and fantastic way so that they will easily recognize the planets.
Thank you for taking time to read my blog. I hope you learn something. God bless and have a good day.
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blognimaria · 2 months
Digging into the 7 Facets of ICT: Real-Life Scenarios
Hi, hello, hola, everyone! Welcome to blog ni maria. I am Maria Janina Claire, a second year BEEd student. In this blog, I will share some real-life scenarios about the seven (7) facets of ICT. ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. ICT plays a vital role in our lives especially in education. ICT can enhance learning outcomes by making the teaching and learning process easier, engaging, and interactive. ICT is vital in the lives of students and teachers. It is because, ICT boost creativity and collaboration. ICT nurtures digital literacy and the 21st century skills.
The seven facets of ICT are Cloud computing, Software, Hardware, Transactions, Communication Technology, Digital Data, and Internet Access.
1. Cloud Computing
Scenario: Ms. Claire will be out of the office for a business meeting. Before she goes on her business trip, she needs her documents. Ms. Claire wants her secretary to store her data and create back-up copies based on the cloud model in order for her to have access to her documents and business data. Ms. Claire need it for her business meeting.
2. Software
Scenario: I have a lot of documents to do. I need to make my documents in a cloud storage service that gives me access to my files from anywhere. I will put all my documents in a Google Drive because it is easy to use.
3. Hardware
Scenario: We will present a video advertisement about the programs that our department offers. We will use a projector. We will flash all the images and videos through the projector because it has features such as brightness, contrast, and resolution that can make the quality of our presentation better.
4. Transactions
Scenario: I am at the grocery to buy goods I need in the house. I will pay at the cashier for the items I bought using my credit card.
5. Communication Technology
Scenario: Our teacher told us to tell a story about our experiences as pre-service teachers. I will do mine through a voice recording. I will record through a podcast so that others can access and listen to my podcast.
6. Digital Data
Scenario: I have a hard time improving my academic performance. I discover a digital data to help me enrich my learning experience. I will use Ebooks to develop my thinking skills and increase my learning productivity.
7. Internet Access
Scenario: In our class yesterday, we discussed about how climate change affects the lives of people. Our instructor told us to research our topic about climate change. She told us to gather information from the internet. In our next meeting, we will share the information we have researched from the internet.
Thank you for taking time to read my blog. I hope you will learn something. God bless and have a good day.
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