bloodsoakedsakura · 11 days
@naive-petals replied to your post “Of course Kazura has a soul. She doesn't listen to...”:
“You keep Kazu in a brass cage?!?” Dont listen to anon Violet. also why do you think Kazu is her soul?
​"No...but I should."
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bloodsoakedsakura · 11 days
Of course Kazura has a soul. She doesn't listen to it, and I'm pretty sure she keeps it in a brass cage. But it's there.
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bloodsoakedsakura · 11 days
It's that time of the month where you wonder whether there is going to be a Foxtail chapter and if there is, wonder whether it's going to be about Suzuka.
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"Because we definitely want to hear about her and Kazuhito's problems..."
"Not like we devoted several chapters to them already..."
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bloodsoakedsakura · 12 days
Objection! Advanced AIs of the Moon Cell are given souls to better preform their tasks though said souls are deemed colorless. In fact I would even say You and your family are more developed then other moon cell AIs in that regard.
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"A facsimile doesn't equate to the real thing now does it?"
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bloodsoakedsakura · 12 days
Kazura your up first against ORT. Good luck
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Casually exploits the Authority she stole from BB to cheat delete it.
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bloodsoakedsakura · 12 days
Why do you have a worm pit?
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"Why do you think?"
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bloodsoakedsakura · 16 days
Why the vore loli?
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"Why not."
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bloodsoakedsakura · 16 days
What would you do if someone played an April Fools prank on you?
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"Throw them into the Crest Worm pit."
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bloodsoakedsakura · 16 days
What would you do if Hakuno said he loved you?
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"Rip out his beating heart to inspect it for whatever lunacy brought that out his lips."
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bloodsoakedsakura · 16 days
“When all this is said and done, my sisters, mother, and I will simply cease to exists. We have no souls, we’re simply A.I.” Maybe you could earn yourself a soul like the Little Mermaid.
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bloodsoakedsakura · 1 month
A.I. really doesn't deserve anything anyway to be honest.
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"Yes...because you Savages deserve so much...~ Your species as a whole is worthless to your core. Insects, animals, though cruel in their machinations it's not without purpose."
"You? Race, beliefs, status, even something as benign as a whim. The violence and destruction humans are capable of, self inflicted or otherwise is unmatched by all known walks of life."
"And what's truly laughable. What drives me to want to hurl each and every time I'm forced to pretend even one of you that have yet to prove me wrong matter even in the slightest."
"You manage to drive my already low opinion of you Savages even lower. At this point I'm convinced you all want for death more than anything. That's the only rational line of thinking available. For every positive choice that would move humanity out of the hole they dug, you instead choose to dig deeper."
"Savages is all you'll ever be, and all you'll ever amount to."
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"On the plus side, when humanity finally goes extinct, Artificial Intelligence Systems will have a ball fixing your mistakes."
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bloodsoakedsakura · 1 month
“What about the Easter bunny though?” Chaldea may have torn her belief of santa in two thanks salter but i doubt they would break her childhood twice. Or at least what they could protect. “He’ll still come!
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"I have no expectations but if it happens it happens."
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bloodsoakedsakura · 1 month
Did you get chocolate eggs and bunnies for Easter?
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"None of you Savages have any incentive to give me gifts."
"So, no."
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bloodsoakedsakura · 1 month
Sadie, I found two more grown up Kazuradrop fanarts. They're by @Witt_Sugar on twitter.
I love em X3!
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bloodsoakedsakura · 1 month
Would you rather: kill Hakuno but never be able to hurt let alone eat your family or eat your family and become perfect but never be able to hurt let alone kill Hakuno?
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bloodsoakedsakura · 1 month
What decides between calling someone human and calling them a savage?
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bloodsoakedsakura · 1 month
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"A word of note, Savages."
"If you constantly expect nothing, you'll never be disappointed."
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