bluntella · 7 days
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bluntella · 4 years
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bluntella · 5 years
“I think part of the reason why we hold so tight is because we fear something so great won’t happen twice”
— unknown (via hatin)
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bluntella · 5 years
“I started making plans, thinking we would get that far..”
— Daniel Handler, Why We Broke Up (via amargedom)
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bluntella · 5 years
Don’t drink and drive your dog won’t understand why you never came home
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bluntella · 5 years
“I am like that jacket there,” he pointed to the black leather jacket on the hanger, “Old and worn-out,” he let out a soft sigh, “And used to be her only favorite.”
Lukas W. // Forgotten Words #233 // Used to be (via somepiecesofmyheartandsoul)
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bluntella · 5 years
“Another 4AM and my battery is low. I still miss you checking that I got home”
— 01/04/19
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bluntella · 5 years
i’m such a slut for reassurance my heart literally nuts when you tell me you want me
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bluntella · 5 years
All those shots you swallowed just to curse on my name in the end of the night, are you sure that you hate me?
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bluntella · 5 years
was i the only flower in your garden or was i just your favourite flower in your garden
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bluntella · 5 years
“When I kiss you I swear I can taste tomorrow”
— Forever?
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bluntella · 5 years
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Loving you is never enough. – Lukas W.
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bluntella · 5 years
I miss you.
It was March 16th 2018, The night we met. You were wearing a stripped t-shirt and blue jeans. I was wearing a jeans shirt, grey bodysuit and a black jeans. We were both super-drunk, yet I remember everything that happened, but in all my honesty I wish that hazy memory didn't stay in my mind.
That night, I asked you if we met in the hang out place us and our friends used to hang at, the place is now closed, 69. The next thing I remember I ran my hands through your chest, we were flirting the whole time.
That night, we made out. I never would have thought that I will consciously think and spit out the fact that on everything in this whole wide world that I will never in any second of my life to ever want my lips to leave your lips.
You texted me the next morning, asked me how I was doing, and I told you I was hangover, and then you told me that you barely remember anything from last night, sadly, but you remembered me.
We went on a date 2 days later, we ate pasta and drank mojito at nanny’s pavilion. You came from school and I did too. we had so much fun that day. I rapped for you, from that we found out that we were so similar.
You gave me so much attention at first. You asked me where did I go, every time I didn't text you back immediately. Later on in the relationship, you didn’t care, you barely text me first let alone looking for me if i don't text you back immediately.
We started dating on April 1st 2018, it was a rush. We had so much fun in our dates but you weren’t good at phone, at least not with me. I remember you gave me a piggy back ride at the mall where I usually buy my shoes, you loved it there too. Then we ate sushi together, it was fun. Honestly, that’s one of the hard part about forgetting you, every time I eat sushi, I always remember the time that I ate sushi with you. That’s an example, almost everything I do reminds me on how we used to do them together.
We broke up on May 1st 2018, that’s the first time we broke up. Because I thought I was gonna move thousand miles away in July and you can’t do long distance.
I was trying to move on from you, ended up playing 7 guys in the meanwhile. That wasn't good. Oh and your friend hit on me, he tried to take me out but i didn't want to.
I forgot about this part but eventually we started talking again. I was happy about that, it really made me happy. You were in Texas for your summer holiday.
We got back together on july 5th, you were still in texas. You told me you were ready for the long distance and you wouldn't change your mind, but you did.
The second day you were back in Jakarta, I took something special from you and that made you a man, at least that was what your best friend said.
We had so much fun, our first date when you were back in Jakarta was on August 24th 2018. We took many pictures in the same mall that we went to on our second date, we took them mostly at the changing room remember? It was funny how the shopkeeper looked that us. That day we watched mission impossible, I loved how we were just hugging the whole time at the movie.
After that, we usually hang out with our friends. I remember in Beer Brother you grabbed my face then kissed me in front of everyone because your friend dared you to do that. That night when you just came after a long time of me waiting even though i was with my friends, i said “remember me?” while putting my hands around your neck and everyone was making noises, I honestly thought it was pretty slick.
Many things happened, but let’s save it for us and only us.
The last night I was in Jakarta, you told me that you wanted to say something. I knew it was coming. You wanted to tell me that you can't do the long distance, I  walked away from you but you called me, you told me that you will try it, honestly I didn't want you to try, i wanted you to be committed.
2 days after I arrived in Turkey, i broke up with you. It was hard because you didn't put any effort even at the beginning. I love you but I love myself more. This is not the end of our story, like you said, we will meet again no matter when, where, and why. Us, this is not how our story going to end like.
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bluntella · 5 years
“He missed me and I missed him but no matter how hard we tried, things couldn’t be that simple.”
— Emmerson Grin (via written-in-pen)
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bluntella · 5 years
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bluntella · 5 years
“It’s still you, it always has been you, it always will be you.”
— B.D (hatin)
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bluntella · 6 years
“How do you know you love someone? When it’s over”
— Unknown
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