blvirisms-blog · 7 years
kimberly inhaled and exhaled, swallowed down steam and some choice words for the other girl. “okay, blair,” she would’ve added on a SORRY but she was already doing more than she could bear with the situation by not striking back.
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“interesting,” blair grinned, leaning back. kimberly’s response was easy, too easy. “now what if i told you to go make me a sandwich? like let’s say... bacon, egg and cheese with ketchup, salt, and pepper?”
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
“i told you it was a bad idea to kick it down. did you listen? no,” not that she’d expected her to at the time, but ever since then, damaris had been getting a bad vibe off of the furby. well. a worse one than before, anyway. if you asked her, blair’s actions had activated the malevolent spirits full powers, and now, it was only a matter of time before they all woke up covered in pigs blood. “well…” the safe idea was definitely not her most well thought out one, and after a brief consideration, she added with a little less gusto, “… i have a lunch box. it only clips shut, but… it’s better than nothing.”
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“okay, but it was clearly trying to eat you. what exactly did you want me to do, let it?” she grimaced at damaris’ plan. “i’m not even going to ask why you have that kind of lunchbox but if we duct tape it and put some heavy shit on top it should hold until we can get an actual safe.”
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
“you’ve got me a little confused, blair. what do you mean? that they just have to hold it? blair, what if it’s an emergency?” 
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“no, they can go somewhere else. i know that it’s definitely a guy doing this and since y’all can pee standing up, outside shouldn’t be an issue.
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
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he paused, considering the possibility. ❛  it’s not impossible. my money’s on mary-anne.  ❜   he never liked that stupid doll. he didn’t think most of the items in the basement were cursed, but mary-anne almost definitely was.  ❛  congratulations on triggering the wrath of herbie. when he comes to take his revenge, i don’t plan on being anywhere near you.  ❜   he sat up a little straighter, hands curling into c’s in the air, as if to make the shape of his glasses.  ❛  black, round, sort of thick. not exactly new, so there are a few scratches, but nothing distinct.  ❜  
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“hmm, it could’ve been them. mary-anne is an evil bitch but she doesn’t really have it out for anyone... yet. that furby on the other-hand, hates all of us. mostly me, but still. what was i supposed to do? i'm convinced it was trying to eat damaris and that shit won't fly, absolutely not.”
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
“we pee outside just because you can’t handle taking .2 of a second out of your day to lift up a toilet lid?” he shook his head, sighing internally, before putting up his hands. “alright, how ‘bout this. i talk to the guys, make sure they act more… neat, and in return you cut us all some slack.”
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“ damn, do you even understand how girls work? the seat has to go down not up. fine, but if it’s still disgusting by next month, you boys will be peeing in the snow.”
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
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“i fucking hate that thing. i’m pretty sure it’s stalking me and plotting my death because of the stairs incident.” blair looked down at it. “you know you deserved it you freaky hairball.” she turned her attention back to damaris, still keeping the furby in her peripheral vision. “you just happen to have a safe on hand or are you asking me to stand here and watch it while you go buy one? because that second option is definitely not happening if i’m alone.”
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“that-” with nothing but distaste in voice and expression, it wasn’t hard to track her gaze from where she stood, hovering at the bottom of the basements single flight of stairs, to what she was referring to, “was definitely not left there last night.” in her defense, it hadn’t been. herbie’s permanent place was resting between mary-anne and the projector taken from the west seattle high school investigation, fourth shelf up and slightly to the left- not on the floor, where the demonic robot seemed to have found his way to lying on some time in the night. there were a hundred explanations, all of them far more logical than him moving to there himself… but alas, damaris found that to be the likeliest of all. “i stand by what i said from the start- we need to lock that thing in a safe, and ship it to the dump. hell… i’ll go get the safe right now, if you keep your eye on it and make sure it doesn’t do a runner.”
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
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oh.  ❛  i’m somehow not surprised.  ❜  she wasn’t asking for an explanation, leaving him with no real reason to offer one. it wasn’t even that he had to wonder how she hadn’t noticed. he didn’t wear them often, but he’d done it quite a few times since meeting her. he just doubted she cared. he sighed, looking away from her. if losing his glasses wasn’t bad enough. he knew he would have to get past his issues with her eventually, but this was not the time for that. he reached for the coffee cup balancing precariously on the edge of the table, pulling it closer to him. if he were being honest, he didn’t like coffee that much, but it was all he had, and it was the only thing that could substitute for alcohol in this moment.
blair put her phone down and rested her head against the back of the chair she was sitting on. “i did see a pair of glasses downstairs the other day, but i don’t know if they were yours. to be honest i thought one of the possessed items stole it. and then i remembered how i kicked that furby down the stairs that one time so i decided it might be a trap and ran away.” she shrugged as if that were a completely normal story. "what did they look like?"
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
“please don’t tell me you’re complaining about the bathroom again.” isaiah sighed, raising his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “why don’t you go outside? there you go, your own bathroom, as big as you want, and you can use it whenever.” he was only KIND of joking. 
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blair pretended to actually think about it for approximately three seconds. “better idea, everyone who can pee standing up should be pee outside. the bathroom wouldn’t be half as bad if it were female only.”
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
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❛ that sounds good to absolutely no one but you. ❜   he could HARDLY TALK. he’d been trying to get his own bathroom for months, and was not above claiming a seat to himself in the van. they were BOTH rather high maintenance, and he knew it.  ❛ don’t leave me to share with the gremlins. if i have to share, we ALL DO. ❜
“if i’m going to be the only one decent enough to do the important things like putting a seat down and remembering to change the toilet paper roll, then why should i have to suffer? you have no reason to complain, don't you pee standing up?”
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
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“ oh, that’s my bad, princess, ” cristian smirked in his normally SMUG tone, teasing blair about the situation, “ but private bathroom, huh ? now that could be fun if we let it. ” his gaze filled with MISCHIEVOUS insinuations, cristian enjoying bugging the girl with his provocations.
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“if that was your fault, what makes you think i’m going to let you anywhere near my private bathroom?”
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
“all i’m gonna say is if someone can’t put the damn seat down, they shouldn’t be allowed to use the bathroom. better yet, i should just have my own. the rest of you can share one and i’ll take the other. sound good?”
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
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“if i didn’t know any better, i’d think you were new here,” blair sighed, shaking her head. “but since you are indeed newer to this group, maybe you’ve forgotten. let me draw your attention to this giant calendar over here where we write our non-investigation things.” she took vanessa’s cheeks in between her fingers and turned her toward a large calendar on the wall which had ‘blair’s birthday’ sprawled out across the entire month of october in glittery gold pen. “so in case you forgot, which is clearly impossible, october is my birthday."
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“ disgusting!! despicable!! disgraceful!! other displeased words that start with ‘d’!! “ vanessa huffed, a rare frown yanking the corners of her lips downward in a harsh arch. “ halloween is day- i repeat, DAYS- away, and the only decoration bringing any spooky-spirit to the mysterybuster’s hq is a pumpkin. and not even a real pumpkin– a freaking STYROFOAM one!! i… i’m actually speechless. “ she tossed her arms in the air, unsure of what to say. the lack of concern over the quickly-approaching holiday had her stricken with horror. in recent years, the general population had begun to decorate for holidays less and less ( as if they didn’t matter at all… ). but vanessa refused to let halloween be treated in such a disrespectful manner. “ as the self proclaimed queen of halloween, i’m assembling a task-force of lovers in all things spooky to not only help in decking out headquarters, but also bring some jolly-terror to campus. you in or out?? please say ‘in’. please please PLEASE. “
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
“okay, let me explain how this works, again. unless i speak to you directly, you don’t take my presence as an invitation to talk to me. i do not care about your copious trips to the movie theater which, by the way, clearly indicates that you have little to no life outside of this group. it’s actually - how do i put this nicely? fucking sad.”
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“it’s a little bit embarrassing that the people at the movie theatre near my apartment recognize me now. i walk in and they just look at me and nod, like yeah, we know why you’re here. what if i wanted to see a movie other than it? – i don’t… but what if i did? and shouldn’t i get a discount if i’m like… a repeat customer?”
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
blair settled herself down in the back of the room, mostly to hide from people but also to go through the numerous messages on her phone. she’d thought micah was asleep but that was clearly a bad assumption on her part because minutes later he started talking to her. a sigh escaped her as she turned to face him. “honestly, i didn’t even know you wore glasses.”
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heated skin rested against the cool of the table, a shaky breath leaving slightly parted lips. there was a headache pressing just behind his eyelids, and he was vaguely aware that it was his fault. micah made bad decisions, sure, but whoever decided this was an acceptable punishment was CRUEL. while he was no stranger to hangovers, this wasn’t even THAT. it was just a headache he didn’t deserve ━━ all because he didn’t sleep. the system was unjust, and he’d complain about it if he didn’t think that’d take extra energy. he was pulled from his musings by the sound of someone entering the room some handful of minutes later. he kept his head down for another moment before lifting his eyes, setting his gaze on them. or attempting to, anyway. he squinted, trying to make out their general features, and coming up short. usually, he could at least manage with his contacts, but he’d taken those out hours ago, and just never put them back on. straining like this would only worsen his headache, he knew, so he just his gaze relax.   ❛ ANY CHANCE you’ve seen my glasses? i can’t find my glasses, ❜  he deadpanned, jokes as dry as ever.
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blvirisms-blog · 7 years
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You want me to write [to Jake] that you nodded slightly? He’ll know what it means.
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